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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT3| Tyrael Looted: {[El'druin]}

Oh man

I got the firebat legendary and I have the legendary where you gain/take less damage whilst channeling firebats, and I'm just here firing heat seeking bats all day

this is life

this is love
What build are you running? The major builds all have key damage boosting items associated with them. As long as you have them your offensive output should not be a problem for GR70.

EDIT - The timestamp issue is still here I see.
Inna's pet but using sweeping winds as my damage reduction (using two parts of a different set) instead of cyclone and the bracers. I don't have quite the right gear for the other way.

Edit. Here's my monk


Okay you don't really have any big damage dealing combos. Sweeping wind is not really for damage, I ran Inna with the 4pc Sunwuko (10,000 weapon damage a second) and it was still mediocre. You don't have any of the wave of light boosting items either so you get little value from it. Inna pets are more for short burst damage from using the cooldown skill which is used to start exploding palm kill chains.

Your profile is not showing any legendary gems, you should have all 3 slots filled. They will outperform any affix you could roll.

Your best bet for Inna is to switch over to exploding palm if you have the EP weapon and bracers. Then you can use the pets to get one or two kills and start the EP chains that wipe the whole screen of monsters. Just have a generator and Bane of the Stricken for single targets.




Monk damage revolves around items boosting these skills. All of them have at least 2 items that boost them. One or two of these is where your damage should come from.

-Lashing Tail Kick (LTK)
-Exploding Palm
-Wave of Light
-Tempest Rush
-Dashing Strike
-Seven-Sided Strike
Thanks for the tips! I'll look in to it tomorrow.
What legendary gems should I be using?

These are all solid. There are others that are more specialized. Enforcer can also be used for pet damage.

General Damage:
Bane of the Stricken (single target)
Bane of the Trapped
Bane of the Powerful

Stay Alive:
Esoteric Alteration


Can only do gr62 atm and i do shit dmg so far on my monk


Any advice for gr70?

Are you using a CoE in both the cube and equipped? Damage it would be hard to say without watching you play since that build is very execution heavy. If you're not grouping mobs well, not doing your skills in the right order syncing up SSS with the holy rotation, etc, your damage is gonna be shit.

Tried to push 85 tonight without much luck, dropped it down to 84 and got a godly rift, go figure.


I still haven't augmented any of my ancients so 85-86 is def doable right now, plus the damage on one of my shenlongs is still a bit low, could up that a bit.


Inna6/U4 is a legit build. But that Uliana 2-pc is not giving much value, it really ramps up with the 4pc bonus.

Cube the RofRG and get a third Uliana piece and things will be much better.

Derp, yea i forgot what the Uliana's 4 piece was. That's a huge upgrade that he needs.


Got my first Primal today...and it was a trash Delsere's Magnum Opus with some terrible rolls. ;_;
At least salvaging it won't be a waste.

Also got the Boss Rush Conquest done earlier as well. Wasn't TOO hard; the only hard part was trying not to get lost dong Urzael/Adria/Queen.
Danetta's Set makes moving around the map so easy. (Killing power wasn't an issue; all bosses dropped very quickly.)
Took me like 3-4 attempts to get it. (First attempt I did them all just to get an idea to see how long it'd take; was off by 2-3 minutes. The next two I aborted b/c I wasted too much time.)

Only stuff I got left for the Stash tab are a Reforge and Augment, which I can easily do (just need more mats).

Dunno if I'm gonna go and finish up the Season Journey or not.
The only stuff I would have left IIRC is 3 Gems to 70 and 1 more Conquest.
May finish it for completion's sake.


So I picked up the game on Ps4 recently and am loving it. Playing solo.

I have a question though. Is it normal to stagnate a bit around torment 10? I am running Demon Hunter with 6 piece Marauders set, and Focus/Restraint. Cubed the Rucksack to a power for the 2 additional turrets. Using an Ancient socketed Yang's Recurve.

I've noticed it's very rare for me to get meaningful upgrades the last few days. I am mostly running rifts, have most gems that I use in the 40 range. I'm running GRs around 46-50, clearing with 5-7 minutes to go, mostly. I've bumped it up to T10 in general difficulty and I go down fast. I've messed around with the cube a bit, but find the bounty materials go so fast that I'm not sure what I should be using them on, and running bounties over and over again is a bit tedious. Prefer the rifts.

Any tips for the next step of progression for this character? Or am I just kind of running on a treadmill at this point?


So I picked up the game on Ps4 recently and am loving it. Playing solo.

I have a question though. Is it normal to stagnate a bit around torment 10? I am running Demon Hunter with 6 piece Marauders set, and Focus/Restraint. Cubed the Rucksack to a power for the 2 additional turrets. Using an Ancient socketed Yang's Recurve.

I've noticed it's very rare for me to get meaningful upgrades the last few days. I am mostly running rifts, have most gems that I use in the 40 range. I'm running GRs around 46-50, clearing with 5-7 minutes to go, mostly. I've bumped it up to T10 in general difficulty and I go down fast. I've messed around with the cube a bit, but find the bounty materials go so fast that I'm not sure what I should be using them on, and running bounties over and over again is a bit tedious. Prefer the rifts.

Any tips for the next step of progression for this character? Or am I just kind of running on a treadmill at this point?

Trying different build would be a next good step. Marauders is probably considered one of the weaker DH sets, and multishot marauders isn't even the best mara set up since you need a DML to make multishot really shine. Taking that ancient Yang's with an unhallowed essence set up would be much better, hope it has +discipline on it though. The Shadow set is flavor of the month for DH right now though.


Is there an updated one punch monk for season of 10?

Finally got an in geom to make it work, god i love this build for farming. Can only do T10 though.


Is there an updated one punch monk for season of 10?

Finally got an in geom to make it work, god i love this build for farming. Can only do T10 though.

Not that I'd know of, and I played a lot of SWK Bell Monk in previous seasons. All the complementary legendaries - Tzo Krin's, Pinto's Pride, Incense Torch and Kyoshiro's haven't been changed in a while now.

SWK got a bump from 1500% to 3000% damage to it's spenders a while back. With the Inna Rework you could feasibly do Bells there too, I can deal with T13 just fine on my season Monk, and T10 is a joke. Given you're only farming T10, for either lack of damage or efficiency, you'll probably want to grind out some more Paragon / Ancients. For raw elite rushing, LTK builds work very well too. Bells are more of a clear the entire screen thing.

I found that even with 40%+ Crit Chance, I was getting phases where it just would not crit once on elite packs, which slows the process down to frustrating levels.

I'd recommend to stick with SWK for bells either way, while you can run Inna with Endless Walk and CoE in tandem, I find it still won't compete with SWK. Yes, there's a 100% damage loss in regards to the Endless Walk jewelry, but OPM is all about rushing like crazy anyway, not like you'd build up damage stacks with EW. Inna's 1250% damage boost compared to 3000% SWK just doesn't compete.


Not that I'd know of, and I played a lot of SWK Bell Monk in previous seasons. All the complementary legendaries - Tzo Krin's, Pinto's Pride, Incense Torch and Kyoshiro's haven't been changed in a while now.

SWK got a bump from 1500% to 3000% damage to it's spenders a while back. With the Inna Rework you could feasibly do Bells there too, I can deal with T13 just fine on my season Monk, and T10 is a joke. Given you're only farming T10, for either lack of damage or efficiency, you'll probably want to grind out some more Paragon / Ancients. For raw elite rushing, LTK builds work very well too. Bells are more of a clear the entire screen thing.

I found that even with 40%+ Crit Chance, I was getting phases where it just would not crit once on elite packs, which slows the process down to frustrating levels.

I'd recommend to stick with SWK for bells either way, while you can run Inna with Endless Walk and CoE in tandem, I find it still won't compete with SWK. Yes, there's a 100% damage loss in regards to the Endless Walk jewelry, but OPM is all about rushing like crazy anyway, not like you'd build up damage stacks with EW. Inna's 1250% damage boost compared to 3000% SWK just doesn't compete.

Thanks for the input.

I'm still having fun even on TXI, just blazing through everything with ease while watching something lol.

I'm also leveling up gems needed for support and generator monk for higher GR.That seems to be the top build based from the leaderboards.

Almost P500 now but haven't saw a gift yet, so my weapons are shit.

EDIT: welp. rngesus just gave me 2 gifts.


So I'm not sure which property I should replace here? Does the type of elemental damage on my weapon matter?

My char is also wearing the marauder set and it says it increases damage for every avtive sentry by 1200%. So i tried it with both of these:

And there's really not much difference between these two and I would say I make more damage with the "Dead Man's Legecy" quiver. I mean the difference between them should be pretty huge becuase of 2 more sentries, right?

Sorry for the I'm sure stupid questions but I never actually paid so much attention to this stuff but now that I have some problems with greater rifts (lvl70) I would like to know more.
I had the same question with my demon hunter build.
Still haven't figured it out completely. But I think I do more damage with Dead mans legacy.

All these different +xxxx % damage can be quite confusing in figuring out overall damage.

There should be a dummy somewhere, that measures your DPS. Attack it for 10 seconds and afterwards it shows your damage.


So I'm not sure which property I should replace here? Does the type of elemental damage on my weapon matter?

My char is also wearing the marauder set and it says it increases damage for every avtive sentry by 1200%. So i tried it with both of these:

And there's really not much difference between these two and I would say I make more damage with the "Dead Man's Legecy" quiver. I mean the difference between them should be pretty huge becuase of 2 more sentries, right?

Sorry for the I'm sure stupid questions but I never actually paid so much attention to this stuff but now that I have some problems with greater rifts (lvl70) I would like to know more.

Elemental damage on your weapon doesn't matter. I forget what the min-max is for weapon damage on bows, but generally you'd roll the vit off. Honestly though it's pretty good as is if you don't wanna roll it right away. The vit is a nice toughness boost until you're more confident that you don't need it.

DML vs Bombardiers for multi shot is pretty close though my napkin map says DML is slightly better 1.8x damage vs about 1.7x damage for Bombardiers. This will be more noticable too in rifts where you won't always have 5 turrets down, but you always get the full effect of DML.

If you have the Unhallowed Essence set I'd say give that a try with that Yang's, but you'll have to get a new DML as you rolled something already and can't get +disc as a secondary. Otherwise you could look towards getting a manticore and doing a Cluster Arrow build with Marauders.

I had the same question with my demon hunter build.
Still haven't figured it out completely. But I think I do more damage with Dead mans legacy.

All these different +xxxx % damage can be quite confusing in figuring out overall damage.

There should be a dummy somewhere, that measures your DPS. Attack it for 10 seconds and afterwards it shows your damage.

Dummy would be weird though, how much health would it have to figure out when DML activates? You can do some simple math though to at least make a guess at which is better. With Bombardiers, your mara bonus goes from 3600 to 6000, a 1.66x increase. With DML (60%) you figure 40% of your damage does 1x, 60% does 2x, so .4+1.2=1.6x damage (so actually ignore what I said above, my napkin math was really bad and im not sure how I ended up with 1.8 for DML). Pretty similar between the two, but Bombardiers has a longer start up time where you don't have all the turrets active. For. GRift, your results are probably gonna be similar and ultimately the rift itself (maps, mob type, etc) is probably going to have a larger effect. For normal rifts, it depends on how often you have your turrets up. If you can keep 5 up all the time then Bombardiers might win out, but as soon as you drop to 4 DML is much better.

Also I'm a dummy and forgot that there's +multishot damage on DML, that's going to push it way further up over Bombardiers, so my writing all of this was probably unnecessary, DML is way better.


There should be a dummy somewhere, that measures your DPS. Attack it for 10 seconds and afterwards it shows your damage.

That'd be great. I was thinking about a test dungeon where you could choose how many monsters you want to fight and at the end it shows your average and peak damage.

Elemental damage on your weapon doesn't matter. I forget what the min-max is for weapon damage on bows, but generally you'd roll the vit off. Honestly though it's pretty good as is if you don't wanna roll it right away. The vit is a nice toughness boost until you're more confident that you don't need it.

I'm playing HC so I will keep vit for the moment and replace it later until I feel more confident like you said. ;)

If you have the Unhallowed Essence set I'd say give that a try with that Yang's, but you'll have to get a new DML as you rolled something already and can't get +disc as a secondary. Otherwise you could look towards getting a manticore and doing a Cluster Arrow build with Marauders.

Also I'm a dummy and forgot that there's +multishot damage on DML, that's going to push it way further up over Bombardiers, so my writing all of this was probably unnecessary, DML is way better.

Thanks for the answers. I will also try out your other suggestions, just need an ancient Manticore.
Aren't there not any sets or legendaries yet for the Necro? Bet you'll see stuff like how WD has Zuni's and belt of transcendence for fetishes to make their minions stay out longer.

Looks like he doesn't have anything yet, which probably explains a lot. I actually got to see a zookeeper necro and seems you can have more minions out at a time that I initially thought. I'm sure he'll get tweaked a ton before release
Weapon damage element still has a couple legacy effects. It procs the Wizard's passive Elemental Exposure. Also, follower attacks with lightning weapon damage element can proc Wyrdward.

And I think your default no-skill attacks also take the weapon damage element.


First time playing with the Rainment + Shenlong build, and I don't know what I'm doing.

So do you just have to press all your skills when its up? I copied the items and skill build of the top monks in the leaderboards. Im struggling on gr60 lol. It's too squishy. Maybe because my simplicity str gem is still too low.

How do you guys play it?
First time playing with the Rainment + Shenlong build, and I don't know what I'm doing.

So do you just have to press all your skills when its up? I copied the items and skill build of the top monks in the leaderboards. Im struggling on gr60 lol. It's too squishy. Maybe because my simplicity str gem is still too low.

How do you guys play it?

Get around crowds as much as possible.

Don't skip massive white packs.

Hit the +spirit per hit ability (can't remember what it's called) to help maintain your spirit while its draining.

Dash around when you have enough spirit to dash and always be aware of how much spirit you have at any given time (because you are probably going to run out of spirit)

Constantly dash around as much as you need to while you're building spirit, attacking and moving.

Attack speed, attack speed, attack speed. Have it on as much gear as you can. Goal should be something over 2.0as. Maybe close to 2.2? You need it for when you don't have the Flying Dragon proc going.

Make sure you have life per hit on one of your fists.

Make sure both fists have +spirit on the secondary or its trash.

That's about all I can think of.


Get around crowds as much as possible.

Don't skip massive white packs.

Hit the +spirit per hit ability (can't remember what it's called) to help maintain your spirit while its draining.

Dash around when you have enough spirit to dash and always be aware of how much spirit you have at any given time (because you are probably going to run out of spirit)

Constantly dash around as much as you need to while you're building spirit, attacking and moving.

Attack speed, attack speed, attack speed. Have it on as much gear as you can. Goal should be something over 2.0as. Maybe close to 2.2? You need it for when you don't have the Flying Dragon proc going.

Make sure you have life per hit on one of your fists.

Make sure both fists have +spirit on the secondary or its trash.

That's about all I can think of.

Alternatively, just play Inna's shenlongs because it's way less ass to play. and will get you pretty much as high as Raiment anyways.

I'm terrible at Raiment lol


Haven't played this game in over a year. Really itching to get back and replay it CO-OP with the GF. But i want to wait until the necromancer arrives. Any ETA on him/her?
I need the other Shenlong for the boss mode conquest but it still wont drop.

So I am working towards the 6 set GR 55 conquest with my backup WD slowly gearing up off my Monk's blood shards. God help me I think I may try and solo the story mode conquest if I can't get that damn Shenlong to drop.


Gold Member
How on earth am i meant to do the set dungeon for Dh/marauder? I get not letting enemies within melee range but it wants me to kill 140 enemies with 3 active sentries. I can only put down 2 so asked someone to help me. We have 4-5 down at any one time and yet nothing.


How on earth am i meant to do the set dungeon for Dh/marauder? I get not letting enemies within melee range but it wants me to kill 140 enemies with 3 active sentries. I can only put down 2 so asked someone to help me. We have 4-5 down at any one time and yet nothing.

There's a passive that gives you a third iirc, or a Bombardiers rucksack let's you have 2 additional out.


There's a passive that gives you a third iirc, or a Bombardiers rucksack let's you have 2 additional out.

Yup. You pretty much need those to have a (relatively) easy time doing that Set Dungeon.

Of course, RNG is likely to screw you over with the worms that pop up.


Is the rucksack easy to find? Should i just keep running through grifts?

Ya it should drop eventually. Pretty sure it has the same chance as any other quiver.

A good way to target specific bits is to upgrade yellows via the cube. Just craft a bunch of yellow quivers and upgrade them. There's 11 legendary quivers in the game so it shouldn't take you too long to get one


Gold Member
Ya it should drop eventually. Pretty sure it has the same chance as any other quiver.

A good way to target specific bits is to upgrade yellows via the cube. Just craft a bunch of yellow quivers and upgrade them. There's 11 legendary quivers in the game so it shouldn't take you too long to get one

thanks i'll try that


Alternatively, just play Inna's shenlongs because it's way less ass to play. and will get you pretty much as high as Raiment anyways.

I'm terrible at Raiment lol

I tried this and got to GR70 easily. What a difference it makes on my gear and my playstyle lol
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