You don't have to join a group just go into the games tab and set your search preferences and look for a game. However if you want to join a group you can just sign up but try and find an active one.How does work? You just pick one of the groups and sign up or is there a selection process for the various groups?
What are people's thoughts on more diablo style loot, like a helmet that does +x amount of auto rifle damage, along with the perks we are used to? I've just been thinking that there should be a bigger difference between blue and purple and exotic, but don't know what that would be. Just more perks? Or more triple double unique type stuff? Exotics with more worthwhile "exotic " feeling to them?
Seriously, it can't be stated enough, go here... there are many games (Raids) there to join daily/weekly where beginners are welcome and help/explanation is provided.
I've ran a slew of Raids over the last couple of weeks that had multiple players participating in their first raid ever and doing the Challenge Modes.
I think that the perks for weapons and armor are going to get an overhaul for D2. I'd like to see it go the more Diablo route. I'd like to see legendary and exotic gear become a tad bit rarer. Give out more regular tiered gear out there that matches all levels. Maybe have legendary gear only come up for Raids. Something along those lines.
Im game if you're gameAnybody for a last-minute NF?
What are people's thoughts on more diablo style loot, like a helmet that does +x amount of auto rifle damage, along with the perks we are used to? I've just been thinking that there should be a bigger difference between blue and purple and exotic, but don't know what that would be. Just more perks? Or more triple double unique type stuff? Exotics with more worthwhile "exotic " feeling to them?
Think about the complaints that people have about getting drops as is, now add to that, that every drop has dozens of permutations so that even when you get the a drop for the right slot it's a permutation that you're not looking for.
Nightfall: The Will of Crota
Bungie: ...with no burn... just like this weeks Heroics.
I got it done last night but thanks for the offer. Looking to run it tonight even though this week's looks like a pain in the ass.Do you still need help Ernie?
Any Atheon kill gives you a chance for the Vex, right? You don't have to do challenges?
Only gun I'm still missing.
VOG challenges this week eh? Need me some of that Fatebringer love!
Quick question regarding LFG etiquette- If I wanted to stream running Raids and what not, should I let people know that I am streaming? I just don't want to feel like I'm pushing for views and follows.
Yes. I got mine from Atheon.
Archon's forge drops up to 400...Feels so good to be back on this, loving the new Rise of Iron content. Got my Warlock and Hunter upto 390 already but man finding nothing at 400. Gonna have to Raid aint I?
Also anyone need to do the Symbol of Honor quest for the Gjallarhorn Y3? I need to do it myself so if anyone wants to hook up let me know. I'll also be doing Nightfall sometime tonight.
Got my Warlock and Hunter upto 390 already but man finding nothing at 400. Gonna have to Raid aint I?
Non challenge?
Bungie really should have just gone all out and used triple grounded modifiers this week and then dub it the no fun allowed week in the weekly update.
Archon's forge drops up to 400...
Many things have rewards up to 400 weekly bounties from Zavala, Shaxx, Arcite; nightfall; CoE; rank up packages; Archon's Forge; Crucible drops.
Doesn't have to be challenge to get it to drop.
What light do I need to be to get 400 drops though? All I'm getting is blues at 385 with the odd few 390 purples.
I did a shit load of Archons forge and 350 Heroic strikes yesterday and today but the results were pretty dissapointing.
Did Bungie adjust drop rates again to give more blues? Last I played back at TTK purples were the more favoured drops.
What light do I need to be to get 400 drops though? All I'm getting is blues at 385 with the odd few 390 purples.
I did a shit load of Archons forge and 350 Heroic strikes yesterday and today but the results were pretty dissapointing.
Did Bungie adjust drop rates again to give more blues? Last I played back at TTK purples were the more favoured drops.
pfffttt easy just rank up your vanguard and your faction of choice and choose package either armor or weapons. It should give you higher light leveled stuff. Also do nightfalls and'll get 400 LL stuff once you reach around 396 or 397 light level...
Unless they changed it recently, the vendor/faction rank up gear is capped at 385/390. It's been a while since I played now, but that was certainly the case before the most recent major update.That's the weird thing I'm getting 385-390 gear from the rank ups.
And they are never odd numbers in between or over it's always 385 or 390.
That's the weird thing I'm getting 385-390 gear from the rank ups.
And they are never odd numbers in between or over it's always 385 or 390.
Chaff isn't fun when you haven't got the maps memorized![]()
Unless they changed it recently, the vendor/faction rank up gear is capped at 385/390. It's been a while since I played now, but that was certainly the case before the most recent major update.
If you do a raid that isn't challenge mode, does it allow respond, or do all updated raids prohibit them?
Non challenge?
Bungie gives us all these elemental primaries and doesn't allow us to take advantage/have fun with them nearly enough with weekly playlists, etc.
What a completely awful Nightfall this week. Not even remotely fun and it has led to terrible LFG sessions where people quit because it's too frustrating.
If the game was properly designed around co-op, it would try to find another player to throw in. But of course, no matchmaking. So the timer goes down while we try to find another player.
But really, even ignoring that, it's just a badly planned Nightfall that simply isn't fun to play.