Damn, might as well just get the whole collection then I guess. That's pricier than I expected in all honesty.RoI by itself is 30 USD.
Damn, might as well just get the whole collection then I guess. That's pricier than I expected in all honesty.RoI by itself is 30 USD.
The D2 strike looks alotta fun.
So I just reached the level cap in the demo and I'm wanting to buy the full game now... Taken King pack is $40AU on PSN, whereas the Collection is about $90. How much is the Rise of Iron DLC by itself? I can't seem to get a price on there without first buying the Taken King pack.
The D2 strike looks alotta fun.
From my experience through GAF, io, /fireteams, Aksis is definitely the most difficult of all the challenges simply because it forces each player to actually move around and actually do something. It's rather surprising how large of a population there is of players that simply aren't able to do anything else besides stand in one place and shot a target. Kings Fall being probably the most guilty of it.
I personally hope that D2 continues in the same vain as WoTM.
From my experience through GAF, io, /fireteams, Aksis is definitely the most difficult of all the challenges simply because it forces each player to actually move around and actually do something. It's rather surprising how large of a population there is of players that simply aren't able to do anything else besides stand in one place and shot a target. Kings Fall being probably the most guilty of it.
I personally hope that D2 continues in the same vain as WoTM.
This is true. I also find that a lot of people get carried through stuff, like a lot. To the point that they don't even really understand the encounter, or least besides "stand here and shoot". The amount of people who have no clue on how to run sword, relic, gaze, whatever it may be, is kinda crazy. On Crota last night I go "OK, who wants to run sword? I can take one" crickets.
I don't like how punishing some raid encounters can be. One tiny mistake and it's a wipe. It's just tedious in the end. Maybe that's just me though.
Also I don't think King's Fall is guilty of being a lazy man's raid. VoG and Crota are far more laid back imo.
This is true. I also find that a lot of people get carried through stuff, like a lot. To the point that they don't even really understand the encounter, or least besides "stand here and shoot". The amount of people who have no clue on how to run sword, relic, gaze, whatever it may be, is kinda crazy. On Crota last night I go "OK, who wants to run sword? I can take one" crickets.
I was thinking through the whole thing "this feels/looks/plays like a Raid".
God damn, I'm so excited for D2![]()
Looks like the best strike they've made yet tbh.
I wanna see the middle of the big digger thing, lol.
I think my problem has more to do with people not bothering to learn the encounters because they either don't learn/aren't taught, or they simply get carried through every time, to the point that if they aren't being taken through by a sherpa they are completely lost.Well, considering how a lone player goes about actually playing a Raid, it's not too surprising. It's probably always going to be with a bunch of strangers who just stomp everything because they've done it 100 times already.
Looking back on VoG, I only really remember having 1 legit challenging run, before everyone's gear made it trivial.
It's just the natural result of how the game is designed. How do you deliver a consistent, challenging experience when the players power is inconsistent?
Just to clear, I'm not complaining about the many times I've been carried by gaffers.
I think my problem has more to do with people not bothering to learn the encounters because they either don't learn/aren't taught, or they simply get carried through every time, to the point that if they aren't being taken through by a sherpa they are completely lost.
I can understand being intimidated doing something like sword, relic, etc. There is pressure, if you mess up it's most likely a wipe, etc.
It can get frustrating is all. I always like to help, have no problem being a sherpa, attempting a carry, all that stuff. But at least try to learn how to play the game you know?
I certainly won't deny that there are those out there that simply refuse to learn. But I don't think the system is very conducive to those that are willing. I played a ton of VoG and Crotas End with Gaffers, never touched the relic, or the sword. I probably would have trouble finding my way past the Gorgons on my own to be honest.
I would be willing to learn, but when you are an hour+ into a raid, fucking around and wasting people's time just doesn't seem worth it. I imagine smacking Crota with sword is fun, but being a guy who shoots things is still alright.
Anyway obviously this doesn't apply if you have a regular group. But for me, and many others, it's a new group of randoms each week.
I'm in Australia. I can get the physical collection for $50AU but I kind of want it digital so I might hold off and wait for a sale.Maybe you bought it already but The collection is $40 on Amazon.
Edit: and the collection is $60 on psn...
I too am teamed up with randoms every week, which is why I learned how to do stuff. Using the sword in Crota is easy, you hold forward and smash him. The only thing you have to think about even is the timing of coming out of the bubble.
I think the system is fine, having the sword or relic or whatever would be random would be annoying, it works in some places like VoG or the daughters in KF, but not everywhere. I guess I don't even know how you would change the system even, make raids easier? That defeats the whole point.
I honestly think the problem comes down to sherpas. I think most of the time it's like "we/I can take of this, you stand there and shoot a sniper." not actually teaching people what to do. Which makes people think that's all they have to do. The amount of people I join on the100 requesting a sherpa from people who have completed the raid multiple, multiple times is crazy. If you've done any raid more than like 3-4 times you shouldn't need a guide, or a carry.
I know i sound like mister elite over here, not trying to at all, because I'm not. I would like to think I'm above average, but who knows if that's right even. It just gets frustrating joining a game and not even being able to get past the first encounter, with people who supposedly know how to do it.
Nothing wrong with having expectations of your teammates. You or anyone else shouldn't feel obligated to carry randos. I'm just throwing around some thoughts about how these problems occur.
As for solutions, I've wondered if they could've tutorialized some of this stuff into missions. We've seen the Oracle and floating platform concepts in story missions, but I don't recall them going further with it.
Does anyone else have trouble tracking targets at close range in the crucible? I've played every Bungie game since 2001 and never had trouble with it in Halo, but in Destiny I can never tell exactly where the enemy is coming from and if they get out of my field of vision I end up spinning in circles trying to find them again. The imprecise radar is maddening. What's the secret? I prefer radar off since it seems like I'm the only one who doesn't know how to use it.
I think my problem has more to do with people not bothering to learn the encounters because they either don't learn/aren't taught, or they simply get carried through every time, to the point that if they aren't being taken through by a sherpa they are completely lost.
I can understand being intimidated doing something like sword, relic, etc. There is pressure, if you mess up it's most likely a wipe, etc.
It can get frustrating is all. I always like to help, have no problem being a sherpa, attempting a carry, all that stuff. But at least try to learn how to play the game you know?
Cool, glad to know it's not just me. I hadn't thought of the FOV but yeah, that's probably the issue...must've been slightly wider in the Halo games.Yeah, I have trouble with this all the time. I end up simply jumping up in the air and try to melee and hope for the best. It's been a while since I've played Halo, but it's extremely noticeable how low the FOV is for this game, especially when I come back to it after playing other FPS.
Oh cool Jeff highlight what that icon next to glimmer was in this, strange dust.
Currency to upgrade items or trade for items that obviously comes from dismantling items.
Hey GAF, whats a good raid for newbies who are around 390 to start and get 390 loot, me and some buddys want to try a raids.
Man the exotic collecting has been a blast this past month. So glad I got back into the game.
I need for armor - ATS/8 ARACHNID, Astrocyte Verse and Dunemarchers. Then First Curse, Chaperone, Dragons Breath and raid exotics for weapons.
Wish I did the Chaperone crucible part the past few weeks during Mayhem/IB. I'll keep trying with 3oC engrams for the Dragons Breath but is it still possible to get the year 1 drop on the older modes? I really want to try it out after seeing that it can be better than Gjallarhorn for certain enemies/bosses.
Loving this still. No regrets. Just did my first strike (The one against Sepiks Prime). First time around I got put in a party with this guy who didn't seem to know what he was doing, so I eventually had to abort as he kept dying over and over again in the first part with 3 waves of enemies.
Tried again and got someone who knew the drill. We were both level 10 so I have to say that the spider tank and Sepiks Prime did feel a bit like bullet sponges. Had to snipe the spider tank from afar and then farm the adds for sniper rifle ammo in order to avoid his one hit kill attack.
Feeling good about my set up so far. Was torn between going Hunter or Warlock but I guess I'm kind of all in on Hunter now haha.
Beam at Beam.pro/PintFullofTokens
Oh for sure, and I agree completely about introducing more raid like mechanics before actually getting to a raid, that's a great idea.
And I think we are kinda saying the same thing at the end of the day, people need to be taught how to do some of this stuff, whether it's the game doing it or random people telling you how to run a sword. In both cases there needs to be something/someone actually teaching things and not just taking on the "hard" stuff and leaving the new guy to stand in the corner and shoot.
Oh yeah, I agree with this 100%. I had the same issue with WotM last week, get in a group and no one wanted to run the charges.It pretty much came down to just me running it alone because no one was comfortable holding a side by themselves.My issue right now is the lack of communication. Like, if I'm going to raid, I know it's a chunk of time. If you aren't familiar with a part of the raid, just say it up front. Don't pretend you know. I tried to start Wrath last week, and nobody was running charges in the first part. Like, that's the easiest part, if you don't know how to do this and are unwilling to say so, then I'm out.
Execution failures I deal with for a little longer, but once it becomes apparent that one/two people keep dying in the same way, I'm out. I get that raids are supposed to be tough, but there's a certain level of survivability needed to even engage with the mechanics, and if you aren't breaching that level, no way are we going to finish.
All of this is a really long-winded way of saying I appreciate all 4 raids cycling, but my raid completions have gone down significantly since that change. Seems like all the "hardcore" came back for Crota/Vault and the latter raids are just folks who haven't or won't admit to never finishing before.
As good as AoT is, I'm pissed about one thing in particular. Vex Mythoclast. It reminds how bullshit year 1 was with Exotics. I hate the rng chase. It's just not fun to re do the same thing every week and continuously receive nothing.
I gave up after 5 weeks x 3 of trying to get the Mythoclast.
I even used 3 Knunckles on my last weekly attempt.
RNGesus has been pretty fickle since AoT came out. Finally got a full set of Crota gear for my hunter. I've been doing that raid every week. Now I can move on to Kings Fall and VoG.
You can buy year 1 exotic engrams from Xur. They are on the expensive side, though.
Screw Taniks. I've wasted 5 or 6 Skeleton Keys on his Strike in an attempt to get the Does Not Bow and Baron's Ambition. Instead, he's given me his cloak 5 or 6 times.
Screw Taniks. I've wasted 5 or 6 Skeleton Keys on his Strike in an attempt to get the Does Not Bow and Baron's Ambition. Instead, he's given me his cloak 5 or 6 times.