I wonder if Blizzard will get shit on for this? Because they should.
Who would of thought it would be busy, WHEN 145 million people are trying to log in at once....
im stuck on 'retrieving hero list' =/
I liked you in The West Wing, mayne!
Has anyone actually gotten on for the americas?
Yeah, fuck this. I'm willing to be exhausted at work tomorrow to play this game, but not to sit at a login screen typing my password in all night. Blizzard was so not prepared for this shit.
Error 37
Error 37
Error 37
Error 37
Error 37
Error 37
Retrieving hero list...
Error 3006 Request Timed Out.
Error 37
Error 37
Error 37
Error 37
Error 37
die in a fire
My Witch Doctor is unable to conquer the digital realmsSame bro, same.
Yep, Getting the same hero shit here. Was trying to get a good name, lol.
jump under a bus
die in a fire
Almost got a character created, but then it timed out and gave me the already in progress error.
This game will probably make the OT2 record. Will it?