Flashless at the Golden Globes
Whats the best way to earn the Archon Forge keys? I only have one blue one after like 2 hours on patrol.
Eris packages have a chance of dropping one.
You need Gold completion. But yup. A bunch of other stuff too
plus a purple engram and some other stuffs
Whats the best way to earn the Archon Forge keys? I only have one blue one after like 2 hours on patrol.
Whats the best way to earn the Archon Forge keys? I only have one blue one after like 2 hours on patrol.
Sleep is over rated...I'm convinced that some people here don't sleep.
you can jump in and catch up whenever, whether or not the methods will be the same.
All the disappointing feedback to Archon's Forge doesn't encourage me to try it even once. Seems like a waste when Strikes are more beneficial.
All the disappointing feedback to Archon's Forge doesn't encourage me to try it even once. Seems like a waste when Strikes are more beneficial.
Any Hunter or Warlock want to join me and my friend to try and farm 320 Omnigul around 10:30pm EST tonight? We're both titans so we'd like to try it with someone of a different class to tether, WoL, etc. We both have Gallys btw for DPS.
I'm just coming in here to complain about the SIVA Shard thing at the Iron Temple;
You can't do a long jumping section like that when jumps can just launch you away from the thing you're trying to jump on and into your death if you don't do it exactly how the game wants you to. Locking away a collectible behind an actual mountain of frustration!
I'm really interested in getting back into this, but haven't played since the original. I had a maxed out character. How does it work if I jump in now? Do I have to do all the story missions in between, do I get a level increase?
You get a one-time consumable item that will boost you to level 40.
I'll keep an eye on Exotics, since they are really the main thing that causes people to lag behind when they join late. It looks to me that all exotics are trash? Like the weapons are nothing special and the Hunter armour is... not worth getting? (kinda like TTK exotics)
Will that mean I out level all the content though? I still want to do all the story missions I missed.
If your alt is 363-364 due to infusion and omnigul farm, then how long does it take to run through all of the RoI story missions?
If your alt is 363-364 due to infusion and omnigul farm, then how long does it take to run through all of the RoI story missions?
The Hunter boots are awesome!
I love playing the game more mobile in PVE and this forces me/ allows me to.
Blade Dancer, perks set for ability and instant weapon switching, running with hand cannon, a shotgun with Battle Runner and an artifact with no sprint cool-down.
So much fun.
It's been ages since I've used Blade Dancer this much.
The story artifact can be swapped between characters so you can use that one on your hunter
I can be 364 Warlock, Hunter, Titan. And I have only played on my Warlock so far... that omnigul farm omg.
Still missing a 365 heavy though. Other than that I could take all three to 365.
Where do you get the Story Artifact? What its called? (I didn't see it in my inventory)
So.. How does one farm Omnigul?
Can I select the strike straight from the director or doss or have to be from the Playlist?
Also, what needs to be done is to kill her that one time she appears before the end of the strike and then wipe?
You get it from the cryptarch in the Felwinters Peak after completing the story and the patrol quest on the plaugelands. It is the one that doesn't say "your class artifact" at the top. It drops at 350. I think each one has a different name. So if you do the story three times then you can collect all three of them.
The Hunter boots are awesome!
I love playing the game more mobile in PVE and this forces me/ allows me to.
Blade Dancer, perks set for ability and instant weapon switching, running with hand cannon, a shotgun with Battle Runner and an artifact with no sprint cool-down.
So much fun.
It's been ages since I've used Blade Dancer this much.
Anyone wanna run heroics with me? In one atm with a spot to fill
So me, Unstable, Bread have been farming Perfected Sepiks
Its done within 10-15 minutes, get 2 blues, but the best thing is it keeps giving us fucking rep
120 Vanguard and I think 60 for your faction (I'll see what it is)
So you can farm the strike and earn rep
Anyone wanna give this a try?