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DICE not working on Battlefront 3, to focus on 2042 instead

Good move by EA to hand it over to another team even with BF1 and BF2 moving record units?

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Writes a lot, says very little
So it seems like some source within DICE is confirming they will focus on 2042 and the Battlefield IP going forward instead of developing Battlefront 3. I suspected it may have been canned as rumors of Star Wars Fallen Order 2 coming this fall started to come out, which would get in the way of a Battlefront 3 if it was to even come out this year.

This was rumored prior, but so was the rumor of Battlefront 3 existing at all, so something tells me it did exist in some form, was being worked on and EA pulled the plug either in favor or ReSpawn doing it, Ripple Effects doing it or actually just have ReSpawn just make a whole new Star Wars FPS shooter IP away from the Battlefront concept and didn't want them to conflict and felt it was worth it for DICE to just focus on 1 IP.

Voice actors spotted in LA, likely to do the voice over work at DICE LA

So likely canned........or Ripple Effect doing Battlefront 3 O_O lol

Either way, wanted to see everyone's take on this.




The only way I'm ever buying another BF game is if they go back to BF4 and previous games sandbox style with all vehicles/aircraft spawning on map at base/air field and you have to physically go get the vehicle you want.
The people camping for a vehicle is preferable to tonks spawning on a menu.
Also it needs the traditional classes back.
Also it needs spawn camping of main bases.
BF needs to be a battlefield.
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Writes a lot, says very little
The only way I'm ever buying another BF game is if they go back to BF4 and previous games sandbox style with all vehicles/aircraft spawning on map at base/air field and you have to physically go get the vehicle you want.
The people camping for a vehicle is preferable to tonks spawning on a menu.
Also it needs the traditional classes back.
Also it needs spawn camping of main bases.

True. I'm ok if they spend a few years supporting 2042, fixing, rebooting etc. I'm ok if they move on and give the next BF more time to focus on root concepts.

I'm also ok if they split the main BF games and Portal as 2 different release.

Let the main BF titles be experimental as I don't disagree with them trying something new, simply don't like the execution.

Let the Portal series be older games getting all the maps (vs some) so we can debate what is BF to us personally, but have answer to that ourselves. I've seen this debated so many times, that it if anything strengthens DICE even coming up with that mode as clearly they get that the best BF or Core BF etc is debatable, everyone has many favorites and let them choose for themselves what rules they want to play with.

Win, Win, Win. With how complex Portal is, I believe 100% what you are stating likely can be done in some Portal 2 next gen only type thing. Maybe I'd rather have that as you can do that, but its unlikely DICE would do that 100% locked features for the future BF games, like 100% of what you stated is unlikely to be in the future BF games, but can be done in Portal, so its win win for this to be done in Portal then to hope they continue the BF series that way. My thoughts on it anyway.

I have no clue what was even fixed in this last update. Still can't lock on with the fxa33 and people still die and their bodies stay frozen there

Same. I see some fixes, I see most of the same issues, like that reload image on the screen, low ammo, people freezing aka Mr. Freeze from Batman glitch lol The loadout thing reset a the other day so confirmed that shit isn't fixed lol So I don't know. Maybe a lot was minor, a lot was for other platforms or for issues we didn't know about etc. We out here waiting for voice chat and a scoreboard 4 months later lol

Because of the state of 2042, I just can't argue for DICE to be split doing Battlefront and Battlefield. I'd argue those years are why we even got many of the issues from some of those releases. So I'd like to see how DICE does with 100% working on just Battlefield. shit for all I know the manpower behind that team might split to have them work on a future BF and a Future BF Portal as separate thing, so who knows, maybe the other half that did Battlefront 1 and 2, are now doing a future Portal that actually features entire games or something.

Could be.


Battlefield 2042 is lost like the other future-based battlefield (anyone remembers 2142?). Problem is now (like always) they had the pressure to release it in that time window. It just doesn't work like that. If the game is in such a bad state they should have give them more time to work on it. But it is just EA like so often. They don't have other big titles to make the money flow and so they release it even in a bad state. Now they have a bad game, not made much money, the problem that they have to fix it and they have lost a big part of their community.


I hated what I played of BF 2042. The vehicle spawns, the classes, the lack of info on the map screen.

There was in my opinion not much wrong with BF3 and BF4. After that it got progressively worse. BF1 was fun for a while but lacked different guns etc. I just went back to 4.


Gold Member
Battlefront II was actually quite fun, when they'd ripped all the crystal shit out. Casual PvEvP shooter, even the hero system worked better than this operator stuff in BF2042. Ultimately I think now DICE are up to at least 2 and possibly 3 fumbles where they had an opportunity that CoD was kinda getting stale and all they needed to do was deliver classic BF in a modern package and they completely fucked it up. They bring changes in, just to take them out - e.g. fortifications. How much time and effort went into that for BF V just to be thrown out. Or the Behemoths.

There's no vision for the title. It's like they assemble a team and start from scratch again and we end up with this weird schizophrenic game that pleases no one. This was the poll from the sub about what players actually want.

The question is could another team do much worse? And the asnwer right now is no. Based on what we've seen whoever is working or directing BF at the moment, hasn't got a clue what made the titles appealing.
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DICE is no longer DICE and can't be trusted with anything. Of course EA isn't going to let them the fuck up the next Star Wars game. Let them piddle away pretending to fix 2042 until EA can decide what to do with them.


Never forget that EA is a value destroyer.

Sometimes they will allow things like It Takes Two that they didn't even expect to succeed, but ALWAYS they will destroy once brillant studios and their projects.
I will be seriously surprised if they can save 2042. There are just so many core problems with that game. It lacks a solid foundation to build upon.

As for the loss of Battlefront...BF2 ended up being a great game but I don't trust EA and the current shambling husk of DICE to take another crack at it.


I still cant understand how EA doesnt make a Warzone clone with Battlefield

Call it just "Battlefield", F2P, with seasonal updates like Warzone


Then launch a bunch of cosmetics and their own crypto, whatever


Gold Member
Honestly it's good that DICE are stuck with BF 2042 to resolve.

While I don't think it will ever have staying power due to specific core mechanics (lol specialists). Anyone who's now stuck with this current piece of garbage deserves better than what they have now. It might take years... unless of course EA decides to pull anouther Anthem and just drop what they are technically obligated too from the preorder promised content and then just abandon it.
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Honestly them not doing a Battlefront 3 is super disappointing. 1 was meh, 2 was meh at first, but definitely got better. It made me think that 3 would be their best Battlefront yet.

Honestly at this point 2042 is already deceased. I was one of the few that thought the game wasn't THAT bad, at least for what it was. But, I really don't know how they plan to fix everything, or what they can actually do. I'd just say clean it up where you can, F2P it, and move onto BF3, lmao.


EA just needs to move on from Battlefront. However, I know that Battlefront 1 made them a gold mine and they want to recreate the magic they have with it. Rather have Respawn work on something else than to be forever pigeonholed into the Dice loop.


They can't make a proper Battlefield game anymore, which Battlefront basically is, but in Star Wars universe.

Like someone else said, this Battlefield should have been the easiest to make. Copy Battlefield 4, a shit ton of guns and attachments and fresh coat of paint, okay maps and off you go.
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Writes a lot, says very little
Close Dice Sweden, they have no talent left or make them support Ripple Effect to get experience.

nahhh too many flops under Danger Close, DiCE LA or what ever they want to call themselves now. They are a support team, they make DLC, they assist in development. I have no clue why EA would close down DICE sweden, the larger team, the team that makes the engine and then make them support the support team that doesn't do all that lol


We need to be realistic here and I've heard this weird knee jerk reaction before many times. I love Portal, I think its a great mode and I'm about to jump on right after I'm done on NeoGaf, but Ripple Effect doing that mode was based on being told to do that mode, I'm 99% sure DICE Sweden, the fucking people that literally made those games originally can remaster them, they are the ones that made those games....

It would be like saying some dumb shit like "CLOSE FROM SOFT, they haz no taletnz and MAKE them support Bluepoint" lol I like a good remaster, shit I like a good remake, lets relax on this notion that the team doing a remaster suddenly will start fucking making engines, design, grow into a 800 man team. Nahhh this is where I have to call BS. I have my issues with DICE, that doesn't mean give the next fucking game to Grove Street Games, Aspyr, Bluepoint or some port or support team. Massive difference.

I wish we could get more star wars games. It feels like almost yesterday since one came out.

True, but because that deal just ended, lots of games are still in the works and its going to be a while until we see those finished projects like KOTOR remake or that Ubisoft Star Wars game etc. Only one I see coming out really soon is Fallen Order 2, but thats just based on a rumor so lol

I will be seriously surprised if they can save 2042. There are just so many core problems with that game. It lacks a solid foundation to build upon.

As for the loss of Battlefront...BF2 ended up being a great game but I don't trust EA and the current shambling husk of DICE to take another crack at it.

I'd be shocked if they can turn 2042 around. That game doesn't need simple updates, it needs to be completely rebuilt.

The support of Battlefront 1 and 2 was pretty good, but in terms of the launch and the whole MTX thing, all that is on EA, I just can't fault DICE for that. DICE is not making a release date, they are not making them put in MTX in the beta then remove them etc. All that is more so a publisher's doing and I believe having all those games in development at once was just too much and though we can agree that DICE is the developer, EA didn't really give them the time needed to really make those games what they could have been from the start.

So I feel, if EA feels DICE handling all those projects is too much and they need to just be on Battlefield, then so be it. They might want ReSpawn to make a more action, fast past MP that is some new thing. I feel this is the right move to do and though EA fucked up before, I don't think any of us can really disagree with that move, most of the votes even my own don't want DICE getting another crack, but imho its not cause I think they are bad team, but EA as a publisher isn't giving them them the needed time. So if its under that context, I don't want it happening, let ReSpawn to a Star Wars MP game with their APEX team, let DICE focus on fixing the Battlefield IP so they are just 100% on 1 IP.

SantaC SantaC Agreed completely. Looking back at it, I didn't even notice how many projects EA had DICE working on. They are out here making an engine, overseeing other teams, projects, several games being made at once etc. That doesn't sound like a team that can't be trusted, that sounds like a team that EA turned into their workhorse.

Battlefront 1, with less then 2 years development becomes the best selling Star Wars game in history
Battlefield 1 less then 2 years development, becomes the best selling Battlefield game in history.

^^^ This imho is what made EA put all that pressure on DICE to keep that combo going, yet following that we get BF2 mtx controversy, we get BFV flop and controversy etc.

I don't think DICE is a bad team, I don't think EA doesn't trust them, I think EA merely put too much on their plate and had to let a lot of that go to make those developments much more smooth. Who knows how much better those games could have been, with more development time and if EA just split the teams and hired more so they were not so bogged down.
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Writes a lot, says very little
Given the state the Starwars franchise was left in I wonder if a new game would really sell in the numbers they used to.

Who knows. From BF1 being at 14 million, BF2 at 11 million, its not a massive difference. Keep in mind I have no clue what those updated numbers are as those figures are from years ago.

The gaming community doesn't really care when it comes to stuff like this. Shit, look at 2042, from 1 million at launch of BFV a complete flop, to 4 million plus at launch, even after the fucking flop. Look at how shit 2042 is, consider they knew that even with the beta and still bought the game, even after it still charted again both in the US and UK, even with all of the flop news lol

So I don't really know how much stock gamers really put into that.

If DICE showed some trailer with space battles, a single player story by ReSpawn, Portal Mode ala Star Wars, who fucking knows how massive that shit would be.

I'm not debating the state of those games post launch, but the records they broke shows someone wants those games and a install base still exist for them, as to why EA is even still doing a Star Wars FPS title under ReSpawn, maybe they want some COD esk type thing this time around and will just save Battlefront till next gen and want Battlefield fixed, rebooted etc. Who knows.
nahhh too many flops under Danger Close, DiCE LA or what ever they want to call themselves now. They are a support team, they make DLC, they assist in development. I have no clue why EA would close down DICE sweden, the larger team, the team that makes the engine and then make them support the support team that doesn't do all that lol


We need to be realistic here and I've heard this weird knee jerk reaction before many times. I love Portal, I think its a great mode and I'm about to jump on right after I'm done on NeoGaf, but Ripple Effect doing that mode was based on being told to do that mode, I'm 99% sure DICE Sweden, the fucking people that literally made those games originally can remaster them, they are the ones that made those games....

It would be like saying some dumb shit like "CLOSE FROM SOFT, they haz no taletnz and MAKE them support Bluepoint" lol I like a good remaster, shit I like a good remake, lets relax on this notion that the team doing a remaster suddenly will start fucking making engines, design, grow into a 800 man team. Nahhh this is where I have to call BS. I have my issues with DICE, that doesn't mean give the next fucking game to Grove Street Games, Aspyr, Bluepoint or some port or support team. Massive difference.

True, but because that deal just ended, lots of games are still in the works and its going to be a while until we see those finished projects like KOTOR remake or that Ubisoft Star Wars game etc. Only one I see coming out really soon is Fallen Order 2, but thats just based on a rumor so lol

I'd be shocked if they can turn 2042 around. That game doesn't need simple updates, it needs to be completely rebuilt.

The support of Battlefront 1 and 2 was pretty good, but in terms of the launch and the whole MTX thing, all that is on EA, I just can't fault DICE for that. DICE is not making a release date, they are not making them put in MTX in the beta then remove them etc. All that is more so a publisher's doing and I believe having all those games in development at once was just too much and though we can agree that DICE is the developer, EA didn't really give them the time needed to really make those games what they could have been from the start.

So I feel, if EA feels DICE handling all those projects is too much and they need to just be on Battlefield, then so be it. They might want ReSpawn to make a more action, fast past MP that is some new thing. I feel this is the right move to do and though EA fucked up before, I don't think any of us can really disagree with that move, most of the votes even my own don't want DICE getting another crack, but imho its not cause I think they are bad team, but EA as a publisher isn't giving them them the needed time. So if its under that context, I don't want it happening, let ReSpawn to a Star Wars MP game with their APEX team, let DICE focus on fixing the Battlefield IP so they are just 100% on 1 IP.

SantaC SantaC Agreed completely. Looking back at it, I didn't even notice how many projects EA had DICE working on. They are out here making an engine, overseeing other teams, projects, several games being made at once etc. That doesn't sound like a team that can't be trusted, that sounds like a team that EA turned into their workhorse.

Battlefront 1, with less then 2 years development becomes the best selling Star Wars game in history
Battlefield 1 less then 2 years development, becomes the best selling Battlefield game in history.

^^^ This imho is what made EA put all that pressure on DICE to keep that combo going, yet following that we get BF2 mtx controversy, we get BFV flop and controversy etc.

I don't think DICE is a bad team, I don't think EA doesn't trust them, I think EA merely put too much on their plate and had to let a lot of that go to make those developments much more smooth. Who knows how much better those games could have been, with more development time and if EA just split the teams and hired more so they were not so bogged down.
Didn't even read all of your post. The old DICE Sweden is no more. All the experienced veterans are gone. Just take a look at BF2042, lol. They have no clue and they can't make a new engine, not in 10 years. Old DICE Sweden was good, yes. This new DICE? They should be renamed.


Writes a lot, says very little
Didn't even read all of your post. The old DICE Sweden is no more. All the experienced veterans are gone. Just take a look at BF2042, lol. They have no clue and they can't make a new engine, not in 10 years. Old DICE Sweden was good, yes. This new DICE? They should be renamed.

but a support team with less people with zero history of making any engine near what Frostbite is can do better? yea...this is called hyperbole

So....if you didn't read the post to see the reasons why such a thing wouldn't make sense, I don't see the point in trying even reply or convince anyone otherwise. You won't even put up a logical reason why a support team magically would take on the role of a 800 man studio in charge of multiple projects for EA.

This whole "old DICE" is just as hyperbolic. DICE is not 100% what it was 30 years ago, but no team, not a single team in gaming is 100% what it was 30 years ago. All teams would be renamed using this logic, you couldn't even name mean a fucking team where 100% of the staff has never changed, that simply isn't the case in gaming, its contracted in the first place so not even a single development of most AAA games, is the same from 1 to another game.

Listen to cringe fanfiction sir, Old Ripple Effect isn't what wa, oh I mean DICE LA, oh I mean Danger Close, oh I mean EA LA, oh I mean Dreamworks Gaming.... the fuck? They went a Medal Of Honor team to Boom Blocks, to a support team for DICE DLC... I get 2042 needs work, I even wish the best to Ripple Effect on the new game they are working on, but sir....I don't think a fucking support team that made a MODE in a game, not the engine, not the whole game....1 fucking mode is now going to be tasked with doing an entire fucking game from the ground up of this nature.

If you can't read, I don't know what to tell you or why you posted or why you are even on a gaming site that discuses gaming, if you didn't want to do such a thing. I'd argue it questions why anyone should listen to someone crying that a fucking DLC support team of 75 people or so, should take over what a 800 man team does, that never made an engine like Frostbite, get this...to fucking get "experience" as in you are literally confirming they can't even do something, but DICE should teach them? If they can't do it, why the fuck would DICE teach them instead of just doing BF themselves.

So I'm not shocked its the least picked on that poll, its was added for the lolz. Lets see how their stand alone new game does before saying some crazy shit man. (not even sure you can read thissss much lol) jk jk (maybe)
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Writes a lot, says very little
Yes would rather see BF2042 making a comeback than these goofy Star Wars games.

lol damn bo!

Well not surprised. After that disastrous launch, regardless if it was DICE internally, EA rushing a game out as a publisher etc, I think the poll is show most are in agreeance that we just don't need DICE working on so many IP at once any more.

Let them just focus on Battlefield this gen, it needs all the help it can get.

A few things surprised me with this poll.

15 people want DICE doing another Battlefront, I'm kinda shocked, I thought way less would want that tbh. (Its not that I hate DICE doing one, simply not under the condition of published under EA, rushed in 18 months, while also working on a Battlefield) That shit worked too well for Battlefront 1 and Battlefield 1 and Mirror's Edge 2 to the point where I believe EA just got greedy, they were like "Damn those 3 games came out breaking records and awards.....s.....so 18 months and several projects is the magic number huh" lol The success of those games, I'm 99.9% sure is why you saw EA keep trying to over work that team.

I'll have to say no to a Battlefront under DICE too if its 18 months development with several projects, if it was 3 or 4 years, bigger team and more freedom, I'd be on board.


lol damn bo!

Well not surprised. After that disastrous launch, regardless if it was DICE internally, EA rushing a game out as a publisher etc, I think the poll is show most are in agreeance that we just don't need DICE working on so many IP at once any more.

Let them just focus on Battlefield this gen, it needs all the help it can get.

A few things surprised me with this poll.

15 people want DICE doing another Battlefront, I'm kinda shocked, I thought way less would want that tbh. (Its not that I hate DICE doing one, simply not under the condition of published under EA, rushed in 18 months, while also working on a Battlefield) That shit worked too well for Battlefront 1 and Battlefield 1 and Mirror's Edge 2 to the point where I believe EA just got greedy, they were like "Damn those 3 games came out breaking records and awards.....s.....so 18 months and several projects is the magic number huh" lol The success of those games, I'm 99.9% sure is why you saw EA keep trying to over work that team.

I'll have to say no to a Battlefront under DICE too if its 18 months development with several projects, if it was 3 or 4 years, bigger team and more freedom, I'd be on board.

In general I don't like Star Wars and find it cringy just like goofy Power Rangers. That's my main take. Jedi Fallen Order was good, like 8/10, but it won't suddenly make me love Star Wars.

So I would rather see BF making a comeback than seeing anything Star Wars. Loved BF4 so much, just can't understand why they wanted to drastically change the game as it reached its peak. They lost all the goodwill since then with their wokeness and other shit practices they made.


Writes a lot, says very little
In general I don't like Star Wars and find it cringy just like goofy Power Rangers. That's my main take. Jedi Fallen Order was good, like 8/10, but it won't suddenly make me love Star Wars.

So I would rather see BF making a comeback than seeing anything Star Wars. Loved BF4 so much, just can't understand why they wanted to drastically change the game as it reached its peak. They lost all the goodwill since then with their wokeness and other shit practices they made.

Same. I've never been a massive Star Wars fan and even as much as I like Fallen Order, I just can't really get into the universe. I'll still buy its sequel and that KOTOR remake, but solid 8/10 is likely how I'll see a lot of those games and I'm ok with that at this point.

EA needs to just let DICE focus on Battlefield 100% instead of some of the team. I want to see the changes Zampella makes to that structure to reboot the IP so it can be at least back to the basic concepts it was with BF4, either that or put more resources behind Portal or have the main DICE team just make Portal 2 and remaster all those old maps into the new frostbite engine for something. Right now our only bet of getting them good classic BF4 days, is remade in Portal or Portal 2 or what ever they going to call that shit lol

That team shouldn't be forced to work on so many IP, if they are flopping. So Im ok with the move to focus on Battlefield going forward.
but a support team with less people with zero history of making any engine near what Frostbite is can do better? yea...this is called hyperbole

So....if you didn't read the post to see the reasons why such a thing wouldn't make sense, I don't see the point in trying even reply or convince anyone otherwise. You won't even put up a logical reason why a support team magically would take on the role of a 800 man studio in charge of multiple projects for EA.

This whole "old DICE" is just as hyperbolic. DICE is not 100% what it was 30 years ago, but no team, not a single team in gaming is 100% what it was 30 years ago. All teams would be renamed using this logic, you couldn't even name mean a fucking team where 100% of the staff has never changed, that simply isn't the case in gaming, its contracted in the first place so not even a single development of most AAA games, is the same from 1 to another game.

Listen to cringe fanfiction sir, Old Ripple Effect isn't what wa, oh I mean DICE LA, oh I mean Danger Close, oh I mean EA LA, oh I mean Dreamworks Gaming.... the fuck? They went a Medal Of Honor team to Boom Blocks, to a support team for DICE DLC... I get 2042 needs work, I even wish the best to Ripple Effect on the new game they are working on, but sir....I don't think a fucking support team that made a MODE in a game, not the engine, not the whole game....1 fucking mode is now going to be tasked with doing an entire fucking game from the ground up of this nature.

If you can't read, I don't know what to tell you or why you posted or why you are even on a gaming site that discuses gaming, if you didn't want to do such a thing. I'd argue it questions why anyone should listen to someone crying that a fucking DLC support team of 75 people or so, should take over what a 800 man team does, that never made an engine like Frostbite, get this...to fucking get "experience" as in you are literally confirming they can't even do something, but DICE should teach them? If they can't do it, why the fuck would DICE teach them instead of just doing BF themselves.

So I'm not shocked its the least picked on that poll, its was added for the lolz. Lets see how their stand alone new game does before saying some crazy shit man. (not even sure you can read thissss much lol) jk jk (maybe)
I read what you wrote to me, but after you quoted someone else and replied to them, that I didn't read, so calm yourself.
I am sorry but DICE LA, now Ripple Effect always cleaned up the mess that DICE Sweden left. That is just facts. Also that "mode" Portal is BF, more than the abomination that is BF2042 and made in less time. You might think I am a hater, I really don't care. I just wanted my favorite franchise to be good again. BF2042 isn't good and I doubt it can be saved. I trusted these idiots too much, too many times.

Like I said, I think the Ripple Effect we have now is more experienced than the DICE Sweden we have now.

Also if I am a hater you are a fanboy. :messenger_grimmacing_


Writes a lot, says very little
I am sorry but DICE LA, now Ripple Effect always cleaned up the mess that DICE Sweden left. That is just facts.

They are a support team, their job was to update, patch, make DLC etc and "clean up" vs making Battlefield from the ground up. and fyi, DICE is a much older team then DICE LA, Ripple, Dreamworks etc lol

Unless you have the evidence, I haven't see anything to suggest that 800 plus team is made up of all new people or something lol I haven't see anything that suggest Ripple Effect is made up of 100% the exact same people either lol Just stop with this, I don't really think I've seen any evidence like a whole break down of all members or some graph or anything of the sort, but I still trust Ripple Effect to try a new game, i don't even get this obsession with this "no new staff, only da old one doe"

You trust Ripple Effect even with them clearly having new staff, that team I assure you isn't 100% the same.

Also that "mode" Portal is BF, more than the abomination that is BF2042 and made in less time.

Well yes, thats like saying a remaster of an Assassins Creed was made in less time, its a remaster of old maps and then making it sound like they are equivalent things. They were hired to remaster old maps, not build a engine, make a whole new design, new maps etc.

Until thats done, until they put out that new game they are working on, we have no fucking clue how they would really do making a ground up Battlefield game while making a new engine or updating Frostbite etc.

2042 launched like shit and is still in a shit state, that doesn't fucking mean I want a support team doing the job of 800 developers, that silly and just a knee jerk response. Your whole post is pretty much "you a fanboy" and "2042 iz badz" and none of that supports or gives any real logical evidence that supports Ripple Effect doing such a fucking game that they've never done before.

They are a support team for a reason, lets see how that new game does before even assuming something so wild. DICE's issues doesn't mean a support team can even handle any of this shit. I mean dear god, Portal itself has issues, yet suddenly they'd do a whole BF game with zero issues or something by themselves? I don't buy all that lol

you are a fanboy. :messenger_grimmacing_

lol and relax with the name calling man, hating how 2042 turned out and wanting a better BF doesn't automatically mean I want a support team heading that IP.

Several times you even contradict yourself btw

Ripple Effect always cleaned up the mess that DICE Sweden left
and then...
BF2042 isn't good and I doubt it can be saved. I trusted these idiots too much, too many times.

So much for clearing up and being a solid team, so they can't fix this, but hey give the support team with less then 100 people such a project? =)

I want to see what DICE can do solely focusing on Battlefield with Zampella heading.
I want to see what Ripple Effect can do with their own IP.

So...no fanboy here bud, I like both teams, but I must be honest with what I see and who can handle such projects, thats not saying 2042 is perfect, that saying right now Ripple Effect is in charge of fucking 1 mode, lets talk about this when they put out their new game and some other games and grow as a time. If you like that team, at least respect that much to allow them that time.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Relegated to a maintenance studio huh? Not surprising. A lot of talent left and they couldn't even get their lynchpin engine that EA relied on so much to be stable (developers still complain about how flaky it is to this day, even after all those years and all those games).

The tail-end of a downward spiral for another once good studio under EA. Witnessing the raw carnage of bad game design, lack of features, and core technical issues that collectively defines BF2042 was the signal flare.
Unless you have the evidence, I haven't see anything to suggest that 800 plus team is made up of all new people or something lol I haven't see anything that suggest Ripple Effect is made up of 100% the exact same people either lol Just stop with this, I don't really think I've seen any evidence like a whole break down of all members or some graph or anything of the sort, but I still trust Ripple Effect to try a new game, i don't even get this obsession with this "no new staff, only da old one doe"
Look at BF2042, I don't care if they have 10000 people working there and also it isn't that important to me to go search 800 names etc. Lol
You trust Ripple Effect even with them clearly having new staff, that team I assure you isn't 100% the same.
How often do I have to tell you old man.gif ;)
Yes, I trust them. Let them try, it can't be worse than BF2042.
Ofcourse every dev team gets new people all the time.
Well yes, thats like saying a remaster of an Assassins Creed was made in less time, its a remaster of old maps and then making it sound like they are equivalent things. They were hired to remaster old maps, not build a engine, make a whole new design, new maps etc.
Not like Dice Sweden did build a new engine for BF2042, it looks worse everywhere. Design also sucks, don't get me started on the flat, open maps with nothing in them.
DICE LA built maps together with the community for BF4, just remember.
Until thats done, until they put out that new game they are working on, we have no fucking clue how they would really do making a ground up Battlefield game while making a new engine or updating Frostbite etc.
This is exactly what I want.
2042 launched like shit and is still in a shit state, that doesn't fucking mean I want a support team doing the job of 800 developers, that silly and just a knee jerk response. Your whole post is pretty much "you a fanboy" and "2042 iz badz" and none of that supports or gives any real logical evidence that supports Ripple Effect doing such a fucking game that they've never done before.

They are a support team for a reason, lets see how that new game does before even assuming something so wild. DICE's issues doesn't mean a support team can even handle any of this shit. I mean dear god, Portal itself has issues, yet suddenly they'd do a whole BF game with zero issues or something by themselves? I don't buy all that lol
We can only wait and see. But I am not waiting for Dice Sweden. Like I said, trusted them too much and too many times.
lol and relax with the name calling man, hating how 2042 turned out and wanting a better BF doesn't automatically mean I want a support team heading that IP.
I didn't name call, calm yourself.
Several times you even contradict yourself btw

and then...
That is not a contradiction. I don't want Ripple Effect working on this mess. It isn't just buggy. It needs an overhaul from the ground up.
I want them to have 2-3 years and do their own BF.
So much for clearing up and being a solid team, so they can't fix this, but hey give the support team with less then 100 people such a project? =)

I want to see what DICE can do solely focusing on Battlefield with Zampella heading.
I want to see what Ripple Effect can do with their own IP.

So...no fanboy here bud, I like both teams, but I must be honest with what I see and who can handle such projects, thats not saying 2042 is perfect, that saying right now Ripple Effect is in charge of fucking 1 mode, lets talk about this when they put out their new game and some other games and grow as a time. If you like that team, at least respect that much to allow them that time.
I never said they should do something in x months? Give them time and let them do their thing.


Writes a lot, says very little
it isn't that important to me to go search 800 names etc. Lol

Yea, but it proves you don't really know how many are new or not to ever factor in this =)

Yes, I trust them. Let them try, it can't be worse than BF2042.
I trust them as a support studio, I'll have to see what that new games is before leaping to say they can now do what a 800 team does.
DICE has made BF for generations now and they fucked that 2042 up royally , but a team of about 80 people that never made a game to such a scale will do 2042 or another BF better?


Give them time and we'll see, I'd argue it would be worse if EA put that task to such a small team. If it flopped and EA closed Ripple Effect down, who are you really blaming here? Ripple Effect? Nahhh Blame EA, they would be the ones just throwing a massive IP at a small team.

Give them time and we can revisit all of this after their new game comes out. That might give us an idea if such a thing is even possible.
Ofcourse every dev team gets new people all the time.
Thats my point. Thats such a rotation, no team is 100% the same team. Not even Ripple Effect, but I'd never ask you to not buy or not support them based on such odd logic.

DICE simply needs to get the right people (Zampella being one of em) and EA needs to let DICE just focus on this 1 IP instead of several all at once.

Not like Dice Sweden did build a new engine for BF2042

This is a updated Frostbite Engine, its not the same one used in BFV or BF1

it looks worse everywhere.
^^^ likely cause its not using 100% the exact same engine as BFV.

I believe the changes made had to do with 128 player and the tornado stuff.

So....to say the didn't build anything new is silly, clearly its not the same one if you clearly see its "worse" in some respect, as in its NOT the stuff you saw from BF1 or BFV. They likely toned it down to do that 128 player stuff, bigger maps etc.

We can debate worse, or better, or "sucks", we can't debate they worked on it for 3 years adding new features, for better or worse.

DICE LA built maps together with the community for BF4, just remember.
? huh? Are you mad at Ripple Effect? lol

Who said they are not going to build the new maps with the community in mind for 2042? I'd argue you are not getting a road map because they are taking into account what was said about the massive empty maps. So we can't really judge that area just yet until we see what Ripple Effect aka old DICE LA does post launch.

I agree they did that, but I don't see that they won't do that with 2042.

This is exactly what I want.

I have no issue with you wanting them to do a BF solely, but need to see that new game they are working on first and how that turns out. DICE fucked up, no debate, but Ripple Effect simply isn't a team near that size. So I might have no issue with that if they hit it out of the park for like 3 games in a row and we can say "PS6, new BF coming out, who do you want to make it" we can clearly have several solid new games to say Ripple Effect is in that ball park or something.

If anything, look at ReSpawn. Titanfall, Titanfall 2, APEX, Star Wars Fallen Order annnnnnnd keys to the kingdom lol Fallen Order 2, studio head is now heading DICE and 3 games being made under them.

That could be Ripple Effect, but we need to see how that new game turns out first.

We can only wait and see. But I am not waiting for Dice Sweden. Like I said, trusted them too much and too many times.

Well I agree, even I'm open to someone else taking over that IP if we get another flop or something even under Zampella, I just want to see how this turns out with more time given to BF development without all the other IP they always work on and a new studio head. If it doesn't work out, then I'm more then open to someone else taking over that IP.

. I don't want Ripple Effect working on this mess
ohhhh I see. As in, 2042, to big a mess to clean up, too many core problems etc.

That being said, if they do keep updating Portal and the DICE moves on to a new BF and this game indeed does turn around, they'll be known as the team that even fixed this shitstorm, that would go big with EA as they might think "imagine if we had that team designing 2042 from the start" . Would help greatly imho, but i do see how you'd want them to focus on their title vs fix 2042.

I want them to have 2-3 years and do their own BF.

I never said they should do something in x months? Give them time and let them do their thing.

Same. In 3 years, if the next BF flops and is rushed and comes out in 2 years lol and in that time Ripple Effects new game does gang busters, I'll freely admit that maybe its time to staff up Ripple Effect and give them a shot at their own BF title.

BF Portal 2

Then they could go from there.


I believe the changes made had to do with 128 player and the tornado stuff.

I always forget this game has that stupid tornado shit in it.

It beggars belief that the devs at EA/DICE had a meeting and decided lets scale back the overall quality and destruction levels to add in a tornado.......... i really don't know what they were thinking?!


EA as a whole, and Dice in particular, do not seem capable of creating a game that I want to play. I can’t even remember the last time I was genuinely pleased with an EA product, much less a Dice one. Sure, Respawn is talented, but I want TF3 a hell of a lot more than any more Star Wars shit. All EA ever seems to provide me with now is disappointment. Every franchise I once loved from them is either dead or a shell of its former self.

So I couldn’t care less which developer does what. The chances of any of it being what I’m looking for are practically nil anyway.


Yeah I'm pretty sure EA is NOT chopping at the bits to throw money at the next game, after this massive failure.
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Writes a lot, says very little
I always forget this game has that stupid tornado shit in it.

It beggars belief that the devs at EA/DICE had a meeting and decided lets scale back the overall quality and destruction levels to add in a tornado.......... i really don't know what they were thinking?!

Sorry for the late reply (we done forgot about this thread lol)

The tornado and random dust storms might be one of the few elements i actually like in the game, they actually planned to do like Earthquakes, Volcanos and tsunamis and shit lol It make sense if you consider the theme of BF4 in terms of them trying to stop that, where 2042 is like if they failed or something, but even then, 1 out 4 of those events making it into the game doesn't sound like its worth all of those downgrades.

I wouldn't say the destruction quality is bad or worse, by default is the most complex compared to all past BF (like being able to drive a tank thru many buildings at once) , simply that it is not as much in terms of number of buildings if that makes any sense. But its hard to say if the direction with the whole Tornado and 128 players is because of that as BF4 had a similar set up where it has destruction more complex then the past BFs, simply also has levels that can't be leveled compared to past BFs, but that is how BF3 and BF4 were. So I think the confusion is based on how much is being destroyed on each building, then the quality or complexity or something.

Either way, I'm not sure if that was a design thing like it was always going to be that, or if it was scaled back per building to fit the 128 players and Tornado thing.

Halo's old Art Director has some new Settle Studio working on 2042, but I don't really know what exactly they are doing or if they are helping with DLC with Ripple Effect or what lol

Another studio into the mix, but tbh I have no clue how many support studios they have on such massive AAA projects. If EA is still publishing and making the same mistakes, I don't even know if anything he states even matters if none of that is addressed. I'm sure he cares, but will EA LET him care lol
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