So I joined Kadey's train thinking I could do the Jolly Holiday quest by staying back and picking off kills but nope. SSBM makes it way too hard to do anything. we were getting flanked, spawns kept flipping, snipers, shotgun rushers. After an hour my progress was still 0%.
Went to play some rounds on my own and got up to 31% in just two games. Then had two bad games (around 1 KDR) and went back down to 9%. A couple of bad games later, I am down to 0% after wasting 3 hours in crucible. I dont know how this shit works.
I swear its not counting some of the kills.
I apologize for already asking questions, you might see a lot of this from me today
-Is Destiny Item Manager (?) still a thing? Would be handy right now.
-I have a TON of planetary resources in my vault, outside of maybe keeping a stack or two for nodes on leveling up gear is there any particular reason to hoard these right now? Should I just dump them for faction rep, or is there a reason with Rise of Iron or something else to hold onto them for right now?
Saw Lauren's message just now. Makes me sad. But I'm glad she knows how much Drizz meant to us.
I'm not sure who Lauren is. Link by chance?
Equip a shotty with longer range with the last word in your primary. Stay back and be selective as hell. I cant stress that enough. I got lucky and went 12 and 0, and then 17 and 1 two games in a row, which took care of that portion of the quest, but I altered my playing style significantly.
I think you get 2% for every Last Word kill, lose 1% for every death. You can earn points while using other weapons, snipers and heavy, but I don't think that increases the same way. I think you need to go on kill sprees. There's a bit more to it than that, but I just stuck to switching to the weapon during heavy ammo and just before winning a match. TLW is a beastly weapon, but I just can't make that gun work for me. I prefer medium range engagements.So I joined Kadey's train thinking I could do the Jolly Holiday quest by staying back and picking off kills but nope. SSBM makes it way too hard to do anything. we were getting flanked, spawns kept flipping, snipers, shotgun rushers. After an hour my progress was still 0%.
Went to play some rounds on my own and got up to 31% in just two games. Then had two bad games (around 1 KDR) and went back down to 9%. A couple of bad games later, I am down to 0% after wasting 3 hours in crucible. I dont know how this shit works.
I swear its not counting some of the kills.
Were pretty happy with how were doing the Gjallarhorn, and Gjallarhorn pre-orders so that everyone gets the Gjallarhorn dropped at the Postmaster, gets it in their inventory. But you still have to go on a quest which is actually a really, really fun quest to actually get the weapon.
When are you thinking? I'm from Western Canada and I'd be interested as well. I'm a 335 Hunter. Never been to the light house either.334 LL Titan here, never tried Trials of Osiris! Any guardians willing to give it a shot with me and (hopefully) take a trip to the Lighthouse this weekend?
I'm on PS4.
imma use OG gjallarhorn on that quest.Bungie's lead raid designer talked last week about designing raids around no matchmaking lol. Different folks at Bungie say different things.
From Nirolak's link, Everyone has to do the quest.
Taken Hobgoblins can one-shot you, otherwise it's not bad up to the boss.Anyone up for a Nightfall or 3 on PS4? I'm about to go in and start seeing how rough it is solo. PSN is KC_Darkness.
In 2013, Gavin Irby left Trion Worlds, where he helped lead a content development team for the MMO RIFT, and joined Bungies raid development team. Irby is now Bungies lead raid designer
When you guys first started developing raids for the first time, philosophically were there things that set a raid apart from the rest of the content in Destiny that youre like Okay this is what makes something a raid as opposed to a strike?
Absolutely, there was a mandate that we had the ability to break the rules. No matchmaking is a huge thing. We can design with the assumption that you're playing with people who you are invested with. Even if theyre not your friends, you've put some amount of investment in being able to play with them and theyre not this resource to you. The fact that we can account for you having voice communication is big.
As compared to a strike?
Yeah, in a strike we have to assume that maybe youre probably not talking to each other. The ability to assume that they have verbal communication opens up a lot of possibilities that otherwise dont exist. We can put you in a crisis as a group which is a very different thing than just people who aren't talking to each other who have to somehow work together. We can't put a great deal of pressure on them, and were specifically supposed to put you under pressure. Its a group of people in a crisis, thats what were putting you in, and you have to solve your way out of it.
A lot of interviews and articles passing by. In any have Bungie been asked about keeping up with raid challenges? Any reason we wouldn't see them in the first week?
A lot of interviews and articles passing by. In any have Bungie been asked about keeping up with raid challenges? Any reason we wouldn't see them in the first week?
Well I legit forgot challenge mode could be done on normal mode.
Don't think I ever did them on normal like ever....
By the time challenge mode came out there was no point to do normal mode for most of us around here lol.
I've asked will let you know.
Also had a message back from DeeJ regarding community acknowledgement of Drizz.
He said there was a lot being done privately within the studio in regards to his memory and honor
but with past events of things being said on more public forums they're keeping quiet on social platforms to respect privacy.
Which I think is both noble and very nice of them.
I had like 20 of them when I logged in last week. I hadn't played since March.
This week is Warpriest.Well I guess I need the Golg challenge for this week, any groups doing it soon?
Also with KF it was pretty much pointless to do Normal unless your LL wasn't high enough yet because fucking up on Normal is a wipe anyway. Might as well do it on Hard.
This week is Warpriest.
If a weapon/armor is showing up in your Year 2 Exotic Blueprint Collection but is darkened that means that you've found the Year 1 version but haven't found or bought the Year 2 version yet correct? I need to make the MIDA my first purchase if so, that was my baby in Year One and they hadn't added a Y2 version when I had stopped playing.
Running around a bit doing some easy bounties and stuff, had forgotten how good the gameplay in this feels. The FOV feels really claustrophobic coming off of some other games but I'm sure that'll pass quickly. Probably going to focus more right now on just grinding out Marks as best I can to fill out my Blueprint pages at this point. Also missing a lot of shaders, emblems etc. Once I've used to the game again I'll have to hit some folks up for Nightfalls/Raids etc. I never did KF on Hard, haven't done the new PoE etc. Might as well go for the Year 2 Triumphs I guess?
haha you still have time!This is why I don't have the challenges
And I get emotional again...I've asked will let you know.
Also had a message back from DeeJ regarding community acknowledgement of Drizz.
He said there was a lot being done privately within the studio in regards to his memory and honor
but with past events of things being said on more public forums they're keeping quiet on social platforms to respect privacy.
Which I think is both noble and very nice of them.
This week is Warpriest.
Came back to Destiny a few weeks ago and got everything I wanted from sterling treasures including the 2 ships and the sparrow. Am I the only one in love with the space age mariner? :-D
Just accepted your friend request. Jump in if you want. I'm on the boss. Anyone else for NF? At boss. I'll be running again after probably.
Sidearm buff pleeeeeaaaaase.
Year 3. Year of the sidearms.
Make it happen.
Holy shit I didn't know
Eris Morn was a hunter
Lots of info here about Destiny's story
I always figured she was because she wears Cloak of the Dusktorn. Also she's one of the best characters and was the leader of her fireteam so of course she's a Hunter.