In regards on the loot table changes, many people have commented how Act 1 and Act 2 is now suddenly much better. That is most likely because of the changes to the mobs, but how are the loot dropping for you? Do you actually see a good number of ilvl63 items? Because with only 2% for Act 1 and 4% for Act 2, you shouldn't be feeling that big of a difference from just loot alone.
The less rare ilvl63 the less they will be worth. The quicker we find high tiered gear the quicker we're at the point we're steamrolling inferno. The rolls of the rares, when you get them, should be the same pre and post patch unless they purposely changed it.
Finding loot is only fun if it has a chance to be something. If everybody is getting ilvl63 at a 20% rate then your roll needs to be that much better to be worth anything.
I'm defining endgame gear as the best gear for that spot. Obviously you can do it with less but most people will want their ilvl63 weps and armor pieces. When they get a good roll on those pieces then upgrades are pointless. How quick they get those rolls is determined by how common those high tiers drop.
edit: anyways I'm spending too much time on this argument lol. If you guys don't understand why making highest tier items more common would kill that buzz from finding one then I don't know what else I can say.
In regards on the loot table changes, many people have commented how Act 1 and Act 2 is now suddenly much better. That is most likely because of the changes to the mobs, but how are the loot dropping for you? Do you actually see a good number of ilvl63 items? Because with only 2% for Act 1 and 4% for Act 2, you shouldn't be feeling that big of a difference from just loot alone.
In regards on the loot table changes, many people have commented how Act 1 and Act 2 is now suddenly much better. That is most likely because of the changes to the mobs, but how are the loot dropping for you? Do you actually see a good number of ilvl63 items? Because with only 2% for Act 1 and 4% for Act 2, you shouldn't be feeling that big of a difference from just loot alone.
In regards on the loot table changes, many people have commented how Act 1 and Act 2 is now suddenly much better. That is most likely because of the changes to the mobs, but how are the loot dropping for you? Do you actually see a good number of ilvl63 items? Because with only 2% for Act 1 and 4% for Act 2, you shouldn't be feeling that big of a difference from just loot alone.
I get plenty of ilvl63 items doing the Act 2 and Act 3 goblin/chest runs. Most of them are crap...but still...
Go on....![]()
The drop rates have already been tinkered with in all sorts of areas before this patch, and I'm sure this isn't the last time we'll see a change. Chalk that up to Blizzard I'm afraid.
The bolded part is interesting to me, because when you are finding hell-equivalent loot in late Inferno it has no chance at being amazing. If anything it would probably provide disappointment to the average player. And it's possible to go long stretches now where thats what you get, which I can't imagine would feel very "fun."
And I wasn't aware that we were arguing, was just discussing the matter. I've disagreed with the direction they have taken loot for quite awhile, this is par for the course imo. :lol
The drop rates have already been tinkered with in all sorts of areas before this patch, and I'm sure this isn't the last time we'll see a change. Chalk that up to Blizzard I'm afraid.
The bolded part is interesting to me, because when you are finding hell-equivalent loot in late Inferno it has no chance at being amazing. If anything it would probably provide disappointment to the average player. And it's possible to go long stretches now where thats what you get, which I can't imagine would feel very "fun."
And I wasn't aware that we were arguing, was just discussing the matter. I've disagreed with the direction they have taken loot for quite awhile, this is par for the course imo. :lol
I've been experimenting with this today, running nothing but Act 2. The amount of lvl61+ drops feel about the same to me compared to Act 3 in all honesty, similar feeling for lvl 63 items as well. The biggest change for me is that Act 2 elite packs are piss easy compared to Act 3's, so if the loot feels about the same I'll probably just stick to my rampage in the desert.
just decked out my new lvl 60 flavor of the month barb after I got bored of DH, honestly that class got extremely boring and tedious to me even before the patch. Basically I was also tired of crumpling into a heap of death every time the wind blew my way and gearing for survivability seemed hopelessly expensive and a waste of time and money anyways. So I decided to gear up my barb that I had lvled a while back and got my barb to about 500 res all and 9k armor unbuffed, with 10k damage and 1.1k life on hit. block percentage is at 20, probably could have gotten that and my damage a little higher..and to finish off, I have 55k hp. I haven't had the chance to try him out yet but how is he looking?
So where's the place to farm out in Act 2? Act 3 just became not worth it with the repair cost and Siegebreaker getting some teeth.
The maps are all on D2JSP somewhere.
*Outline to farming Act 2*
Not every item with lower ilvls is trash. Weps could use some fine-tuning to be more inferno viable. The rest of the equip seems to be able to spawn with decent mods despite incredible mods.
I'd also like to note that most of that stuff is only "trash" because Blizzard centered the game almost entirely around being level60. Soon as they eliminate all of the powerleveling techniques, much of this lower level equipment will start to have worth.
Maybe not arguing in a hostile sense but we are taking different positions.
We could probably agree that the game would benefit from adding additional item tiers that can only drop from late game or bosses. I was against allowing the best stuff to drop in early A1 inferno ever since the patch was announced.
I was one of the first ones in the thread who complained about drop rates being nerfed about one week before the patch. So I did think it might have happened then. But the patch would definitely make more people take notice.
It's probably a combination of both factors, that there are people genuinely felt the difference of loot drops, and also the matter of confirmation bias and now seeing the ilvl of items. It's not fair to expect people to be 100% objective about this, even if someone did measure the sample size, it is probably low enough to be easily discounted as a RNG problem. But at the same time do you really think everyone who reported lower drop rates at the same period of time are delusional?
I run with one other person and we just split up in each area, find packs and then tp to each other to snipe them out.
I feel like the design of the droprates and the itemization system in general is almost completely dominated by the need to keep the economy in a stable state. The fact that so many people use the AH compared to the number of people that traded actively in D2, the fact that players aren't divided up into US East and US West (millions of people on a single server) and the fact that rares drop with such frequency dictates that the item qualities have to consistently be shit, or the market will be completely flooded with insanely good gear.
That's one thing I liked about (at least in principle) the runeword system in D2. Runes were absurdly rare when they weren't acquired by duping and botting, so the fact that runewords were often so much better than alternatives was perfectly acceptable in theory. They were supposed to be an item reserved for the most hardcore of players, extremely expensive, but also extremely good. They don't have a tier of stuff like that in D2, so we just have to wade through endless piles of worthless rares.
That sounds like a good idea. But do you even need to be near the elite for the elite to drop loot for you?
You have to be close, yeah. I generally will wait to deal the final blow if he doesn't TP in time. Usually we'll just have a large group of trash mobs around us so you just have to kill them then TP to the other person to help.
Are you running as a dps Barb now?
Can someone explain to me how the AH filter Bonus Minimum Physical Damage works with damage range modifiers like +13-32 damage?
Like, if I set BMPD to 15 when searching, it shows me a bunch of equip with the stat +15 and above minimum damage. It also shows me a few equipments with damage range modifiers. I have a ring with a +15-29 damage modifier, how would that show up in searches?
Also, is +15-29 damage strictly superior to the +15 minimum damage mod?
Edit: also here's the ring, can someone help me figure out what this is worth, the damage mod thing is throwing me off in searching for similar stuff.
I run Ruthless/Weapons Master/Tough as Nails in A1 and A2, Ruthless/Nerves/Nails in A3/4. I've been playing around with running Battle Rage w/ Fury on Crit rune so I can sprint past all trash mobs faster but I lose a mobility skill (leap/charge) which makes some packs really annoying (mostly ones w/ arcane or freeze where they trap you and you can't move until you kill them)
I think as long as nightmarish is bugged every barb should be running WotB. I can kill champs pretty fast without it but getting stunlocked for 20-30 seconds can be deadly even in A1/2. It's something I'd consider removing for another skill in A1/2 if nightmarish wasn't such an issue.
The biggest change I've made for 1.0.3 is I've dumped a lot of vitality for more strength. I do A1-3 with only ~37-40k hp now.
Oh wow, and I thought my 46k HP was getting low. :lol
Whats your DPS up to?
I'm still running my sword and board, but I've been slowly moving pieces out for more dps. Think I'm down to about 800 AR, give or take. Also running Marauders Rage and WoTB just to blow up packs even faster. I put together a set for that double tornado build you showed me a week ago, but I definitely need to practice it in an easier area. Not sure how viable it would even be post 1.03.
So since nobody answered my previous question i have a new one
What is better to get, a Legendary weapon that has 800 DPS or a Rare weapon that has 1100 DPS if the cost the same?
In regards on the loot table changes, many people have commented how Act 1 and Act 2 is now suddenly much better. That is most likely because of the changes to the mobs, but how are the loot dropping for you? Do you actually see a good number of ilvl63 items? Because with only 2% for Act 1 and 4% for Act 2, you shouldn't be feeling that big of a difference from just loot alone.
So since nobody answered my previous question i have a new one
What is better to get, a Legendary weapon that has 800 DPS or a Rare weapon that has 1100 DPS if the cost the same?
The one with higher DPS.
Everyone is just happening to have a dry spell right after the patch in Act 3. What a huge coincidence.
Hey, you find me a pair of boneweave gauntlets(level 51) that are viable for Act 3/4 Inferno and I'll buy you a coke! I wasn't saying sub 60 amulets and rings are bad, if anything I find them quite tasty. I owe quite a bit of my money pile to level 53-56 amulets after all. Maybe it will be as you say, and we'll see the lower level equipment start climbing back into relevance, but color me skeptical.
And I don't know if I really even have a position. I guess if I was to put myself on a side of the argument, it would be that they should have left it how it was in terms of drops, and just tweaked the difficulty a little.
First rare to drop today lol. Worth anything?
Ok thanksand what should i choose since I'm a barb? 1h or 2h weapon?
I've only done a couple of Warden/Butcher runs since the new patch (small sample size, I know), but from just those couple runs alone, I've been getting a lot less rares than pre-patch. It also takes longer now since I built my Monk off AS and LoH...
I've picked up a few ilvl 63 rares during the couple butcher runs I have done since the patch. Although the damage on the weapons was pathetic, which sucked. Are higher level damage mods not available until you get to later inferno acts or something?
They drop less rares. 5NV now only guarantee one rare instead of two from bosses, but guarantee one rare from elite packs.
Equipment doesn't have to be for lvl60s to be amazing and useful. If someone levels legit, I'm sure they'd be more than willing to pay for that wep or whatever that will help them beat areas of hell or hell bosses.
I'm seeing a ton of very good ilvl52 gloves. If the ilvl51s are that bad then pretend it's a magic. You're getting a lot more rares now, most of which have a chance of being awesome.
I started to see how viable a lower HP build would be before the patch and got to around 35k dps. After the patch that dropped to 30-31k (lost a bit of attack speed) but I had already switched my weapon for a higher DPS one w/o ASI and I've been building my barb out for crit%/dmg for a couple weeks now. Right now I'm doing A1/2 with 38k dps or 50k buffed with battle cry. In A3 I drop down to around 30k dps mostly because I'm wearing a justice lantern instead of one of my DPS rings for a bit extra HP and better block%.
I think WW should still work. I actually played with battle cry with building fury/crit for a bit and it's a lot of fun. I was using weapon throw with dread bomb, building my fury up to 100 then throwing corpses that crit for like 160-200k. When I sprint through areas the twisters fill my fury pretty fast so I'm assuming double tornado should still work well although I still haven't tried the build myself.
That dread bomb part sounds awesome. :lol
From what I experienced with double tornados, it seemed to work amazingly well when I pulled it off correctly, but it was quite a transition from my normal tank barb. It was jarring to not have just a basic attack to use(everything in that build runs off of fury pretty much). I probably shouldn't have tested it by trying a Siegebreaker run at the time.
I think you missed where I said "viable in act 3/4 Inferno." Obviously people need to wear gear in the low 50's, and I'm sure there are many enticing appropriate level gloves for those players.
This is the same situation as a few weeks ago imo, where people were complaining about the drops in Act 1 Inferno being garbage. Regardless, its like you said, its been one day so we might as well let everything shake out.
Yes, and I saw a ton of ilvl52 gloves that are endgame viable. Not ilvl51 which just happened to be the cutoff line.
Absolutely viable despite low 50s ilvl.
I'm trying out double tornado in A1 right now and it works pretty well.
I forgot to mention, if you do try out dread bomb use WotB with Thrive on Chaos. Dread bomb is nice because you can dump all your fury immediately. The Thrive on Chaos rune will only extend WotB if you're actually gaining fury (doesn't work when you're capped) so you have to keep dumping fury repeatedly.