I can give it to you now. I have to log on though. Do you still need it? Can you wait in there for me to switch characters and transfer the CP?
Yup, still need it. And waiting for you to transfer CP is no issue.
I can give it to you now. I have to log on though. Do you still need it? Can you wait in there for me to switch characters and transfer the CP?
Yup, still need it. And waiting for you to transfer CP is no issue.
Ok loading up the PS4 now.
Are the motes, coins, and emblem available yet? It's January 7th...
Just got my motes and coins
Are the motes, coins, and emblem available yet? It's January 7th...
Any groups planned for HM Oryx tonight 8pm EST or later?
25/100 Salvage wins. Lord please spare me.
I'm hoping to run challenge mode later tonight, but it's just me at this point (no group yet). I should be off work & free tonight around 9/10 CST, maybe we can get together & find a group if you're still looking at that point.
EDIT: I'm on PSN.
More on armor perks:
It's all just so inconsequential. I found myself saving up a lot of armor because I wanted to use all the perks I like. Then I looked at the perks and they're all so stupid.
Arc double down. Yeah... thats going to happen maybe twice a game if I'm running an arc class. And for what a 20 second agility boost? What is it 5%? Who knows.
Health regeneration when picking up orb. Yeah... there's 3 places in the game where this matters. Crota, shade, and nightfall modifier. Whatever.
Faster melee. Yeah... one of the better perks i guess but how much faster is it? Like 2%?
Almost all the perks are meaningless with no tangability. Extra ammo and faster reloads on weapons are probably the only ones worth striving for. And even that's a stretch because you want int/dsc above all else.
So it all comes to this: you can't build the character you want to build. I play the shit out of pokémon. And if you want to get a certain pokémon, with certain moves, nature, item, ability, ivs, evs, gender, egg moves, etc... it takes awhile but you can. You can overcome the rng through perserverence and enough tries. In destiny, you just take whatever the game gives you and live with it. No one builds a character with perks in mind.
I'll join. PSN: DrkOne
I'll join if you have a spot. Sent friend request.About to run the nightfall. Two spots open
I'll join if you have a spot. Sent friend request.
Rising Light Emblem !!!
* Emblems issued 1/12/16. Must log-in by 2/17/16 to receive Strange Coins and Motes of Light.
WhatThat looks like multiple penises converging in.
That looks like multiple penises converging in.
That looks like multiple penises converging in.
Rising Light Emblem !!!
* Emblems issued 1/12/16. Must log-in by 2/17/16 to receive Strange Coins and Motes of Light.
That looks like multiple penises converging in.
well, it could be the visualization of how Bungie programmed the loot drop ratio....I think it looks like someone giving the middle finger.
I get a month ban, and come back to this nonsense?
Time to go back into hiding.
Hope everyones doing well!
Love to. FR sent.Running nightfall if anyone wants to join
Running nightfall if anyone wants to join
That looks like multiple penises converging in.
I've never seen a rectangle penis, but I'm from Arkansas.
And you are my son.My friends list is dad.
Mayhem Clash matchmaking is also dad.
That looks like multiple penises converging in.
just just logged in for the first time today and i have six special orders in the postmaster what is happening?
just just logged in for the first time today and i have six special orders in the postmaster what is happening?
edit: its just motes of light and strange coins![]()
Yeah its pretty good. I regularly use it. It's a 3 headshot kill as well so I don't think it's the God it supposedly once was.So Thorn is competitive now? I'm getting killed by Thorn users
So Thorn is competitive now? I'm getting killed by Thorn users