I'm up for Crota x3.
PSN is Einhandr. Send me a chat invite and let's get a group going!
I'm up for Crota x3.
I've got a Crota CP right now but no one to run it with.
I'm down for crota.I'm down. PSN: Kukawaki
I'm up for Crota x3.
Not feeling this hunter class, golden gun is lame, I always throw knives when I don't mean to and the grenades suck.
Not feeling this hunter class, golden gun is lame, I always throw knives when I don't mean to and the grenades suck.
What is even happening right nowWarlock is the only way to go.
Me and another are looking to do Crota. Is it HM?Cool sent you a party invite
I'm feeling this hunter class, golden gun is awesome, I always throw knives when I mean to and the grenades are the best.
Not feeling this hunter class, golden gun is lame, I always throw knives when I don't mean to and the grenades suck.
Just started this game, boring doing all these story missions solo add me if u wanna play together PSN:RoodyPooUS
Oh this post makes me laugh.
Oh how wrong you will feel with all the exotics that take ages to get and level.
That will show you how great the hunters golden gun can really be!
PSN?Any good swordbearers want to be the 6th at Crota CP please? :3
Oh this post makes me laugh.
Oh how wrong you will feel with all the exotics that take ages to get and level.
That will show you how great the hunters golden gun can really be!
Both posts are true. Stick with the Hunter, but max a warlock first.Warlock is the only way to go.
Whaa...Not feeling this hunter class, golden gun is lame, I always throw knives when I don't mean to and the grenades suck.
DS/Crota x3, POE, trials, etc?
Lol. Glad I could be of some assistance. Will help with the next one as well.
What level are you?
Level 6
Yeah it's known. Blink everyday all day
Not feeling this hunter class, golden gun is lame, I always throw knives when I don't mean to and the grenades suck.
Reposting, need 1 for poe35, we are already at skolas
Can't believe people still do this shit.
so this is what my legacy has become
I'll help you.
PS4 DekuBleep
Currently at the NF boss. Gonna do it two more times afterwards. Not using mic. PSN: ps_flocki
Such congrats. One day I'll share that joy. Need to just get lucky with my time in-game and them blessed carriers.Man, I'm still pumped about my first lighthouse visit. Todd and Math doing the traveler's work.
1.) Kill them with your sparrow. It's fun and can kick them if they don't self revive. See #2.