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Did you enter the DESTROY ALL HUMANS 2 contest and NOT get a copy? See post #1490

Just filled this out then, I was thinking it was just because I am in Australia but I didn't realise some of you guys right next door to each other have and have not recieved copies if by random chance. I haven't been too concerned about it since to my knowledge THQ have yet to send any free copies to Australia for any reason be it review or reward.

This Whole scenario seems peculiar as it may simply be a lack of communication on the matter which wouldn't be at the top of anyone's list right now anyway.

Getting a handy list together like this to inform THQ PR is a very smart move.


Currently 43 people including myself. Not bad at all for a few hours.

I'm going to go through the last few months worth of posts in a day or two and start PMing people who haven't sent in a survey to see if they've received their copy of the game or not.


Ecrofirt said:
Currently 43 people including myself. Not bad at all for a few hours.

I'm going to go through the last few months worth of posts in a day or two and start PMing people who haven't sent in a survey to see if they've received their copy of the game or not.

Thats cool, Thanks for doing this BTW. Its kind of a shame that you, the real winner, havent gotten your yet and are going through the trouble of trying to help all of us out.
Thanks man.
This whole thing is so weird. I mean, they knew how many people would be getting free copies. They emailed everyone after the contest was over to get more information and a confirmation of system preference. Then some people get a game, and others don't.

I am DYING to know the whole story, or at least to get an explanation.


EctoPrime said:
I still have not got my copy over here in Perth, filled in the survey btw.
Perth, Australia, I'm assuming? If so you're probably the first person from Australia to have received their game, at least that I've taken notice of. I was beginning to think all of us Aussies missed out.


you can't put a price on sparks
BuG said:
Perth, Australia, I'm assuming? If so you're probably the first person from Australia to have received their game, at least that I've taken notice of. I was beginning to think all of us Aussies missed out.

i thought he said he didn't get it?
Ecrofirt said:

OK, I'm trying to really get the ball rolling here.

I've created a short survey that will allow me to collect information from you guys that I can send to THQ.


Please fill it out:

If the survey doesn't work, please let me know.

The red text is supposed to attract your eyes. Don't freak!


I'm going to try to put one near the top of the next few thread pages in case anyone misses the topic change.



Drunky McMurder
TekunoRobby said:
Demi didn't get a copy while I did for some strange reason. He's in Ohio and I be in Florida.

Ecrofirt and I live in the same city and I got my copy. It's pretty random on who doesn't get it.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
To be honest, the game's kinda boring, it's not my type of game. But hopefully Ecrofirt's plan works, although I would email Advancedmn also. Try getting a response from one of their people who are members on GAF like ark-amn or something.
Ecrofirt said:

OK, I'm trying to really get the ball rolling here.

I've created a short survey that will allow me to collect information from you guys that I can send to THQ.


Please fill it out:

If the survey doesn't work, please let me know.

The red text is supposed to attract your eyes. Don't freak!


I'm going to try to put one near the top of the next few thread pages in case anyone misses the topic change.


Unconfirmed Member
submitted. thank you. I may start spamming their emails with my issue, or one of their executives if I can get it.
Archaix said:
Ecrofirt and I live in the same city and I got my copy. It's pretty random on who doesn't get it.
I think it's because most of you who didn't receive a copy bragged about how you're going to sell it.
Jeff-DSA said:


I've seen this image before on some actual alien conspiracy site. I'm just curious to know if anyone remembers the story behind the theory.

Seth C

WasabiKing said:
I think it's because most of you who didn't receive a copy bragged about how you're going to sell it.

I certainly never mentioned any such thing. I was going to play it, or at worst give it as a gift to my brother. Who am I kidding? I was going to stick it on my shelf. Maybe I'd play it, but i was definitely going to keep it!
Well, I didn't brag about selling it (I'm not) - and even if I had, why would it matter? We won the contest fair and square, according to the contest rules. What the winner does with the game afterwards isn't anyone's business.


Just letting everyone know what's going on:

I've currently got 85 responses to the survey. I'm going to wait until Friday or so for any stragglers who may not yet have submitted a survey, and then I'll be sending out my email to THQ.

I've currently got 7 THQ contacts. If anyone thinks they can help in getting me any more, it certainly can't hurt. You'll have complete anonymity in the whole situation, as does anyone else who has given me a THQ contact so far.

So again:

I've created a short survey that will allow me to collect information from you guys that I can send to THQ.


Please fill it out:
---removed for now. I've already sent my responses to THQ.---

If the survey doesn't work, please let me know.

The red text is supposed to attract your eyes. Don't freak!
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