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Destiny |OT38| The 0.04% of the 4%

So what maps haven't we seen for Trials yet?

It's going to be Cathedral right?

Wasn't there a list floating around of what the armor/weapon will be each week? I swore I saw something like that on Reddit.
To be fair they also said they didn't want players to chase vertical progression (light level), they wanted them to chase horizontal progression I.e. having lots of interesting guns and different armour sets for different classes etc etc.

Luke Smith actually said they were shortening the vertical climb to make horizontal progression more of a thing. Shortening. Man, that's laughable.

And if you don't want players chasing vertical progression, then make it light Year 1 where we all hit max level. As a designer, they can fix that. But besides that...

Where's the horizontal progression?


  • Most loot drops are blue. There's barely any legendaries, which are the only viable thing end game. 95% of drops are garbage. In Diablo, as you gear up the chance for an upgrade diminishes, but your loot drop frequency rises to meet that so you constantly feel good about your chance for a good drop. Not so in Destiny. It's a drought all the time. Strike specific drops are a cool idea but are super-duper rare, so it's a pain to get one, much less a good one. Loot drops in the Crucible are nerfed into oblivion. The raid weapons are trash and only good for infusion. Most people use vendor/gunsmith weapons.
  • Even outside of that, perks are too trivial to make horizontal differentiation meaningful. Oh, I have perk that sometimes activates on melee void kills in pve? Yeah, real game changer. Putting perks & stats on cosmetic items makes horizontal progression even smaller, since before I could wear whatever class item I want, now I have to juggle stats and perks.
  • Beyond that, the skill tree is way too small to have meaningful builds. There's really just one way to play a subclass, with one or two perks being swapped around. And the loot doesn't meaningfully interact with classes/subclasses in interesting or powerful ways.
  • And besides that, Bungie clearly wants Vertical Progression to the goal. Hence Hard Mode having yet another light cap. Hence the selling point of SRL being 320 Helmet/Class Item.
Bungie made vertical progression much harder and doubled down on it being the Year 2 end game.

There is no Horizontal Progression in Year 2.

Please understand that my tone and frustration isn't directed at you, but at a system that failed.
So now that it's been a few days. Here is my write up on Iron Banner Rift.

To start with, I want to say that while I am not particularly enjoying Rift in Iron Banner, I am still 100% for future Iron Banner playlist that is a random set of game types.

Pro: Class Variety
I've seen almost every class evenly represented in this mode. There may be a slight favor of the Nightstalker, but I think that's a global trend more than a Rift trend. While Control usually favors more area denial classes, and Clash favors more front line assault classes.

Pro: Bounties
Because of how Rift plays, and the length of the maps, you have a good chance of completing your IB bounties more regularly.

Con: Time
Rift is allotted 12 minutes for a game. A very large majority of my games have taken up at least 11 of those minutes. I have probably 40 games under my belt, and have only have 1 mercy to show for it. Almost every other game ran the full duration. This means I'm lucky to get 4 games an hour in, when I could get 5 games of control/clash in.

Con: Objective
The spark has turned into something I don't believe it was ever meant to be, and that is denial. It's more important to deny the other team a spark than it is to dunk it. But denial doesn't come with a lot of points. This is part of why the games drag out so much.

Con: Maps
I don't particularly care for the map flow of several of the Rift maps. Memento is way to small. You can kill enemies, grab the spark and dunk before enemies have a chance to respawn. Vertigo has similar issues if they use the teleporter. Cathedral is so big, and the spawns are so terrible, you're almost better off NOT killing the enemy so they don't respawn right on top of their rift.

Con: Respawns
I haven't mentioned this yet, but I'm assuming it's impacting everyone's experience. I have been spending more and more time "Finding spawn location" This is especially frustrating because if you can die, hear "Heavy Ammo inbound", wait to spawn, and not be able to reach a heavy within the 15 seconds it is going to spawn. This means you always have to be more aware of the clock, so you don't die withint 5 seconds of the announcement.

All in all, I give Rift Iron Banner a C-. The best way to describe my thoughts on it is that I don't find myself playing Iron Banner out of fun and entertainment, but more out of obligation. It's the means to an end because I want better loot for an alt that I don't raid with.
Luke Smith actually said they were shortening the vertical climb to make horizontal progression more of a thing. Shortening. Man, that's laughable.

Where's the horizontal progression?


  • Most loot drops are blue. There's barely any legendaries, which are the only viable thing end game. 95% of drops are garbage. In Diablo, as you gear up the chance for an upgrade diminishes, but your loot drop frequency rises to meet that so you constantly feel good about your chance for a good drop. Not so in Destiny. It's a drought all the time. Strike specific drops are a cool idea but are super-duper rare, so it's a pain to get one, much less a good one. Loot drops in the Crucible are nerfed into oblivion. The raid weapons are trash and only good for infusion. Most people use vendor/gunsmith weapons.
  • Even outside of that, perks are too trivial to make horizontal differentiation meaningful. Oh, I have perk that sometimes activates on melee void kills in pve? Yeah, real game changer. Putting perks & stats on cosmetic items makes horizontal progression even smaller, since before I could wear whatever class item I want, now I have to juggle stats and perks.
  • Beyond that, the skill tree is way too small to have meaningful builds. There's really just one way to play a subclass, with one or two perks being swapped around. And the loot doesn't meaningfully interact with classes/subclasses in interesting or powerful ways.
  • And besides that, Bungie clearly wants Vertical Progression to the goal. Hence Hard Mode having yet another light cap. Hence the selling point of SRL being 320 Helmet/Class Item.
Bungie made vertical progression much harder and doubled down on it being the Year 2 end game.

There is no Horizontal Progression in Year 2.

Please understand that my tone and frustration isn't directed at you, but at a system that failed.

Well said.

I would love vertical progression in this game. I'd like to make actual choices. The only horizontal progression for me is 'What looks cool on me.'.

Fuck vertical progression :(

E92 M3

Everything comes down to this: Bungie swung too far in making PVE weapons average or "balanced." Who wants balance for PVE anyways? We want to do crazy shit and wreck aliens with awesome guns.

Nothing will change until PVP stops dragging down PVE.


Bungie should disable the no fun allowed mode and give us weapons that are fun to use again.
FTFM. I keep saying if there was gear worth chasing, I'd probably play again. But there isn't, and I don't feel like they're ever going to go back to that time where guns made you feel powerful and the chase to get them felt justified. You play the game the way they intended, or not at all.

Bungie right now:


lol Deku, sorry, I could still hear you (but you probably couldn't hear me), but the second our match was over I got kicked to the title screen :( Didn't even get to see the match end screen.

Thanks for the games.
Luke Smith actually said they were shortening the vertical climb to make horizontal progression more of a thing. Shortening. Man, that's laughable.

And if you don't want players chasing vertical progression, then make it light Year 1 where we all hit max level. As a designer, they can fix that. But besides that...

Where's the horizontal progression?


  • Most loot drops are blue. There's barely any legendaries, which are the only viable thing end game. 95% of drops are garbage. In Diablo, as you gear up the chance for an upgrade diminishes, but your loot drop frequency rises to meet that so you constantly feel good about your chance for a good drop. Not so in Destiny. It's a drought all the time. Strike specific drops are a cool idea but are super-duper rare, so it's a pain to get one, much less a good one. Loot drops in the Crucible are nerfed into oblivion. The raid weapons are trash and only good for infusion. Most people use vendor/gunsmith weapons.
  • Even outside of that, perks are too trivial to make horizontal differentiation meaningful. Oh, I have perk that sometimes activates on melee void kills in pve? Yeah, real game changer. Putting perks & stats on cosmetic items makes horizontal progression even smaller, since before I could wear whatever class item I want, now I have to juggle stats and perks.
    [*]Beyond that, the skill tree is way too small to have meaningful builds. There's really just one way to play a subclass, with one or two perks being swapped around. And the loot doesn't meaningfully interact with classes/subclasses in interesting or powerful ways.
  • And besides that, Bungie clearly wants Vertical Progression to the goal. Hence Hard Mode having yet another light cap. Hence the selling point of SRL being 320 Helmet/Class Item.
Bungie made vertical progression much harder and doubled down on it being the Year 2 end game.

There is no Horizontal Progression in Year 2.

Please understand that my tone and frustration isn't directed at you, but at a system that failed.

so true. and my eyes were opened to this only after getting back into Diablo 3. everytime I hit a milestone, and a new skill opens up, I pore over my weapons to see what gives me more thorns or more life steal, etc., and likewise when I get a new weapon. the tweaking in meaningful there, unlike in Destiny.

( -___-)

FTFM. I keep saying if there was gear worth chasing, I'd probably play again. But there isn't, and I don't feel like they're ever going to go back to that time where guns made you feel powerful and the chase to get them felt justified. You play the game the way they intended, or not at all.

Bungie right now:

dat gif, doe! lol
Everything comes down to this: Bungie swung too far in making PVE weapons average or "balanced." Who wants balance for PVE anyways? We want to do crazy shit and wreck aliens with awesome guns.

Nothing will change until PVP stops dragging down PVE.

LT's in his first playthrough and he tweeted me all excited because he got a bow for his Demon Hunter that doubled his damage and turned his enemies into chickens (the Cluckeye).

The Diablo end game is about practically breaking the game. My barbarian is constantly super-saiyan with 3 ancient barbarian sidekicks and I whirlwind 100% of the time. Now that's becoming legend.

When asked about Year 2's RPG & loot systems, the appropriate response from Bungie should be:


We need a true Destiny 2 next year, not another big expansion. A lot of core ideas need to be re-thought. I'm not saying they need to implement Diablo's solutions, but man, band-aids and tweaks aren't going to fix it.
Nope. Not yet. That might be an alright map.

I think it would be fun, as both sides have multiple ways to approach from, and that's what's important to me. I hate maps were you have only 1 or 2 real choices at the beginning. Especially on symmetrical maps, because now your choices apply to either side.


I noticed that you can't climb over trashbags? and how destructible is the environment? i'm guessing not very. :/
My impressions after 3 hours:

What I like:
Most clothing is cosmetic. Found a really cool military coat I like a lot.
The armor tells you exactly what class it benefits. There are just three classes: medical, security, and technical (I think that was it).
The pulse radar for the medical class is too damn good.
Loot. Loot everywhere. But I won't lie, I still haven't found a better pistol than the one you start with.
Speaking of the pistol, holy shit! Too damn good.
The echoes stuff. Potential for interesting side stories there.
Even though most of it was lock, character customization. You could only do a randomizer in the beta but I ended up getting a good looking guy. Can't wait to see more of this in the full game.
Weapon mods
Interacting with civilians in the world
Weather system. My god, the blizzard! So fucking white!
Day and night cycle. Game looks gorgeous at night.

What I didn't like:
Character movement. Character turns too slow for my liking.
Getting stuck between less than a foot high objects. Seriously, why can't step over it? Basically complaining about getting stuck in geometry. Couldn't even vault over them since the icon was not showing at all.
Gunplay. I expected this and still was disappointed.
The whole fucking mess that is the UI. Yeah, you can turn some of it off but not all of it.

Honestly, if it wasn't for the gameplay, I would pick this up day one but I'm not liking the gameplay so I'm gonna be waiting a month before buying. Ubisoft games tends to drop to like $30 after a month.

Still haven't done any PvP yet since the group I was with disbanded.

The game, like Destiny, is more fun with a group than solo. Did a few side missions after Kurt and Heaven left alone. It was boring.

I should upload that video of the blizzard and pics of my guy.


FTFM. I keep saying if there was gear worth chasing, I'd probably play again. But there isn't, and I don't feel like they're ever going to go back to that time where guns made you feel powerful and the chase to get them felt justified. You play the game the way they intended, or not at all.

Bungie right now:

Holy shit, a Homeboy sighting.

let me ask you a question, if they brought out remixes, or challenge updates to the first two Raids and allowed us to re-earn Y2 fatebringer, vision, ect, would that bring you back or only new content that was compelling?


It's not even that they stood still or didn't progress enough from Y1, it's that they actually regressed. There's no reason why there couldn't have been a few fun PvE exclusive weapons, but no. No fun allowed.

Also, is it just me or does anyone else still instinctively go to the inventory to check their bounties?
Holy shit, a Homeboy sighting.

let me ask you a question, if they brought out remixes, or challenge updates to the first two Raids and allowed us to re-earn Y2 fatebringer, vision, ect, would that bring you back or only new content that was compelling?

I'd do them once but after that no thanks. New content or GFTO


Destiny 2 wishlist / or even update wishlist.

If there is a material that needs to be used then you should be able to buy said material.

Someway to get strange coins via conversion of other materials.

Ability to purchase planet mats, motes, armor mats, exotic shards (Again) with glimmer.
They should be easily able to fix the progression issue by implementing some use of these:

..that just sit in the vault, like etheric light used to in House of Wolves.

Just let us max out light levels on our gear using moldering shards, or switch perks/stats with a shard donation similar to glass needles.

Deku Tree

They should be easily able to fix the progression issue by implementing some use of these:

..that just sit in the vault, like etheric light used to in House of Wolves.

Just let us max out light levels on our gear using moldering shards, or switch perks/stats with a shard donation similar to glass needles.

Never gonna happen. If they ever decide to do that it will be with a new currency!


thanks for the write-up. I frankly may not even bother playing the beta... :/

The one thing that the Division does that I wish Destiny did (and what I actually thought would be the case when Destiny was first revealed) is the open world. Instead of having patrols and a director for story missions, I wish you flew into the planets and could do everything without leaving. Walk into missions, party with strangers without going to orbit, meet up with quest givers and merchants, have open PvP areas. That's what I really want for Destiny. Sew it all together with guardians actually getting into their ships from the tower, and manually flying to their Destinations and that would be amazing imo.

Deku Tree

The one thing that the Division does that I wish Destiny did (and what I actually would be the case when Destiny was first revealed) is the open world. Instead of having patrols and a director for story missions, I wish you flew into the planets and could do everything without leaving. Walk into missions, party with strangers without going to orbit, meet up with quest givers and merchants, have open PvP areas. That's what I really want for Destiny. Sew it all together with guardians actually getting into their ships from the tower, and manually flying to their Destinations and that would be amazing imo.

They would need to redesign all the planets to be current gen only. The thing holding this back is PS360.
Bungie just need to release these motherfuckers and i'll be happy

QuickDrawing, Firebolting, Flame shielding full Warlock scumbag

If they release this they need to nerf firebolt because otherwise its going to be sunsingers 99% of the time in trials. Why was arcbolt nerfed to 88 damage and firebolt is still 122 PLUS a burn that lasts for fucking ever? Firebolt should hit for 88 and with the burn hit for 122. And the burn should be way faster too. As a hunter if i get tagged by a firebolt i am out of combat for 20 seconds. Thats ridiculously powerful.
The one thing that the Division does that I wish Destiny did (and what I actually would be the case when Destiny was first revealed) is the open world. Instead of having patrols and a director for story missions, I wish you flew into the planets and could do everything without leaving. Walk into missions, party with strangers without going to orbit, meet up with quest givers and merchants, have open PvP areas. That's what I really want for Destiny. Sew it all together with guardians actually getting into their ships from the tower, and manually flying to their Destinations and that would be amazing imo.

I think that much of what you propose, (and as awesome as that would be!) was really hampered by the presence and support of last-gen systems in the ecosystem. I really hope that in the next rendition, Activision doesn't impose last-gen support.



Holy shit, a Homeboy sighting.

let me ask you a question, if they brought out remixes, or challenge updates to the first two Raids and allowed us to re-earn Y2 fatebringer, vision, ect, would that bring you back or only new content that was compelling?
Hard to say because it's been so long since I've played. I don't know what recent (if any) nerfs have taken place to weapon classes themselves, so even if they did bring back some of those weapons, they still would still likely be a shadow of their former selves.

If you're asking if they straight up copied a yr 1 fatebringer/IB/gjally/vision/BH from yr 1 to yr 2, would I still play; at this point, no, probably not. There's a lot of other issues I have with the game post-ttk that have also kept me from coming back, but if those were available from the start as something to work towards, I definitely wouldn't have dropped the game so quickly. I would prefer, at this point, that they create new gear that is just as powerful as the yr 1 stuff to incentivize the grind as opposed to the 100's of guns/perks that all feel equally weak and dull to use we have now. The gun perks just don't matter anymore for pve content, but beyond that, every weapon class has been neutered many times.

They say guns like black hammer, gjally, and ice breaker were broken and the way they performed was not intended and that it ruined the sandbox. Ok, fair enough. So then your solution is to make sure everything feels equally pitiful when you pull the trigger in the name of balance. I didn't see how that was a better, more entertaining or rewarding result for me so I left. Getting a Fatebringer, IB and Gjally were 3 of my favorite memories of yr 1 Destiny considering how long it took me to get those guns and how much fun it was to use them once I got them (also seeing you guys chase the stuff you wanted so badly and being there when you got them was right up there too). That was the fun for me and was the reason I logged in every night. Will tonight be the night I finally get the Ice Breaker? Will Trance FINALLY get his Fatebringer? Will Thirsty EVER get a Gjallarhorn? It was worth running every activity every week that could drop exotics for the slight chance that those things could happen. There's nothing in yr 2 I would consider spending even 1/10th the time chasing that I did for those things.
If they release this they need to nerf firebolt because otherwise its going to be sunsingers 99% of the time in trials. Why was arcbolt nerfed to 88 damage and firebolt is still 122 PLUS a burn that lasts for fucking ever? Firebolt should hit for 88 and with the burn hit for 122. And the burn should be way faster too. As a hunter if i get tagged by a firebolt i am out of combat for 20 seconds. Thats ridiculously powerful.

Sage is on record on Crucible Radio saying that Sunsingers need a buff.
If they release this they need to nerf firebolt because otherwise its going to be sunsingers 99% of the time in trials. Why was arcbolt nerfed to 88 damage and firebolt is still 122 PLUS a burn that lasts for fucking ever? Firebolt should hit for 88 and with the burn hit for 122. And the burn should be way faster too. As a hunter if i get tagged by a firebolt i am out of combat for 20 seconds. Thats ridiculously powerful.

Arcbolt was way more op than firebolt, you also have to spec/lose two skill perks to make firebolts as good as they are. im guessing they were nerfed because of stormcallers and the chain lightening perk more than anything

Sage is on record on Crucible Radio saying that Sunsingers need a buff.

Sage is correct, buffing the armour +1/2 would be a good start, as we're far to squishy if you spec any kind of agility


They would need to redesign all the planets to be current gen only. The thing holding this back is PS360.

I think that much of what you propose, (and as awesome as that would be!) was really hampered by the presence and support of last-gen systems in the ecosystem. I really hope that in the next rendition, Activision doesn't impose last-gen support.


Yah, that's what I thought too. I just remember the first Destiny demo with the group walking on the cosmodrome, walking up to a big wall, doing a mission, then walking out into a patrol area and fighting a walker with a bunch of people in a public zone. It all seemed so dynamic and promising. What they didn't explain at the time is that once that mission was finished, you'd go to orbit (loading screen), fly into the tower (loading screen), turn in the quest, go back to orbit (loading screen), fly into the next mission (loading screen). And if you wanted to party up with those people that helped with the walker, you'd have to go back to orbit and lose the progress you made in your existing mission. Basically, not dynamic in the slightest, with half the time being spent staring at a ship in orbit.


Will Thirsty EVER get a Gjallarhorn? It was worth running every activity every week that could drop exotics for the slight chance that those things could happen. There's nothing in yr 2 I would consider spending even 1/10th the time chasing that I did for those things.

This right here, flying into Gorgon's with Thirsty, firing off two Gjally's at the chest and having him open it up to find his first Gjallarhorn was one of the best type of moments in this game. There is literally nothing in year two that got me excited like getting the guns you mentioned in year 1.

E92 M3

Hard to say because it's been so long since I've played. I don't know what recent (if any) nerfs have taken place to weapon classes themselves, so even if they did bring back some of those weapons, they still would still likely be a shadow of their former selves.

If you're asking if they straight up copied a yr 1 fatebringer/IB/gjally/vision/BH from yr 1 to yr 2, would I still play; at this point, no, probably not. There's a lot of other issues I have with the game post-ttk that have also kept me from coming back, but if those were available from the start as something to work towards, I definitely wouldn't have dropped the game so quickly. I would prefer, at this point, that they create new gear that is just as powerful as the yr 1 stuff to incentivize the grind as opposed to the 100's of guns/perks that all feel equally weak and dull to use we have now. The gun perks just don't matter anymore for pve content, but beyond that, every weapon class has been neutered many times.

They say guns like black hammer, gjally, and ice breaker were broken and the way they performed was not intended and that it ruined the sandbox. Ok, fair enough. So then your solution is to make sure everything feels equally pitiful when you pull the trigger in the name of balance. I didn't see how that was a better, more entertaining or rewarding result for me so I left. Getting a Fatebringer, IB and Gjally were 3 of my favorite memories of yr 1 Destiny considering how long it took me to get those guns and how much fun it was to use them once I got them (also seeing you guys chase the stuff you wanted so badly and being there when you got them was right up there too). That was the fun for me and was the reason I logged in every night. Will tonight be the night I finally get the Ice Breaker? Will Trance FINALLY get his Fatebringer? Will Thirsty EVER get a Gjallarhorn? It was worth running every activity every week that could drop exotics for the slight chance that those things could happen. There's nothing in yr 2 I would consider spending even 1/10th the time chasing that I did for those things.

Exactly, what Bungie stole from us are the memories of getting desirable weapons. I miss the salt of seeing someone get the Black Hammer on their first try on Crota or not getting a Fatebringer for 6 months. Thirsty finally getting the Gjallarhorn was the most epic moment though.

This right here, flying into Gorgon's with Thirsty, firing off two Gjally's at the chest and having him open it up to find his first Gjallarhorn was one of the best type of moments in this game. There is literally nothing in year two that got me excited like getting the guns you mentioned in year 1.

Sucks I wasn't there lol.
Exactly, what Bungie stole from us are the memories of getting desirable weapons. I miss the salt of seeing someone get the Black Hammer on their first try on Crota or not getting a Fatebringer for 6 months. Thirsty finally getting the Gjallarhorn was the most epic moment though.

Hey. Some stuff is still there from Year 1. Just like the Vault, I can't get a helmet. Don't even care about light.

The Thing about Gjallarhorn was it was a fun chase to get it AND it changed your game once you got it. Firing a volley of 4 Gjallarhorns at Crota felt awesome. These things are so powerful they will make even a god falter.
Arcbolt was way more op than firebolt, you also have to spec/lose two skill perks to make firebolts as good as they are. im guessing they were nerfed because of stormcallers and the chain lightening perk more than anything

How was arcbolt more op than firebolt when firebolt already had that insane burn and arcbolt was just a 122 damage? The range was greater if i recall? Nah, firebolt was always > arcbolt.

Imo it doesn't matter that you have to "lose" two skill perks to get this insane grenade when literally everyone is gonna use this loadout. The fact that this loadout is possible is the issue.

Oh well, i am sure that in their data sheets sunsinger's kd is 0.99 so we are bound to get a buff to firebolt where its a one hit kill with the burn.


Luke Smith actually said they were shortening the vertical climb to make horizontal progression more of a thing. Shortening. Man, that's laughable.

And if you don't want players chasing vertical progression, then make it light Year 1 where we all hit max level. As a designer, they can fix that. But besides that...

Where's the horizontal progression?


  • Most loot drops are blue. There's barely any legendaries, which are the only viable thing end game. 95% of drops are garbage. In Diablo, as you gear up the chance for an upgrade diminishes, but your loot drop frequency rises to meet that so you constantly feel good about your chance for a good drop. Not so in Destiny. It's a drought all the time. Strike specific drops are a cool idea but are super-duper rare, so it's a pain to get one, much less a good one. Loot drops in the Crucible are nerfed into oblivion. The raid weapons are trash and only good for infusion. Most people use vendor/gunsmith weapons.
  • Even outside of that, perks are too trivial to make horizontal differentiation meaningful. Oh, I have perk that sometimes activates on melee void kills in pve? Yeah, real game changer. Putting perks & stats on cosmetic items makes horizontal progression even smaller, since before I could wear whatever class item I want, now I have to juggle stats and perks.
  • Beyond that, the skill tree is way too small to have meaningful builds. There's really just one way to play a subclass, with one or two perks being swapped around. And the loot doesn't meaningfully interact with classes/subclasses in interesting or powerful ways.
  • And besides that, Bungie clearly wants Vertical Progression to the goal. Hence Hard Mode having yet another light cap. Hence the selling point of SRL being 320 Helmet/Class Item.
Bungie made vertical progression much harder and doubled down on it being the Year 2 end game.

There is no Horizontal Progression in Year 2.

Please understand that my tone and frustration isn't directed at you, but at a system that failed.
The perks introduced in year 2 to weapons really are a complete joke for the most part. We gave up things like field scout, final round, & shot package to:

Exhumed-This weapon gains improved range and handling for a short time after revival.

Yo guys I'm gonna die so you guys can res me for the range & handling buff.

Partial Refund
Chance to return a portion of the magazine after an assist.
Guys I'm going to widdle these enemies down but ya'll kill them so that I might get a reload.

We want to feel powerful. Get rid of this shit.


Exactly, what Bungie stole from us are the memories of getting desirable weapons. I miss the salt of seeing someone get the Black Hammer on their first try on Crota or not getting a Fatebringer for 6 months. Thirsty finally getting the Gjallarhorn was the most epic moment though.

Sucks I wasn't there lol.


Still have the screen grab.
How was arcbolt more op than firebolt when firebolt already had that insane burn and arcbolt was just a 122 damage? The range was greater if i recall? Nah, firebolt was always > arcbolt.

Imo it doesn't matter that you have to "lose" two skill perks to get this insane grenade when literally everyone is gonna use this loadout. The fact that this loadout is possible is the issue.

Oh well, i am sure that in their data sheets sunsinger's kd is 0.99 so we are bound to get a buff to firebolt where its a one hit kill with the burn.

Stabie can we add this to https://thesaltofosiris.wordpress.com



The perks introduced in year 2 to weapons really are a complete joke for the most part. We gave up things like field scout, final round, & shot package to:

Exhumed-This weapon gains improved range and handling for a short time after revival.

Yo guys I'm gonna die so you guys can res me for the range & handling buff.

Partial Refund
Chance to return a portion of the magazine after an assist.
Guys I'm going to widdle these enemies down but ya'll kill them so that I might get a reload.

We want to feel powerful. Get rid of this shit.

Any perk that requires you or your teammates to literally die is so laughably stupid. Couldn't agree more with this post.
The perks introduced in year 2 to weapons really are a complete joke for the most part. We gave up things like field scout, final round, & shot package to:

Exhumed-This weapon gains improved range and handling for a short time after revival.

Yo guys I'm gonna die so you guys can res me for the range & handling buff.

That's nothing. This is my class' Exotic weapon. The weapon that's supposed to be our power fantasy:

Wait for enemy to make a mistake. Die. Stand by for Ghost Resurrection. Repeat as necessary.

Die. Stand by for Ghost Resurrection. Repeat as necessary.

Die. Stand by for Ghost Resurrection.


To make a Year One joke:

A. A ha. A ha ha ha. A ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
This right here, flying into Gorgon's with Thirsty, firing off two Gjally's at the chest and having him open it up to find his first Gjallarhorn was one of the best type of moments in this game. There is literally nothing in year two that got me excited like getting the guns you mentioned in year 1.

Exactly, what Bungie stole from us are the memories of getting desirable weapons. I miss the salt of seeing someone get the Black Hammer on their first try on Crota or not getting a Fatebringer for 6 months. Thirsty finally getting the Gjallarhorn was the most epic moment though.

Sucks I wasn't there lol.

I got about as excited as I'll ever get getting loot in a game( which to you all probably doesn't sound too excited). Was more a relief that I got to enjoy its power before the inevitable nerf. Of course that weekend I had another drop playing a match of control. I think it was the best when TJ got his, think he may have woke up his kids.

Aren't you all just as excited for me to get an underdog/gorilla fighter 1kys?!?
Trying to get my 2 rumble wins before playing more of the beta. Since I played the alpha I already know most of what is accessible but I want to get in the Dark Zone before people get too high of level and start destroying noobs.

Joined a game were a guy was up by 700. Nice.

Edit: Joined the same game and he was up by 1200 now
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