Thinking that elemental primaries are the only thing worth chasing is a very narrow vision.
I feel for Bungie here.
Raids in the past had two things: guns so good they broke the game or elemental primaries that, well, also broke the game.
Elemental primaries are binary and I think it made since to nix them. And I think they wanted raid gear to be good, but they wanted a well-rolled legendary elsewhere in the game to be better. So what's the appeal of the raid anymore? I think they settled on light level, which is why normal mode is one tier and hard mode is another.
For me, though, chasing a number on a weapon that doesn't affect my moment to moment gameplay isn't appealing.
The Year 2 end game is splitting it appears:
- Want the best weapons & armor? Run Strikes, Weekly Crucible Bounties, Rank up Factions/Gunsmith. Get as many drops as you can. (I think this is why engrams can drop in the raid too now).
- Want the highest light? Run the raid at the highest difficulty you can.
But the split isn't a big deal if the content you're playing is fun and rewarding on it's own. Year 2 is much improved on that. No more strike bosses that are big poopy bags of HP. LT mentioned running strikes to get gear and that's soooo much better than running Year 1 strikes to get Hopscotch. Year 2 Strikes are dynamic and fun. And Crucible is about to get a lot better too with a bug being squashed.