C'mon son, you know that "blind box" isn't a new concept for physical merchandise.
Need 3 more for Aksis phase 2 HM. Add StrykerIsland if you want in.
Did anyone notice that Marty has a credit for a couple songs in here and he's been long gone?
Just sorta... weird.
FR sent. Perfect for my schedule
Mind if I send you a request as well? Been through it once but I'm trying to get more experience if you ever happen to have a Normal slot open. (PSN: Appletz). 383 light Titan atm.
This past week, my raid team attempted hard mode and got crushed at Visok. My team consists of most people just shy of 380 and two people over 385. My char is at 388 and the other is in the 390s. I was wondering how I could get myself and my team up to 390. I was thinking of doing strikes and the weekly crucible bounty. Any tips?
C'mon son, you know that "blind box" isn't a new concept for physical merchandise.![]()
Marty was involved in writing a lot of music for Destiny that was never used and not heard by the masses. Bungie or Activision owns it. I guess they used some of it. Not that weird.
And lastly dont do the HM raid with people below 385. Let alone under 380. Thats just a recipe for disaster. Instead have them spend a couple of hours running strikes, archon forge etc to get to 385.
The more the merrier, my friend.
Bigmanny287We have four for HM Aksis phase 2. Anyone else want in?
I'm down,Need to run NF 2x. Anybody game?
Starting NF. Doing it 2x, one spot open. Join Hzoltan969 if you need it.
Emblems that come with them.What do people do with these pins? They look great but I have no idea what I'd pin them on...what am I missing here?
What do people do with these pins? They look great but I have no idea what I'd pin them on...what am I missing here?
Are you doing rift? I just finished Mountaintop (thank you trout)
Emblems that come with them.
Can't wait to buy that Terrify emote and get the DragonsBane ornament. Tomorrow is going to be a good day.
Starting a fresh HM WoTM!
1. SilvardCT
2. elfokel
3. Q-west
Reviewing my Trophies for Destiny-I see I'm missing hte following:
Flawless Raider: Complete a raid without any of your fireteam dying
Raiding Party: Complete a raid with a full fireteam consisting of only your clan members.
Strength of the Pack: Complete a strike with a full fireteam consisting of only your clan members.
How likely is it that I can knock this out this weekend? I'm assuming Crota is the easiest Raid to complete Flawlessly-think anyone on GAF can help me with this and we can make sure we are in the same clan together?
I can't believe I have nothing to do in Destiny
That's a fucking first
All NF's, 3 HM Raids, Every fucking Bounty Imaginable, then hit Patrol hard and earned like 5+ Vanguard levels on each Guardian
Need to tone down my Patrolling and Bounty escapades
Sucks I only look forward to the 4 Strange Coins and 4 Motes of Light from the packages
390 Weapons or Armor really do hamper your LL
Wish the packages went at least to 395
390 > 400 a 10LL Gap sucks
Reviewing my Trophies for Destiny-I see I'm missing hte following:
Flawless Raider: Complete a raid without any of your fireteam dying
Raiding Party: Complete a raid with a full fireteam consisting of only your clan members.
Strength of the Pack: Complete a strike with a full fireteam consisting of only your clan members.
How likely is it that I can knock this out this weekend? I'm assuming Crota is the easiest Raid to complete Flawlessly-think anyone on GAF can help me with this and we can make sure we are in the same clan together?
Starting a fresh HM WoTM!
1. SilvardCT
2. elfokel
3. Q-west
I'll go XxkatsuxX
Ok... lets do it.
I'm in!Alright, just one more for fresh HM WoTM.
The Gold Tier bounty for Trials only drops up to 390?
Anyone interested in Vault of Glass HM?
I wanna do it once full then Atheons x3
Seeing if there's any interest