It's definitely worth discovering. You only need to be 280 for Normal mode but it can be tricky to find groups for it, since most people around here skip right on to Hard (recommended Light 300).Hey DestinyGAF long time no seeI finally upgraded to TK just before the holiday, but still haven't had much time in game. Just popped in to do some crucible and maybe get lucky and found this mayhem clash on the front page, gotta say im having a lot of fun with this lol. Looks like the fatigue is setting in pretty good which is sad, but hopefully I'm around when some new stuff starts drawing people back.
What was the consensus around here of the new raid? You guys enjoy it? I'm no where close to worrying about a group for yet, but if it's really worth getting into a couple times I might work for it a bit. Anyway, glad to be back, hope you're all well.
Work on those Quests! Some good rewards in the Taken Wars quests, like a super well-rolled 1,000 Yard Stare (Sniper) and a 300 attack Conspiracy Theory shotgun.