Devil's Third |OT| A game made of liquor with perfect bald man. He is cool.


Annoyed at the late NA release. Not seeing much chance for the MP to take off when it's released in the middle of Halo/CoD/Battlefront/blah blah blah.

I never expected it to be popular, but sent to die comes to mind.

Hope the PC version of the MP lives.
Amazon (NA) still hasn't updated the release date info for the game... still listed with the placeholder date of December 31st, 2015
So, I just finished
the airport level
and I'm really liking it so far. It feels so good to be able to play the game finally myself, rather than watching people on YouTube and constantly wondering about their gaming skills (in a bad way).

Switching between ranged and melee is very fluid and the boss fights get better each time. Current favorite is the fight with
Grundla Saha on the plane at the airport

Some random things I noticed:
  • Play with a Pro Controller (seriously, I just can't stress this enough, it feels much better than with the GamePad)
  • Changing the horizontal and vertical sensitivity from the default of 10 to 12 feels much better to me
  • The auto-aim is quite strong, so I disabled it in the options
  • Even if you only have moderate experience in TPS I recommend starting on hardcore difficulty right away, normal is way too easy
  • You can slide up stairs! (don't know if this is already common knowledge, so yeah)
  • You can cancel sliding when sliding into cover (e.g. near walls)
  • You can also reload while sliding
I also added you guys (smashballtaz, PlayerReady and Oxyrain) from this thread to my friends list. I'll probably join the MP later today or tomorrow.

My NNID is ShoklotCaek, feel free to add me.

The Giant

After spending quite some time on the game. The reviewers where way too hash on this game. It's not perfect but it doesn't deserve 3/4's.


Junior Member
What's going on with the reviews?? The professional reviews give this very low scores while the community seem to be generally positive.


What's going on with the reviews?? The professional reviews give this very low scores while the community seem to be generally positive.

I would be careful with "positive" ... I'd say more appreciative and forgiving. That's a general problem I have with (game) reviews. The need to form a definite, final opinion on a thing and in most cases assigning entirely arbitrary numerical values to them.


Junior Member
more appreciative and forgiving..
You might be right. Still somewhat surprising though. Gamers are not always very forgiving and the internet is generally more harsh then mild. Glad people seem to enjoy the multiplayer. And i agree upon the numbers thing. The single most important conclusion should be: is this game fun and how much.
So, I just finished
the airport level
and I'm really liking it so far. It feels so good to be able to play the game finally myself, rather than watching people on YouTube and constantly wondering about their gaming skills (in a bad way).

Switching between ranged and melee is very fluid and the boss fights get better each time. Current favorite is the fight with
Grundla Saha on the plane at the airport

Some random things I noticed:
  • Play with a Pro Controller (seriously, I just can't stress this enough, it feels much better than with the GamePad)
  • Changing the horizontal and vertical sensitivity from the default of 10 to 12 feels much better to me
  • The auto-aim is quite strong, so I disabled it in the options
  • Even if you only have moderate experience in TPS I recommend starting on hardcore difficulty right away, normal is way too easy
  • You can slide up stairs! (don't know if this is already common knowledge, so yeah)
  • You can cancel sliding when sliding into cover (e.g. near walls)
  • You can also reload while sliding
I also added you guys (smashballtaz, PlayerReady and Oxyrain) from this thread to my friends list. I'll probably join the MP later today or tomorrow.

My NNID is ShoklotCaek, feel free to add me.
I still haven't received my copy, hopefully it will turn up on Friday. I will add you as soon as it arrives. Really looking forward to playing this.


How reputable are user reviews on Metacritic anyway? Do they somehow have to prove that they own a copy of a game or at least get their reviews quality checked by moderators?

Aug 29, 2015
Its Boring, repetitive, and glitchy. Everything about the game screams mediocre. People said multiplayer is the game's saving grace but it's only fun for an hour or two. Save your money and buy phantom pain.


How reputable are user reviews on Metacritic anyway? Do they somehow have to prove that they own a copy of a game or at least get their reviews quality checked by moderators?

loooooooooool even asking the question is hilarious :D

if you see what looks like hyperbolic nonsense, it's hyperbolic nonsense.
You might be right. Still somewhat surprising though. Gamers are not always very forgiving and the internet is generally more harsh then mild. Glad people seem to enjoy the multiplayer. And i agree upon the numbers thing. The single most important conclusion should be: is this game fun and how much.

I think in this case only people who _really_ wanted the game ended up buying it. I'm not talking about biased user perception but rather that their attitude towards the game is more positive/optimistic per se which impacts how they experience the game.

Until now I find the game to be pretty inoffensive. It's not the greatest thing ever but it's dumb fun. I giggle everytime when I shoot the enemy's arm and somehow his head flies off coupled with a 5km blood fountain. Ridiculous lol
so i finally played the game and I really do not understand how this game got so much hate.

i only played the single player so far and the controls are actually really responsive and good. I had some framerate drops when using the embaku ability but otherwise I had no issues. I found myself using melee a lot and do not enjoy the shooting part as not. Maybe the reviewers all focused mainly on the shooting? anyways I usually slide, dodge and charge my way through enemies with guns and cutting them in half is insanely fun so far.

story and voice acting is obviously cheesy as hell but I enjoy it.
Still waiting for my copy to arrive, got it from Simplygames, I will give them a call if it does not arrive by Monday. Really want to play this!!!!
Still waiting for my copy to arrive, got it from Simplygames, I will give them a call if it does not arrive by Monday. Really want to play this!!!!

That's definitely strange, I got the game a day after release from them (Germany).

Anyway, I finished the game yesterday and here are some random thoughts.

- I overall enjoyed the game. As some other poster said, the game feels like an arcade game.
- The story was garbage and poorly told on top but quite fitting in relation to the tone of the game. It certainly has the grindhouse-feeling.
- I know that this might sound awkward but I enjoyed the ridiculous violence + finishing moves. Totally over the top (just like the game really)
- Controls felt good and the instant switch between gunplay and melee worked well. I liked that both options were mostly possible at all times which lets the player vary the playstyle compared to other shooters.
- The level and encounter design is very uninspired and feels ripped off from many other shooters, only worse. Because of this, the whole mobility aspect of the game was underused.
- A.I. was horrible
- You can die pretty quickly without exactly knowing why.
- The bosses are fun but frustrating (cheap instant KO grabs)
- graphics were very inconsistent. The game can definitely look good but there are some environments which look like poop. (Personally I couldn't care less.)
- There is a personal message at the end from Itagaki to those who finished the game. I really liked that.

It took me about 8h to finished the campaign which is pretty much the usual length for these kind of games.

It's no 3/10 in my opinion. That shit was way overblown and I find it fascinating just how many outlets jumped on the bandwagon to trash the game. I think a 6/10 is fair. The game is recommendable to those who got interested in it due to the trailers.
It's pretty telling that the OT is at page 4 while seemingly every sensationalist thread regarding the game hits 10 pages+



It's pretty telling that the OT is at page 4 while seemingly every sensationalist thread regarding the game hits 10 pages+


It Neogaf. People talk about, and act like experts, alot more than actually play games. Especially B,C-tier games. Its sad that the biggest community doesn't even have hivemind to actually try out this game, and rather shit talk about it.

Its sad

I am still bitter that Revnant Wings is just ignorantly hated upon


Got it this week-end but didn't test it yet as my son played it all the w-e. He enjoyed it (lot of multiplayer). Was able to watch him play and it looked fun. Will play it this week.


Maintenance time

Europe: 2AM to 5AM (Tuesday)
UK: 1AM to 4AM (Tuesday)
North America (EDT): 8PM to 11PM (Monday)
North America (PDT): 5PM to 8PM (Monday)
Japan: 9AM to 12PM

Following this maintenance, one new game mode will be unlocked:

Guardian (Drill mode), where you will be able to get 5x experience points until September 15th (2AM CET)

Also active:

5x experience points until September 8th (2AM CET) in Carnival (Drill mode)
5x area rewards until September 15th (2AM CET) Badlands (Siege area)


It's pretty telling that the OT is at page 4 while seemingly every sensationalist thread regarding the game hits 10 pages+

I said it in the other threads. People were just jumping into the NoA sucks hatetrain, while the average thread of news and info were ignored. The "this was the game I was going to buy a Wii U for" was so quite prevalent on those.

I'm still waiting for the NA release, so hopefully things will be a bit better and more lively then. After all the bullshit, ironicaly is NoA the only one giving it a proper release both retail and digital; along announcing the PC release (NoJ retail was exclusive to Amazon and NoE retail was too small apparently).


After all the bullshit, ironicaly is NoA the only one giving it a proper release both retail and digital; along announcing the PC release (NoJ retail was exclusive to Amazon and NoE retail was too small apparently).

Nah, the game is easily available in EU.


Amazon (NA) still hasn't updated the release date info for the game... still listed with the placeholder date of December 31st, 2015

Wikipedia says December 11 for North America.

Is the speculation though that it will come out in September for NA?


Wikipedia says December 11 for North America.

Is the speculation though that it will come out in September for NA?

NOA confirmed December 11 a few weeks ago. Nothing is speculation. You might also want to take a look at the OP, where the NA date has been included since I posted the thread.^^
That's definitely strange, I got the game a day after release from them (Germany).

Anyway, I finished the game yesterday and here are some random thoughts.

- I overall enjoyed the game. As some other poster said, the game feels like an arcade game.
- The story was garbage and poorly told on top but quite fitting in relation to the tone of the game. It certainly has the grindhouse-feeling.
- I know that this might sound awkward but I enjoyed the ridiculous violence + finishing moves. Totally over the top (just like the game really)
- Controls felt good and the instant switch between gunplay and melee worked well. I liked that both options were mostly possible at all times which lets the player vary the playstyle compared to other shooters.
- The level and encounter design is very uninspired and feels ripped off from many other shooters, only worse. Because of this, the whole mobility aspect of the game was underused.
- A.I. was horrible
- You can die pretty quickly without exactly knowing why.
- The bosses are fun but frustrating (cheap instant KO grabs)
- graphics were very inconsistent. The game can definitely look good but there are some environments which look like poop. (Personally I couldn't care less.)
- There is a personal message at the end from Itagaki to those who finished the game. I really liked that.

It took me about 8h to finished the campaign which is pretty much the usual length for these kind of games.

It's no 3/10 in my opinion. That shit was way overblown and I find it fascinating just how many outlets jumped on the bandwagon to trash the game. I think a 6/10 is fair. The game is recommendable to those who got interested in it due to the trailers.

Finally arrived today :), can't play until weekend busy at work this week. Dying to get into the multiplayer.
Finished the campaign yesterday. My favorite mission by a huge margin is the one
in Japan
. The music, the graphics... here everything comes together nicely and even the boss fight with
Jane Doe
is IMO the best in the game
except for her stupid instant-kill move
. Sadly, not every mission is as great as this one, but overall I still enjoyed the game for what it is.
Another thing I really liked were all the different attacks and finishing moves with the melee weapons and some of the idle animations (not just the drinking and smoking animations, but also the ones, where Ivan wipes the blood off the sword after a fight.
It's also funny how some people complained about him looking stupid with his always-on sunglasses, when ingame they offer Ivan certain advantages (infra-vision, mission goals etc.) and he constantly gets mocked from some of the characters for wearing them.

Tried a bit of the multiplayer and - as expected - had no clue what was going on and got killed a lot. But I still had a lot of fun and with some practice and knowledge of the maps it should be manageable. As soon as I hit level 5, I'll drop the GAF-clan a request to join.


Running around in the 'Guardian' multiplayer mode and it is just constant grenades, flamethrowers and melee chaos around the control points.


Running around in the 'Guardian' multiplayer mode and it is just constant grenades, flamethrowers and melee chaos around the control points.

I know, right? it's awesome :-D

So, I chose Mercenary when I "graduated" and now I'm kind of lost. Joined a siege that we won without me doing much about it.We were defending. I have no idea how to join a clan if I want to. So confused. But the little I played of MP was entertaining.
It's so weird. Never had that game on my radar and then the bad reviews kept coming in. And suddenly I had a feeling like "I have to get this. What if it's too hard to find in a few months?". Then I started the single player and totally didn't get what all the hate was about. Seemed like a perfectly fine middle-tier action game, those that we'd regularly get back in the PS2/GC/XBOX era and that weren't focus-grouped to death but catered to some specific niche that would end up loving it. It's weird how so often the media complains about the fact that this tier of games is gone, but when one of these titles comes along they have a really hard time to accept that it wouldn't really fit into the AAA moulds.

And then I started the multi-player mode (Team Deathmatch) which took quite some time to get used to. Since it's not really a shooter, you can't just run around and try to gun others down with your rifle. Instead you have to really figure out when to use cover, when to switch to short-range weapons like the shotgun, when to use the melee weapons, and to top it all off, really learn how to use the parcour elements to your advantage.

Once I had finished the multi-player tutorial levels, suddenly all this clan-based stuff opened up and it blew my mind. "It's not a lake, it's an ocean!". To top it off, I really love the Guardian mode that they just introduced. Now I just hope that it doesn't die off too soon because of the small player base (which we can thank all the bad reviews for).

Yeah, sure, the game is not objectively great and has some issues. It should have gotten slightly better reviews though so that players would even give it the chance it deserves.



7/10 is about right. There are many things I'm always prepared to criticise about it, mainly in single player. Enemies are apearing out of nowhere (at one time, they even reappeared when I went back for ammo and crossed the trigger line again after that), AI is good but buggy/unfinished, dificulty is often achieved by cheap tricks, I could go on for a whole minute here. But even then, it's a fun game. No garbage. The mechanics are well thought out and they work well.

Now multiplayer, that's a whole other story. I've played quite a bit more now and I'm not even interested in switching back to Splatoon anytime soon, this game is just so much fun. And the netcode is very stable. Never had a disconnect or anything like that so far. There's loading everywhere but it's manageable. What's funny about it is that I, frankly, suck hard at this game. In Splatoon, I'm definitely in the better half of players, here, I'm sitting comfortably near the bottom. I hope to improve, but it's gonna be hard. How others can play with any kind of precision in this twin stick shooter is beyond me (aim assist is turned off in multiplayer after you finish the tutorial phase, and I find myself either moving the crosshair too fast or too slowly; moving targets are a nightmare).

Even then, even though I'm so miserable at playing it, I absolutely adore the multiplayer in Devil's Third and can't get enough of it. Well, maybe with the exception of the F2P-ish golden eggs currency, which has no place in a full price game IMO. Keep that shit in the PC version which is actually going to be free to play. But yeah, if only there were more people playing this game so that one could actually find a match at any time, I wouldn't need another game for the next few weeks, at least.

Also, how is the GAF clan called and is it still on? I was accepted to a clan but it was disbanded today, due to one member being unable to get over a few humiliating defeats and another member (a general) apparently having hard feelings about that player leaving the clan. A shame because the clan was ranked 1st overall and also in most of the areas :)


How others can play with any kind of precision in this twin stick shooter is beyond me (aim assist is turned off in multiplayer after you finish the tutorial phase, and I find myself either moving the crosshair too fast or too slowly; moving targets are a nightmare).

The Pro controller appears to have a really huge dead zone, something which doesn't go well with fast action, super-sensitive controls and a low framerate. Even worse, there's no separate sensitivity scale for aiming and moving, it's all tied up in one package. I've found experimenting with different guns produces better results than experimenting with the settings, and high accuracy seems to be a dominant stat for firearms.

But yeah, it's an amazing game. I adore Splatoon, but I find it easier to kill a few hours with Devil's Third, for all the reasons you mention. It's nowhere near as clever, original, strategic or polished as the squid game, but it's just so much damn fun throwing swords in people's heads, or scrambling up walls to get away from guys with flamethrowers, or watching two dudes in a melee fight to the death and spraying the winner from cover before he can switch to a gun. The amazing level design and strong netcode makes the deal all the sweeter.
Still patiently waiting for the US release...

I'm curious about what circles Itagaki walked in during the conception and development of Devil's Third. For instance, did he ever hang out with Koji Igarashi or anyone else familiar? Since Ivan was not in the initial reveal (at least as we recognize him), what else was changed? What's the story? The narative?
I see clearly that Ivan is Itagaki, so who are his friends he's fighting? Itagaki once said -I believe- that he and Valhalla are mercenary now, that would at least explain the fictitious battles with them.
Itagaki (thus his storytelling) comes across to me as kind of a cooly emotional guy from the heart. Residing in a world of ambition, passion, sincerity, and future.

Love me some Buronson in my life. Kinda how I'm going in to Devil's Third never having played Ninja Gaiden. I'm sure though, it's different than Sancutary.
I'm enjoying the single player, the game is fun. Just a little upset that I can't find many players online.

No way is this worth a 3!

Single player is fine and the multiplayer is great. I would give the game a 7 or 8, probably more an eight if the frame rate was more consistent.

I recommend people not to miss it, it is a great alternative to play when you get tired of Splatoon. The multiplayer is fantastic, the verticality is great and the map designs are good.


So, I just finished
the airport level
and I'm really liking it so far. It feels so good to be able to play the game finally myself, rather than watching people on YouTube and constantly wondering about their gaming skills (in a bad way).

Switching between ranged and melee is very fluid and the boss fights get better each time. Current favorite is the fight with
Grundla Saha on the plane at the airport

Some random things I noticed:
  • Play with a Pro Controller (seriously, I just can't stress this enough, it feels much better than with the GamePad)
  • Changing the horizontal and vertical sensitivity from the default of 10 to 12 feels much better to me
  • The auto-aim is quite strong, so I disabled it in the options
  • Even if you only have moderate experience in TPS I recommend starting on hardcore difficulty right away, normal is way too easy
  • You can slide up stairs! (don't know if this is already common knowledge, so yeah)
  • You can cancel sliding when sliding into cover (e.g. near walls)
  • You can also reload while sliding
I also added you guys (smashballtaz, PlayerReady and Oxyrain) from this thread to my friends list. I'll probably join the MP later today or tomorrow.

My NNID is ShoklotCaek, feel free to add me.

I bought the game and took your advice. The pro controller does suit this game and I'm having fun making progress on the hardest difficulty as you stated. Thanks for the tips. I am glad I got this game and while it's not a perfect game it's the type of 90's Japanese arcadey action that I like.
I created a clan called GAF if people want to join. It's in the Grand Canyon area; I'm not sure if that makes a difference. You should just be able to search for GAF and join the clan when you hit level 5.

Could you update the OP if people start joining?
I've sent you a request to join the GAF clan.


The Pro controller appears to have a really huge dead zone, something which doesn't go well with fast action, super-sensitive controls and a low framerate. Even worse, there's no separate sensitivity scale for aiming and moving, it's all tied up in one package. I've found experimenting with different guns produces better results than experimenting with the settings, and high accuracy seems to be a dominant stat for firearms.

But yeah, it's an amazing game. I adore Splatoon, but I find it easier to kill a few hours with Devil's Third, for all the reasons you mention. It's nowhere near as clever, original, strategic or polished as the squid game, but it's just so much damn fun throwing swords in people's heads, or scrambling up walls to get away from guys with flamethrowers, or watching two dudes in a melee fight to the death and spraying the winner from cover before he can switch to a gun. The amazing level design and strong netcode makes the deal all the sweeter.

I got better now. Didn't think I could enjoy the game more than I already did, but now that I learned how to git gud it's actually even more fun. Probably has to do with the hard work that went into the learning.

BTW saw the GAF clan in the ladder somewhere when I looked for another one. Are you guys active? Maybe an alliance would be possible?

EDIT: seems it wouldn't. It says that the target clan level is too low. Clan is level one... guess you guys aren't playing anymore?


The Gladiator mode sometimes spawns the chainsaw.
It's a shame that whenever I play there aren't many people online.


Usually it's not too populated. More people appear in the evening and they stay until about 10 or 11 PM. It's better on the weekend I think. Overall it's pretty enjoyable. I've logged over 60 hours so far.


At night it is. Since online is region locked.

It's apparent that it was a bad idea to do this. It might be better for stability, but there just aren't enough people playing to get a game when you want one, at least outside of Siege matches. It would be nice if it were something they could 'unlock', but I highly doubt it's that simple.


Coolshop is having an autumn sale.

among other things, they have future classic (sarcasm, obv. but still, give it a chance!) Devil's Third (Wii U) for £29.95 / €42,50 / (or try whatever your favorite country is)


for those wanting to save a little.
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