Destiny |OT39| Tainted Love


One thing The Division did that was really cool is a UI pop-up denoting inbound server maintenance with an actual countdown timer.
I don't know whether it's Rift (which sucks) or the new weird matchmaking (which feels off), but I'm starting to dislike PvP in Destiny.
I used to suck at it, but at least I had some fun. Now I just suck at it, no fun.

Edit: Right after posting this the game spawned me in a 11k vs 2k match, moments before losing with mercy...
Trials was awful last night. Got to 6 wins and my gold package was a 300 artifact.

The rewards are terrible this time around, the armour needs to be more specific i.e. just primary/special reloader or ammo, you need massive luck to get the perfect piece with all the sidearm and fusion reloader type perks about.
Never done one in my live. Don't have the trials passage, but have 6 passage coins.

I think I won't help much, but, I won't refuse hehe.

Ok just buy a card, don't bother with the boons and grab the bounties

Edit sorry someone we invited earlier just joined I'll help you get your bounties later
First rumble match of the day and I join a game with someone in the lead by 900. Good job.

Oh hey new thread.

Anyone..... DTF?

Off topic but what's DGAFs verdict on the Division and will you be buying?

Played the Beta for like 5 hours yesterday.
I enjoyed myself with it and it probably sold me on the game. I don't mind 3rd person cover shooters because I used to love Gears back in the day. I love the atmosphere in the game plus imo the graphics and detail look great on ps4.

It won't replace Destiny for me but the beta had me interested enough to have me purchase the full game. Plus so much stuff seems to be locked on the beta for customizing your character plus crafting and other things In the main game.
Off topic but what's DGAFs verdict on the Division and will you be buying?

Played the Beta for like 5 hours yesterday.
I enjoyed myself with it and it probably sold me on the game. I don't mind 3rd person cover shooters because I used to love Gears back in the day. I love the atmosphere in the game plus imo the graphics and detail look great on ps4.

It won't replace Destiny for me but the beta had me interested enough to have me purchase the full game. Plus so much stuff seems to be locked on the beta for customizing your character plus crafting and other things In the main game.

The Dark Zone pretty much made the game for me. A lot of fun compared to the regular story missions/side missions. I didn't think I would, but I'll probably keep my pre-order.
Got Titan to rank 5 and he got 313 ghost(end of game reward on that final match) and 313 gloves. Sigh.

Hunter is 1 win away from rank 5, need a break though for now.
Yah the DZ made the game for me too. Went in alone for first time and it was tense and then later with a few buddies.

I just hope the DZ and overall game has enough content. Will we be seeing different missions with different objectives in there compared to the non DZ areas? Maybe different things for pvp in DZ?

I know Destiny was starved from content at times but the fps gameplay is so damn good that it didn't matter.

Ok LAST Division post sorry.


The Dark Zone pretty much made the game for me. A lot of fun compared to the regular story missions/side missions. I didn't think I would, but I'll probably keep my pre-order.
This is what happened to me in my first DZ experience last night:

So that was quite something alright. A fellow DGaffer invited for some division time. We went to the DZ but because I was level 8 and he 5, we were placed in different DZs. So I was on my lonesome. Decided to just look about a bit. Glad I did too. After killing an NPC, I saw two guys just running towards me from down the street. I got scared for a moment, thinking I was about to get jacked. Nope, they simply ran past me. Next thing I know, I recieved a notification saying someone named Commander__ (can't remember the rest) killed another player. I'm like "Oh fuck. Hope they're not nearby."

I jinxed myself. I ended being shot at by who I presume was him. After dodging around for a bit and getting behind cover, I watch as he simply runs past my spot and goes after the two that ran past me earlier. I could hear gunfire from my spot. I ran the hell out of there. His name pops up again a minute later stating he killed another player. Don't know what happened next since I then lost connection to the servers.

My first time in the DZ ended up being a terrifying yet hilarious experience.
This is what happened to me in my first DZ experience last night:

I think that was me Nami that invited you. I was level 5 at the time and you were 8. It was weird because I had my mic on trying to talk to you but I couldn't hear anything. I was the one with you jacking up that cop car lol.

Anyways yah I went into DZ and I figured you were right behind me but but then realized I was on my own. Does the game not let the same levels go into the DZ together?


I think that was me Nami that invited you. I was level 5 at the time and you were 8. It was weird because I had my mic on trying to talk to you but I couldn't hear anything. I was the one with you jacking up that cop car lol.

Anyways yah I went into DZ and I figured you were right behind me but but then realized I was on my own. Does the game not let the same levels go into the DZ together?
Once you reach level 8, the game puts you in the level 8 DZ.

Kept wondering why I couldn't see you. Followed a guy who I thought was you but well, that led to what happened above.
This is what happened to me in my first DZ experience last night:

Yeah, we figured this out last night as well. Wicked kept getting put in a different DZ because he was level 8 and Ghaz and I were level 6. We were put in the same DZ before that though when he was still level 8. Game being weird. Seemed like most of the action was in the level 8 DZ by that point anyway, although we had a stand-off with another group earlier which was pretty fun.

Had a grenade thrown at me first time I went in the DZ, which I dodged, so I shot back at the guy, but because the grenade didn't hit me I was the one who went rogue! Fucking game.


Played for about 5 hours and im kepping my pre-order. I'm not the most dedicated Destiny guy but this should make a good game to switch between the two.

Was lisetning too Guardian Radio and Felt it disheartening them defending the game inspite of the Kotaku article.
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