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Diablo IV |OT| Blessed Mother... Save Us

Welcome to hell

I've gone full bear mode and got the unique wolf chest tonight. Gutted. I'm glad there's a pulverize one though!

Edit: Also, why is there no taunt for bear boi? Travesty.

Taunt for bear would be nice. On some big fights, like the butcher, I feel like a bad tank for not being able to taunt when he switches target. But I also understand giving bear taunt would take away the uniqueness of a class defining skill. I think Blizz is extremely cautious with that.

I believe I got the unique wolf chest 2 days ago. I'm sure you'll get the bear version soon, just like I did.


I am running this guys first build and shit just blows up

I was farming 3 elites 3 levels above me at a time and just not even getting close to dying and that build made the campaign laughably easy after struggling with my Barb

I love the speed aspect of the Rogue as well

Thank you. I'll give this a try later. My damage has gotten a little low recently, probably because I'm just 'winging' it. I'm just sticking points all over.

Little Mac

Gold Member
Just got home from a shit day of work. Looking forward to playing and there is 360 minute queue just to login to battlenet.

Make It Stop The Office GIF


always chasing the next thrill
funny part was when diablo 2 came out..
it had an offline mode.. saved me a lot of frustration
also self-found is so much cooler imo
Pretty sure once the login server is back up, these queues will just vanish. It's building up because no one can get in.
98% of the time there isnt any problems, I'm starting to think they might do this to shadow patch some stuff people are sharing on youtube


Gold Member
Hamster was particularly chatty this night in the ingame chat before the crashes (i guess it's afternoon in US)
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Is the metacritic user reviews' 5.4 rating unfair? Skimming this thread, it seems like aside from the queue issue, people like the game


Is anyone playing a rogue? I've gone for a rogue with a poison-type build. Currently level 28 at the moment and having lots of fun.

Rogue is fun!

I was cold/freeze ranged build, went back to poison ranged because it was better for bosses... but going to try out shadow melee/AOE build soon. Lots of build variety, loving the class so far.


Is the metacritic user reviews' 5.4 rating unfair? Skimming this thread, it seems like aside from the queue issue, people like the game

Yes, it's a great game. That score is meaningless... probably a bunch of people throwing a fit about cosmetic MTX.
Who cares what they think, they are uncoupled from logic and reason.
And honestly, in general... anyone review bombing a release should probably take a good long look in the mirror...
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I'm assuming they discovered some kind of server instability and they are limiting capacity right now to address it. Considering it was fine with no queues before, I'm hoping this won't take too long to fix.

It's weird how this whole time they have preferred to try and fix everything live instead of just capitulating and taking the game down an hour or two for maintenance and bringing it back up hopefully fully working.


Rodent Whores
resists seemed completely useless and actually they seem to be

Makes sense. When I entered WT4 and the Fire Enchanted elites kicked my ass with their bullshit fireballs and explosions on death, I stacked as much Fire Resistance as I could but it didn't really help much. After looking at the stats page I realized how little difference it was making. But then, I went all in on +armor and +% armor, and damn, that made a big difference in survivability.
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