Devil's Third |OT| A game made of liquor with perfect bald man. He is cool.

Haha fuck. I was initially with them until Jmizzal created the GAF clan.
I would've joined the GAF clan had it gone up the time I graduated from training, and I didn't feel like staying as a merc right out the gate. Alas, I'm loyal to the end.

Make sure all you guys are building up your fortresses. Don't want a good siege match to be done on the first zone.

Anyone know how long the single player is? I plan to start it sometime next week.
Depends. On casual difficulty I blasted through the campaign in about 5 to 6 hours. On standard, with it being more challenging, I'd say maybe 7 to 8.

It's got a decent length to it.


I would've joined the GAF clan had it gone up the time I graduated from training, and I didn't feel like staying as a merc right out the gate. Alas, I'm loyal to the end.

Make sure all you guys are building up your fortresses. Don't want a good siege match to be done on the first zone.

Depends. On casual difficulty I blasted through the campaign in about 5 to 6 hours. On standard, with it being more challenging, I'd say maybe 7 to 8.

It's got a decent length to it.

Thanks for the response, that sounds good.


I will have to give the flamethrower a whirl if I can unlock it. Have you had much luck with understanding and playing the clan matches yet? Ran and I were absolutely wrecking people in chickens the other night, it was fun.

I will say though, chickens seems more about finding a few chickens and running away, than it does keeping chickens and fighting. The game seems to only reward 10 points for killing non-chicken holders, 100 for killing other while holding chickens, but constantly and quickly lets you rack up points when holding multiple chickens. It might be more tense if they gave players more reason to risk getting into battle while being a chicken holder, but it's a fun mode as is.

Yea I think I finally figured out clan, I hooked up our SoCal base which is the main base. You just have to go to customization under world, I also brought more helicopters and other things we can use.

Yea chickens is fun, but I'm mainly playing it now for the 5xp so I can level up lol

Clan GAF just needs to play more, I don't see many of y'all in here! In fact we're getting attacked now!

I'm coming online now if you guys want to do some Clan matches

Ninja Dom

Time for a list.

Ninja Dom's character action games order. I haven't played any of the Devil May Cry or Vanquish series. Basing this on Single Player only.
  1. Bayonetta 2
  2. Ninja Gaiden Black
  3. Bayonetta
  4. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
  5. Ninja Gaiden & Ninja Gaiden Sigma
  6. Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
  7. Devil's Third
  8. Ninja Gaiden 3 Razors Edge
  9. Madworld
  10. Ninja Gaiden 3

I love these kind of games. Even though Razors Edge & Devil's Third may be low in the list, I'd rather play these than most other games.


Time for a list.

Ninja Dom's character action games order. I haven't played any of the Devil May Cry or Vanquish series. Basing this on Single Player only.
  1. Bayonetta 2
  2. Ninja Gaiden Black
  3. Bayonetta
  4. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
  5. Ninja Gaiden & Ninja Gaiden Sigma
  6. Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
  7. Devil's Third
  8. Ninja Gaiden 3 Razors Edge
  9. Madworld

I love these kind of games. Even though Razors Edge & Devil's Third may be low in the list, I'd rather play these than most other games.

That's a good list. Mine would be:

1. Bayonetta 2
2. Ninja Gaiden Black
3. God Hand
4. Devil May Cry 3
5. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Another day, another good series of Siege matches done. It's nice that despite there being only two other people in my clan online when I'm playing (the leader and one of the generals), just the three of us working together is satisfying enough. Though I should probably think of fitting in some time for Sieges during the afternoon for a chance of more people. Hell, my fortress finally got used in one of the battles today. Fuckers barely put a dent in the first zone.

Feel free to take a shot at it whenever I'm not online, since I'm now past level 20 and is no longer under FDRA protection.

Gotta get those 40 more wins so I can build my castle...


My character is named Ducky, if you guys see me online :)

I'm happy the game is so fun, but it's sad how Nintendo both sent it out to die and neglected to include optional bots. It's easily the funnest experience I have had online in years. Everything else is so derivative.


Time for a list.

Ninja Dom's character action games order. I haven't played any of the Devil May Cry or Vanquish series. Basing this on Single Player only.
  1. Bayonetta 2
  2. Ninja Gaiden Black
  3. Bayonetta
  4. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
  5. Ninja Gaiden & Ninja Gaiden Sigma
  6. Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
  7. Devil's Third
  8. Ninja Gaiden 3 Razors Edge
  9. Madworld

I love these kind of games. Even though Razors Edge & Devil's Third may be low in the list, I'd rather play these than most other games.

Vanquish is a third person shooter.
Rage! My copy arrived but whatever idiot delivered it left it in the open and it got damaged in the rain. There's a ton of covered area around my door too. I have no recourse to replace it now I assume.


Rage! My copy arrived but whatever idiot delivered it left it in the open and it got damaged in the rain. There's a ton of covered area around my door too. I have no recourse to replace it now I assume.

Damn, well on the bright side you could print a high quality cover and get a replacement case. I'm assuming the disc didn't get damaged right?
Rage! My copy arrived but whatever idiot delivered it left it in the open and it got damaged in the rain. There's a ton of covered area around my door too. I have no recourse to replace it now I assume.

i guess it wasn't a sealed copy...the plastic shrink wrap should've protected it.

that's sucks... if it's via ebay did you get a receipt (or ask seller to provide)? perhaps NOA can send a replacement case...
i guess it wasn't a sealed copy...the plastic shrink wrap should've protected it.

that's sucks... if it's via ebay did you get a receipt (or ask seller to provide)? perhaps NOA can send a replacement case...
It was sealed but somehow the water soaked packaging caused the wrapping to split at the top where then package was most damp. It was from Gamestop.


Just shoot me a pm on here if you need more guys when you play Jmill. Been occupied with xenoblade so I haven't put much time in this week with the Devils multiplayer.


Amazon delivered, both literally and metaphorically. Will hopefully jump into this later in the week. Thanks for the impressions.


Gold Member
My copy arrived today! Played some multiplayer. Very fun! Joined the GAF clan (it's the Jmizzal clan, right?) and participated in two defend matches. Won both times.

My character name is Eve. If you see me online, I'll likely be in all black with a halo over my head, wielding a shotgun. That's just how I roll. :p


I am starting to get used to the controls and I am really enjoying myself, I like how you have the choice to play like a badass or to play smart.
Just got the game beat the first mission and really enjoying it. It's what I expected and honestly I miss games like this!

If any of you guys want to play online sometime please add me. Nintendo online name is neoJABES.


I played the Saha fight the other day and beat him in my second try. Like, was that seriously the boss that made all those reviewers throw their controllers in rage and disgust? It was pretty easy and I don't consider myself anything but average in this genre.

I am having a ton of fun and while the plot is really quite stupid and there are occasional technical hiccups like clipping and the odd framerate drop, I'm really starting to wonder why this got slammed by critics.


I played the Saha fight the other day and beat him in my second try. Like, was that seriously the boss that made all those reviewers throw their controllers in rage and disgust? It was pretty easy and I don't consider myself anything but average in this genre.

I am having a ton of fun and while the plot is really quite stupid and there are occasional technical hiccups like clipping and the odd framerate drop, I'm really starting to wonder why this got slammed by critics.

I know right? I am playing in normal difficulty and I have very little experience with this type of games and even if I die a lot I feel every mistake is my own. Melee attacks not working? Run away and shot at a distance, dodge attacks and repeat. I wonder if Jim Sterling played this. Edit: He did and he hated it. Oh well.
anybody else experience this?

i was playing chapter 2
crossing over the water along the ship
and suddenly Ivan started to spazz out, itching forward, stopping, itching forward, stopping... instead of just running normally

i thought i had clicked in my left thumbstick too deep and that it somehow got stuck but it just kept going

i switched off the game and inserted Super Mario 3D World and it was fine


Loves Robotech S1
I played the Saha fight the other day and beat him in my second try. Like, was that seriously the boss that made all those reviewers throw their controllers in rage and disgust? It was pretty easy and I don't consider myself anything but average in this genre.

seriously, he's the most basic type of read and counter action game boss design there is. there are NO TRICKS OR GIMMICKS to beating him. just stay close, block, dodge, hitcofirm, combo. stupidly, absurdly simple.

it's almost like people decided the game was crap a year ago and decided to not even give it the bare amount of effort required so they could say 'yep, it's crap' and move on with their lives. :p
It's not just Saha, all the other SOD members (except Big Mouse) are all like Ninja Gaiden humanoid boss fights in spirit. People get overzealous with mashing their combos out when they have an opening and call bullshit when they dodge out of it, despite even Ninja Gaiden 1 punishing that shit and that was already over 10 years ago.

I went back to MIssion 3 in score attack just to try out different melee weapons on Saha, and the fight's still fun with just about any tool you choose to bring. Just watch and wait, strike when you're sure.


I didn't read any reviews...but really?? Saha is the thing that gave people trouble? I'm playing on normal difficulty and so aside from one or two enemy types/scenarios the game has been pretty easy. I finished up the Jane Doe fight last night, that was the first boss to give me trouble. I'm not sure what the appropriate strategy was but I abused ranged attacks a lot.

Does anyone know how much more is left to the single player after her?

I'm glad I decided to give the game a chance. It's a bit rough around the edges but I'm hoping that the cult reputation it seems to be developing + the PC multiplayer will get people to give the franchise another chance and that we'll see a much more refined sequel.
Just saw Vids of this game. Damn it looks fun to play. I don't have a Wii U but do you guys think that the multiplayer community is going to last? It does look like a ton of fun.

Maybe I might have to wait for a PCPort.

Ninja Dom

I didn't read any reviews...but really?? Saha is the thing that gave people trouble? I'm playing on normal difficulty and so aside from one or two enemy types/scenarios the game has been pretty easy. I finished up the Jane Doe fight last night, that was the first boss to give me trouble. I'm not sure what the appropriate strategy was but I abused ranged attacks a lot.

Does anyone know how much more is left to the single player after her?

I'm glad I decided to give the game a chance. It's a bit rough around the edges but I'm hoping that the cult reputation it seems to be developing + the PC multiplayer will get people to give the franchise another chance and that we'll see a much more refined sequel.


Same here, Normal Difficulty. Saha boss was done first attempt. I even feel to Score Attack mission 3 just so I can see him again.

Also, Jane Doe gave me a bit of trouble but I overcame her in the end. The next bit of trouble I ran into wasn't a boss but a section with
multiple mini gun wielding heavies
. But it's so much fun going into these situations. Have to also say that
sword melee attacking is far too overpowered. I attack almost all enemies with the sword.



Same here, Normal Difficulty. Saha boss was done first attempt. I even feel to Score Attack mission 3 just so I can see him again.

Also, Jane Doe gave me a bit of trouble but I overcame her in the end. The next bit of trouble I ran into wasn't a boss but a section with
multiple mini gun wielding heavies
. But it's so much fun going into these situations. Have to also say that
sword melee attacking is far too overpowered. I attack almost all enemies with the sword.

That multiple mini gun wielding heavies part is where I left off. I killed like 3 or 4 of them and then 2 more showed up and killed me. I was like really?

L Thammy

Just beat Grundla Saha myself, normal difficulty, wasn't aware that it was a huge issue. I don't think it's a great boss fight by any means, but you just dodge repeatedly and use some light attacks after he misses you. It's as basic as it gets. There are things much worse out there.

Admittedly it took me a few tries, but that's because I kept on trying to slip in a heavy attack with the tomahawks and he retaliates too fast for it. That, and I got curious as to how he'd react if I tried to shoot him. Turns out that it doesn't work so well.

Just saw Vids of this game. Damn it looks fun to play. I don't have a Wii U but do you guys think that the multiplayer community is going to last? It does look like a ton of fun.

Maybe I might have to wait for a PCPort.

PC version is multiplayer mode only, just so you know.
Just beat the campaign and man, what a ride!
The melee only final boss was a blast, while that blind rage finale with the flaming arena was a nice touch.
Gonna dip my toes into the multiplayer a little later but this is definitely among my favorite games this year.
Man, your experience in Devil's Third multiplayer isn't truly complete until you get into a full 16 player siege match on a grade 3 fortress. Bonus points if you do it with allies from another clan. RSSR pushing really hard to get rank 1 at the Naval Base, to the point that we launched an attack on a D4RK_Z3RO fort in Texas, an enemy showed up in the lobby, then bailed out with 20 seconds left giving us a default victory with no gains, but they still showed elsewhere. Fucking cowards, but that one fort in the Naval Base was some impressive shit. Took us two attacks to succeed in bringing down the third zone.

Thinking about the experience I've been having with this game, I'm really questioning whether or not I want to go through the same stuff again in Devil's Third Online when that launches. I'm already so invested in this version with my specific loadouts and main fort, plus I've been considering building another one in a nearby territory and possibly buying more golden eggs just to get more outfits and X-Gear (micro transactions was the last thing I would even think about making use of). Yeah, it being on PC would mean this game would perform at a much higher and stable frame rate, plus additional improvements to the interface, but's tough thinking about it.


Man, your experience in Devil's Third multiplayer isn't truly complete until you get into a full 16 player siege match on a grade 3 fortress. Bonus points if you do it with allies from another clan. RSSR pushing really hard to get rank 1 at the Naval Base, to the point that we launched an attack on a D4RK_Z3RO fort in Texas, an enemy showed up in the lobby, then bailed out with 20 seconds left giving us a default victory with no gains, but they still showed elsewhere. Fucking cowards, but that one fort in the Naval Base was some impressive shit. Took us two attacks to succeed in bringing down the third zone.

Thinking about the experience I've been having with this game, I'm really questioning whether or not I want to go through the same stuff again in Devil's Third Online when that launches. I'm already so invested in this version with my specific loadouts and main fort, plus I've been considering building another one in a nearby territory and possibly buying more golden eggs just to get more outfits and X-Gear (micro transactions was the last thing I would even think about making use of). Yeah, it being on PC would mean this game would perform at a much higher and stable frame rate, plus additional improvements to the interface, but's tough thinking about it.

I haven't experienced a big Siege battle yet! I want to though, seems super fun when peeps are in there. I also like this version of the game, just feels fun to play a competent multiplayer game on the Wii U and the Pro Controller is such a comfortable controller.
What a weird game

I'm glad people are having fun with it because there is a lot of fun to be had. A lot of that fun for me was ironic fun, like how easy it is to cheese bosses, mess with the non-existent AI, or shooting someone in the foot and watching their head pop off. Some of it was genuine fun, like when you enter a room, pick off a few dudes quickly, do some parkour to maneuver to the next group, then chain a whole bunch of melee kills. Feels like cleaning up a NG2 mob with OTs. I think the game is a mess but the core is great. I'd take it over a thoroughly mediocre-but-polished action game any day.

When I play, I get the feeling that with proper polish, the single player could've been another great action game for the ages. Itagaki still fucking has it, for the most part (turret sections can't be blamed on engine changes, as another player astutely pointed out to me.) This game, if released years ago on PS3/360 as originally planned, really could've made a splash if polished. I don't know about a "revolution" as Itagaki claimed, but definitely something special.

But the reality is that the reviews were correct on just about all their criticisms. There's a great combat engine buried underneath the unpolished mess, but it doesn't matter when so many very important things suck complete ass: the AI, aiming controls, the frame rate, the boss fights, and the enemy variety. The solutions I found and have seen others use to take out bosses are just sad. They're like NG2 rejects and most do that NG2 shit with the long attack strings that you wait patiently to punish, but here you can mash the shit out of Ivan's dodge to brainlessly undermine all the melee whether it's a boss or regular enemy. Don't get caught in gun fire though, or you're often insta-dead...makes for a very uneven feeling. The punishment for screwing up didn't even register to me. I can't care about dying in a game with hit boxes like this (sorry these gifs suck, literally the first I've made. I can provide the vid they're from if necessary):



I played hardcore mode first and the dumbest approach was almost always the best--just shooting. Playing it like gears or some shit with a tiny, tiny smidgen of Vanquish. Occasionally an opportunity to creatively combine parkour, melee, and shooting happens, everything clicks, and you can't help but feel like the game was supposed to feel like *that* the whole time. For every moment like that, there are 5 with some crap like a bunch of bullet sponge heavies lazily thrown in to take up time, a turret section, or, perhaps the most frustrating to me, a huge open map that clearly had a lot of thought put into it, only to fight 4 dudes and quickly leave it.

When I finished Hardcore, I was a little disappointed that there wasn't another difficulty, but I realized I wouldn't want to see how a harder difficulty would be balanced in this game--it'd probably make NG2 look fair and balanced.

As for multiplayer, it seems fucking brilliant but the framerate and lag makes it throwaway. I can't even begin to think about MP balance with the frame rate in the state it's in. I'll have to wait for the F2P version at a solid 60 (hopefully) to think about that. Btw, I tried running the Thai beta and it fucking blue screened! Fair enough, that's what betas are was just such a perfect cherry on top of playing this glorious shit heap. It was also pushing the microtransactions in the launcher, but i assume that's the norm by now. Maybe hoping for balance is too much because some whales will just buy the best shit and win.

So, here I am writing the same review everyone else wrote. but i'd bump it up a point for being fun and often inadvertently entertaining...which i guess would make it like a 6/10.

My dream is that the F2P version makes Itagaki enough to ditch the mobile plan and fund a game that can be built from scratch and at least be better than DT and NG2. Another one with a crap ton of polish and fun, violent, highly replayable gameplay and not on the Wii U or UE3. Why on earth did they go with UE3????? Well, i'm gonna stop because I can keep opening cans of worms all day. alright one more: mission mode scoring sucks and it's throwaway. max score from doing kills while as wounded as possible, yay.

Fun game, but don't buy it (as if you have a choice) unless you're interested in a very unique piece of gaming history. Or as some have said, the most full featured kusoge of all time.


Yo, Gafclan, we ever going to set up a night to hop on Siege and fuck shit up?

I would very much like that. Still haven't really played a legit match of Siege yet. Every time I've tried there would only be like 3-4 people in the game.


Gold Member
Every time I log in there's like one, maybe two other GAF people on. When I select Siege defend, there's nothing happening. Same with mercenary entry. It's a shame this game is so dead, because multi is pretty fun.


Every time I log in there's like one, maybe two other GAF people on. When I select Siege defend, there's nothing happening. Same with mercenary entry. It's a shame this game is so dead, because multi is pretty fun.

Yeah it's just the nature of the beast. The only way is if we all coordinate a time. Been playing the Close Quarters mode, it's so awesomely chaotic.
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