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Deus Ex: The Fall (PC) |OT| iNever Asked For This

Well look: ideally they'd have gone to the game's template, overhauled the engine (which is Unity) to the Human Revolution engine (dated as it is), and enhanced the game mechanics, AI, depth of interactivity and so on to be more like a stand-alone Missing Link. It would have been a big job as a copy/paste would just break the game, but that would be ideal.

What instead they've done is just direct port the game. Yes, it's annoying, because it means you get a stripped down version of Deus Ex lacking in interactive depth, and it doesn't feel right with a keyboard, but it does work and in their defence they haven't advertised it as anything but a port. It's pretty much "Did you not play this? Well, now you can", and I fit that category.

But technical issues are where I draw the line. If cutscene and radio dialogue disappears in half a second or cuts out instantly I'm missing chunks of story. If the mouse aiming and movement is occasionally stuttering I'm struggling to play an already basic game. These are game breaking bugs and thus nobody should spend a cent (assuming you still want what you're getting) until they're fixed.

EDIT: Like I get that it cops shit for being super watered down and limited, but I guess it doesn't bother me any more than Peace Walker in the MGS HD Collection lacking the interactive depth of MGS3. They're both portable ports, gameplay restrictions. Total remake/overhaul would be nice, but whatever. I just want a functional game.

Given all the technical issues, I'm extremely confused as to why they decided to release it EARLY of all things. The only explanation I can think of is that they had no plans on spending a penny more on the port, and decided they might as well just release it now. Which doesn't give me much hope for them releasing a patch anytime soon.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Given all the technical issues, I'm extremely confused as to why they decided to release it EARLY of all things. The only explanation I can think of is that they had no plans on spending a penny more on the port, and decided they might as well just release it now. Which doesn't give me much hope for them releasing a patch anytime soon.

Yeah, it's weird. Unless the QA department that handled this is awful or borderline non-existent, and SE were under the impression all was fine, I don't see why a broken port would be pushed though early.


I can confirm gamepad issues too. Specifically, I noticed that the menus don't really work with the xbox 360 controller very well.

I'm also really confused with the quickpad assignment of weapons. I wasn't really able to get it to work with either a controller or keyboard/mouse setup.

Will post more impressions when I get around to it after work today. I'd advise against buying though, especially if you were planning on couching it with a controller.


Ok, I got a chance to putz around on it for about 40 minutes after work just now. I started over from the beginning to make sure I wasn't missing anything important. I got through the very first mission, so I don't think I'm far into the game but at least enough to get first impressions.

I mentioned earlier that gamepad functionality wasn't present on the menu. Turns out it's only the main menu,and only the (select and deselect) that don't work (a and b). Certainly a pretty huge bug at the start of the game that erodes a bit of confidence in the QA process. But, thankfully all other menus do seem functional with the gamepad.

The quickslot stuff I talked about does work, it's just confusing. The tutorial doesn't really do a great job explaining that you have to menu surf for a lot of these things, and kind of just does it for you most of the time. But, after I figured it out it's fine, for the most part.

A bit more laughable was a later tutorial
picking up mines
mentioning the virtual keyboard (ala IOS). I think that at some point they just gave up QAing and decided to leave the explanations as is -- there was no confusion on what to do on my part but maybe it's because I remember that being in DE:HR.

Last point -- the save anywhere feature might be a bit dangerous. On the 360 controller it's the back key. I managed to save in a very hairy spot in the middle of the first mission
Specifically, there's a part where they ask you to throw an EMP at a robot sentry to disable it. So, I totally whiff and the sentry is coming after me, and all I've got is my lousy rifile, low on bullets, and a pistol. And of course, first thing I accidentally hit is the save button.
Luckily, I managed to recover from it but I can see that being very dangerous.

So, second impressions -- not as bad as first impressions but still overall negative. I'm in this for atmosphere alone though so we'll see how it goes from here on out. I'm thinking it might be better to just crack open my DE:HR Director's edition cut though.
I can confirm gamepad issues too. Specifically, I noticed that the menus don't really work with the xbox 360 controller very well.

I'm also really confused with the quickpad assignment of weapons. I wasn't really able to get it to work with either a controller or keyboard/mouse setup.

Will post more impressions when I get around to it after work today. I'd advise against buying though, especially if you were planning on couching it with a controller.

menus work for me. I had to enable "gamepad" for it to work in the options though which is stupid.


Dreadful port: pretty sure there's mouse acceleration and no option to turn off, sound bugs that override some dialogue and in-game sounds (gunshots, footsteps, etc) to mute while background music plays (turning down music to 0 does nothing), weird mouse stuttering at random points almost like what you see when a multiplayer game is lagging hard.

I can hack not having graphics upgraded. I can kinda hack the game design being restricted to what was on iOS (eg: no jump, no iron sights, overall limited in depth and control compared to Human Revolution), but these technical issues are unacceptable.


Looks like they should have stuck with the original release date and patch this fucker up. Then again, looks like it would need more than a week to fix its issues.


Sometimes when I click the menu buttons nothing happens. I have to click a second time in order to navigate the menus
Is it same for everyone else?


TotalBiscuit made a video.







Unconfirmed Member
So glad I didn't pre-order.... I was looking forward to this so it's a real shame it turned out badly. Basic I was expecting but poor quality just really isn't good enough.
Just watching TB's video for this, the camera recoil effect for when you fire your weapons is so hilariously awful. It's kind of bad on the pistol but laughably terrible on the shotgun.
There's so many loading screens. They literally did nothing to optimise this game for the PC. A lot of the mechanics are horrendously flawed (the cover system) or just outright terrible (shooting from cover, the camera recoil effect) and they didn't take the time to fix any of them.

This is a high end mobile app? Not in terms of quality, obviously, but price? And it's by Eidos Montreal?


tbh, I thought it was ok. Mobile origins are clear. Thought it was just a retread of Detroit so surprised when Panama opened up. Gameplay felt like HR. Current story is nothing but filler. Only bug I had was the annoying mouse acceleration.

Card Boy

This is gonna sound dirty but anyone got a The Fall key from the Square Enix humble bundle they don't want? As a Deus Ex fan i want to try this despite the shitty shooting, glitches and crap textures.
The game is having serious issue with gamepad. I bought it from steam sales for like 2$ but you can't aim for shit as when you release ads it shoots


Want to know something amazing?

I started this and within 5 minutes (first warehouse area) I got stuck in the map. Something on the floor caught me and I was stuck to the spot, unable to move. I loaded up the save. Exact same spot. Loaded it up several times, just would not budge. I was stuck.

To compound matters, there's only one save slot.

To send matters to Hell straight up Satan's arse - you cannot start a new game.

In other words, getting stuck on the floor meant I had to delete the profile completely/uninstall. LOL! Now imagine if that had happened 2/3s of the way through.
Want to know something amazing?

I started this and within 5 minutes (first warehouse area) I got stuck in the map. Something on the floor caught me and I was stuck to the spot, unable to move. I loaded up the save. Exact same spot. Loaded it up several times, just would not budge. I was stuck.

To compound matters, there's only one save slot.

To send matters to Hell straight up Satan's arse - you cannot start a new game.

In other words, getting stuck on the floor meant I had to delete the profile completely/uninstall. LOL! Now imagine if that had happened 2/3s of the way through.
Wait, what? You can't start a new game? What the HEEEECCCK?!

I've never heard of any game that has disallowed such a thing... DE: The Fall is truly one of a kind.

Aside, but I hope no one ever mistakes The Fall for Deus Ex: The Fall.
Got 15 minutes in and wanted to shoot myself because it's so mediocre. I could probably tolerate the janky subpar mobile friendly gameplay if the story was good but it's so terribly delivered I can barely put it into words.


Yeah man, game's screwed if you get stuck on anything at all. You can't even just go back to the main menu, it doesn't allow it!
Yeah man, game's screwed if you get stuck on anything at all. You can't even just go back to the main menu, it doesn't allow it!

What the fuck, seriously... I thought it was just a really badly designed game, but this is on a whole 'nother level.

I think everyone should get a refund for this piece of trash. That Square-Enix even thought to release DETF shows exactly what they think of their customers, or at least the bar of quality that is deemed acceptable to them.

Card Boy

I clocked this yesterday. Not as bad as i was expecting, i think they also fixed the insane recoil on those gifs posted earlier (at least on the shotgun and assault rifles). I played the game going full stealth and i kinda of liked it?
With Mankind Divided on the brain I figure a "bite-sized" Deus Ex experience would be perfect for me. How is this game for stealth? Can you play it with no casualties?


With Mankind Divided on the brain I figure a "bite-sized" Deus Ex experience would be perfect for me. How is this game for stealth? Can you play it with no casualties?

You can, but I'd still say the game's not worth it.

Also, having played IW and this, I can now say I've played the full series.
Neither is worth it.
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