I'll be surprised if this one gets released tbh, I don't see how it won't be broken.
It looks so cool though, I need it.
Pvp is already broken. I'd be ok with it being more broken so I can get that cool looking helmet.
I'll be surprised if this one gets released tbh, I don't see how it won't be broken.
It looks so cool though, I need it.
Was going to try to get this at the top of the page, but thread is moving so slow that'll be Tuesday before it happens, so here goes.
Light: A Complete Paradigm Shift For Year 2
The Biggest Problem:
Light progression does not fundamentally change how you play the game.
Being a 310 vs 311 doesn’t feel any different. Using a 308 Smite vs a 314 Smite is no different. But the balance of the game, the loot systems, the events, the character screen, etc. are all focused on getting that number up.
Year one we were chasing interesting weapons and cool looking armor. Rewards that changed how we played. Year Two is about chasing the number on your name plate.
This is why Year Two feels bad even if it’s superficially better.
I like the second title personally. Good luck with that subredditThanks for all the feedback, folks. Gonna post it on reddit, but need help with a title. Any ideas:
Light: A Complete Paradigm Shift For Year 2
Destinys Year 2 Endgame: Light & How it's Shaping Up
Analysis of Light and the Year 2 Endgame
Struggling here. I don't want to go salty in the title, but I do want to get noticed.
Thanks for all the feedback, folks. Gonna post it on reddit, but need help with a title. Any ideas:
Light: A Complete Paradigm Shift For Year 2
Destinys Year 2 Endgame: Light & How it's Shaping Up
Analysis of Light and the Year 2 Endgame
Struggling here. I don't want to go salty in the title, but I do want to get noticed.
A whole lot of great stuff. Seriously, I love your write ups.
Year 2 and You: Let's Talk About Light, Baby
I'm just piggy backing by saying that it's so odd that Bungie loves to throw out number for light, level, atk, and defense. Even Int, Disc, and Str got appropriate stat numbers for TTK.
Yet things like Armor, Recovery, and Agility are totally ambiguous. Every perk in this game changes the weapon, without an actual number to show for it. Instead, we have perks that say things like "slightly" "mildly" and "greatly"
Like Ghaleon said, You can't tell which sniper to use because you can't see the actual trade off for a better element vs a higher ATK value.
Year 2 and You: Let's Talk About Light, Baby
I like the second title personally. Good luck with that subreddit
Yeah, it can be very fickle. And I don't know if they have the stomach for a nearly 1300 word post on a game system, but here it is:
Destinys Year 2 Endgame: Light & How it's Shaping Up
Upvote/downvote/comment away.
I also tweeted by DGAF link to Luke, but not sure how much he checks his @replies.
Anyone up for a quick Oryx HM CM kill?
Don't have the checkpoint but would like to complete it on my alt Titan.
Year 2 and You: Let's Talk About Light, Baby
Looks like it got removed already. Just like my video of me trying to claim my rank 5 iron banner rewards right when it went away.
That is good.
The only time I switch weapons is when I'm playing PVP or messing around in Patrol. It's just not fun losing light to try new stuff out. I expect this to get addressed for Year 3.
Looks like it got removed already. Just like my video of me trying to claim my rank 5 iron banner rewards right when it went away.
Sweet. Thanks. But I don't think we'll get a full fireteam going. :/Yah, I'll be with you for the run, still need to finish it on my Warlock.
In November I missed out on an IB rank up package because of the earlier reset time and when it came back I was able to claim it. You might not be SOL on those rank 5 rewards. Just gotta hurry up and wait.
Selected flair & back again. In general I agree that moderation there needs more transparency.
Yea someone said they got their too the next time. But i also wanted to buy the gear and guns! Haha Oh well.
What's flair? Office space is the only thing that comes to mind
What's flair? Office space is the only thing that comes to mind
Sweet. Thanks. But I don't think we'll get a full fireteam going. :/
I fully agree.Literally* every item that drops at this point is a disappointment. Loot drops come in 1 of 2 scenarios:
A) Hey I got a purple/exotic with terrible light and perk. Free marks/exotic shard I guess.
B) Hey I go ta purple/exotic with decent perks on it. Now to start the chore of infusing and leveling this gear (a pain if armor) so that I can actually use this in a couple of weeks.
I refuse to hold on to gear just to maybe use it to infuse with later. So if I get a new pair of gloves that actually have good perks on it, it's probably going to take me 2 to 3 weeks work of leveling and drops to infuse. This is also why I think exotics feel like trash nowadays.
*I actually mean this 100%. I'm not being dramatic. Loot no longer matters to me at this point in the game. I haven't been excited for a drop since the SRL shaders, and who knows what before that.
I've had a solid month off of Destiny and ran the daily yesterday to pick up the strange coins and mote freebies.
I was using my 310 Hung Jury...running through it...switched out to my 320 Doom, then my 314 Smite...and everything felt so underwhelming. Even that Hung Jury. I know theres a cap on damage, but goodness....A month off (after the last weapons patch) and getting some dstiance really drives home the Bungie view of PvE right now...."NO FUN ALLOWED."
Literally* every item that drops at this point is a disappointment. Loot drops come in 1 of 2 scenarios:
A) Hey I got a purple/exotic with terrible light and perk. Free marks/exotic shard I guess.
B) Hey I go ta purple/exotic with decent perks on it. Now to start the chore of infusing and leveling this gear (a pain if armor) so that I can actually use this in a couple of weeks.
I refuse to hold on to gear just to maybe use it to infuse with later. So if I get a new pair of gloves that actually have good perks on it, it's probably going to take me 2 to 3 weeks work of leveling and drops to infuse. This is also why I think exotics feel like trash nowadays.
*I actually mean this 100%. I'm not being dramatic. Loot no longer matters to me at this point in the game. I haven't been excited for a drop since the SRL shaders, and who knows what before that.
I fully agree.
I found more excitement thinking about the new shaders than any of the other content, including the emotes, guns, sparrows, etc.
After the initial hype of 320 gear possibly dropping from racing, the races them selves became unbearably boring.
2 maps, no way to flip the tables on the other players like Mario cart, or wipeout made for a boring circuit race.
They could have lessened this feeling if they allowed iron banner to resume on time, as well as let SRL continue.
The biggest problem was a variety of tracks, and ways of doing the tracks.
Missions could have been implemented in that took advantage of the race track map as story missions killing enemy's on foot while races were going on, or completely take over the tracks with pikes, tank pikes, and interceptors.
They really missed a lot of little things that make for a great experience.
Why does our Ghosts, cloaks/bonds/butt towel, and artifacts have light on them? Just get rid of that, that should stay cosmetic.
Why doesn't Bungie just fucking squash #Forever319 in a simple way
Let Ghosts, Class Items, Artifacts infuse into each other
They are just sub items that do no harm to the overall experience
This way those 3 items can be used to push players to use different items and have them on them
Getting one 320 ghost is an eternity it looks like, then you have to swap that with other characters just to push those LL up
Most of the time the ghost does Jack shit to help in the overall endgame experience
Let 320 sub items rain and let people mix and match
Why not have 5 different 320 ghosts that scan for each destination material
1 for crucible
1 for ToO
That will make players at least have interchangeable items
A person can be 320 so long ago if they allowed this
When most hit 30 after #Forever29; they didn't quit or leave, they went back in to get better rolls on gear or better perks
That's what LL has created, rather making it a non-issue it's a burden
Right now everyone should be screaming about having too many 320 items and are looking for a certain roll or perk set up
Also holy shit at so e of the perks that make no fucking sense
Agility for 5 secs after 2 elemental kills in a certain way
Are you fucking kidding me
Most of the perks make no fucking sense
Also armor upgrading is purely a cockblock so people don't fully bubble it out and earn max legendary marks
Seriously let the game go wild, retention works better than hindrance
I do. All the time.Don't you miss the crazy fun that was shotguns during HoW? Found Verdict was a thing of beauty.
Sweet. Thanks. But I don't think we'll get a full fireteam going. :/
I was excited for Iron Banner, but this Iron Banner felt like the first TTK Iron Banner--super stingy on the loot drops. Totally killed it for me.
The clash banner was actually a bit giving. It made me play more. Funny how that works.
How do I get all three exotic swords? Do I need to level the legendary versions past 280 to get the exotic "a sword reforged" quest to pop up?
I'd join too.I'll get back in about 40 minutes hopefully, and I'm up for a HM Oryx CM kill. I'd only have two hours before having to go to bed, but I'm happy to help you guys get to Oryx at least if I don't have enough time.
I think it was more of the game refusing to give us the drops we wanted more than it not dropping stuff. I had plenty of guns and helmets.
Edit: anyone interested in playing some trials? I'm bored.
Edit: anyone interested in playing some trials? I'm bored.
If we get a third right now, sure. Have like 1 hour from now.
Third person ain't coming.We're waiting third person.
The Sleeper might not be so bad if its ricochet perks were actually useful.
9 out of 10 scenarios, Black Spindle out DPS'es the Sleeper.
Yeah, that's the main issue especially in the raid. Spindle is clearly best in slot exotic for Warpriest and Golgi, ToM is clearly best for Daughters and Oryx. Sleeper is fun as a sub-optimal change of pace since the raid is so firmly farm status.
Nowadays teams can easily get away with only the Titans running ToM, it's pretty optional for everyone else. Staggering Doxology is a joke these days especially with Weapons of Light in the middle.
Sleeper will never compare to GHorn not because of relative damage but because you have to aim and charge Sleeper. That charge time is a killer; the mobility afforded by Horn's tracking + Wolfpack tracking + hidden proximity detonation was a huge part of its appeal.
Ahh ha ha ah ah aha ha
In a 9 months period, Omnigul was the nightfall for 10 weeks.
I realize none of those are after Taken King's release, but most of us that lived through Year 1 had our fill of Omnigul.
I'd join too.
Third person ain't coming.
Edit: so when we doing this?![]()
You have to refer to him as Mr. Shock City to get him online. That or Todd-senpai. That's how Ape and I usually get him online.Todd get online.
Hmm, having a bit of an odd issue, wondered if anyone experienced this before. Got a pair of Peregrine Greaves at 310 from an engram, but when I go to the kiosk it still says Y2 boots are not discovered and I can't re-buy them. I had wanted to use the 310 for infusion and re-buy them at 280 but I don't want to lose the item completely.
I already tried putting them in the vault and taking them out, swapping characters and relogging, anyone experience this before?
You have to refer to him as Mr. Shock City to get him online. That or Todd-senpai. That's how Ape and I usually get him online.