This might be blasphemy but how is the Division in terms of coop?
I'll join kadeyTrain?
You guys probably discussed this already but I haven't kept up, did anyone notice the white lines to the far right of the weapon stats? See the Impact stat in the screenshot below. This was on a few of the weapons in some of the videos I saw (Not just on the impact stat, and occasionally multiple per gun). Not sure if it's a weird graphical bug or an indicator of some sort (Maybe an indicator that the stat can be increased from it's current point via upgrades).
"The answer to that question is 'no' and the reason it's 'no' is because we want to put the lore in the game," Cotton told me. "We want people to be able to find the lore. All the story is told through the Adventures, it's told through the characters in the world, it's told through the campaign and it's told through scannables you find throughout the world."
Has bungie said anything about Private Matches.
Not in at launch, Luke confirmed in an interview.
Destiny folks: I bought two digital copies of the $99 Destiny 2 game. Where should I enter those codes(bought from Stop Game as I had credit left to use)? Do we redeem our individual codes on our seperate PS4 PSN accounts or is it our Bungie Account? Thanks and cheers!
Destiny folks: I bought two digital copies of the $99 Destiny 2 game. Where should I enter those codes(bought from Stop Game as I had credit left to use)? Do we redeem our individual codes on our seperate PS4 PSN accounts or is it our Bungie Account? Thanks and cheers!
PS store of your PSN account for the game.
Beta code will be redeemed on
A few weeks ago I came back to Destiny after a decent time away (took a step back just before RoI due to new job responsibilities) and have steadily been gearing up (384 right now).
Do people still actively organize groups here on the community board? I remember kyoufu always telling me he always got his groups on here. Up until my departure from the game I relied heavily on, and while it provided me with groups it was never an inclusive community. With D2 just around the corner I thought I might poke my head in here and see if I can sneak into an extra seat!
Anywho, I've been looking to get into the end-game side of things again but I'm having no luck finding a group willing to show me the ropes through the 390 raids (last raid I completed was Kings Fall). I'm around today (1500 JST right now), so if anyone feels like running a raid or other activity, I'd be glad to get up to all sorts of mischief.
Jeepers, trying to hold down a logical argument in the Gaming section threads is a mission XD
I'm convinced they could hit 60 in PVP.
However they won't because they'll want PVP and PVE to feel the same and it'd be jarring as hell going between them.
Ever play a 60FPS game then switch to Destiny immediately afterwards? It hurts and makes the game feel like a slideshow.
Really considering selling the Pro to make a PC. Destiny gunplay with 60 frames and faster turning makes me hard.
Honestly, you could get the B6 which has 28ms input lag. You're not going to notice that 7ms extra latency. It's a lot cheaper than the 2017 models.
Everyone should just stay on ps4
My biggest disappointment from the stream is that we didn't get a fourth race. I really wanted a playable fallen character with 3 new subclasses.
To be completely honest, when they announced pvp was going 4v4, I thought they would announce pve going 4-player-coop for story+strikes and patrol+raids getting upgraded to 8. Now that would have shut all the "mimimi it looks like dlc"-people up.
Other than that, I'm just excited for new content. Don't care if it looks like DLC (what does that even mean?) or if it looks like a completely new game, all I want is fun stuff to do. If the strikes and raid are good and we have a healthy amount of rotating content to do each week and cool stuff to chase I'm good.
Agreed.Also don't get why we can't get static numbers for stats. Once again, having to rely on external programs.
For me it comes down to how encounters play out differently with differentiated weapon and power sets. MOBAs are typically built around 1 static map that never changes, but the class you choose changes your strategy dramatically every time. Similarly, I can replay the hell out of ME3 and somewhat MEA co-op because all of the classes are so different. Was sort of hoping Destiny 2 would push the classes further away from each other and move farther away from melee/grenade/super.I find the idea that a lack of content is alleviated by alts, kind of strange. I mean, you can replay the content on a single character as much as you want. You're just limited to loot once in some of the activities. But Strike playlists and Crucible give loot regardless. So I don't really see the effective difference between playing that stuff on one character vs. 3 characters, except for the fact that you have to grind up 2 additional characters, through story missions and gear acquisition.
I understand what you're saying about having to do stuff multiple times when you're on more than one platform, sure. Outside of weapons though that's still true for alts on the same console.
Destiny folks: I bought two digital copies of the $99 Destiny 2 game. Where should I enter those codes(bought from Stop Game as I had credit left to use)? Do we redeem our individual codes on our seperate PS4 PSN accounts or is it our Bungie Account? Thanks and cheers!
Hey, wo/mayne!
What console are you on? I logged back on to Destiny last night after deciding to take some time off from Over○atch. I'll probably be playing both this and FFXIV.
I'm still pre-RoI and sitting at about 300 Light, but will probably pick it up some time this week. Ideally, I'd like to finish TTK first before everything gets obsolete--gather calc frags, finish the raids / strikes, etc., but probably not going to happen now.
I'm on PS4!
Sup. I'm on PS4. My playtime (I live in Japan so timezone is bit wonky) is pretty sporadic on weekdays due to work but weekends are usually fine. My PSN is Aki-Rouscelia. If you see me online on a Saturday or Sunday US time I can more than likely help out/run content.
In other news, ran 390 Crota last night. Changed quite a bit since the old d/c cheese days haha.
Can I get an invite to discord?
Yeah, I'm on JST too, so most weekday / weekend nights after the kids are in bed (10 pm以降 JST) is pretty good for me.
Your name looks familiar. Were you in the FFXIV thread as well at some point? Or maybe FFXI?
Some pretty cool frame grabs from the event media. Lots of stuff that I'd missed:
Has bungie said anything about Private Matches.
I find the idea that a lack of content is alleviated by alts, kind of strange. I mean, you can replay the content on a single character as much as you want. You're just limited to loot once in some of the activities. But Strike playlists and Crucible give loot regardless. So I don't really see the effective difference between playing that stuff on one character vs. 3 characters, except for the fact that you have to grind up 2 additional characters, through story missions and gear acquisition.
I understand what you're saying about having to do stuff multiple times when you're on more than one platform, sure. Outside of weapons though that's still true for alts on the same console.
Trying to get the Flawless Raider trophy, but me and my gf are having a tough time doing it ourselves. If anyone can help us in Crota's end that'd be great. PSN is Sarobi
Im a completionist. The grimoire has points for all 3 classes. The books have nodes for all 3 classes. Exotic armor is locked to classes. There is a lot of extra content, bars to fill, and things to collect if you have all 3 classes. There's also the fact that running a raid as a hunter is different that titan, imo, etc.
To me, alts give you almost 3x more stuff to do.
Whats the minimun light level for the playlist raid
bungie changing the way you choose perk packs is weird compared to the first game.
If anyone happens to see others asking for discord invites, pretty please have them shoot me a PM. I don't always check this (or any) thread every day anymore, but I always try to stay on top of my PMs.
Train tonight?
I'm hoping it helps Bungie balance the subclasses better than they did in D1bungie changing the way you choose perk packs is weird compared to the first game.
If they do not support HDR, I would be very disappointed.
If they do not support HDR, I would be very disappointed.
So whats the damn secret to getting the new raid shaders to drop? I haven't been able to get a single one to drop since the 390 raids hit.