Did Ps Portal sell similar numbers to Xbox hardware in 2024?

Did ps portal sell more than Xbox in 2024?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 30.2%
  • No

    Votes: 14 26.4%
  • Maybe, probably similar amounts for both

    Votes: 23 43.4%

  • Total voters


So with a recent report from AMD indicating a little over 100 million consoles sold, and with Sony reporting 75 million consoles sold, that would put Xbox anywhere from 25-26 million LTD units for series consoles.

Which means a recent report about Xbox selling 2 million console for all of 2024 might not be too far fetched.

Recently it was also reported that around 3 percent of ps5 owners own a portal. Doing that math would mean the portal has sold 2-2.3 million since launch in November.

One can assume portal sold maybe up to 300k during its launch, which would put its sales close to 2 million for 2024.

Do you guys think it’s possible that the ps portal handheld has possibly sold the same amount of units that the Xbox did? And if so what could this mean for Xbox and playstation(handheld future specifically) .


Xbox 2 million: https://tech4gamers.com/xbox-only-2-million-consoles-2024/

Ps portal 3 percent: https://www.yahoo.com/tech/did-anybody-buy-playstation-portal-103300266.html
This is what I'm hearing but I honestly don't believe it and even if it's true I don't care much. Just feel bad for how Xbox is performing in general.


Gold Member
O onQ123 about to quote himself again.
Michael Richards Yes GIF
How it started "PS portal is a bad product that nobody will buy" vs how it ended "the peripheral that has generated the most money in the USA this year"


Tbh with Sony launching cloud streaming and a “play anywhere” ad today….. I think sales could go up from here. Makes me wonder if portal could approach vita LTD numbers.


Call me idiot but yesterday play Bloodborne in the portal and looks great and the funny things is I don't know how say it but run better than in My C1.
So with a recent report from AMD indicating a little over 100 million consoles sold, and with Sony reporting 75 million consoles sold, that would put Xbox anywhere from 25-26 million LTD units for series consoles.

Which means a recent report about Xbox selling 2 million console for all of 2024 might not be too far fetched.

Recently it was also reported that around 3 percent of ps5 owners own a portal. Doing that math would mean the portal has sold 2-2.3 million since launch in November.

One can assume portal sold maybe up to 300k during its launch, which would put its sales close to 2 million for 2024.

Do you guys think it’s possible that the ps portal handheld has possibly sold the same amount of units that the Xbox did? And if so what could this mean for Xbox and playstation(handheld future specifically) .


Xbox 2 million: https://tech4gamers.com/xbox-only-2-million-consoles-2024/

Ps portal 3 percent: https://www.yahoo.com/tech/did-anybody-buy-playstation-portal-103300266.html
Xbox Series hardware outsold Switch in dollar sales for 2024 in the U.S. Switch unit sales estimated at 3.2M and Xbox Series unit sales estimated 2.7M just for the U.S in 2024, It's impossible for XBS to be more than 1M behind Switch in units because it had to sell enough to be above Switch in Dollars.
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Xbox Series hardware outsold Switch in dollar sales for 2024 in the U.S. Switch unit sales estimated at 3.2M and Xbox Series unit sales estimated 2.7M just for the U.S in 2024, It's impossible for XBS to be more than 1M behind Switch in units because it had to sell enough to be above Switch in Dollars.

America isn’t the world

Xbox is totally dead outside US


Xbox Series hardware outsold Switch in dollar sales for 2024 in the U.S. Switch unit sales estimated at 3.2M and Xbox Series unit sales estimated 2.7M just for the U.S in 2024, It's impossible for XBS to be more than 1M behind Switch in units because it had to sell enough to be above Switch in Dollars.
what is your source for xbox series selling 2.7 m in just the US? The article I posted mentioned the console selling just 2M units.


It's funny since people claimed that Portal was useless and nobody would want it.
I'm one of those people and I am eating my words.
I think its possible at half the price of a full blown console, and of course it's targeted to the better selling console customers. Even if only a fraction of the PS5 install base buy one it's enough to outdo Xbox console sales. Xbox is in a sad state.


Recently it was also reported that around 3 percent of ps5 owners own a portal. Doing that math would mean the portal has sold 2-2.3 million since launch in November.
It won't be a 1:1 number since recent firmware allows a portal to work with ps premium cloud directly without needing to own a ps5. So actual sales would be more.


Gold Member
Talk to me when you can identify obvious jokes. Before I leave you to stew in your hurt feelings just know that I'll always love you.
I understood every part of the joke what makes you think I didn't get the joke?

Are you in Brazil? Why would I ask that when you're clearly imbecile
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