July 18th for PS4 pre-order, July 19th for XO
July 21st for all.
Titan shoulders have been upgraded to Blizzard-tier for sure. (Tiers are: Normal, Blizzard, Warhammer40k.)
also picked up one of those snazzy Titan class posters
The other thing is that I love the Defender Titan, personally. Hes a class fantasy that I really likeand in the team too, oh my gosh the sandbox team feels this way as well. So one of the Sentinel trees actually has the option to, when you cast your super, you can press and hold the super activation and youll place a Ward of Dawn instead. I think the Ward of Dawn has this amazing property that I love in our supers when we have them, which is that you can really appreciate a well-placed ward and you can really point at one when your buddy places one badly. It sort of lives there, so it has this lingering effect on combat. It changes the arena in a temporal way, and I think thats an amazing property for a super. I would love to have more things like that in Destiny, and you can see that we do have some more things like that for Titans in the new barricade ability.
Are you guys still going to try to balance unilaterally across PvP and PvE?
Part of the fantasy of Destiny is building your character and taking him or her across all the modes, so that consistency is really important to us. I think that the heart of your question can be interpreted in a bunch of ways, which is why did you nerf my hand cannons in PvE? A question that Ive asked, too.
Right, why are snipers flinching in PvE? It feels like the desire to keep a competitive mode competitive has too much impact on PvE in my opinion and, I think, quite a lot of peoples opinion.
I think that as we set out to build the weapon plan and the way that the talents work in Destiny 2, I think weve gotten more attuned to that, and I think were taking a better whack at it in game two. I totally hear you.
Need a good article to read?
Quick over view
Adventures were originally not replayable, but now are.
Rewards for clans is like winning a Super Bowl ring. Meaning everyone gets a reward. Like engrams etc.
Ward of dawn is back for Sentinel Titan class
Luke dodging questions like a Hunter
No ship combat only loading screen. Rip the dream.
No ranking system for pvp at launch.
No saving loadouts like some destiny apps due(not surprised).
should have exotic armor that's just all Zavala pauldrons
Seems like Bungie is treating the PC version as an afterthought, which is a real shame because right now it seems PC won't be getting content at the same time as the consoles. I'll pass if true.
They said the delay is because they figure it needs to meet "PC quality" or something to that effect. To me it sounds like they're taking extra time to get the game right.
That said, post-launch content not being released at the same time as consoles would be a bit odd.
Meh I don't see this at all. And a month and half isn't that long of a wait.Seems like Bungie is treating the PC version as an afterthought, which is a real shame because right now it seems PC won't be getting content at the same time as the consoles. I'll pass if true.
So one of the Sentinel trees actually has the option to, when you cast your super, you can press and hold the super activation and you'll place a Ward of Dawn instead.
The other thing is that I love the Defender Titan, personally. He's a class fantasy that I really like—and in the team too, oh my gosh the sandbox team feels this way as well. So one of the Sentinel trees actually has the option to, when you cast your super, you can press and hold the super activation and you'll place a Ward of Dawn instead. I think the Ward of Dawn has this amazing property that I love in our supers when we have them, which is that you can really appreciate a well-placed ward and you can really point at one when your buddy places one badly. It sort of lives there, so it has this lingering effect on combat. It changes the arena in a temporal way, and I think that's an amazing property for a super. I would love to have more things like that in Destiny, and you can see that we do have some more things like that for Titans in the new barricade ability.
Probably Old but it's the first time I've seen this
The digital content from the various D2 bundles
Legendary Sword
Legendary Player Emote
Cabal Themed Emblem
Can't unseeLegendary Bulge
I already have destiny vanilla but I want to buy the dlc, I can see that the collection is 29,99 for ps plus members on PSN right now and that the taken King is 9,99$. What I can see is how much rise of iron is costing because I don't have TTK. Can someone please tell me how much it is for ps plus members? I wanna know if both dlc packs are currently cheaper than the collection. (I'm on a budget). Thank you.
We have some different tools at our disposal for Destiny 2 because of the way weve built the weapons. Were actually going to be able to do some different types of modifications to weapons, where in Destiny 1 we largely modified whole archetypes in large balance patches. Lets say Clever Dragon, the high rate-of-fire pulse rifle, is really powerful in the current meta, were going to hit all high rate-of-fire pulse rifles. In Destiny 2, if we have a weapon that is a specific infractor, well have the ability to go in and just touch that.
If we scan the legendary hand cannon weapon spaceand I talk about hand cannons all the time because theyre like my personal fantasy weapon, I love walking around with a giant pistol where accuracy is a priorityand when we see, across the legendary hand cannons, underrepresentation for a particular hand cannon, then well be able to go in and address that hand cannon, not necessarily have to touch every hand cannon in the game when we do it.
I already have destiny vanilla but I want to buy the dlc, I can see that the collection is 29,99 for ps plus members on PSN right now and that the taken King is 9,99$. What I can see is how much rise of iron is costing because I don't have TTK. Can someone please tell me how much it is for ps plus members? I wanna know if both dlc packs are currently cheaper than the collection. (I'm on a budget). Thank you.
Individual weapon balance adjustments is a big step in the right direction.
I recall the Doctrine of Passing being specifically nerfed, though so is this just more options or an easier tool for them to use? Perhaps this lets them override the stats a a gun gets from its archetype (damage, RoF).
I don't recall that gun specifically getting nerfed. It was the archetype that saw a nerf from what I recall.
Clever dragon got hit specifically by clip size and stability nerfs though.
~crestfallen~I think we just had a different fantasy in mind for the Arcstrider from the Bladedancer. I think there are similarities in that they're modal, but theres no stealth capabilities, and thats a key difference. I think the Bladedancer could be, at times, certainly when the game first shipped, very difficult to fight [in PvP], and that the Arcstrider feels more fun and more fair to fight against.
I don't recall that gun specifically getting nerfed. It was the archetype that saw a nerf from what I recall.
is a bit worrying.On the next page: Changes to PvP, leaving lore behind, Guided Games
I'm pretty sure all content is on your ps4 through patches yeah? Just not unlocked. correct me if I'm wrong lol.
I just got a Universal Remote. Is this just a novelty item? A primary shotgun with 3 rounds has me reloading all the time.
Hits like a truck though.
Luke dodging questions like a Hunter
Got to try out Destiny 2 on PC at Nvidia booth.
60fps isn't worth having to use a kb/m.