I just ran the full game description through google translate so excuse the Denglish:
With the DeutschGAF Posting Simulator 2016 simulator of diverse and exciting career of NeoGAF posters will be shown on dataways realistic in a game for the first time. Slip into the role of a NeoGAF memeber and experience challenging threads on NeoGAF's fastest boards.
On a section of 40 km dataway different scenarios for a variety of exciting tasks care. Your profile, the Gaming Site, OT and communities provide a realistic backdrop. Secure accident sites with appropriate equipment, which you can take your post and take the accidents. It offers fully furnished members are available. For additional drama of emergency vehicles mod and admin care at the site.
Take advantage of the "post" indication of your website and "quote" They thus controlling threads from the flow of traffic. Check poster on drink posting or browse the posts on backseat modding. The control of the ThoseDeafMutes seal is part of the object of the dataway patrol, as well as surveys of Goldmember- / inside or querying the data. For speed control provides you with a civilian posting style. Controlling of rest periods for trolls is also on your roster: Check the rage of the poster is properly secured and the junior stops his rest periods. It may also happen that a suspect seeks salvation in bans - then you put him in a thrilling post chase! Realistic radio communications ensures the right atmosphere during the missions.
Variety creates a day and night mode. Spectacular red light tinychats at night for added excitement!
Floating camera positions outside of the computer you are available as well as a view directly from the browser.
Do you have a gamepad or steering wheel, so you can control the game comfortably about.
Take the trowel in hand and become the guardians of law and order in one of the most exciting areas of the NeoGAF poster everyday life - on the dataway!
Ca. 40 km dataway route
Two emergency acounts (mod and member)
Female and male character
Accident Recording
securing of accident sites
chase down fleeing suspects
Extracted Wave conspicuous posts off the road
Speed ​​control of the civilian post out, followed by control and instruction
Troll: check rest periods and rage securing
Participate timeliness check
Use of alcohol and drugs at the wheel
missions by day and night
acounts of the mod and the admin services on site
Realistic Radiocommunications
Support for Gamepad and steering wheel
System Requirements:
Processor: Quad Core CPU 3 GHz (64-bit)
Operating system: Windows 7/8 (64 bit)
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics card:. DirectX 11 GPU 1GB VRAM, NVIDIA GTX 760, for example, or the like (onboard graphics cards may work but are not supported)
HDD: 5GB free hard disk space
For the game a one-time activation through Steam is required. For this purpose, an Internet connection is required.
PEGI 15 is for nudity and cartoon violence I believe.
GunslingerVit said:★★★★★ - Don't listen to the 1 star reviews... Posting Simulator 2016 is Grossartig!
By GunslingerVit on October 17, 2015
Platform: PC | 385 of 397 people found this review helpful
If you've ever played Posting Simulator 2015 then your going to love this, this game is not boring, there's alot to do and it challenges the hardcore gamer in you. Easy to learn, hard to master.
Overall its a HUGE improvement over Posting Simulator 2015. It's brighter and more colorful, the users come to life in this game. It also offers a funnier interaction between mods and users. People who care about graphics will frolick, but I'd like to point out that if you choose a game by its graphics then your never going to enjoy good games. (Graphics are great anyway)
***THIS GAME IS RATED MATURE!!!***: so parents if you don't think your kids aren't mature enough to handle this thread then DONT buy it for them. I'm sick of seeing parents complaining and the news making Posting Simulator 2016 out to be a game that makes kids do bad things. The content is for mature users only, dealing with sex life advice, politics, etc.
There are great content DLC and community mods, adding great in-depth discussion on weather ("Look it's gray again!"), new downloadable skins ("whoa, this a great wolf skin!!1") and terrifing and unforeseeable plot advancement ("The outcome of the local elections did suprise me!").
The are two things that I do hate in this game is that it's too realistic. First, if you insult other users, try to be misogynic or homophobic, there is a high probality that you will get banned by mods. Second, some users use cheats by voluntarily asking mods for bans. For other users they then look like Jesus, being killed and rebirthed again. Probably they got the F2P Gold account. However, balancing is still great though.
My final verdict:
All in all, this is my GOTY so far. Posting Simulator 2016 has made Germany German again. Go, kauf es!
Hammer24 said:★★ - Don't believe the hype!
By Hammer24 on Smarch 34, 1984
Platform: PC | 42 of 7653287 people found this review helpful
DeutschGAF just shot themselves in the foot.
I don't know how much the rest of you know about German culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Germany, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.
What this means is the German public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase Posting Simulator for either system, nor will they purchase any of DeutschGAF's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but DeutschGAF has alienated an entire market with this move.
DeutschGAF, publicly apologize and cancel Posting Simulator or you can kiss your business goodbye.
After 31 years in development, DeutschGAF finally released their game.
As it is, it is not even half a package. While technically in full working order, you need to buy the Season Pass to get anything resembling a full product. Does this nickel and diming never stop?! They did not even include a single player mode, yet still ask full prize.
My final verdict:
If you have some people to coop with, at least the mini games like "Gameproffs Facepalms and how to heal the bruising afterwards" give you a couple of minutes of fun and medical entertainment.
Wait for the DLC!
★★★★ - Amazon sent me this by mistake, pleasantly surprised
By FliXFantatier on October 17, 2015
Platform: SUN Workstation | 3.1415 of 42 people found this review helpful
Being very punctual, efficient and orderly I was looking forward to the followup to the wildly popular and successful Bureaucracy Simulator 2013
namely Bureaucracy Simulator 2015 - Die Zuchtmeisterin Edition. Marred by various scandals (VW, NSA, NSB, NSU, BKA, BWM, IRA, BKK,
ARD, ZDF und C&A) 2015 was looking like a dud. Nevertheless being a big fan I ordered it anyway. At then end of the day I have trust in the
developers they did bring us Goethe, Schiller, Luther Sr. and Göringafter all.-Eckardt
Fortunately Amazon EU s.a.r.l. based in Luxemburg in order to save on taxes (which are aimed at funding our socialist paradise) fucked up and
sent me the Posting Simulator 2015 instead. (I'm out ahead because it is 4.99 more expensive! I am sure to be able to add a tax deduction
for the difference in Anlage V2 §12 page 34 of my monthly tax return)
The core mechanics are well established and haven't changed in recent iterations.
Discussions about US culture often end up with lots of rolling eyes while secretly everyone still loves our big brother over the pond and we are just
dismayed about how hard the bald eagle can crash and burn sometimes. High expectations are easier not to meet than low ones I guess.
Everyone (even children) insists on taking off their clothes to go into the sauna which I'm sure takes some time to get used to for some folk, but
it's a well established tradition in many parts of Europe.
One thing I wish they would finally learn and take note of from the Monarchy Simulator Team is the queuing mechanic. I get very frustrated with the
bad implementation in Posting Simulator.
I will deduct one star because it does get repetitive quite quickly, however there is enough newness sprinkled about to keep you hooked for months
to come.
Oh and before I forget the bread is fantastic!
My final verdict:
Just try it, what's the worst that could happen? You're not going to end up invading Poland by mistake that's for sure.
Patrick Bateman said:"meh"
1/5 stars
★★★★ - Same procedure as every year James
By ocesc on October 17, 2015
Platform: Google Fire Edge | 1945 of 2015 people found this review helpful
In a way these yearly Posting Simulator releases are getting somewhat repetitive. It feels like everything was done before and thus not feeling as fresh as it should. But every time the new iteration comes around I cave in. It sure delivers the feel of a real NeoGAF conversation, although avatar quotes are rare and GIFs not as funny as in the real thing.
I also quite like the "Try to get banned"-Mode in which you compete with other players to get banned first. Sadly there are some cheaters around already. Some random dude who calls himself 'Milchjon' just politely asked a Mod to ban him and it worked! I honestly feel that shouldn't be possible. (Hence only four stars)
Final verdict: the game is great to get used to the (at times) pretty harsh tone in the real forums, but also to test out the boundaries without risking your real account. There also are some quite interesting modes which sadly are frequented by cheaters.
DerZuhälter;192840053 said:Beim Posting Simulator 2016, kommt mir der Story-Aspekt zu kurz. Schlechte Charaktere, unlogische Handlungen dieser. Nach nur wenigen Stunden ist man bereits mit End-Game Content konfrontiert, der eigentlich nur masochistisch veranlagten Spielernaturen gefallen wird. Es ist Grinding par Excellence, der durch das nicht vorhandensein von Stats zu einer verhängnisvollen Sucht werden kann. Eine vielleicht treffende Beschreibung wäre es als ein Clicker-Spiel ohne Click-Counter zu bezeichnen.
Die Zwecklosigkeit dieses Spiels ist Charm und Verhängnis zugleich. Mit Simulation hat es somit nichts zu tun, oder vielleicht ist die Simulation auch schon zu perfekt realisiert.

Wall of shame from the original thread as requested:

Will update later