I was playing with Monte Carlo for so long before I realised it was near useless in PvP. (Actually it's pretty useless in PvE too).
You take that back! Monte Carlo is god tier.
I was playing with Monte Carlo for so long before I realised it was near useless in PvP. (Actually it's pretty useless in PvE too).
You guys wanna make a 3? Both got mic?
The aim assist on these snipers is embarrassing.
For sure
I'm in! PSN: Nicodemic
No worries.Dudes I hate to do this again (second night in a row) but it seems my buddy had something come up and has to bail out. I told them I'd do the raid with them together so I gotta postpone again. I feel like a huge flake. My bad guys.
Dudes I hate to do this again (second night in a row) but it seems my buddy had something come up and has to bail out. I told them I'd do the raid with them together so I gotta postpone again. I feel like a huge flake. My bad guys.
The aim assist on these snipers is embarrassing.
So many Eirenes.
This thread is dead.
I was just browsing Youtube and I stumbled upon one of Byf's latest video's about Destiny possibly entering the E-sports scene.
Honestly it's just not going to happen, not without Bungie completely gutting the game and reworking the subclasses. You can't have a competitive scene with broken ass supers, with melee ranges the length of a room, with grenades which seek people out across the map, with blink, with people spawning with one hit kill weapons etc
If Bungie ever decided that they wanted Destiny to go competitive, by the time they made the game E-Sport ready it would be completely unrecognizable. I personally would have no problem with this at all, but the casual players, who are the majority, would probably hate it.
Need 4 for KF HM, starting as soon as we have enough.
Yay! Talked to a supervisor and after a long conversation they agreed to change my account email which let them send another password reset. Apparently Google was rejecting the original password reset emails, I've had that happen with forum registrations sometimes. I'm back! Somebody competent works at Playstation too!
The lesson I learned: berating lower level employees gets you somewhere.
So many Eirenes.
This thread is dead.
Anybody around who would be kind enough to share HM Totems CP on PS4? Lost mine earlier this week when I helped on an Oryx kill![]()
The AA is in more dire need ofLitC is bound to get fixed someday.
Probably a bit late to this but I've got a HM totems checkpoint if you still need it.
Probably a bit late to this but I've got a HM totems checkpoint if you still need it.
If you can wait 45-50 minutes I can join too. Psn is same as username.Need 3 more for full HM run
Got a Red Spectre with Hot Swap and Third Eye. Middle column has Lightweight, Injection Mold, and Rifled Barrel.
Anyone for Nightfall x2? Or just one, I don't care.
like...seriously? Nobody? For two days in a row?
like...seriously? Nobody? For two days in a row?
What's trials map?
Thousand yard with shortgaze and hidden hand an so so so gross.
Anyone want to run Trials?
Hm, got a legendary chest engram for Crucible. Should I hold on to it since I'm only 211?
Anyone for Nightfall x2? Or just one, I don't care.
Legendary engrams drop very regularly now in TTK. Use it.Hm, got a legendary chest engram for Crucible. Should I hold on to it since I'm only 211?