Just got a Cindercoat on my barb...that has two sockets...why...![]()
Enchant it to 3?
Just got a Cindercoat on my barb...that has two sockets...why...![]()
Just got a Cindercoat on my barb...that has two sockets...why...![]()
The 1 socket Cindercoat dream earlier for me
Thankfully, 100 AR and 450+ STR so it didn't need any other fixing. I guess this game really want me on Fire-related builds.
I asked this on the last page and didn't get an answer, and it's still bugging me, even if it is a stupid question:
What is the point of elemental damage on a weapon? If all of your moves use their element, when would the weapon's element come into play?
Plus elemental damage on items.
I...uh...just zoned into a rainbow-themed rift. Is there anything special I should be on the lookout for or is it just a standard rift?
Mine is 450+ str as well, but has +overpower damage instead of any useful roll. No vit or all res :/
Okay I want to make sure I understand this correctly. Is elemental damage on weapons cosmetic only or not? The added cold damage of a weapon for instance, would add no extra damage to a cold skill then if the weapon had black or poison damage with an equivalent roll. "% to element skill" affixes only increase skill damage, irrespective of what element the weapon you are using, though still contingent on the weapon's damage numbers, but not its element.
For example, if I were to reroll the attack speed on warmonger, the base attack speed would go down and the listed DPS would too, but the damage range would stay the same. And any single attack taken in isolation would still do the exact same amount of damage regardless of attack speed being present or not.
Okay I want to make sure I understand this correctly. Is elemental damage on weapons cosmetic only or not? The added cold damage of a weapon for instance, would add no extra damage to a cold skill then if the weapon had black or poison damage with an equivalent roll. "% to element skill" affixes only increase skill damage, irrespective of what element the weapon you are using, though still contingent on the weapon's damage numbers, but not its element.
On another note, if attack speed rolls on a weapon, that increases both the weapon's base attack speed and your own attack speed, correct? But it doesn't actually change the weapon's damage range, just the calculated DPS. Which may not be optimal if your skills are about doing big hits, not fast hits.
For example, if I were to reroll the attack speed on warmonger, the base attack speed would go down and the listed DPS would too, but the damage range would stay the same. And any single attack taken in isolation would still do the exact same amount of damage regardless of attack speed being present or not.
On a side note I hate that Maximus' proc is so good, makes switching builds/elements really hard to justify.
The elemental damage on your weapon should be plussed by various pieces of plus elemental skill gear. I know it was bugged for awhile, but that's what's intended.
Edit: beaten by Scy!
Think I've put over 4000 shards into sources from Kadala, I've pretty much gotten every single legendary multiple times (triumvarate, chantos, light of grace, etc...) but no goddamn mirror ball....
Back to T1 runs for more attempts at a mirrorball.....sigh
in the same boat as well, one full inventory of gambling I got 4 legs, 2 chsntos, 2 lights of grace. Not totally complaining cause its nice to get legs, but already use chsntos set, want my mirror ball. I fully expect it to have only +1 extra projectile when I finally get it. Ha
Then you are doing it wrong!Hell, I've even just looted a second Shard of Hate. And is not like I'm using the first with any char right now D:
I know the feels.
If I had that weapon I would try with toads/fire as well. Is it any good? Looks very interesting. Not that happy with mine, would like to find something else. The proc on fetish is not that good on my weapon.
It's good, Toads hitting twice are strong for crowds. Probably the best leg ceremonial knife along with Starmetal. Addling toads can be very useful if you want to go that route. The only downside is that toads suck for single targets as an enemy can only be hit once per toad cast, regardless or whether the others seek to it or if they explode a second time. But that's what we have Gargs and Fetishes for.
Feels bad to not get any class set pieces (well, my own class set pieces...) in five days or so. They should probably increase the drop rate of those...
I've only had 1 ever since RoS dropped, and I've pretty much always been on torment.
All those Invoker pieces though.
Gambling is a good way to get Sources/Mojos/Quivers. Only 5 shards a pop.This blows my mind. 120 hours in Loot 2.0 with my Wizard and I've seen a grand total of 3 legendary source drops, all of them in the last 2 days. I'm going to assume some of these are from gambling, and that I need to rift/gamble more.
On the plus side, I finally got a Mirrorball yesterday and the dmg output is totally sick.
I...uh...just zoned into a rainbow-themed rift. Is there anything special I should be on the lookout for or is it just a standard rift?
That rift has The Lord of Bells as the Rift boss.
If you ever get that rift you should make sure you reach 100% on that floor so the boss spawns for you. It is rare and that boss is for an achievement if you care about that sorta thing.
Does GAF have a clan/community?
Three in NA and one in Europe.
I think Ashodin mentioned culling the member list some, so maybe we'll consolidate down to two. I don't understand roster size restrictions and wish we could all roll together.
Oh. Well I'm quite not 70 yet on my first character. He is 68. Doing adventure mode, so I wouldn't be a help with hardcore rifts or anything.![]()
How does one get into the Gaf clans (specifically the EU one)?, I've tried to get in via the community in game but i am not sure if its the correct one, no one is ever in chat and i can't get a response from the leader via whisper - is there a specific one to search for?.Three in NA and one in Europe.
I think Ashodin mentioned culling the member list some, so maybe we'll consolidate down to two. I don't understand roster size restrictions and wish we could all roll together.
We have folks at all levels, but the majority are probably working on end game progression. You shouldn't have a problem finding a T1 group to leech in, since lots of people out gear it. That should get you a decent gear setup in quick fashion.
Up to 1.3m dps and 100% fire damage, really just need a Mirrorball now and maybe one of those weapons with +fire damage although I'm currently using Thunderfury so that's not a priority. Now to farm like 20 Forgotten Souls to enchant stuff better :/
LMAO!I got this magefist as a crusader
20% fire skill
7% ias
then I looked over crusader skills
wtf am i going to do with % fire skill? and no CC or CD.
I salvaged it right away.
How does one get into the Gaf clans (specifically the EU one)?, I've tried to get in via the community in game but i am not sure if its the correct one, no one is ever in chat and i can't get a response from the leader via whisper - is there a specific one to search for?.
Cheers matey, my battletag is - TheCowboy#2318.Currently only Yoshi, Vodh, Ryan and Tunesmith can invite to the clan, but seems only Ryan is visible from the community. I'll try to talk with Ryan to add the others as officers in the community (or get Yoshi, the clan leader, to promote someone else) so they can be contacted easier.
That said, post your battletag, as we can always tell them to add and invite you.
Really like this rift it forward thing. Got about 500 shards so it's no problem for me. Great way to get easy xp/gold/forgotten souls/shards while I farm for mats to craft sets.
yeah, I posted a bit back a pic of 4 leg pants in one inventory or gambling. Don't get me wrong though I have plenty of times its all yellow and blue. At thing point I fully expect at least 1 leg from 400+ shards.The hell? You got all of those legs in one inventory's worth of gambling? I just went through 7 full bags worth without a single one (as usual). Some of you guys have just amazing luck.
Gambling is a good way to get Sources/Mojos/Quivers. Only 5 shards a pop.
Not to mention the fire Crusader build where you stack block and mow things down with Blessed Shield with the rune that makes it explode.
Join the community rift it forward. Someone calls out their run, request invite, kill boss, open up next rift for them, leave.Where can I get some info on how to do this?