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Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition |OT| Two girls, one motivated Vergil


TECHNICALLY... DMC 2 comes after DMC 4.

But they wouldn't be referring to that, would they?

DMC5 won't enter production until the standalone re-remaster of DMC2 sells five million copies.

So based on some of the balancing gripes I'm seeing, anyone thinking we'll get patches?

Also, I'd love to play as Credo. Have him be like Alastor from Viewtiful Joe, where the game gives you gimped abilities and forces you to really focus on usage of DT. Not sure how it'd work in this game, but I trust in the forces of Itsuno.

I'd like a playable Credo even if he were stuck in his Angelo form and mostly used the animations from his boss fight - like DMC3 Vergil, the work done on him as a boss might be similar enough to existing playable characters to not be too difficult to repurpose. Though the basic gimmicks would likely be retreads of Vergil's; maybe he could be differentiated with a mechanic revolving around his shield which functions as an expansion of Royal Guard; as well as a greater variety of summoned sword patterns to make up for his lack of offensive options and a teleport closer to Air Trick. He'd probably be fairly limited, but it sounds more interesting than the current version of Trish. And the series needs a joke character of some sort if they're planning on continuing the focus on an extended cast - even Bayonetta had Little King Zero.


How are you suppoesd to deal with armored enemies? I usually just go ham with spiral swords and sword storm to break guard. Are guns/swords the best way to break guard?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
How are you suppoesd to deal with armored enemies? I usually just go ham with spiral swords and sword storm to break guard. Are guns/swords the best way to break guard?

Bait a charge, roll. Lay into their back, essentially.


Santa May Claus
How are you suppoesd to deal with armored enemies? I usually just go ham with spiral swords and sword storm to break guard. Are guns/swords the best way to break guard?

Jump over them and hit them from behind. Nero's Snatch ability will actually pull him over so he crosses behind for a hit.


Michellegun posted a video showing instant charge Round Trips with Vergil... even when Force Edge is away from Vergil. Seems like you can use the charge of the Beowulf moves to transfer charge into Round Trip as it comes back. This allows you to have almost no downtime between Round Trip active times if you set it up.

We are still a long way from anyone coming close to mastering Vergil or showing the extent of his power level.
Finished Mission 15 in the Nero/Dante campaign. Maybe it's because I sold my abilities short before hand, but I found myself doing somewhat close to satisfactory performance with Dante. Managing style switching has gotten better for me, and am managing somewhat better against enemies than I did years back (although Blitzes still fucked me up bad, Vergil's strategies against them have spoiled me). The Dagon fight actually went particularly well getting the style meter at least up to a high B, as opposed to Echidna hovering in the C range.

But now I have Pandora, and I'm expecting the one way cycle switching for guns to fuck my game up once again. I can never get used to it. I'm still enjoying my time with Dante again and slowly learning him more and more, but fuck it if I just want to go back to Vergil and go ham on everything. Especially for some of the remaining secret missions.
Repeatedly getting red and purple circles in this board mini-game on LDK is by far the most un-fun shit I've done in a video game in a while. I'm probably gonna start over on Son of Sparda.
I honestly thought I was gonna hate the final dice sequence from all of the hate I've read, but I actually really enjoyed it. I could see it being annoying on higher difficulties but it worked for me on Devil Hunter with Lady

If anything the first time is way worse just because it seems kinda pointless, but obviously it's there to teach it to you...
You can hit it to get the roll you want...

Triangle with Lady, O with Nero.

Does one of those work with Vergil?

I honestly thought I was gonna hate the final dice sequence from all of the hate I've read, but I actually really enjoyed it. I could see it being annoying on higher difficulties but it worked for me on Devil Hunter with Trish

If anything the first time is way worse just because it seems kinda pointless, but obviously it's there to teach it to you...

The long dice game at the end with Lady wasn't too bad for me. I never made a full circuit around any of the maps, so it went fairly quickly.
Yea I am also someone who struggles greatly with triple weapon swap. Double weapon swap is ideal for me.
Yah triple weapon switch sucks,which makes me wonder how Itsuno will handle Dante in DMC5. I think Itsuno will reduce Dante's complexity down considerably because he will most likely be the main playable character after taking a backseat for so long (just look at DMC4:SE Vergil, easier execution).

Also I've been reading the opinions of some of the better DMC players and they feel Vergil is a mixed bag (in DMC4:SE), while I personally love how Vergil plays probably because he's less technical than Dante (and easier for me to play him).. Feels like a Nero with more options, because I personally felt Nero needed at least one more weapon to make him complete in my eyes.


Fuck, dual Blitzes took me out

Yah triple weapon switch sucks,which makes me wonder how Itsuno will handle Dante in DMC5. I think Itsuno will reduce Dante's complexity down considerably because he will most likely be the main playable character after taking a backseat for so long (just look at DMC4:SE Vergil, easier execution).

Also I've been reading the opinions of some of the better DMC players and they feel Vergil is a mixed bag (in DMC4:SE), while I personally love how Vergil plays probably because he's less technical than Dante (and easier for me to play him).. Feels like a Nero with more options, because I personally felt Nero needed at least one more weapon to make him complete in my eyes.

Yeah, right now I love Vergil in DMC4. He's basically what I always wanted but never got from Nero. He's also slightly less technical than Dante IMO, which at least for me makes him more playable.
The long dice game at the end with Lady wasn't too bad for me. I never made a full circuit around any of the maps, so it went fairly quickly.
Whoops, forgot it was Lady and not Trish

There was a couple of times where I made a full cycle, but once I stopped caring and just went with it I had a lot more fun. The last few boards I sped through relatively quickly, and it's just a lot of fun to destroy bosses in less than a minute with max charged Kalina Ann

Can someone edit this with Bish on top of Dante and it flashing "BANNED" at the bottom?


I'm not near the game right now, but I need some help. You know that rushdown attack Vergil does where you hold R1 + Forward + Triangle with Yamato? I know you can do a mid-attack launch with it, but I have no idea how. The game says to hold Triangle after the attack, but that only lets me charge the Yamato.


Itsuno isn't going to go for triple weapon swap unless it's like Lady/Vergil where you can reverse switch so that the weapon you want is always one click away. That said I don't think he will make a system where you need two buttons to swap through a single category of weapons. It severely limits the potential toolset of the character.

I think Itsuno can consider the using the weapons pair swap from Bayonetta especially for someone like Nero.

I'm not near the game right now, but I need some help. You know that rushdown attack Vergil does where you hold R1 + Forward + Triangle with Yamato? I know you can do a mid-attack launch with it, but I have no idea how. The game says to hold Triangle after the attack, but that only lets me charge the Yamato.
Did you buy the Rising Star move? You basically just hold down Triangle when you do the move, not after it (so you hold down forward, you hold down Triangle and you hold down R1). Milliom Stab with Vergil is done in the same manner.


Vergil feels like the perfect middle ground between Nero and Dante. Nero doesn't have a lot going on in terms of weaponry and I don't like having to time his exceed button presses, and Dante is way too complex and I can't wrap my head around his gameplay. But Vergil feels juuuuust right.
Itsuno isn't going to go for triple weapon swap unless it's like Lady/Vergil where you can reverse switch so that the weapon you want is always one click away. That said I don't think he will make a system where you need two buttons to swap through a single category of weapons. It severely limits the potential toolset of the character.

I think Itsuno can consider the using the weapons pair swap from Bayonetta especially for someone like Nero.

Did you buy the Rising Star move? You basically just hold down Triangle when you do the move, not after it (so you hold down forward, you hold down Triangle and you hold down R1). Milliom Stab with Vergil is done in the same manner.

Regardless custom loadouts is a must. I hate the triple switch. I tried to bring this up in the chat so that Itsuno gets the hint but I got shot down by some weekend warrior hardcore DMC fan telling me to git gud. What an idiot. I know i'm not the only one who prefers swapping over cycling, snd custom loadouts is needed for DMC5. The inclusion of Trish makes me hopeful that they realize people have custom tastes.
So, this is stupid realization on my part, but I really just came to the thought that I will have to switch to Trish in my Trish/Lady campaign. I'm playing that campaign now on Dark Knight. I have absolutely no idea how I'm going to handle the hordes of enemies without Lady's ridiculous blasts and shit. I mean, duh and all, it's Lady/Trish, I know, but that really just occurred to me after getting sweeped up in all the craziness that is Lady. I think I may have made a terrible mistake.

Girlfriend please. Roundtrip then r1 forward or back charge triangle.



Pretty sure even Itsuno has said that he wants weapons to be available instantly to use so yeah going forward we probably won't be seeing toggle swaps.
The fact that Vergil has a damage-dealing taunt makes me so happy.
DMC5 won't enter production until the standalone re-remaster of DMC2 sells five million copies.

I'd like a playable Credo even if he were stuck in his Angelo form and mostly used the animations from his boss fight - like DMC3 Vergil, the work done on him as a boss might be similar enough to existing playable characters to not be too difficult to repurpose. Though the basic gimmicks would likely be retreads of Vergil's; maybe he could be differentiated with a mechanic revolving around his shield which functions as an expansion of Royal Guard; as well as a greater variety of summoned sword patterns to make up for his lack of offensive options and a teleport closer to Air Trick. He'd probably be fairly limited, but it sounds more interesting than the current version of Trish. And the series needs a joke character of some sort if they're planning on continuing the focus on an extended cast - even Bayonetta had Little King Zero.
Well my logic is that Credo still has basic combat abilities: sword attacks, an Exceed function, jump, dodge roll. But in order to access higher abilities you have to access DT. So projectiles, double jumps, etc. all require you to be in DT mode. I think it'd be a really interesting character.
I honestly thought I was gonna hate the final dice sequence from all of the hate I've read, but I actually really enjoyed it. I could see it being annoying on higher difficulties but it worked for me on Devil Hunter with Lady

If anything the first time is way worse just because it seems kinda pointless, but obviously it's there to teach it to you...

Dice games aren't even bad. Roll for the yellow spaces. When the number at the top shows up, melee attack it and get that number. Lady is the hardest because she has some wind-up, but all that means is that you have to know the number beforehand in order to prep for that swing.

Once I figured out how to manipulate the dice games, they just became a small waste of time.
And done. All three campaigns complete, and I've unlocked every last ability in the roster. Aside from the Super versions of characters, I'm just missing the EX colors for Lady and Trish, plus the last 4 secret missions that need to be completed.

Vergil campaign is still the favorite for me, just because his tools have much more immediate use and impact compared to Nero and Dante, while the Lady/Trish campaign provides some nice novelty and perspective on the enemy encounters and bosses. It may or may not have been due to being the third time I played through it on this version, but I got really worn out near the end of the Nero/Dante campaign like I did in the original version. It's real damn hard to go back to those characters after playing the new ones.

Next on the list, take some shots at Bloody Palace (mainly for recording combos) while mixing things up with Legendary Dark Knight.


What suggestions do you guys have for alternate methods of weapon switching but still having access to the three weapons?

Was thinking about it yesterday and:

1. Let the characters other than Dante (if he retains his styles) put their weapon switch on the d-pad.
2. Allow a classic style MGS weapon/item switch, tap to cycle through or hold to temporarily pause (or slow down, like in God Hand when you choose a God Reel) the action on screen and then choose your weapon.

Oddly enough, when I was playing Bayonetta (especially the Lost Chapter) and went back to DMC3 I kind of found myself missing the triple weapon switch from DMC4.

*Is up to Credo in Bloody Palace*

oh shit this is the furthest i've ever gotten

Damn, so close to the end. Which character were you using?

After you mentioned Credo, the dual blitzes were the first thing that came to mind as the roadblock, very unfortunate those assholes screwed you over.


It's real damn hard to go back to those characters after playing the new ones.

Kind of the opposite for me. I find that i do alot better and am more comfortable with the old characters than the new ones meaning i play with them more often.
Finishing the BP as Nero yesterday and seeing how i struggled at certain stages has me doubting i'll be able to finish it with the other characters. But that single run managed to knock off 4 BP trophies which was pretty cool to see pop up at the end. (S-rank, Sub 2hrs , turbo , Nero)

i've got Human , LDK , SoS and HoH done. Just need to do DH and DMD before i go for the S rank trophies which shouldnt be too hard as i got S on most of the missions. I think the biggest challenge wont be style or orbs for DMD/LDK but the fact that you can die so easily and so fast.


I made an attempt at Gene. Unfortunately, when it's over Nero the coat's animation is really messy, and parts of the model don't display when it's on Vergil.

What suggestions do you guys have for alternate methods of weapon switching but still having access to the three weapons?

Was thinking about it yesterday and:

1. Let the characters other than Dante (if he retains his styles) put their weapon switch on the d-pad.
2. Allow a classic style MGS weapon/item switch, tap to cycle through or hold to temporarily pause (or slow down, like in God Hand when you choose a God Reel) the action on screen and then choose your weapon.

Oddly enough, when I was playing Bayonetta (especially the Lost Chapter) and went back to DMC3 I kind of found myself missing the triple weapon switch from DMC4.

The d-pad weapon switching would be my preferred option; with the Bayonetta setup second - I can't ever imagine wanting them to take the massive step back of forcing you into a menu whenever you want to switch weapons.

For characters with more than three weapons, or Dante assuming his style switching remains intact; ideally the number of available weapons would be customisable - if you want to focus on a given two; that's possible, but the option to have everything in the game open to you is also there. Alternatively, perhaps you could give Dante the option of using the other characters' multi-directional d-pad weapon switch and putting two styles on each of the triggers; toggled via double-press similar to Dark Slayer in 4.

Well my logic is that Credo still has basic combat abilities: sword attacks, an Exceed function, jump, dodge roll. But in order to access higher abilities you have to access DT. So projectiles, double jumps, etc. all require you to be in DT mode. I think it'd be a really interesting character.

That would be something fairly unique among the existing characters - there are DT-exclusive mechanics and moves, but it's never been used to change a character's moveset and style of play completely. If that concept ever gets used in the series going forward, it most likely wouldn't be for Credo himself, but something filling that niche could work really well as a bonus character, or even a variation of the existing playable characters - it'd probably have a much more interesting effect on gameplay than the 'super' versions. Though in practice it might end up like a less skill-based version of Must Style mode...


I made an attempt at Gene. Unfortunately, when it's over Nero the coat's animation is really messy, and parts of the model don't display when it's on Vergil.

have you figured out how to remove parts from the .mod files?
i've screwed around switching outfits between dante and vergil but the main thing holding me back is how their gauntlets will show up permanently


Updated trainer in my mod manager.

http://www.tzarsectus.com/tools/modmanager.rar (latest release)
http://www.tzarsectus.com/WIP/Modmanager.exe (latest work-in-progress executable)

Music randomization should be more stable now, and I added a button remapper letting you map any action to any number of buttons (this is for gamepad only, not keyboard).

I'm personally trying out this control scheme for Lady: LB and X are guns, so I can easily charge with LB but still fire with X as I find that more natural. I've got burst action mapped to every d-pad direction so that's still quick to activate.
Michellegun posted a video showing instant charge Round Trips with Vergil... even when Force Edge is away from Vergil. Seems like you can use the charge of the Beowulf moves to transfer charge into Round Trip as it comes back. This allows you to have almost no downtime between Round Trip active times if you set it up.

We are still a long way from anyone coming close to mastering Vergil or showing the extent of his power level.

Dude it has been known for a long ass time. That's like 2 year old tech bruh. You just got to release the button you are holding down during the first few frames on block or hit stun and then hold it again really fast.


So when I was 16, I could do BP and HoH modes.

Now, the first boss kicks my ass on DmD.

So it's official... Ninja Gaiden may be far harder but in DMC you get RUSTY as fuck.

I really want to spend more time on these games, like really, but with work and stuff I can't get back into it like I used to. If I didn't have to work to pay bills I totally would I stream the whole thing.


jesus i forgot how much i HATE that damn high priest fight, i was having so much fun in the game until i got to this boss fight. this is like the most fun coming to a screeching halt boss ever. im raging right now.

fuck this guy.


Dude it has been known for a long ass time. That's like 2 year old tech bruh. You just got to release the button you are holding down during the first few frames on block or hit stun and then hold it again really fast.


also thanks to bumblebeecody for explaining some dante stuff

my fingers are cursing you though


Damn, so close to the end. Which character were you using?

After you mentioned Credo, the dual blitzes were the first thing that came to mind as the roadblock, very unfortunate those assholes screwed you over.
Vergil. Specifically what killed me was that I got caught by one of the blitzes as it was in crazy mode and couldn't escape, so I almost had them beat too.
We've discussed plenty how Dante could be made more complex in ways that have nothing to do with 2x3 weapon switching or style switching (basically a lot more of his Trickster and Gunslinger and even RG actions could get incorporated into his existing moveset, primarily with the shoot and jump buttons, but also with stuff like square+X moves).

Bump him up in those ways and I think you could safely do away with triple weapon switching or even maybe with style switching (though I'd rather just see Styles get made even more powerful and interesting than see switching with them done away with).

DMC4 Dante has a great huge moveset at his fingertips but I think it could be made both bigger and easier to get to - a lot of inputs are needlessly complex.
So, that happened.

In my defense I honestly thought it was a new mobile game, but yeah shouldn't have tried to be funny with the thread title so I deserved it. Note to self, don't try to be funny with thread titles ever again, or better yet, don't make new threads at all.

Anyway, finally 4SE came out! I've been playing it for days, really like the new characters especially Vergil. Man V is a beast. It feels so good being able to play as Vergil again. His teleports, his new moves, his swag.... man he is off the charts. Between the girls, I vastly prefer Lady over Trish, which is funny cause before release I was sure that I'm gonna enjoy the hell out of Trish but now that I'm playing her she feels so limited that I can't help but feel disappointed at her. Lady on the other hand blow my mind. She so unique and fun to mess around with. I really hope we see her at the inevitable DMC 5.

Speaking of DMC5, I can't help but get hyped at what Vergil says at his epilogue. I know he is most likely talking about DMC3's events but man every damn word seems like Itsuno teasing us fans about the next DMC and return of Vergil. Like,
soon (TGS) They shall know this devil's(Itsuno's) power. A power(game) greater than they ever imagined (in their wishlists). The power of a son of Sparda(DMC5 with Vergil baby!!!).

Well that's it for now. I'll talk a little more about Vergil later.

"Kneel before me"
Best character ever :)
That would be something fairly unique among the existing characters - there are DT-exclusive mechanics and moves, but it's never been used to change a character's moveset and style of play completely. If that concept ever gets used in the series going forward, it most likely wouldn't be for Credo himself, but something filling that niche could work really well as a bonus character, or even a variation of the existing playable characters - it'd probably have a much more interesting effect on gameplay than the 'super' versions. Though in practice it might end up like a less skill-based version of Must Style mode...

Alastor in the first Viewtiful Joe had that concept, where he was more combat capable than the other characters when he wasn't transformed, but his transformed state was constantly decreasing and he was really powerful in that state (moreso than the other characters). His VFX meter had to be managed very closely, or else it was rough to even attempt to beat the game

So I'm trying to translate that for a DMC game, essentially.
God damn that Creedo fight was so sick. For how bad the levels and some of the enemies are, points like these are where the game shines.

Managing to get a SS on him felt great, its gonna be awesome to fight him on the higher difficulties.


Does the Dice trick where you hit it right as the number you want comes up not work with Lady? I'm on Mission 6 now, and it's getting really frustrating. I keep hitting red or purple and having to fight two of those lightening guys and keep dying.


Does the Dice trick where you hit it right as the number you want comes up not work with Lady? I'm on Mission 6 now, and it's getting really frustrating. I keep hitting red or purple and having to fight two of those lightening guys and keep dying.

Yes, but her attack speed can make it difficult to time correctly. But yeah, it still works with Lady.
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