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Did you enter the DESTROY ALL HUMANS 2 contest and NOT get a copy? See post #1490


We're now a day away from me sending out the email, and we've got 92 survey responses.

I'd like to point out that this is nearly 25% of ALL NeoGAF winners.

I'm also still interested in any other contacts people might have at THQ. Sending this out to more people can't do anything but HELP the cause.

White Man

Thanks for doing this, Ecro. I actually enjoyed the first game. At this point, though, it's really about the principal of the thing.


So, I sent out an email today. I took another week to try and confirm I wasn't getting scam submissions as I had at least 1 verified fake submission.

I also got a response back very quickly from Craig Mitchell.

Hey James,

I ran the PR campaign for Destroy All Humans! 2 and can address your concern. I want to make sure we come to a solution as you guys did a great job promoting the game. We did in fact do a large mailer for DAH! 2, over 350 in fact back in November. We did not receive any confirmations of failed delivery. I can provide the list to you if necessary.

Understandably there is always going to be a few deliveries that do not make it. We are happy to provide those people with their copies, but I'd be very surprised if over 20% did not receive copies.

If you would like to discuss this further, please let me know.



Craig Mitchell
THQ Media Relations

So, now I'm trying to figure out what to do. I'd imagine we're at the point where we've got to confirm people didn't falsely submit answers to the survey trying to get either a free game or a second copy of the game.

Sounds like we'll have a good outcome at the end of all of this.
Ecrofirt said:
So, I sent out an email today. I took another week to try and confirm I wasn't getting scam submissions as I had at least 1 verified fake submission.

I also got a response back very quickly from Craig Mitchell.

So, now I'm trying to figure out what to do. I'd imagine we're at the point where we've got to confirm people didn't falsely submit answers to the survey trying to get either a free game or a second copy of the game.

Sounds like we'll have a good outcome at the end of all of this.

That's what a PR does (i.e. try to close the case as fast as possible). Just insist.


Littleberu said:
That's what a PR does (i.e. try to close the case as fast as possible). Just insist.

He's not trying to close the case. He's trying to work with us. What is there to insist about?


eternal prize said:
Using my bro's new account, I didn't get my copy either, should I be sending emails?

At this point I don't know what to tell you. The topic was being actively bumped while the survey was valid, but I've already submitted the survey results to Craig at THQ.


I'm just trying to figure out how to get this all sorted out now.

Craig is saying they sent out over 350 games in November, and I've got no reason at all not to take him at face value.

We've also got 93 survey responses now. The contest listed 386 people from GAF. These number obviously don't match up.

So I'm writing Craig an email with some options for how we can go about resolving this so we all end up with our copies.


Ecrofirt you are the MAN!

Respect bombaclad



ecroflirt, i never got a PM from you verfying my survey like it was said somewhere, just wanted to make sure i actually filled it out and it was submitted?


They did send it out at one of the worst times in the US, right before xmas. I really hope they can fix it. How did they send the games out if you dont mind me asking? Cause 25% is a big number if you ask me.

Edit: Ecro your going above and beyond man. I too would like to thank you again.


Ecrofirt, cheers for doing this. I know people keep saying that, but the effort is very much appreciated :)
Thanks for doing this Ecrofirt.

How long has it been now? 3 months?

Yeah. 3 months. And really, we still haven't been given a sufficient explanation, imo. What could possibly be the reason that they haven't sent out copies to people that had their addresses re-forwarded (even though there was no reason for the addresses to be reforwarded anyway)?


joshschw said:
ecroflirt, i never got a PM from you verfying my survey like it was said somewhere, just wanted to make sure i actually filled it out and it was submitted?

Don't worry josh, you're included. I worked it out with White Man so that I ended up only PMing certain people to confirm.


Of course you didn't get your game yet. We've just begun discussions with THQ!
Maybe we should file complaints to the BBB... or something. >_> Really, this pisses me off so much. I don't even care about having the game too much, but it's so ridiculous that they've neglected to honor around 25% of the copies they promised. At this point, it's become very obvious (imo) that they're completely aware of it, but they simply don't want to ship the rest of the copies.


Why was he banned? this is ****ING lame, whoever decided it was a good idea to ban him, especially since he worked his ass off to get us our copies of the game?

So, who did it?

White Man

shuri said:
Why was he banned? this is ****ING lame, whoever decided it was a good idea to ban him, especially since he worked his ass off to get us our copies of the game?

So, who did it?

He got banned for posting referral links to play asia. I didn't do it! It's only for like 1 more day.
I never got my copy and I missed this post. I guess I'm F'ed?

I don't think any of us will ever get our copies of the game. If THQ cared, they would've done something about it by now. But instead, they've either given us dumbass excuses, or simply ignored our complaints.


Sorry all, here's an update:
Either Craig didn't respond to my last email, or I never received it. I held off sending another one for awhile because I didn't want to come off as an asshole or anything when he seemed geniunely willing to help.

It's been 5 weeks though, so I sent a new one today. Hopefully he'll respond this time!

And sorry I didn't bump this earlier :(


you can't put a price on sparks
if THQ doesn't do anything about it still, i hope people from big gaming sites can help get the word out there about this like gamespot/ign/1up etc.


Got a new email from Craig today. Looks like THQ is as baffled as us:
Hey James,

It's been a bit hectic hear but I haven't forgotten about this. The entire
contest was run though a 3rd party so gathering all the relevant information
you requested below is not an option at this point, which makes solving this
issue a little more difficult. What I can do is order additional copies of
Destroy All Humans! 2 and have them sent out to you. This will allow you to
fulfill any orders that did not make it out.

I'm still trying to figure out exactly what happened. As I said, this was
done through a third party and they were sent enough product for this
promotion. They never mentioned missing participants or failed deliveries.



Don't we have someone here who works for Advance Media Network? Their site is complete shit when it comes to contact info (case in point: http://www.advancedmn.com/corp/contact.html).

If need be, I don't have any problem with THQ sending me the games, but I'm sure it's going to take me time and money to get everything mailed out. We'll see how things pan out.

For the moment I haven't sent a response to Craig. I can see he's willing to help us out, and I'm very grateful, but I haven't decided what to respond with yet.
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