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Did GAF pass on Outlaws because it was woke?

Why didn’t you buy Outlaws?

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As a right winger often flabbergasted on how right wing this forum is I’m curious. I know that this is not representative of most of gamers but I think that given the recent turmoil around Ubisoft and its failing strategy and finances it’ll be interesting to know what our side of gaming thinks about it.

Personally I’m not happy to play a game where a flimsy woman knocks out trained soldiers with helmet. Even the game acknowledges this and later on gives her a tasser. But I’m ok with the uglification of the actress. I’m not 20 anymore and I don’t need hot girls in my games. But I do respect people who want what I already had in my non woke 90s.

But the reasons why I’m not interested in Outlaws are none of the above. It’s the same Ubisoft game all over again. It’s repetitive. Uninspired. Not original. The disk in the box has no value. It has DLCs programmed since before launch. It’s modern gaming in a nutshell and while I think is the best representation of the SW universe on a videogame that’s not enough to endure a snooze fest. So, what do you think?


Can't it be both 🤷‍♂️

Why do we pretend that one doesn't influence the other
One are aesthetic and other is game design. It doesn’t mix into each other but they certainly add to the experience together. You can have an ugly game that is glorious, like Deadly Premonition. And you can have a beautiful made game that is boring, like almost every AAA game since 2013. But one has to weight more in your decision making.


Gold Member
Remember that scene in the New Hope where Luke looks out and sees the two suns setting? The music starts to play, almost foreboding in many different ways.

This game has no appeal to it at all. You could have called it something else and built an entire fan base off of it. I wouldn’t even bad mouth it, but it doesn’t have anything I like about Star Wars. Maybe the enemies? That’s not enough for me.
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Gold Member
There are several reasons for this game's failure.
The woke part is just one among several, but it's not even the most important.

Most people are tired of the Ubisoft open world formula.
The game had many bugs.
Gameplay was boring and had a ton of issues.
AI was broken.
Graphics were good, but character models and animations were jank.
The Star Wars brand no longer has the same weight.
It didn't release on Steam.


Gold Member
I initially gave the game a pass because Ubisoft games are notoriously a bug fest upon release and generally poor nowadays. Then all the debacle over the actresses appearance being made purposely uglier with a broken nose was the final nail in the coffin for me.
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I usually avoid Ubicrap and EA games. I doubt that even if I was willing to play those games I would buy them, they are extremelly generic, boring and uninspired. This Kay Vess screams Han Solo envy, and even use the same number of letters.
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
It wouldn't even occur to me to be bothered by a female character in the game and that's the extent to which I am aware of anything "woke" about it.

I passed on it because reviews are mid. A 7/10 Ubi game is the sort of thing I will play when it hits Game Pass in a year but I don't need to spend $70 on.
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One are aesthetic and other is game design. It doesn’t mix into each other but they certainly add to the experience together. You can have an ugly game that is glorious, like Deadly Premonition. And you can have a beautiful made game that is boring, like almost every AAA game since 2013. But one has to weight more in your decision making.
I disagree to that.

And it shows a fundamental misunderstanding of what woke is to be honest.

Is using "cancel" and triggers in dustborn which is entirely gameplay also aesthetical?


World’s Biggest Weeb
It didn't bomb because it was woke, but because it was shit. Lowest possible effort on the part of Ubisoft, it really looks like everyone was busy making AC, so interns got put on it.
Yeah I think if it were a really polished game that surprised gamers with how fun the mechanics were and how much your choices matter, people would’ve looked past ugly Kay real quick.

Instead, when it released, it just confirmed everyone’s worst suspicions.
Waiting for 75% off on the Complete Edition on Steam, so most likely I’ll buy this December 2025.

Note: I’m neither right nor left, I’m more or less a centrist but if you dig deeper I guess I’m a classical liberal. Fiscally conservative in moderation but socially progressive.
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