Titan void super in crucible = worthless bubble.
If you mean PvP in general: You're doing it wrong, it's far from worthless.
If you mean counting toward the quest: yes it is. ;_;
Titan void super in crucible = worthless bubble.
Keep your eyes peeled for sign-ups for the next newbie raid! Will either be Thursday evening or Saturday afternoon EST.Had a horrible time trying to run my first normal mode WOTM last night with LFG people from the web. No patience for me being the only person having not done it. Hopefully I can do one again tonight with people hay have a little more patience!!
Will it be in this thread??Keep your eyes peeled for sign-ups for the next newbie raid! Will either be Thursday evening or Saturday afternoon EST.
Yup, I'll post a link to a sign-up form. Most likely tomorrow, wednesday at the latest.Will it be in this thread??
Thank you!Yup, I'll post a link to a sign-up form. Most likely tomorrow, wednesday at the latest.
Managed to beat The Wretched Eye strike on heroic, despite of the void burn, and it was worth it. I got 384 level Fr0st-EE5 exotic leg armor with ToC from it. The perk, "Tighter turn radius while sprinting. Increased grenade and melee regeneration while sprinting.", seems interesting, but might take some time to get used to. I haven't had the time to test it in battleground yet, but I was running to walls in the tower while sprinting. =D
Keep your eyes peeled for sign-ups for the next newbie raid! Will either be Thursday evening or Saturday afternoon EST.
They "were" bugged... but i "think" they were fixed. They didn't actually increase your nade/melee cool-downs before. I'm sure someone else more knowledgeable will know for sure.
Had a horrible time trying to run my first normal mode WOTM last night with LFG people from the web. No patience for me being the only person having not done it. Hopefully I can do one again tonight with people hay have a little more patience!!
They "were" bugged... but i "think" they were fixed. They didn't actually increase your nade/melee cool-downs before. I'm sure someone else more knowledgeable will know for sure.
What armor is the armor I saw in the videos with the flames inside of it?
I watched the achievement hunter walkthrough afterwards so I wouldn't be a hinderance anymore and i think I understand most of it now. I just got back into destiny about two weeks before ROI and the only raid experience I have was a failed VoG when it first came out.I watched this guide before the raid and it explains well the mechanics for normal bosses in WOTM. Nothing is super complicated but obviously not knowing the mechanics will wipe any group.
What armor is the armor I saw in the videos with the flames inside of it?
oh man...can I pay to get priority seating for the Saturday afternoon raid?
Crucible Legendary loot drops.
Do the Crucible drop legendary armor loot besides class items? I haven't seen any in the games I have played.
Crucible Legendary loot drops.
Do the Crucible drop legendary armor loot besides class items? I haven't seen any in the games I have played.
Had a horrible time trying to run my first normal mode WOTM last night with LFG people from the web. No patience for me being the only person having not done it. Hopefully I can do one again tonight with people hay have a little more patience!!
I have a HM Aksis phase 2 checkpoint, in case anyone wants to get it done within the next two hours or so.
Yeah they're fixed now. Cuts your cooldowns in half, so about 12 seconds of sprinting gets you a grenade charge at T5 Dis. Very good exotic, if a bit ugly.
FR sent. Perfect for my scheduleIf you miss Hawkians raid, or aren't available for it, shoot me a friend request. I'm with a good group of guys who will be happy to help you through. Weekends are usually the easiest, but we might be able to squeeze in a run throughout the week depending on who all is online.
My PSN is the same as my GAF name. I'm usually free after 9 CST, hopefully that doesn't conflict with your play schedule.
If you miss Hawkians raid, or aren't available for it, shoot me a friend request. I'm with a good group of guys who will be happy to help you through. Weekends are usually the easiest, but we might be able to squeeze in a run throughout the week depending on who all is online.
My PSN is the same as my GAF name. I'm usually free after 9 CST, hopefully that doesn't conflict with your play schedule.
So that's why you wanted to play trials yesterday.I haven't either. it's only been weapons and class items and I did four weekly bounties this week.
Trials is supposed to drop an armor piece on your fifth win on the card.
Yes please. StrykerIslandI have a HM Aksis phase 2 checkpoint, in case anyone wants to get it done within the next two hours or so.
Hard mode - Need to kill Aksis phase 2, anyone interested in helping out?
Join on StrykerIsland, I'm fucking around in the forge for nowI can come as 398 Titan if it's HM
If you want add me. A buddy and I may be trying to get a group together around 7/8 CST tonightMind if I send you a request as well? Been through it once but I'm trying to get more experience if you ever happen to have a Normal slot open. (PSN: Appletz). 383 light Titan atm.
So that's why you wanted to play trials yesterday.
RNG pins gave me a great laugh, but I ended up buying a couple...
As such I have an EXTRA Resurrectionist emblem to give away.
RNG pins gave me a great laugh, but I ended up buying a couple...
As such I have an EXTRA Resurrectionist emblem to give away.
Quote to Reveal
Join on StrykerIsland, I'm fucking around in the forge for now
Of course! Come on inMay I join as well? I wouldn't mind playing Forge for a while. Not gonna use my mic yet; I'm listening to podcasts at the moment.
I took the cheapest emblem route and bought the mask pdf, though now I kinda wish I had ordered the Iron Lord pin instead.
At least now you get the emblem code right away and don't have to wait for the pins to arrive.
If you buy three of them will they at least guarantee that you get all the RNG pins??
ps thanks for the emblem code!
Join on StrykerIsland, I'm fucking around in the forge for now
If you want add me. A buddy and I may be trying to get a group together around 7/8 CST tonight
Kinda weird that they're selling the .pdfs to make your own masks, but I guess that's for people who mainly just want to buy the emblem lol