I have a feeling that it's not pizza delivery men buying $250 items off the RMAH. If it is...wow
Hopefully they keep doing it, because daddy needs a new computer.
The patch pretty much addressed all my issues with that. You can now farm Hell and Act 1 Inferno in order to equip yourself for Act 2. The AH is no longer required.I shouldn't need to be good at buying low and reselling high to succeed at the game. I should be able to find stuff in the world.
Just repeating what others have been saying everywhere else. Doing an act 3 run pre-patch would net me at least ONE ilvl 62 item. Now I'm lucky to even see a ilvl 61 item. I'm not complaining about how crappy my items are, because frankly I've disenchanted tons of ilvl 62 and 63 loot that was worse than ilvl 60 loot and I understand that bad rolls will give me bad loot. I'm complaining about the quality of drops since the patch, as are other people. Also lol @ bashiok's response in that thread... Seriously? He thinks that people didn't know Ilvls before the patch? Really bashiok? It's been on the diablo 3 website since launch day!
I'd think a bunch of players all having the same complaint should cancel out some of the "only been 1 day since the patch... loot rng" comments.
I know it's a game designed on RNG, and their RNG system is complete crap. Mainly and obviously because of the RMAH.
I compare every single thing to other items on the AH and it's all under 5k. A few 100-200k items here and there.
Having 300-600k after 200 hours is pathetic.
I shouldn't need to be good at buying low and reselling high to succeed at the game. I should be able to find stuff in the world. It has all been crap.
The highest thing I ever sold was 3 million, and I farmed 7 million myself to get my current gear that has got me half way into act 3.
It's like some people haven't played a diablo before. I cannot fathom complaining about not finding a good drop after 5 hours. Id go days and weeks in d2 without finding something great.
Really?... I run act I farming now, done it about 3 times since patch, each time getting about 40 or so rares - about 10-15 of those are 61+
I know it's a game designed on RNG, and their RNG system is complete crap. Mainly and obviously because of the RMAH.
I compare every single thing to other items on the AH and it's all under 5k. A few 100-200k items here and there.
Having 300-600k after 200 hours is pathetic.
I shouldn't need to be good at buying low and reselling high to succeed at the game. I should be able to find stuff in the world. It has all been crap.
In my experience the counter for how many players are in a game tends to be inaccurate. If you click to another quest and back to the one you want to look at, it'll usually be a higher number.
I haven't noticed a difference in loot in Act 3. Most of it garbage, with the one decen item here and there.
But everyone now only looks on the ilvl it seems.
I did a lot of act 3 today, ended with azmodan. I was getting more 50-58 items than anything else. Which is rather weird.
Azmodan himself dropped 3 rares, one level 52, two level 57, with 5 nef stacks.
Torchlight 1 had better loot? What? It's loot was one of the worst of any ARPG I've played, hello Enchanter spam?
5 stacks guarantees 1 rare. After that it's a combination of luck and MF from gear that factors into how magic magics/rares/uniques/sets drop. Neither MF nor stacks determine what level of rare you will get. It's "magic find" after all.
I really wish Blizzard would go more transparent on active and passive skills with stacks.
For exemple, the passive for DH that gives you a damage boost when no enemies are inbound 10 meters. I would love an icon that pops up over the skills bar to let me now when it's active or not.
Same goes for the dacing blades active skill for monk. it stacks damages over crits. I would love to know how many stacks I have, inside the icon telling me how much left seconds it is going to be active
Wait, so NV isn't simply a MF buff?
Son of a bitch.
By the way, act III isn't completely broken. I've been getting some - how do the kids say it - sick drawps
No it's like super MF. Getting 5 stacks makes it so you get guaranteed rare from every champion pack and boss you kill regardless of your current MF. Having more mf on top of that increases the chances at multiple rares though.
Son of a bitch.
By the way, act III isn't completely broken. I've been getting some - how do the kids say it - sick drawps
Son of a bitch.
By the way, act III isn't completely broken. I've been getting some - how do the kids say it - sick drawps
5 stacks guarantees 1 rare. After that it's a combination of luck and MF from gear that factors into how magic magics/rares/uniques/sets drop. Neither MF nor stacks determine what level of rare you will get. It's "magic find" after all.
The last part was perfect. "I'm playing diablo"
Godspeed man. It's pretty cool to see people trying shit that shouldn't work (and succeed) even with all the weird nerfs and stuff going around. Also, your character looks pretty boss.
Speaking of MF, is there any type of "legal" way to equip MF gear on the fly or perhaps shrink the inventory window so that it doesn't take up a third of the screen?
Speaking of MF, is there any type of "legal" way to equip MF gear on the fly or perhaps shrink the inventory window so that it doesn't take up a third of the screen?
I believe the way MF works was that it upgrades the quality of the possible loot drops from a specific mob/elite/boss. For example if a mob can only drop 3 items, that's the same amount of items he will drop regardless of MF. What MF does is to increase the quality of the item dropped. So for example without MF, you may get a magic item, but with enough MF, there is an increased chance that that magic item may be upgraded to rare. That's why bosses are still good to kill as long they're not troublesome because the number of items they can drop are far higher than elites.
However I'm not sure if MF can upgrade the ilvl of items.
They said they aren't going to ban people for Dark3d.
Possibilites there though. So its like take your chance.
I don't understand why they don't just include Dark3d options into the next patch. That way their game would be a bit better...in terms of setting your preferences to how you prefer.
MF switching? Yes (though it breaks the TOS). Shrink the window? No.
I'm hunting an MF swapping script down myself right now. Should have done it weeks ago.
Just sold a ring for 100 bucks werrd. Big shit poppin.
Anyone else hate having so many blizzard emails. Sounds like stealth bragging but I just deleted them all and goddamn that was a lot. Doesn't help that I sold a ton of shit for 5 bucks or lower.
Just repeating what others have been saying everywhere else. Doing an act 3 run pre-patch would net me at least ONE ilvl 62 item. Now I'm lucky to even see a ilvl 61 item. I'm not complaining about how crappy my items are, because frankly I've disenchanted tons of ilvl 62 and 63 loot that was worse than ilvl 60 loot and I understand that bad rolls will give me bad loot. I'm complaining about the quality of drops since the patch, as are other people. Also lol @ bashiok's response in that thread... Seriously? He thinks that people didn't know Ilvls before the patch? Really bashiok? It's been on the diablo 3 website since launch day!
I'd think a bunch of players all having the same complaint should cancel out some of the "only been 1 day since the patch... loot rng" comments.
MF switching? Yes (though it breaks the TOS). Shrink the window? No.
I'm hunting an MF swapping script down myself right now. Should have done it weeks ago.
Krippie made a tutorial on that. Everything you need is in the video description.If you find anything, can you drop me a line? I'll send you a message if I track one down.
Just sold a ring for 100 bucks werrd. Big shit poppin.
Anyone else hate having so many blizzard emails. Sounds like stealth bragging but I just deleted them all and goddamn that was a lot. Doesn't help that I sold a ton of shit for 5 bucks or lower.
I know in D2 magic find just helped find more magic items which had a chance of being rare, set, or unique. With ~300MF I get a lot more magic items than I did with almost 0MF when running through the game, especially from bosses.
MF does not upgrade the ilvl of items as it shouldn't.
I've been complaining about shit drops in A3 since before 1.0.3. After doing a handful of runs in A3 post-1.0.3, I'd say it's about the same as before.
However I do believe that the rate was higher than 8% before 1.03 for Act 3/4 which is why a lot of people are feeling the effects. No one is going to be happy when you take away stuffs.
lol I feel you on that. Every new email my heart stops. I hate the fact that they send 1 to tell you something sold, one to tell you it's being reviewed, and 1 to tell you the money was sent.Nope, my b.net email account is just for blizzard stuff so every time I see new mail on that account I get excited.
the most baffling part about it is there is literally no way to play and do well without smoke screen and preparation. It seems like such a glaring and obvious problem I refuse to believe that they didn't notice. They either a) never played the class b) didn't give a shit.Man, the more I play DH, the more I think Blizz didn't really think about what they wanted to do with the job. There's literally no skill synergy at all and the variety of passives and runes doesn't really support anything. It really feels like poor design overall.
Actually, at times, it feels like there isn't as much skill synergy as there could be. Maybe it'll happen for an expansion or a later patch but it'd be much more interesting to see skills interact more.
Krippie made a tutorial on that. Everything you need is in the video description.
I've been complaining about shit drops in A3 since before 1.0.3. After doing a handful of runs in A3 post-1.0.3, I'd say it's about the same as before.
The ilvl 63 drop rate in act 3/4 went from ~20%-ish (no real concrete data on that, just people speculating on reddit) to 8%, as per the patch notes. With the change in repair costs and nerfs to IAS, it's all just compounded into making act 1/2 way more efficient.
lol I feel you on that. Every new email my heart stops. I hate the fact that they send 1 to tell you something sold, one to tell you it's being reviewed, and 1 to tell you the money was sent.
the most baffling part about it is there is literally no way to play and do well without smoke screen and preparation. It seems like such a glaring and obvious problem I refuse to believe that they didn't notice. They either a) never played the class b) didn't give a shit.
Man, the more I play DH, the more I think Blizz didn't really think about what they wanted to do with the job. There's literally no skill synergy at all and the variety of passives and runes doesn't really support anything. It really feels like poor design overall.
Actually, at times, it feels like there isn't as much skill synergy as there could be. Maybe it'll happen for an expansion or a later patch but it'd be much more interesting to see skills interact more.
Well if it works just as I described, it shouldn't increase the number of items you get. It just gives you better quality of said items. So if ilvl doesn't get increased by MF, then if people just did a tally of all items (including whites), ilvl 63 should be around 8% given a large enough sample.
However I do believe that the rate was higher than 8% before 1.03 for Act 3/4 which is why a lot of people are feeling the effects. No one is going to be happy when you take away stuffs.
Man, the more I play DH, the more I think Blizz didn't really think about what they wanted to do with the job. There's literally no skill synergy at all and the variety of passives and runes doesn't really support anything. It really feels like poor design overall.
Actually, at times, it feels like there isn't as much skill synergy as there could be. Maybe it'll happen for an expansion or a later patch but it'd be much more interesting to see skills interact more.