Devil's Third |OT| A game made of liquor with perfect bald man. He is cool.


Game is getting a global permanent price drop on the eShop on June 24:

Japan: from 7 236 Yen to 3 618 Yen
Europe: from €59.99 / £49.99 to €29.99 / £24.99
North America: $59.99 to $29.99

Online service shutdown schedule:

Price drop (eShop): on June 24th at 10AM JST (Japan) / on June 24th at 2PM BST / 3PM CEST
Sales of Golden Eggs: June 27th at 1PM JST / 6AM CEST / 5AM BST / 12AM EST / 9PM PST (June 26th). Golden Eggs have to be used within 180 days.
Online services: December 29th at 1PM JST / 6AM CEST / 5AM BST / 12AM EST / 9PM PST (December 28th)


Wow, I was just reminded that this game existed and was pretty excited to give it a go... the multiplayer looked so great too! So sad to learn that the mulitplayer will be shut down in little over a month...


This game's multiplayer was a blast. Interested to see what happens with the PC version. If they can fix the shooting accuracy and clean up the bugs I'd play the crap out of this game online.


Crap, I wanted to try and play this before the servers shut down. Gotta hurry now lol. Maybe there'll be a good final surge of activity.
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