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Did You Play Games Alone As A Kid, Or Together?


I played lots of MP on local network with my brother and my dad in the 90's. Probably an equal split between MP and SP though.


Neo Member
Usually together, with my siblings. I remember if one of us was playing a singleplayer game, the rest of us would pretend to be the other characters (such as in an RPG) and provide improv commentary. Fun times!

Kings Field

Every Saturday and Sunday me and my best friend would get together either at his house or my house and we would play the World tour, Revenge, WM2000, or No Mercy for hours on end. Sometimes we would mix MK trilogy but most those four games mentioned.

Halfway through we would usually go play baseball or touch football with the other kids in the neighborhood sometimes in my backyard or at the playground.

Then our parents would take us to get some pizza or whatever and then back to gaming.

During the week I’d play my PS1 by myself.



Played some multiplayer stuff at sleepovers but I was an only child until middle school so it was just me
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