Devil's Third |OT| A game made of liquor with perfect bald man. He is cool.


I get the impression that if they'd held back the review copies until the multiplayer servers went public, its overall score would have been atleast a couple of points higher - most of the reviews focus on the single player, though obviously its lasting value is in multiplayer. Which thankfully doesn't suck.

Yeah, bad move on Nintendo's part. I guess they didn't focus on highlighting the MP like they should have because of Splatoon. Ironically US reviewers should be able to offer a more complete picture of what the game is, so I wonder how (or rather if) the reception will be different.

Right, I'm retiring, I dont think I have it in me to make it to first, second will do :p Plus people are finally learning how to deal with me which is really annoying! :L

Edit: I've sent a clan request earlier if you want to accept me. And then Gaf can start taking over America!


As we're on a new page:

If you want to join the GAF clan, just search for "GAF" when you hit level 5. Let me know when you've requested to join and I can let you in!

Edit: I've sent a clan request earlier if you want to accept me. And then Gaf can start taking over America!

You're in!


So after playing a few hours of single player, the game's much better than I expected from all the 3/10s. Early streamers being shit are now confirmed - I'm having much less trouble with the game, controls and everything, even though I'm playing on normal difficulty. The streams I watched Ivan could take a lot more damage than in my game, so I'm guessing they were playing on easy. Spawning enemies are not cool, sometimes it's difficult to predict the aim assist behavior, there are minor issues here and there but otherwise I'm pretty pleased with the game that I've bought with very low expectations.
I stopped playing at a boss that is seemingly out of my league, I only have a knife as a melee weapon and ranged weapons don't do much to him. The knife might not be the problem but still I'm thinking of restarting the whole mission just to approach the boss with a katana or something. Might want to git gud instead.


Lemme check.

EDIT: Doesn't look like it? You can seemingly set friends as favourite players, but not private rooms as far as i can tell. Maybe once you unlock the siege/clan stuff.

That's a shame... :/

Well, I'll give it more time until people explore the MP some more.


Managed to tear myself away from The Phantom Pain (and that wasn't easy) for long enough to give this a go.

Story mode is enjoyable exploitation grindhouse gaming at its low budget, jankatronic, unapologetic best. It's utterly hideous and struggling in all the ways Unreal 3 does on Wii U, but at no point did I find the controls cumbersome or unresponsive. The toolset is novel, and allows for a fast-paced, rewarding, satisfying combat style. The fact that I've just come from a couple of days with Kojima's luxury, finely-tuned masterpiece did nothing to compromise what Devil's Third is good at, warts and all. A textbook victim of a barebones, arcade-style experience colliding face-first with modern gaming's bloated, big budget, homogenised expectations.

Multiplayer is fun as hell. The way the game alternates between gunplay/melee, the way both have extremely polarised strengths/weaknesses, and the parkour-lite abilities of the player blend together to offer a unique and thrilling MP experience. The level of customisation and variety of modes is impressive. It's probably fair to say that the bulk of the developer's attention (and Nintendo's budget I'd wager) went into the MP. If you play Devil's Third, play it for the MP, then decide.

Worth the money? For me, absolutely. Shame on you, Reggie, and shame on you, European press. I understand that there's a certain element of responsibility with critics to address the greater audience, but in this instance, I think they were grossly unfair with the game.

Thanks, Itagaki and Valhalla. You are cool.


Managed to tear myself away from The Phantom Pain (and that wasn't easy) for long enough to give this a go.

Story mode is enjoyable exploitation grindhouse gaming at its low budget, jankatronic, unapologetic best. It's utterly hideous and struggling in all the ways Unreal 3 does on Wii U, but at no point did I find the controls cumbersome or unresponsive. The toolset is novel, and allows for a fast-paced, rewarding, satisfying combat style. The fact that I've just come from a couple of days with Kojima's luxury, finely-tuned masterpiece did nothing to compromise what Devil's Third is good at, warts and all. A textbook victim of a barebones, arcade-style experience colliding face-first with modern gaming's bloated, big budget, homogenised expectations.

Multiplayer is fun as hell. The way the game alternates between gunplay/melee, the way both have extremely polarised strengths/weaknesses, and the parkour-lite abilities of the player blend together to offer a unique and thrilling MP experience. The level of customisation and variety of modes is impressive. It's probably fair to say that the bulk of the developer's attention (and Nintendo's budget I'd wager) went into the MP. If you play Devil's Third, play it for the MP, then decide.

Worth the money? For me, absolutely. Shame on you, Reggie, and shame on you, European press. I understand that there's a certain element of responsibility with critics to address the greater audience, but in this instance, I think they were grossly unfair with the game.

Thanks, Itagaki and Valhalla. You are cool.

Absolutely! Well written!


I love this game, very fun shooter with mele. Only played about an hour of multiplayer. The training gun has heaps of recoil, LOL !
Managed to tear myself away from The Phantom Pain (and that wasn't easy) for long enough to give this a go.

Story mode is enjoyable exploitation grindhouse gaming at its low budget, jankatronic, unapologetic best. It's utterly hideous and struggling in all the ways Unreal 3 does on Wii U, but at no point did I find the controls cumbersome or unresponsive. The toolset is novel, and allows for a fast-paced, rewarding, satisfying combat style. The fact that I've just come from a couple of days with Kojima's luxury, finely-tuned masterpiece did nothing to compromise what Devil's Third is good at, warts and all. A textbook victim of a barebones, arcade-style experience colliding face-first with modern gaming's bloated, big budget, homogenised expectations.

That's good to hear honestly. I expected the game to exactly fit your descriptions and had the game on pre-order yet the reviews made it a tough decision to actually keep it.

Good read! Hope my copy arrives soon so that I can see what the fuss is about.
Finished the single player, in my eyes it didn't get any better. But I played the multi player and had the feeling that this was where most of the money went since its surprisingly fun, not amazing but fun, sadly no ones playing the more unique modes (chicken one and cargo one) I'm really excited to see the other modes but I'm worried its gonna lose its player base before then. Hopefully it'll fare better when the F2P pc version hits the west fully.


That's good to hear honestly. I expected the game to exactly fit your descriptions and had the game on pre-order yet the reviews made it a tough decision to actually keep it.

Good read! Hope my copy arrives soon so that I can see what the fuss is about.

There's certainly issues with it that I imagine some have made an unnecessarily big deal out of. There's more than any game's share of invisible walls, and the enemy AI is occasionally scrappy. It can be pretty challenging, and it's not immediately obvious where you went wrong, or how to go right. None of which has a negative effect on how fun the game is, imo. If I have any legit complaint, it would be that the aiming is very sensitive by default, but you can get used to it even without the need to tweak settings.

I'm having fun with this, it's like a glorious b-movie or something. Would it have gotten as much slack if it was made by the likes of Grasshopper I wonder.

If that were the case, it would be Grasshopper's best game by a huge margin, and I say this as someone who likes Grasshopper games.


Good god... i want to buy a WiiU and this game just to play Carnival, Chickens, and Seige Mode!!

If this game truly crashes and burns, they NEED to release the multiplayer as free-to-play
on multiple platforms


I´ll give this game a fair try soon. There isn´t anything that looked really offputting and the graphics are decent at worst, with scenes that actually look quite good. And I want to give Itagaki the benefit of the doubt considering his past work.

i wanna check this out just to see if it is indeed as bad as people say

my suspicion is that reviewers were just going with the pre-conceived public verdict, as always

I agree, I have the same suspicion, it could very well be another case of jumping on the bandwagon.
I haven't even tried campaign yet - I just can't stop playing MP!


Same boat - though I think I've played too much D; May end up as my GOTY, keeping in mind I wont get around to playing Phantom Pain. All depends on how Battlefront turns out... though something tells me it wont be quite as easy to climb leaderboards on that


Neo Member
My review copy was delayed slightly, and having come home late tonight I didn't get to play more than the first level.

Even so, it seems to be more interesting than I had thought. It's choppy and vulgar, but strangely charming and satisfying at the same time. Looking forward to playing more, as I really don't know what to expect even after having played for an hour.


If that were the case, it would be Grasshopper's best game by a huge margin, and I say this as someone who likes Grasshopper games.

That's somewhat surprising. I've been interested in DT's multiplayer, but generally for me even something like Killer is Dead looks like it plays more smoothly, with better effects and better enemies. Not often I can say that something looks rougher than a Grasshopper game.


Man, the MP stage design is brilliant.

That's somewhat surprising. I've been interested in DT's multiplayer, but generally for me even something like Killer is Dead looks like it plays more smoothly, with better effects and better enemies. Not often I can say that something looks rougher than a Grasshopper game.

Oh it's certainly rougher. Grasshopper's Unreal 3 games look and perform much better, although to be fair all U3 games on Wii U run abysmally. The gameplay itself though is far more accomplished than anything in Grasshopper's oeuvre.

Devil's Third is a game which really, really needs and deserves a better framerate. If ran smoother and looked a little prettier, it wouldn't be so off-putting.


I've messing around in multiplayer and enjoying it, even though I don't know what I'm doing. Maybe I'll put up a video of me fumbling about.

I also joined the GAF clan as Oxyrain.
If someone has any doubts about professionalism with game's journalism, now you can see the truth :



How is it unprofessional to point out an awful texture? Even if it happened because of a glitch in the texture-loading, that's still what it looked like when they played it, the video evidence is right there.

And 'shame on the European press'?

Do me a fucking favour.


If someone has any doubts about professionalism with game's journalism, now you can see the truth :


It's not only apparent from their Devil's Third review but from their other videos too that those guys are more interested in a comic routine than actual critique, and Devil's Third is grade A material for tearing to pieces.

And 'shame on the European press'?

Do me a fucking favour.

They certainly haven't done us any favours regarding this game.


They probably could have done a GTAV type thing, by releasing the multiplayer for review early then adding the single player later.



How is it unprofessional to point out an awful texture? Even if it happened because of a glitch in the texture-loading, that's still what it looked like when they played it, the video evidence is right there.

It's unprofessional to make fun of a game with a common issue on Unreal Engine, like textures that don't load quickly (or never), for example Gears Of War 1, Mass Effect 3, Batman Arkham Knight and more.

Anyway, this is screen with no textures issue (in low poly/texture because the vehicule it's far from the place that Ivan shoot):

And 'shame on the European press'?

Do me a fucking favour.

Not all European press, but i have a game and i have a blast with it.
They probably could have done a GTAV type thing, by releasing the multiplayer for review early then adding the single player later.

The worst part is the multiplayer is region locked, so by the NA launch, anymore sites reviewing it will probably turn up with the same conclusion

This is probably the most biased and flat out mistaken I've seen the gaming press be about a game in a long while. Yeah, single player isnt all that. But theres a reason the multiplayer is getting a launch on PC as well - theres a damn lot of effort put in to it.

I wish I had the hardware to make gameplay videos. The stuff I'm doing in multiplayer - getting 8 kill combos in almost as many seconds sliding, jumping, knifing, gunning, flaming and meleeing shows a ridiculously fun, fast paced action game that puts a lot of other shooters to shame (baring the framerate...), and I'd hope such a video would at least make people consider giving it a chance
I get the impression that if they'd held back the review copies until the multiplayer servers went public, its overall score would have been atleast a couple of points higher - most of the reviews focus on the single player, though obviously its lasting value is in multiplayer. Which thankfully doesn't suck.

On the other hand a reviewer I know said this once they got to see the multiplayer in full:

I'll say this, having played with full rooms as opposed to nearly full ones - I had a pretty positive review that's now getting rendered into a negative one simply because even with relatively ass graphics the game chugs to a halt when 16 players are doing their thing.

I'm not too fond of online shooters where it becomes impossible to aim when the game's at capacity. Gutted. 8-11 players can be awesome, but it takes a severe performance hit from 12-16 that's impossible to defend.


I think some of you guys might have killed me a bunch earlier today.

Anyway multiplayer is rad, I think I'll stick with Team DM for toe forseeable(as always).


El Capitan Todd
So, I gave it a 5/10, one of the most generous scores out there :p
are there people actually enjoying it? because...I did. I've put it in my review, even if a lot of colleagues "bullied" on me (jokin'!). I think that the 2/3 scores were too harsh. the game is objectively horrid, but it's also funny to be played.
I've come up with a good comparison, I think: Geist (GameCube exclusive game): pathetic in terms of graphics, bugs, tech, ingenous in terms of gameplay (some good idea affected bby horrible realization) but I still enjoyed it back in the days.
I played the first mission last night and didn't find anything remotely bad about it. If it's been in development for circa 6 years then it's a product of its time. Graphics are still impressive, it runs smooth, handles well and the humour is Duke Nukem-esque. Literally, what's not to like?


Hey guys,
Thank you for playing our Devil's Third.

I believe that those of you who actually have the game in your hands are more than satisfied with how interesting and fun the game is.

Unfortunately the scores we've been receiving in Europe are pretty awful.
Some of the criticism we're getting is constructive and fair - I can accept that.
But in general, I'm going to guess that most of the people reviewing the game weren't given a chance to evaluate it properly.

Just as one example, we designed the online multiplayer mode to be enjoyed together with tons of people, but it seems dozens of reviewers were only allowed to try the game in a closed environment.

That's extremely unfortunate for everyone involved. As you can imagine, no one can effectively evaluate the playability of multiplayer games under these conditions.

For me though, I value the feedback you guys can offer much more.
Please enjoy the game for yourselves.
After that, let me know everything about what you're thinking, so that we can make a better future.

Gamers, let's build a future together

Thanks as always.

Tomonobu Itagaki


The single player's actual game design isn't amazing but it's totally inoffensive. The game just needs to look and perform better.


Ok, so after playing around 10 hours, I think the single player campaign is a bit shitty (I enjoy it nevertheless), but the multiplayer is very fun. The problem is that everyone is at Team Deathmatch lol Other modes (like the Melee one) are fun too.
I suck at MP (it's fun but oh so frustrating) so I mainly played the campaign.

It's shit and I like it. Up to chapter 3 and this is basically a shitty grindhouse production with gore galore and an arcade-feel. It controls fairly well yet the gunplay is a bit off. The guns feel like pea shooters and lack feedback but I already knew that from the vids.

It's enjoyable in relation to my expectations but honestly it's tough to recommend. Buy it if you like the trailers/don't mind the gameplay videos.

'Where's the love?'
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