if only blizzard had just staggered the launch for us
I still cannot even click the login button.
Give it a few, your character should still create. I got that error, logged in again and the character I had made was there.Character create times out, then "The operation is already in progress. Please try again later. (Error 3000005)"
See what happens when companies use bullshit DRM on games?
Yeah, I know I'm beating a dead horse, but watching my roommate trying to get on over and over again is even painful for me.
die in a fire
this is like catching mewtwo with a fucking pokeball
gotta get through three shakes before you can get in
This.let me create that stupid SC character so I can level him to 10 and get it done with it
It's not the DRM doing this, it's every nerd in America logging on at the same time doing this.
Remember to put your email address as the account name in the first box, not your battletag.
What I imagine the Diablo 3 servers look like
I feel like I'm waiting in the longest line and I'm a little too sleepy to deal with it.
Got in to the character creator but now I can't get passed this screen
What a complete disaster. Way to prepare for launch Blizzard. Next time don't put the intern on server duty.
this is like catching mewtwo with a fucking pokeball
gotta get through three shakes before you can get in
You shouldn't have to log in to play the single player game...