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Did anyone switch from PC to console?


Admittedly only have a budget gaming pc but can run most games (Ryzen 5 5600X, RX 6600) and I realise having so much choice is actually a detriment that I end up playing on my Switch. I could play any game and spend most of my free time trying to figure out what to play. But for me the biggest is missing out on FF7 Remake 2 having to wait longer, don't think I can do it. So I'm thinking about buying a PS5 and retiring my gaming PC for work/older games. Anyone ever done this?


Yep I did a few years ago. Got tired of the feeling my setup was never good enough and would suck as soon as new parts came out.

Never really cared for gaming with a mouse and the cheating is unreal.

Realized there's no point in being a graphics whore. I like being even keeled with everyone else, no hassles no driver issues and very little cheating as I have crossplay turned off. Consoles can achieve excellent graphics.

Miss the modding which could be fun and price of games and of course "trying a game before I bought" .

I have PC and laptops for work, consoles for gaming, and android tablet for browsing, reading, and looking up sports.
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Gold Member
No Way GIF


I was very PC at the middle and end of PS360 era, begining of PS4 too (since GTA5 PC), And I switched to console, bc no new Valves Games since and most game ported to PC is just "console games" with more bug.

I'm also very tired of this shit of "PC Master Race" when you have 0 difference with 400$ GPU and you need 2x or 3x console price for be rest for 2-3 years before a new tech coming and say "huh, you can't using because you don't have the lateste hardware shit, CONSOOM"

Tired of the marketing too... Everyone have a transparent case, RGB shit, water pink cooling, this is like 2000's boomers cars tuning show.

RTS, Fast FPS, Moba, WRPG, still on PC btw, can't enjoy this with pads.


Gold Member
I was very PC at the middle and end of PS360 era, begining of PS4 too (since GTA5 PC), And I switched to console, bc no new Valves Games since and most game ported to PC is just "console games" with more bug.

I'm also very tired of this shit of "PC Master Race" when you have 0 difference with 400$ GPU and you need 2x or 3x console price for be rest for 2-3 years before a new tech coming and say "huh, you can't using because you don't have the lateste hardware shit, CONSOOM"

Tired of the marketing too... Everyone have a transparent case, RGB shit, water pink cooling, this is like 2000's boomers cars tuning show.

RTS, Fast FPS, Moba, WRPG, still on PC btw, can't enjoy this with pads.
Rofif, is that you?


Switched to console during the ps360 era, then back to PC when the ps4/one released. Still on PC since.


Gold Member
I’m 50/50 between PC and PS5. If a game runs well on PS5 and looks great (vrr, uncapped frames, etc) then i’ll buy on PS5. Otherwise, PC.


I was very PC at the middle and end of PS360 era, begining of PS4 too (since GTA5 PC), And I switched to console, bc no new Valves Games since and most game ported to PC is just "console games" with more bug.

I'm also very tired of this shit of "PC Master Race" when you have 0 difference with 400$ GPU and you need 2x or 3x console price for be rest for 2-3 years before a new tech coming and say "huh, you can't using because you don't have the lateste hardware shit, CONSOOM"

Tired of the marketing too... Everyone have a transparent case, RGB shit, water pink cooling, this is like 2000's boomers cars tuning show.

RTS, Fast FPS, Moba, WRPG, still on PC btw, can't enjoy this with pads.
Perfectly agree.

I've seen recently a video of a guy who ordered a PC built to the biggest online shop in France and they called him because they thought there was a mistake in his order : he ordered a very strong build but no RGB at all and no transparent case, they considered it, seriously, as a mistake in the order...

And yeah, PC gaming is console gaming with more instability, bugs, and cheaters.

Console gaming is greater than ever.


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
Come on guys, be helpful to OP. Nothing wrong with switching to consoles full-time, OP. They sure have their perks such as being more convenient and rarely have the dreaded shader compilation problem.

You already have a Switch so a PS5 is a nice addition that can decently replace a gaming PC. Don't be afraid to get a console. They work well and serve their purpose.

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
Yeah, I switched from PC to console back in 2021.

I still occasionally play some PC only games though.

Edit: Already had a PS5 and a Xbox One X at the time I made the switch, but they weren't my main gaming platforms. Used them for exclusives and some BC games, while multi-platform and especially MP games were played on PC.
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Gold Member
I never "switched" either way. At different times in my life I may have owned PC and not console or owned console and not PC, but just a matter of circumstances at the time.

But if you have the option to have both, why not take advantage of it? No need to "retire" that PC at all really.
Admittedly only have a budget gaming pc but can run most games (Ryzen 5 5600X, RX 6600) and I realise having so much choice is actually a detriment that I end up playing on my Switch. I could play any game and spend most of my free time trying to figure out what to play. But for me the biggest is missing out on FF7 Remake 2 having to wait longer, don't think I can do it. So I'm thinking about buying a PS5 and retiring my gaming PC for work/older games. Anyone ever done this?
Now that the Steam Deck exists and is going to continue existing as a hybrid console line, I no longer have need for a PC in terms of gaming.

My suggestion to you is Steam Deck + Switch, but since you want FF7R 2, maybe Steam Deck + PS5 is a better option.
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I was pc only for a few years during university till my wife (gf then) got me a GameCube. Was a console gamer then for years. Finally rebuilt my pc after Christmas and I’m excited to play on it.


Snake Oil Salesman
PC only gamer for ~4 years.

I switched back to console because I prefer controller over KBM, prefer couch + TV over desk, and tinkering with settings and hardware never appealed to me.

PC does have more interesting games and better game sales.


I have multiple consoles, but my PC is my main machine for everything, including gaming. I dunno, despite the experience being annoying sometimes, the sheer level of freedom and choice that PC gaming offers is unbeatable.


Gold Member
Yes, I switched over to PS4/PS5 as my primary gaming device after the RTX 30-Series launch where it became impossible to get a good GPU, and shortly after every other PC component price went insane.
started as console, went to pc, went briefly back to console, then permanently pc.

if being a graphics whore is wrong, i dont want to be right
even without mods, ~120fps 4k w/ the option to downsample is enough for me to be team PC.
fun undervolting, OCing, etc too.
Never played on only one platform from the beginning. That being said, switched between systems as my main platform every couple of years. Was determined to go primarily console in late 2020, didn't take me a year to come back to PC. Walled off monopolist ecosystems piss me off so much I just can't stomach this shit. Build a 13900K/4090 PC after because I thought having a system that can't be "upgraded" for a while would satisfy me. Wasn't the case. I feel like an idiot for having this system despite its performance being stellar. So much bullshit in the PC space, too. Rn I'm thinking PC is where it's at, but not at the high end. I think bang for buck builders are the smartest. Performance per dollar matters. Open platforms matter. Competition is important.


started as console, went to pc, went briefly back to console, then permanently pc.

if being a graphics whore is wrong, i dont want to be right
even without mods, ~120fps 4k w/ the option to downsample is enough for me to be team PC.
fun undervolting, OCing, etc too.
I'm not even a graphics whore and still end up leaning towards pc. Tons of interesting games i can't find as easily on console.


I own a PC, PS5 and XSX. I play 90% of the time on PC. Better image quality/performance and there's thousands of titles on PC that are not on console. Oh, and games are dirt cheap and I don't need any sub to play online games.
I am 80% Console/20% PC, I mostly switched during the PS4 era, I felt like trying to keep up my gaming PC was just turning into a money pit, the ROI just wasn't there for me. I now do the majority of my gaming on my PS5 and the other 20% I bought an ASUS Zenbook Pro 14 which has a RTX 4060 (I know, laptop GPU) which for the games that I still play on PC is more than powerful enough for my needs.
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I've had long stretches where I primarily game on console but the advantages of PC gaming keep pulling me back.


Never really switched, but while I do have a pretty decent gaming setup, I don't use it nearly as much as I would like to. Objectively, I know PC is by far the best gaming platform around. Subjectively, there's just always something not clicking with me. While I do have my PC hooked up to my TV as a second screen, there's just always something that makes the experience just a little bit worse than just turning on my Switch and start gaming within seconds.

That being said, I'm currently playing Baldur's Gate 3 and Tiny Tina's Wonderlands on PC and both are really good games so far. Just need to find the energy to start gaming on a desk again.


The pricing of the GPU market of late, I certainly wouldn't blame anyone for doing so. Especially when these consoles first came out. That's a lot of gaming performance for just $499 (or even $399 for that digital PS5).


One of the green rats
I go back and forth depending on the environment at the time. Pc has had some long shitty periods.


I wouldn't say I went from PC to console. I've been "console" since the 1970s, before PCs even existed. More like I went from console to PC then back to console. I played tons of PC and Mac games at work starting in 1994, a bunch of us would play Doom, Duke, Quake, Descent, Marathon etc. on the LAN. Then I finally bought my own PC at home in 1999, System Shock 2 was the first game I bought for it. I was really into PC gaming for several years, but gave it up. Back in 2007 I kept saying "I need to upgrade so I can play Crysis when it launches!" Never did get around to that. Last thing I remember playing on PC was Portal 1, when it was new. Oh... and then I played GTA1 through San Andreas on PC while I was waiting for GTA5 to come out. 2011, 2012? A lifetime ago. For the last couple years I've been looking at this corner in my living room and saying, "I'm gonna clear out those cardboard boxes, get a new desk, and get a new gaming rig. I swear to god."
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Gold Member
On specific games, mainly those with pvp rife with cheating on PC. Honestly even consoles nowadays have cheating but they’re definitely less prevalent.


Yup as a main gaming platform around the 360/PS3 era but finally left the Xbox console(sold the XSX) space for PC.

So Consoles are my main but I play classics and Xbox games on my computers.


Why not both Sony exclusives plus pc is best combo you might even end up not needing ps if sony start realeasing .Games simultaneously unlikely but not impossible.

I mean nothing beats going back to old game with new hardware then maxing it out playing at your max refresh rate. Imagine going back to alan wake 2 in few years and running everything maxing including page tracing and actually playing native 4k at like 100fps


Can’t Git Gud
I always had and still have a pc but my main baking interests were as follows.
Win 95/98/xp/vista
Back to pc late 360 win 7/10
PS4 slim late 2017
Ps5 still.

Console is my main now but it’s like 30/70 pc/console now


Most of my gaming life was always on computers, Spectrum, Commodore Amiga, PC. My 1st console was a Sega Master System II, but piracy just made a no brainer to keep prefering PC, especially when i was a teen with very limited money to spend.
Then after getting a Dreamcast, was when i started using consoles as my main gaming machines, still use PC for some games.
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Hell no. I’ve always had all the current consoles but they almost never get used. I did play them a lot more in the past when there were more console exclusives.
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I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
I believe console gaming performance could get even better in the next generation.
i mean most games runs up to 60fps this gen, pretty worth the money invest into console gaming.

I'm not a fan of high end PC gaming whereby your eyes will be too adjusted above 60fps, not a good thing imo.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Yes, I did. The stuttering, general performance issues, and games that are straight up broken have gotten to be too much for me. It's not every game, obviously, but it's a lot of them, and the problem's only getting worse. That, and the fact that a lot of those issues are basically just hard coded into the games and can't be brute forced. I'm just sick of it. Meanwhile, consoles are able to offer substantially identical performance for the sorts of games I actually care about (ie: not western AAAs).

And frankly, I just don't like the niceties of PC gaming. I don't like Steam, I don't like the DRM schemes or the third-party launchers, I and I do not and will never care about mods. Ever.

Point is, I switched to being 99% on consoles last year, and I've been having fun again instead of being constantly annoyed.

Little Mac

Gold Member
Grew up in console but transitioned to PC around when Diablo 3 launched. Was hardcore PC for years but ultimately missed the console vibe. I don’t think I’ll ever go back to PC. Nothing beats a big nice TV, a comfy couch, and a gaming console. Maybe it’s an age/life phase thing. Regardless, I recently got a ps5 slim and playing thru Spider-man remastered. I’m enough into it where the swinging and transversal mechanics are starting to click and just haven’t a blast with it … it’s this kind of “feeling” that was missing for me on PC.


I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
Why not lol, the higher the frames the better.
means you always need high end hardware to do so, means you have to keep upgrading it so that your games could remain at least 120fps.

The reason i'm still enjoy gaming because 60fps is fine for me.
If a games runs between 30fps - 60fps im fine as well because i got used to it.
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