Trials map is Memento.
RIP the Dream.
Trials map is Memento.
RIP the Dream.
Trials map is Memento.
RIP the Dream.
Trials map is Memento.
RIP the Dream.
Trials map is Memento.
RIP the Dream.
So.... anyone doing Trials today? Might be doing some house stuff for awhile but definitely down for some runs at some point. Still the only part of Destiny I actually want to play.
Played through Her Story with the Mrs. last couple days, had a ton of fun. It's a great co-op game and I always love when she gets even more into a game than I do.
Afaik now I should be able to make that. Typically Flawless CE runs took 30-90 minutes, usually closer to ~45. Haven't done any in Year 2 though so I dunno how much easier it might be.
Well, I just learned something new today. Second Wind activates if you died at the Reef or Tower. Just noticed the timer on the side (though didn't sate for what but I'm going with SW since I have the perk equipped on my boots) upon reviving after suiciding from Memento news.
Fuck that map!LOL Dammit Nami. I almost spit water all over my work desk.
Why all the memento h8?
Speaking of which. I'd like to schedule a Flawless and also Raiding Party CE on Monday around 8 CST. The last people that were interested were:
1. Me
2. Jakfu
3. Nicodemic
4. Shiv47
5. (Boguester maybe with Graves account?)
6. Pandora012
Let me know if that time works for you cats above. In the meantime, we'll need one or two others, including alts in case some people above can't make it.
Me too. But I think I'm one of the handful that really likes the map. Haven't ever played elimination on it yet though. But can't be worse than bannerfall.Memento sounds more fun to me for Trials than Widow's Court or Frontier.
Thanks for organizing this! I confirm my presence. Could you remind me the name of the clan again please?
Memento sounds more fun to me for Trials than Widow's Court or Frontier.
No problem. If someone is already in a clan and has spots open, I'll just put in a request to join.
Everyone can join the constant name changing clan if they want. It has open enrollment so you don't need admin approval.
Trials map is Memento.
RIP the Dream.
Widow's Court really suffered from the Year 2 pulse/sniper meta, it played a lot worse than before. Y2 Widow's Court has by far my highest average kill distance of any Trials week. It's the only week ever where my average kill distance was over 30 meters.
Frontier played surprisingly okay to me, although I admittedly didn't play a ton of matches that week. It could devolve into spawn snipe camp battles, but it was so open that rushing down the other spawn using a few angles on opposite sides of the bridge was very viable.
We'll see, I'll be shocked if there are enough people around for me to play much Trials. My matches per week have fallen off a cliff the last month or so.
I would like to play. More chill than sweaty though.Anyone for some trials with Biggy and I? Psn same as gaf.
Anyone seen what the armor/weapon is?
The amazing space bus, yes!The first Iron Banner ship is the official Destiny Doof Wagon correct?
Speaking of which. I'd like to schedule a Flawless and also Raiding Party CE on Monday around 8 CST. The last people that were interested were:
1. Me
2. Jakfu
3. Nicodemic
4. Shiv47
5. (Boguester maybe with Graves account?)
6. Pandora012
Let me know if that time works for you cats above. In the meantime, we'll need one or two others, including alts in case some people above can't make it.
Anyone seen what the armor/weapon is?
Totally agree with Kraftyy. PVP is no place for D.O.T. gimmicks.
Don't worry guys, maybe it's actually map rotation this week Kappa
Guess I'll be staying on PC Master Race this weekend. Alien Isolation is super fun so far and looks dope as hell. Maybe I'll finally kill someone in CS:GO (probably not). Gotta get DSFix + other mods set up for a glorious Dark Souls replay. Plus about 20 other games I bought during the winter Steam sale.
Anyone seen what the armor/weapon is?
Works for me. Where do I join?
Wait hold on, I've hardly played any regular PvP in the past 3 month, are you people really telling me that Thorn is back?
You leave the thorn alone. DoT gimmicks have a place in PvP dammit.
I don't get it. Why would someone photoshop Kaz's face off of this?
Best Friday ever! Account approval for NeoGAF at last, and I can post in best GAF AKA Destiny GAF.
<3 <3 <3
Last night I just got the platinum Trophy too and have 100% completion in that regards for the game.
The week that keeps on giving.![]()
Do Trials matches count for the "Eliminator" Shaxx quest?
Best Friday ever! Account approval for NeoGAF at last, and I can post in best GAF AKA Destiny GAF.
<3 <3 <3
Last night I just got the platinum Trophy too and have 100% completion in that regards for the game.
The week that keeps on giving.![]()