I'd get smashed in PvP with a controller.Ugh. If they keep balancing the same across PvE/PvP, it's gonna be laaame
You'll prolly be able to hook up a controller and play that way 8D
I'd get smashed in PvP with a controller.Ugh. If they keep balancing the same across PvE/PvP, it's gonna be laaame
You'll prolly be able to hook up a controller and play that way 8D
Got to try out Destiny 2 on PC at Nvidia booth.
60fps isn't worth having to use a kb/m.
What's your experience with PC shooters and M/KB? If very little it eventually becomes like second nature and feels great.
In any case you can use just about any controller (Xbox One Elite being my preference when I use one on any PC game) on PC as well with Destiny 2.
Never played and I don't have a desire to play with a KB.What's your experience with PC shooters and M/KB? If very little it eventually becomes like second nature and feels great.
In any case you can use just about any controller (Xbox One Elite being my preference when I use one on any PC game) on PC as well with Destiny 2.
Git gudGot to try out Destiny 2 on PC at Nvidia booth.
60fps isn't worth having to use a kb/m.
Got to try out Destiny 2 on PC at Nvidia booth.
60fps isn't worth having to use a kb/m.
It does. DeeJ was just on Gamespot talking about how he will be playing on PC with a controller.I'm going to play Destiny 2PC with a controller. It'd be really silly if it doesn't support controller.
Z X C V and Ctrl or Alt hotkeys always bother me. Always.
Try moving some of those functions to a gaming mouse that has extra buttons and/or re-bind those functions to other keys until you find something that is comfortable.
For instance my rule of thumb for FPS has always been...
WSAD for Movement/Strafing
R for Reload
Space for Jumping
Shift for Sprinting
Control for Crouching
...and then I'll move other functions depending on the game to more natural feeling controls whether it be on the mouse or keyboard.
Does anyone know when the next part of the PC Gamer interview goes up because
is a bit worrying.
Edit: Never mind they linked it wrongly
It works for every end game activity that previously didnt have match-making, even Trials.Any word on that yet? Was really hoping to get clarification on whether or not Guided Games worked with Heroic difficulty or not.
I'm not big on offloading a ton of keys to the mouse. I prefer to use two additional side mouse buttons max. It's just one of those things. I've never gotten used to using a ton of hotkeys on FPS. Have primarily been an MMO player on PC. And I always used a seperate keypad accessory rather than offloading hotkeys to the mouse.
It works for every end game activity that previously didnt have match-making, even Trials.
Edit: Hmmm..looks like Heoric modes still need confirmation.
The PS exclusive armor looks amazing, especially the Titan.
The PS exclusive armor looks amazing, especially the Titan.
I like the Warlock one.Those look... bad :/
The PS exclusive armor looks amazing, especially the Titan.
So whats all in the Rise of Iron DLC? Pretty into the idea of Destiny 2, got 1 and the dlc before this but never had anyone to play with so I dropped it pretty quick. Also not into the PVP.
The DLC worth it or should I just hold out for the second game in October?
I don't own a PC and I'm not buying/building one for one game, however good it looks. I'm not that hardcore about graphics.
He said they learned lessons about 'gathering spin metal' which hopefully means less grind than before.
edit: Confirmed, less chore count too.
He said they learned lessons about 'gathering spin metal' which hopefully means less grind than before.
edit: Confirmed, less chore count too.
The more interesting thing I thought that I didn't hear before is that they have a new death penalty for hard raids so that people aren't sitting around watching people play.
If they make wiping costly then good luck getting players trying your hard mode, Bungie.
If they make wiping costly then good luck getting players trying your hard mode, Bungie.
Playing with randoms usually results in people playing it like they play clash - if you find a team actually going for the objective you're screwed.Trying Rift for the first time and just getting stomped repeatedly - I'm talking 12000 > 1000. The matchmaking for this mode either sucks or not enough people are playing it. I'd rather be doing Clash but I want to get the weekly bounty...
Yeah that's pretty much how it's been so far. Also waiting 10 minutes + to find games. Need 9 more kills and I can go back to just playing Clash :/Playing with randoms usually results in people playing it like they play clash - if you find a team actually going for the objective you're screwed.
Nothing carries over anywhereHas bungle said is there's any way to spend your destiny 1 Xbox charter over to the PlayStation version. I'm really thinking about buying a PS4 to play destiny 2 on, but I wouldn't want to lose on what ever small rewards I got from playing destiny 1 and the destiny 2 beta.
Nothing carries over anywhere