Devil's Third |OT| A game made of liquor with perfect bald man. He is cool.

It wouldn't make any sense for them not to do a 2nd print. Probably not until January but there is some demand for the game.

Did places like target or Walmart get copies too?

Yeah it was over the weekend that word got out that there were only a few thousand copies produced and the scalping machine started working.

The scarcity of it is, much like amiibos, all due to people buying up stock to resell at a higher price because they have more time than money and people buying from those sellers because they have more money than sense.

Also the game is freely available digitally for $60 and the disc version doesn't include a manual or anything anyway.

And just like amiibos there will be loads of them pushed out to stores eventually and the price will go back down.

There is almost no reason for Nintendo to not print another 5-7 thousand copies. It costs almost nothing to manufacture a disc and case.

I might just get it digitally but I'll wait through February or so to see if more show up. I like having physical games.

If producing a couple of thousand copies were no big deal to Nintendo of America then we would have gotten a physical release of Fatal Frame.

Also Pikmin 3 has more than a few thousand of copies of demand and has been out of stock for over a year.
If producing a couple of thousand copies were no big deal to Nintendo of America then we would have gotten a physical release of Fatal Frame.

Also Pikmin 3 has more than a few thousand of copies of demand and has been out of stock for over a year.

Fatal frame got no release, so there's work involved in producing and creating that release. Devil's third is just making more of what they already ordered.

Pikmin is an odd case because they gave away so many free digital copies with that one promotion. And I am skeptical that the demand is really that high for a reprint. Used copies sell for $55 or so. So what?


If producing a couple of thousand copies were no big deal to Nintendo of America then we would have gotten a physical release of Fatal Frame.

Also Pikmin 3 has more than a few thousand of copies of demand and has been out of stock for over a year.

I agree on both counts but in Devil Third's case the game sold out within two days of its release. Pikmin took a long time IIRC.

My gamer's intuition says that Nintendo intentionally released a small batch because they were anticipating no one would care about the game thanks to months of poor reviews and crazy internet pre-release drama. They were likely testing the waters to see if word-of-mouth and fan demand warranted releasing more copies and in true Nintendo style it seems to have worked. They know the Wii U needs all the help it can get, so if there is a demand I don't see why they wouldn't ship more discs especially when its mere days after the official release they themselves are publishing. They might not be promoting it very strongly but I don't think they're sending it to die either. I wouldn't count on 3-4+ large reprints though.
I agree on both counts but in Devil Third's case the game sold out within two days of its release. Pikmin took a long time IIRC.

My gamer's intuition says that Nintendo intentionally released a small batch because they were anticipating no one would care about the game thanks to months of poor reviews and crazy internet pre-release drama. They were likely testing the waters to see if word-of-mouth and fan demand warranted releasing more copies and in true Nintendo style it seems to have worked. They know the Wii U needs all the help it can get, so if there is a demand I don't see why they wouldn't ship more discs especially when its mere days after the official release they themselves are publishing. They might not be promoting it very strongly but I don't think they're sending it to die either. I wouldn't count on 3-4+ large reprints though.

I kind of get the impression NOA is purposefully neglecting and obstructing people from being able to buy this game, out of worry that it will tarnish their reputation or some other weird fear.

They've done essentially zero advertising for it other than a brief mention on thier website, no review copies were sent out, only a tiny print run was made, they delayed and released it at the worst time possible. Hell, they don't even have a banner for it on the eshop and just burried it in the new releases section, and I don't see a single ad for it anywhere online.

It's pretty lame, and I would probably lean towards them not producing any more, rather than them even putting in the minimal effort needed to get more into the wild. Nintendo seem weird like that. I actually had a manager at London Drugs tell me Nintendo refused to work with them since Nintendo assumed London Drugs here in Canada would never be big or popular enough to care about, which is why you can't find Nintendo first-party products at London Drugs to this day.

Nintendo of America feels like a broken, out of touch company at this point.
The game was buried in the eshop upon released. They changed the artwork to be absolutely hideous (unless some great market research they had said it would make the game more appealing, the American people cannot bear the sight of Japanese markings upon one's skin). To top it all off, the game was delayed from a dry period on all platforms to a post-November bloodbath, the week after their "big" holiday title Xenoblade.

The game wouldn't have been a hit regardless but they pretty much screwed over the only people interested in the game

Fuck off NoA.


I kind of get the impression NOA is purposefully neglecting and obstructing people from being able to buy this game, out of worry that it will tarnish their reputation or some other weird fear.

They've done essentially zero advertising for it other than a brief mention on thier website, no review copies were sent out, only a tiny print run was made, they delayed and released it at the worst time possible. Hell, they don't even have a banner for it on the eshop and just burried it in the new releases section, and I don't see a single ad for it anywhere online.

It's pretty lame, and I would probably lean towards them not producing any more, rather than them even putting in the minimal effort needed to get more into the wild. Nintendo seem weird like that. I actually had a manager at London Drugs tell me Nintendo refused to work with them since Nintendo assumed London Drugs here in Canada would never be big or popular enough to care about, which is why you can't find Nintendo first-party products at London Drugs to this day.

Nintendo of America feels like a broken, out of touch company at this point.

Seems to be the case. Nintendo has made it very clear they want distanced from DT. I don't think the US would have gotten a disc copy at all if not for the rumor getting out and them saying it would to save face. Those hoping for another print run I think are out of luck. Nintendo will just kindly direct you to the buried page on the eShop for a digital copy of which they have an unlimited supply.

It's a very underrated game and now a rare one. These things happen.


I preordered from amazon at e3 and I still haven't gotten my copy :'(. With the way things are going I don't know if I'll get my copy.
The game was buried in the eshop upon released. They changed the artwork to be absolutely hideous (unless some great market research they had said it would make the game more appealing, the American people cannot bear the sight of Japanese markings upon one's skin). To top it all off, the game was delayed from a dry period on all platforms to a post-November bloodbath, the week after their "big" holiday title Xenoblade.

The game wouldn't have been a hit regardless but they pretty much screwed over the only people interested in the game

Fuck off NoA.

Touche my friend.

Seems to be the case. Nintendo has made it very clear they want distanced from DT. I don't think the US would have gotten a disc copy at all if not for the rumor getting out and them saying it would to save face. Those hoping for another print run I think are out of luck. Nintendo will just kindly direct you to the buried page on the eShop for a digital copy of which they have an unlimited supply.

It's a very underrated game and now a rare one. These things happen.

If Nintendo of America have any interest at all in selling this game, there are a million ways to do that, that they definitely aren't taking advantage of. Their current strategy honestly don't make much sense at any level, unless they don't want people to play it. Who knows, maybe Valhalla, Itagaki, and Nexon (that is the PC publisher, no?) want this to happen so they can come into the US a bit cleaner with a solid PC version? hard to say.

Anyways, regardless, there seems to be enough players online who are loving the game to keep it going. I'm having a great time with it, and people can still buy it on the eshop. At the end of the day, I guess that's what matters.


Maybe I'm just optimistic that I'll be able to get a disc lol. I actually want to play the game so I don't mind a digital copy but I wanna wait and see what happens over the next few days.

On a side note I'm getting the vibe that anyone who buys this has a moral obligation to play and keep the multiplayer alive.


Touche my friend.

If Nintendo of America have any interest at all in selling this game, there are a million ways to do that, that they definitely aren't taking advantage of. Their current strategy honestly don't make much sense at any level, unless they don't want people to play it. Who knows, maybe Valhalla, Itagaki, and Nexon (that is the PC publisher, no?) want this to happen so they can come into the US a bit cleaner with a solid PC version? hard to say.

Anyways, regardless, there seems to be enough players online who are loving the game to keep it going. I'm having a great time with it, and people can still buy it on the eshop. At the end of the day, I guess that's what matters.

It sort of seems like they by contract were required to release the game but did so in absolutely the minimum possible way. It's totally a shame. I'm an owner as well and I've been enjoying the multiplayer as a breath of fresh air and the single player as a nostalgic reminder of old school action games.

The best we can do is point people to the download and enjoy this moment we have with the game semi-active.
Also I really want a physical copy of this. In an effort to see how likely this is to happen I called Nintendo today.

The rep I talked to did some clicking around on her computer and told me they were shipping more physical copies but didn't have a date. Or she made it up to get me off the phone. Who knows? :(


Also I really want a physical copy of this. In an effort to see how likely this is to happen I called Nintendo today.

The rep I talked to did some clicking around on her computer and told me they were shipping more physical copies but didn't have a date. Or she made it up to get me off the phone. Who knows? :(

Nice. Gamestop told me something similar which is why I'm holding out before buying it digitally.
I guess I'm about halfway through chapter 5, but this actually might end up being my game of the year. As soon as I started
the Saha boss fight
I knew that I had a keeper. Won't be able to play much for the next few days, but I hope this is going to get the love it deserves. The blood of Ninja Gaiden flows through its veins, I absolutely cannot wait to play more. So damn fun.


unable to connect to the server tonight -_-

single player got better than the abysmal start. sliding flamethrower shooting is great.

This game has the best online multiplayer flamethrower that I have every played.

Most games flamethrower is hard to use and weak, where in real life a flamethrower should be a powerful weapon at close range, Devil Thirds gets it

I think the first Black Ops had a online flame thrower and I was so excited about it and it sucked to use online
This game has the best online multiplayer flamethrower that I have every played.

Most games flamethrower is hard to use and weak, where in real life a flamethrower should be a powerful weapon at close range, Devil Thirds gets it

I think the first Black Ops had a online flame thrower and I was so excited about it and it sucked to use online

I will have to give the flamethrower a whirl if I can unlock it. Have you had much luck with understanding and playing the clan matches yet? Ran and I were absolutely wrecking people in chickens the other night, it was fun.

I will say though, chickens seems more about finding a few chickens and running away, than it does keeping chickens and fighting. The game seems to only reward 10 points for killing non-chicken holders, 100 for killing other while holding chickens, but constantly and quickly lets you rack up points when holding multiple chickens. It might be more tense if they gave players more reason to risk getting into battle while being a chicken holder, but it's a fun mode as is.


Get !!

I'll join you scoundrels tonight


Man, for as crazy and extensive and indepth as the multiplayer in this game is, did they seriously manage to not put a god damn party system in this game?

As much as Ivan and his design ended up growing on me, I would love to have a game where you play as Saha.

He's basically a black version of Ivan with cooler tattoos and a beret.

Yeah. His voice actor was a lot of fun too. Really sold that white shaming.


Man, for as crazy and extensive and indepth as the multiplayer in this game is, did they seriously manage to not put a god damn party system in this game?

Yeah. His voice actor was a lot of fun too. Really sold that white shaming.

I feel like the Siege mode is kind of the party aspect in the sense of that when you see that you're under attack you go to defend and your clan members will follow suit. But yeah a party option would've been nice.
Well, just went and got all of the War Trophies in solo-play. I'm amazed that as I was searching for them on my first run so many were just in plain sight and I spent more time searching in obscure nooks that you'd think they'd be hiding.

Gotta say I really like the descriptions given for the instruments and alcohol, especially the ones that have quips regarding Ivan's character.

Unless I decide to start looking for strategies and videos of score attack mode, I'd say I'm pretty much done with the campaign for the foreseeable future and will pretty much turn this on exclusively for multiplayer now. Despite being kind of fun in terms of how janky and patched together it is, the feeling definitely wears off on multiple playthroughs.

Edit: Holy shit, Chickens is so much fun, got 2nd during my first game and with the 5x EXP bonus I shot up two levels. God damn, this game is incredible.


Neo Member
I have joined the GAF clan, but I don't see any way of coordinating games. Am I missing something, or do players just join available matches like in the drill games?


Not even an hour in and this guy is taking on an entire army with every possible weapon, drinking alcohol from a flask, picking an electric guitar in the middle of a prison riot and smoking a cigarette while wearing aviators at all times even if it's indoors. Can't wait to play more of this tomorrow.

And seriously, fuck every single one of you that is calling this game shit.
Two things. 1) Chicken games are the fucking shit and I feel so proud that I hit the score limit during one of the matches. You do so much running and jumping, man is it fun.

And 2) When you get a good Siege game going, especially when you're on defense, it's quite intense. Just went through a few matches where my clan was being attacked, and the last one had me and another guy just covering each other in the command post as we watch the doors and window shutters that got blown up during some of the air strikes. Like, we won, but man that fortress got damaged quite a lot.

And then right after getting my payout for that battle, servers ran into issues and kicked me out. At least it wasn't mid game. Still a lot of fun, though, and I put all the money I earned to good use in strengthening my fortress. This game, I'm still massively impressed by the multiplayer suite even though I would've been just satisfied with the basic modes.

I have joined the GAF clan, but I don't see any way of coordinating games. Am I missing something, or do players just join available matches like in the drill games?
When on the main multiplayer menu, the chat icon immediately connects you to everyone else in your clan. And you have access to this clan chat basically anytime except during gameplay or in a drill lobby.

The game tells you when someone's starting a raid or if your fortress(es) is being attacked, in which case you check your notices or enter siege mode directly. Either way, if people in your clan are online, they'll naturally start entering the game because of the risks of letting that opportunity slip.
I guess I'm about halfway through chapter 5, but this actually might end up being my game of the year. As soon as I started
the Saha boss fight
I knew that I had a keeper. Won't be able to play much for the next few days, but I hope this is going to get the love it deserves. The blood of Ninja Gaiden flows through its veins, I absolutely cannot wait to play more. So damn fun.

wow! sounds like the reviews are wrong and it's a really good game.


First impressions are a combination of what the fuck did I buy and this is so bad its good. Haven't tried multiplayer yet but I can already tell that the game mechanics would be great in team deathmatch.

EDIT: game is so fun
Any one have tips for beating Ludmilla? She's annoying the hell out of me. There doesn't seem to be much of a window when you dodge her attacks to punish.

Also what's the GAF clan called? I tried to seaching 'GAF' and it didn't return any results.


Not even an hour in and this guy is taking on an entire army with every possible weapon, drinking alcohol from a flask, picking an electric guitar in the middle of a prison riot and smoking a cigarette while wearing aviators at all times even if it's indoors. Can't wait to play more of this tomorrow.

And seriously, fuck every single one of you that is calling this game shit.

Who would've thought this would land best in North America :D


Any one have tips for beating Ludmilla? She's annoying the hell out of me. There doesn't seem to be much of a window when you dodge her attacks to punish.

Also what's the GAF clan called? I tried to seaching 'GAF' and it didn't return any results.

Clan is called Jmizzal (GAF), I'd just scroll until you find it instead of searching.

Ninja Dom

When it comes to Ninja Gaiden games, I am Pro. Bayonetta games too. It's interesting to see so many step backs with Devil's Third.

Single Player.
The melee combat is extremely basic in comparison, no scope for intricate combos. As a result we have no combo meter. There's no crafting or weapon upgrade process. I'm playing on Normal and the AI is pretty bad. Ninja's are lambs to the slaughter with any firearm. Other enemies don't recognise what grenades are. Embaku really seems like an after thought. The bosses don't seem to have much of an attack range and amount of moves.

I'm loving the game though. I think it's still very enjoyable. It's a shame that you can see how the budget limited Itagaki's true talents.


When it comes to Ninja Gaiden games, I am Pro. Bayonetta games too. It's interesting to see so many step backs with Devil's Third.

Single Player.
The melee combat is extremely basic in comparison, no scope for intricate combos. As a result we have no combo meter. There's no crafting or weapon upgrade process. I'm playing on Normal and the AI is pretty bad. Ninja's are lambs to the slaughter with any firearm. Other enemies don't recognise what grenades are. Embaku really seems like an after thought. The bosses don't seem to have much of an attack range and amount of moves.

I'm loving the game though. I think it's still very enjoyable. It's a shame that you can see how the budget limited Itagaki's true talents.

The game's depth opens up a lot with the multiplayer and I just love all the customization you can do.

Ninja Dom

Okaaaay, I've just discovered the merits of Score Attack in single player. Nice! This is why I play these kind of games.

Also, in Single Player has anybody have "Chickens" appear? The game gets flooded with multicolour chickens and you have a time limit to pick the correct one carrying a Golden Egg? What triggers that mode?

I'm currently 20th position in This Weeks Rankings for Stage 1. Hah!


Okaaaay, I've just discovered the merits of Score Attack in single player. Nice! This is why I play these kind of games.

Also, in Single Player has anybody have "Chickens" appear? The game gets flooded with multicolour chickens and you have a time limit to pick the correct one carrying a Golden Egg? What triggers that mode?

I'm currently 20th position in This Weeks Rankings for Stage 1. Hah!

I've beaten the single player and never encountered that. Are you sure it was in single player and not score attack?


I played the first mission, and I've got to say I'm really enjoying it! I also love how if you idle behind cover Ivan will pull out a cigarette.


Seems like Jim Sterling reviewed the game when the Nintendo Network was down. Barely any analysis of the multiplayer, probably just jumped into a free-for-all match and called it a day.


God damnit, Gamestop just cancelled my order placed last week with no reason given.

Extra irritating because I had ordered 4 amiibos as well. Fuckin gamestop.
Those Tri-force iconed clan sons-of-bitches were just jacking my base while I chased chickens! Finally got to defending my base and it's 3 vs 1 their favor. Once they found the building I spawn in, they set two of them to watch the door to shoot my ass while the third plants the bombs.
I hopped out of online because I didn't enjoy loosing all my money more than I enjoyed chasing chickens.
Whole experience is awesome!

Seems like Jim Sterling reviewed the game when the Nintendo Network was down. Barely any analysis of the multiplayer, probably just jumped into a free-for-all match and called it a day.
That guy.
Those Tri-force iconed clan sons-of-bitches were just jacking my base while I chased chickens! Finally got to defending my base and it's 3 vs 1 their favor. Once they found the building I spawn in, they set two of them to watch the door to shoot my ass while the third plants the bombs.
I hopped out of online because I didn't enjoy loosing all my money more than I enjoyed chasing chickens.
Whole experience is awesome!
D4RK_Z3RO are some tough motherfuckers. Had to defend bases against both them and another clan almost nonstop last night. Was fun but exhausting.
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