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Devil May Cry vs Ninja Gaiden...FIGHT!


i love DMC, its my favorite action game this generation. but i havent yet played NG, and NG seems MUCH more epic. after everything is said and done, DMC was only about a 5/6 hour game for me. and in hindsight, the progression did suck, it was broken up, segmented, wasnt seamless or logical in anyway. i just love that combat, and the automatic platforming that made it look like the matrix was kinda cool. but when you actually had to jump from some small platform to another...it was fucked. i wish DMC had shinobi's jumping ability and NG's level design/graphics.
also loved the boss battles in DMC, but...they were reapeated TOO much. even back then i felt the number of bosses was too limited and they were just repeated to increase playtime. still once you figured how to deal w/ the camera, they rocked. i loved the fight with griffon on the ship, he couldnt even touch me. and i could take care of the grim reapers with two precise hits by the time i got good. couldnt beat the game in hard though, three shadow cats proved to be too much for my fingers.
i hope DMC3 blows everything else apart, and i mean everything, every god damn game that exists.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
Although technically, this isn't the 128-bit generation, since the PS2 is the only 128-bit console.
None of the consoles are 128-bit by the conventional association of the term. They all have varying bitnesses (precision) depending on the function, and there's a 128-bit part of the Dreamcast's Hitachi processor too -- its floating point unit.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Ninja Gaiden wins for me. NG obviously builds on a lot of the standard design ideas from this generation of 3D action/adventure titles, but its execution is over the top and it has a ton of content. DMC is something of a prototype title for much of the genre and its age and mistakes show. DMC had and still does have amazing atmosphere, but the cheesy story and cut scenes drag it way down (it still obviously suffered from older, original Resident Evil Capcom Power Cheese). DMC also doesn't have enough unique bosses and repeating EVERY boss battle again and again, for me, was just lazy design on Capcom's part. Same with not enough kinds of enemies, and half-hearted puzzles with super short "missions" to make it seem as if you were doing something interesting.

NG fixes all or most of the DMC design paradigm problems, and just has too much length, creativity, unique bosses and enemies plus deeper combat system for it to not come out on top, to me. Its story actually isn't all that great either, and could have stood to be a lot more fleshed out - but its story scenes are frequently awesome, even if shallow in plot development.
Ninja Gaiden, easily. Though DMC3 may have something to say about that. Still, NG is just such a rush of adrenaline and it's a good challenge. I've never died a death in NG that was cheap. Everything was my own fault (not moving fast enough, wasting too many hits on one opponent, getting greedy, etc.), and it's rare when a game is like that.


This is a pretty dumb debate. DMC and NG while both 3D action games cater to completely different type of fans. If you prefer beat'em'ups with more strategy and thought to it, NG by a mile. If you just want button mashing fast paced action like Berserk, DMC is it for you.

But in terms of pure technical values, NG shits all over any DMC (even 3). Better graphics, more in-depth gameplay, more moves, more weapons, waaay better FMV, larger stages, more enemies, more bosses, ten times more variety literally, longer. Of course the question of which one you LIKE more will likely have nothing to do with any of that, simply which sub-genre of action you prefer as stated above. :)

Really really pointless.
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