Destiny |OT39| Tainted Love



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  • Unlock all Achievements, then PM Lnkn52 to be added to the list! Send a PM here.


Year 1

Year 2: Thorn Lag Sauce


-The new header image is only meant as a temporary joke
until Lnkn makes a better one
since we'd been rocking the current one for a long time.

-For The Last Word section, the year 2 gif is actually from year 1. Partly I was too lazy to make my own lag gif but I also wanted to include Thorn to prepare us for Crimson Doubles w/o power levels enabled.
Got my two rumble win for the day. Woo now The Division beta for a bit--I don't need audio right? My girlfriend is about to knock out.



-The new header image is only meant as a temporary joke
until Lnkn makes a better one
since we'd been rocking the current one for a long time.
Lol I like the image, good job on the OT as usual dude. Awesome grimoirs to boot!


Igor "no peak" Dennis trading card. My life is complete.

Edit: you can get rid of the mythocast banner if you want driz. It doesn't look like we're going to get together to do another one until actual dlc or destiny 2 news which is months or years away at this point.

Hello there PvPers. My name is...Breezylimbo. I hear that there's a new hot and sexy event coming to Destiny. Called...Crimson Doubles. I hear that many of you will not be playing because Roses sting you a little bit too much. That's ok, that's why ol' Breezy is here. Me and Thorn? We're a piece. The Thorn is my go to, I love to reload during a battle. There's nothing like the feeling of slamming a long silver bullet into a well-greased chamber. With it's sleek onyx exterior, and it's sweet, noxious bite, the Thorn will lead me, and you, to victory. All you have to do is give me your dying love, and as you fall I shall be energized and buffed. Because it's Crimson Doubles. Like Crimson King, I will inexplicably do things that may scare or confuse you, but worry not because it will lead us to victory.

All I'm asking is, Find me Somebody to Love.
Finally able to play some Iron banner after being away all week. First game and I get my 10 kill streak, Top Score and a win.

Good start.


Opening up the list for a newbie Crota's End raid tomorrow, 1/30 at 3:00PM Eastern Time.

It's quite a quick (and fun, in my opinion) activity and the raid is open to anymore, but certainly to people who have never experienced it before. Also, if anyone is interested in giving the sword a shot (a unique role for the final boss fight) this is a great opportunity.

5 spots left for now, sign up here:

Reposting for Hawkian who had asked folks to repost in case if a new thread goes up and he's not around.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Annnd back.

Colonel you still out there? Imma log on...
I've signed up, it will be tomorrow 12 PM PST right? I've already done it so if all spots are taken and a newbie wants to join I can let him/her take it
That is correct, and you are more than welcome :)

Doesn't seem like sturg has signed up yet nor do I know about his plus 1, so there are now either 3, 2, or 1 spot(s) left. lol
Opening up the list for a newbie Crota's End raid tomorrow, 1/30 at 3:00PM Eastern Time.

It's quite a quick (and fun, in my opinion) activity and the raid is open to anymore, but certainly to people who have never experienced it before. Also, if anyone is interested in giving the sword a shot (a unique role for the final boss fight) this is a great opportunity.

spots left for now, sign up here:

edit: Nami have I told you lately that I love you?
Excellent Grimoire Cards! I didn't know Rasengan was met through Phenom randomly finding him haha

i concur!
no self-aggrandizement, there, I promise!!!
yeah, a friend (who no longer, sadly, plays destiny) and I met phen0m because we were looking for help doing some activity - I forget which - and phen0m, being the awesome fellow that he is, joined us and it was the start of a beautiful relationship. :)
I tried to convince my friend to join DGaf as well, but he just never bothered. I know if he had and had gotten to know you all, he'd still be playing as well.
my hat's off to you all!

some of my earliest memories of destiny are playing with that dude, and I'm not sure I knew that story either. pretty awesome

you, sir, are pretty awesome yourself :)
I really got interested in joining DGaf after kernel told me about the new-bee raids you ran, and that drove my desire to get in the door. :)

edit2: I may just change my avatar to the grimoire image, it's that awesome!
i concur!
no self-aggrandizement, there, I promise!!!
yeah, a friend (who no longer, sadly, plays destiny) and I met phen0m because we were looking for help doing some activity - I forget which - and phen0m, being the awesome fellow that he is, joined us and it was the start of a beautiful relationship. :)
I tried to convince my friend to join DGaf as well, but he just never bothered. I know if he had and had gotten to know you all, he'd still be playing as well.
my hat's off to you all!

you, sir, are pretty awesome yourself :)
I really got interested in joining DGar after kernel told me about the new-bee raids you ran, and the drove my desire to get in the door. :)

edit2: I may just change my avatar to the grimoire image, it's that awesome!


That feel when you fly in and hear "The enemy Ignited Your Rift" and then you lose as soon as you spawn and receive a 301 Chest on Activity Rewards.


Destiny sucks. Destiny is way better than Destiny.

Great OT as always Drake. Now stop procrastinating and finish Dark Souls.


There is no improvement in PvP today. Yesterday it was better but today it is a bunch of red bars that start off as green bar.

Why do they allow teams of 3 or 4 redbars to team up? It's beyond frustrating at this point.
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