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Digimon Community Thread |OT| For all the Digidestined on GAF

Appmon really has been fantastic. I think Episode 4 was one of the best yet, between Cameramon being awesome, seeing Haru and Gatchmon on their own, just how cute Gatchmon in his costume was going trick or treating, and the whole resolution to the conflict. And the scenes where Haru was on the run were surprisingly well done and tense, particularly as he realized that almost everything could be a camera.

And that ending really makes me want to see what comes next. But first up, we finally get to meet Eri. I'm looking forward to that.

The surveillance stuff was great and is yet another example of how the writers aren't being lazy with the premise of "monsters in your cellphone apps". Like the malfunctioning GPS, it's a very "real" situation.

I continue to love how different Haru is from the average Digimon protagonist. He was actually reading up on artificial intelligence so he could gauge what they were up against. Gatchmon being a counter-balance instead of having a similar personality (like Agumon, V-mon, etc.) really helps too. While I really want to see other characters, it's nice that they are giving the two time to develop.

None of the other places I visit online (haven't gone to WtW since it opened :x) discuss it, so I'll still be using this as my designated weekly discussion (or at least whenever the next subs go up). So I'll try and make it more active! There's still.... a couple of us in here.

I'm also re-watching Tri Movie 3. So much feels! Geeze the wait for the next movie...

It's too bad, since it's pretty great so far. Everything post-Tamers has problems gaining interest with the older crowd.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Appmon hits the perfect sweet spot for me with the technology elements where it's definitely plausible but with a bit of tongue-in-cheek attitude---like in the GPS episode people getting extremely lost, or this episode with everyone charging after Haru just for a simple "photo gift" whatever that is.

I wonder what the deal was with the FBI-looking dudes though.

Also I'm really liking Haru being a "smart" protagonist, him actually reading was a nice touch and I loved how he saw through Cameramon's trick rather quickly and then used his observation of the blind spots in the TV Store to defeat him.
I wonder what the deal was with the FBI-looking dudes though.

Yeah, does Leviathan have humans working for it? Are they Appmon in disguise?

Didn't Savers do well in Japan? I recall seeing it fairly consistently in the top 10 TV shows (ratings) back when it was airing.

Was mostly referring to the Western fan base there, sorry. I don't know how older Japanese fans feel about newer seasons, though I would think Savers and Xros Wars' popularity had more to do with the younger crowd. Not too sure though.
Yeah, does Leviathan have humans working for it? Are they Appmon in disguise?

Was mostly referring to the Western fan base there, sorry. I don't know how older Japanese fans feel about newer seasons, though I would think Savers and Xros Wars' popularity had more to do with the younger crowd. Not too sure though.

Digimon in the West died with the death of Saturday morning cartoons. Plus Frontier was so different from previous series that few people (including me) gave it a chance. If Savers came before Frontier I think it would have kept its popularity a little longer.


Unconfirmed Member
Digimon in the West died with the death of Saturday morning cartoons. Plus Frontier was so different from previous series that few people (including me) gave it a chance. If Savers came before Frontier I think it would have kept its popularity a little longer.

I really do believe that the damage was done with Frontier :/ Savers was great, but by that time many people were already done with the franchise.
They didn't even air frontier in the UK, all of the other seasons got aired =(.
I dunno why there is so much hate for it (I get some of the hate).


They didn't even air frontier in the UK, all of the other seasons got aired =(.
I dunno why there is so much hate for it (I get some of the hate).

It's pretty boring and people usually don't like boring things, so that. :p
It just feels like the most "going through the motions" season. The villains are super boring, the fights are boring, the evolutions lack the punch from previous seasons, the characters are whatever, the whole show moves slower than molasses, the story is meandering and uninteresting, the power levels are all over the place, even the evolution music is boring. I just find it unmemorable, everything about it blends together in my mind. Couldn't even bring myself to finish it. It's a shame too because I actually really dug the vibe from the first episode.
A guy I know considers it his favorite though for whatever reason.
It's pretty boring and people usually don't like boring things, so that. :p
It just feels like the most "going through the motions" season. The villains are super boring, the fights are boring, the evolutions lack the punch from previous seasons, the characters are whatever, the whole show moves slower than molasses, the story is meandering and uninteresting, the power levels are all over the place, even the evolution music is boring. I just find it unmemorable, everything about it blends together in my mind. Couldn't even bring myself to finish it. It's a shame too because I actually really dug the vibe from the first episode.
A guy I know considers it his favorite though for whatever reason.

Ah well I haven't rewatched it , but it was good for my 10-12 year old self. Stuff like the susanomon evolution was awesome & lucemon being someone they couldn't defeat was apocalymon-ish . I thought the dub music was good,but this was when i was a kid, so don't quote me on it lol.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Appmon 5

Cute episode but it felt kind of rushed at parts, like especially animation wise it seemed a bit choppy---still love the humor which is the main draw for me so far.

Eri and Dokamon were a nice pair to contrast Haru and Gatchmon, and I look forward to seeing them more---according to the games I believe the food dude popping up next episode is the Appmon Dokamon fuses with to become its Super Grade, wonder if we'll see that next time or if they'll save it for the next episode.

Also L Corporation is totally behind Leviathan, right?
Just watched the fifth episode of Appmon. Things were happening so quickly it gave me whiplash.

They really should have had a completely Eri and Dokamon focused episode before her and Haru meet up. After having all that development time for Haru, it's a bit disappointing to see the others' introductions might be more rushed along.

That being said, I like Eri and Dokamon's personalities so far. Eri seems to be avoiding the common Digimon problem of being the "girl" character, which I was a bit worried about. Dokamon was really cute and I like how eager-to-please he is. The gamepad being her search engine equivalent was cool. I didn't think about how the other characters might have different gimmicks.

Well, that L is pretty much a dead giveaway. I wonder what exactly they're up to.

We've been getting a surprising amount of plot developments within these opening episodes.

I saw the L and laughed at how obvious it was. It makes me wonder how big of a bad Leviathan actually is. Most seasons don't show their hand this quickly.


Unconfirmed Member
AppMon ep 5 and 6

Well that trashy Digimon in ep 6 certain looks like a pre-evolution to a certain other Digimon :p I wonder if we will see any familiar Digimon in this universe?

Eri is a pretty eccentric character! Something a little different to see in Digimon. Almost a chuunibyou, almost...
^^ I like how different she is. Along with Haru's avoidance of hot-headed main character and the Appmon having complementary personalities, I think this season is shaping up to have one of the better casts.

Episode 6 had better pacing than 5 and we got some more focus on Eri. Perorimon being a red herring for the episode's antagonist was a good shake-up. He comes across as sinister, but turns out he's just a snob.

I think Dokamon is beating Gatchmon for favorite main Appmon so far. He's like a combination of Wormmon and Gaomon.

Next week's Torajirou and Musimon. An elementary-aged "Apptuber", oh no.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Appmon 7

Astra was annoying, but I feel like they totally nailed how I feel about the majority of YouTubers so maybe I should be applauding them...

On the other hand when he wasn't in character and was kind of Cody from 02 I thought he was pretty interesting, and I hope we see more of that side. Looking forward to next week and seeing how the primary three work together.
Appmon 7

Astra was annoying, but I feel like they totally nailed how I feel about the majority of YouTubers so maybe I should be applauding them...

On the other hand when he wasn't in character and was kind of Cody from 02 I thought he was pretty interesting, and I hope we see more of that side. Looking forward to next week and seeing how the primary three work together.

He has the Cody and Joe thing going on. A kid that is trying to live up to expectations but seriously needs to loosen up a bit. Unlike those two though, he is a little more eccentric and loosens up pretty quickly.

I like Musimon. I thought his similar personality to Astra might cause him to come off as one-dimensional, but it works considering he is the one bringing out Astra's personality.

I'm guessing next week will be Musimon's Greymon episode. 8 episodes in and we finally have the main cast together (at least until green ranger guy joins). I wonder where they'll go from there.


Unconfirmed Member
Appmon 7

Astra was annoying, but I feel like they totally nailed how I feel about the majority of YouTubers so maybe I should be applauding them...

This. I feel like the writers feel the same way about Youtubers :p

He has the Cody and Joe thing going on. A kid that is trying to live up to expectations but seriously needs to loosen up a bit. Unlike those two though, he is a little more eccentric and loosens up pretty quickly.

Yeah I guess he is a lot like them! But wow for being so repressed, he didn't become as anal as the other two went, and let it all out through Musimon (NO MUSIMON, NO LAIFU!!)
New box art for the western Next Order release. It's the same as Japan's International Edition. Huh... I just realized that "Next Order" is capitalized for the English logo.

This. I feel like the writers feel the same way about Youtubers :p

Yeah I guess he is a lot like them! But wow for being so repressed, he didn't become as anal as the other two went, and let it all out through Musimon (NO MUSIMON, NO LAIFU!!)

He certainly is a lot more fun (even if his Astra personality can get annoying). It makes me wonder where they'll take his character, since it took Joe and Cody entire seasons to get to the point he's already at.
To be honest I feel like Next Order is gonna have a bad time because of a lot of reasons:

- People comparing this to Cyber Sleuth, Story game and not liking World gameplay
- I've heard that people didnt like this games story because its stupid
- Still large amount of recolors
- Even with better graphics I’ve seen comments about this looking like a PS2 game
- Game review score could easily be low due to unconventional gameplay
- Namco putting a lot more effort for this, yet if it doesnt perform as well it might have effect for future
- People still angry about Vita situation
- Maybe releasing in overcrowded schedule? Then again it might just barely manage to sneak up before February which feels more crowded

Maybe I’m overreacting…
To be honest I feel like Next Order is gonna have a bad time because of a lot of reasons:

- People comparing this to Cyber Sleuth, Story game and not liking World gameplay
- I've heard that people didnt like this games story because its stupid
- Still large amount of recolors
- Even with better graphics I’ve seen comments about this looking like a PS2 game
- Game review score could easily be low due to unconventional gameplay
- Namco putting a lot more effort for this, yet if it doesnt perform as well it might have effect for future
- People still angry about Vita situation
- Maybe releasing in overcrowded schedule? Then again it might just barely manage to sneak up before February which feels more crowded

Maybe I’m overreacting…

Nah I felt the same, they said they were going to do something with the story in the additional missions being added. The game is still a better dressed vita game, the battles still look clunky, cyber sleuth had a unique graphic style which upscaled well, this doesn't, cyber sleuth also had a turn based system so it didn't matter that gameplay was ported from vita. Hopefully the higher+more stable framerate helps with the battle issues. I also doen't udnerstand why they went with an almost ground level camera rather than the almost top down from DW1, that was one the worst parts for me in RE digitized as a huge DW1 fan. Thje overcowding is a huge mistake as well, Persona 5 might not be around that time now , but they're competing with Berseria(also a BN JRPG) ,Dragon Quest,2x Kingdom Hearts & Yakuza in the JRPG release alone, wonderful time to be a JRPG fan , but a ridiculous time to announce another game.


Speaking of Cyber Sleuth, I just beat it yesterday! Very good game, even if it did feel a little unbalanced towards the end of Hard mode. Lol at their justification for stopping
basically being "what, live in a better world... made by that CREEP? Eeeww, let's beat
to death!" :p
Granted, we don't know if this brave new world would've been any good in the first place, but still.
Also, is that case with the dead girl just kinda unresolved like that or is it ever addressed on one of those post-game 7 deadly sins side-quests? Not sure if I'm up to the task unless I drop the difficulty down to Normal. Maybe a few months from now.

Also, I'm still super salty about no Beelzemon Blast Mode. Regular Beelzemon kicked ass for a long time but he got outstaged hard by all the piercing mammoths on the last couple of chapters. I didn't even manage to use him in the final boss D:

So, what next? Maybe Digimon World 3? I never got very far in it back then, was too hard for little me.
Speaking of Cyber Sleuth, I just beat it yesterday! Very good game, even if it did feel a little unbalanced towards the end of Hard mode. Lol at their justification for stopping
basically being "what, live in a better world... made by that CREEP? Eeeww, let's beat
to death!" :p
Granted, we don't know if this brave new world would've been any good in the first place, but still.
Also, is that case with the dead girl just kinda unresolved like that or is it ever addressed on one of those post-game 7 deadly sins side-quests? Not sure if I'm up to the task unless I drop the difficulty down to Normal. Maybe a few months from now.

Also, I'm still super salty about no Beelzemon Blast Mode. Regular Beelzemon kicked ass for a long time but he got outstaged hard by all the piercing mammoths on the last couple of chapters. I didn't even manage to use him in the final boss D:

So, what next? Maybe Digimon World 3? I never got very far in it back then, was too hard for little me.

Nah the plot holes aren't really addressed.
Digimon World 1 OFC , towards the build up to the sequel in Jan! DW3 is the only other DW game I've played , other two are too grindy+have alot of problems.
In other news, it appears that mystery dragon from Linkz game is getting a rookie-child looking evolution. There were some theories wether it was linked to Meicoomon, but at this point its clearly designed to be the ”a new Digimon created for a game specifically”.

I dunno if I can post image, since the only pic is from magazine...

Also read some unreliable rumors that apparently more Frontier Digimon would be added for Next Order, Emperorgreymon and Magnagarurumon. Also Susanoomon might be Super Ultimate now since its a ExE now, so maybe some others can change levels too. Of course we need more info for this rumor.
In other news, it appears that mystery dragon from Linkz game is getting a rookie-child looking evolution. There were some theories wether it was linked to Meicoomon, but at this point its clearly designed to be the ”a new Digimon created for a game specifically”.

I dunno if I can post image, since the only pic is from magazine...

Also read some unreliable rumors that apparently more Frontier Digimon would be added for Next Order, Emperorgreymon and Magnagarurumon. Also Susanoomon might be Super Ultimate now since its a ExE now, so maybe some others can change levels too. Of course we need more info for this rumor.

Apparently the info is from the latest V jump,according to Gematsu:

Nothing new from what you've said though, magna+Emperor = Susanomon via ExE.
Apparently the info is from the latest V jump,according to Gematsu:

Nothing new from what you've said though, magna+Emperor = Susanomon via ExE.

Well I was referring how in Vita version it was Agnimon -> Susanoomon, where Susanoomon wasnt ExE, rather normal evolution. But its confirmed definately with that info.

Slightly shocked they cared about frontier. Isnt frontier like 2nd least liked season in Japan or maybe more depending on Xros Wars? It makes me wonder if they were last min additions for Vita version.
Okay, so if we're getting a couple more Frontier Digimon, how about tossing Xros Wars another couple as well and throwing in Dark Knightmon and Shoutmon X7?



Holy shit I never realised that Machinedramon was made of parts from Perfect level cyborg Digimon. :O

They didn't even air frontier in the UK, all of the other seasons got aired =(.

Fox Kids was originally going to air it but decided against probably due to ratings for Tamer being low and the Digimon fad fading away.

I remember waiting so long for Fox Kids to air the final episode of Digimon Tamer, which they clearly held off for Frontier but decided to throw it out there to complete the series.

It's pretty boring and people usually don't like boring things, so that. :p
It just feels like the most "going through the motions" season. The villains are super boring, the fights are boring, the evolutions lack the punch from previous seasons, the characters are whatever, the whole show moves slower than molasses, the story is meandering and uninteresting, the power levels are all over the place, even the evolution music is boring. I just find it unmemorable, everything about it blends together in my mind. Couldn't even bring myself to finish it. It's a shame too because I actually really dug the vibe from the first episode.
A guy I know considers it his favorite though for whatever reason.

Honestly I feel that Frontier has a slow beginning, great middle and an underwhelming ending.

Episode 28 was for me the highlight of the series and I enjoyed the final battle with Cherubimon where the series should have ended.

But yeah I will admit that Frontier has it fair share of problems namely the lack of a Digimon partner and the fact that bulk of the show takes place within the Digital World and at times trying so hard to reach the same note as Adventure but failing as the show quickly shifted to become the Takuya and Kouji show with rest of the cast being shoved out of the limelight.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Frontier had a great premise ruined by what I call "Digimon standard".

The dumb "hero and rival only progresses" is the major flaw the series had and it ruined the otherwise really great show with its premise. Hell I'd even forgive the "Knights escape from battle" shit they like to do, but then it's probably because I'm used to that in various henshin hero shows I've watched, which this show is seemingly alike.
To be honest I feel like Next Order is gonna have a bad time because of a lot of reasons:

- People comparing this to Cyber Sleuth, Story game and not liking World gameplay
this point got me a little confused, are you saying that people are used to the digimon story gameplay and won't welcome digimon world gameplay anymore?
- I've heard that people didnt like this games story because its stupid
If it's true then that would disappoint me as well. Although with Cyber Sleuth, I was really into the story up until the ending. I hate the ending so much, that I hated it more than the ending of Mass Effect 3.
- Still large amount of recolors
- Even with better graphics I’ve seen comments about this looking like a PS2 game
that's a valid point as well. maybe it's time BN used a new engine. look at the graphics for tekken 7.

last night i played fifa 17 demo and holy fuck at those graphics too yo...
- Game review score could easily be low due to unconventional gameplay
what's unconventional about the gameplay? is it unconventional even for a digimon world game?

as for the reviews, cyber sleuth had pretty bad western reviews but that didn't affect its sales. BN were surprised by how many people bought it over here.

unless you mean Japanese sales?
- Namco putting a lot more effort for this, yet if it doesnt perform as well it might have effect for future
cyber sleuth is the reason this is coming to the west, I think, but yeah, if this flops that might stop.
- People still angry about Vita situation
I dunno what that would be, but honestly I could care less...bring me the Ps4 versions
- Maybe releasing in overcrowded schedule? Then again it might just barely manage to sneak up before February which feels more crowded

Maybe I’m overreacting…
this is a valid point too. as i mentioned before - tekken 7, then there's yakuza 0, horizon zero dawn, persona 5, mass effect 4....they should've released this this year or like Q2 or something

EDIT: sorry for double post
hmm 20th anniversary countdown....
wonder what will it be

A 20th anniversary V-pet has already been announced in V-Jump as well. No real details yet, but hopefully it will have some additional Digimon on top of the original ones from Digital Monster Version 1 (at the very least, including Ultimates).

I'm guessing we're due for at least one new game next year, most likely a Story game based on Habu's comment, and probably some new figures as well. It would be cool if there would be even more stuff beyond that.
Its kinda shame Machnidramon never got true V-Pet final boss treatment. Since it was made from 5 original V-Pet ultimate parts, it would've been cool to see Machinedramon built up from parts. Digimon World is not quite perfect since that game has no Metaltyrannomon.

this point got me a little confused, are you saying that people are used to the digimon story gameplay and won't welcome digimon world gameplay anymore?

Well Cyber Sleuth is basic RPG while World is not basic. I’ve seen some comments about not caring for different gameplay style.

If it's true then that would disappoint me as well. Although with Cyber Sleuth, I was really into the story up until the ending. I hate the ending so much, that I hated it more than the ending of Mass Effect 3

I dunno how much I dare to say since I read spoilers but I think the thing is…
one of the villains motivation is really silly/stupid.

Dude cmon really. Recolor as in a digimon that is just another digimon in different coat of paint. Re-colored you could say. I mean we have black and white agumon, black and pink gabumon, blue patamon, transparent and black toyagumon, black and snow-costume goburimon, yellow hagurumon. I dont even wanna list champion and ultimate recolors it would look silly

what's unconventional about the gameplay? is it unconventional even for a digimon world game?

as for the reviews, cyber sleuth had pretty bad western reviews but that didn't affect its sales. BN were surprised by how many people bought it over here.

The training and toilet and Digimons die mechanic is kinda ”hardcore” element which a lot of people dont like.

Metacritic and overall reviews were about 75 for Cyber Sleuth which is ok even in todays ”below80shitsux” culture, especially since overall fans liked it. Next Order reception has already been iffier from Japan imports and I could see this game get about 60 or below overall reviews and iffy fan reception.

I dunno what that would be, but honestly I could care less...bring me the Ps4 versions

Well the original game was on Vita and Cyber Sleuth made people think both would happen.
Its kinda shame Machnidramon never got true V-Pet final boss treatment. Since it was made from 5 original V-Pet ultimate parts, it would've been cool to see Machinedramon built up from parts. Digimon World is not quite perfect since that game has no Metaltyrannomon.

Well Cyber Sleuth is basic RPG while World is not basic. I’ve seen some comments about not caring for different gameplay style.
world came before story though, are you saying people are complaining for world to be more like story instead of its own thing?

I dunno how much I dare to say since I read spoilers but I think the thing is…
one of the villains motivation is really silly/stupid.
we're talking about the new game, right? not cyber sleuth?

well that's disappointing but it ain't much of a spoiler lol you didn't say what it actually was.

Dude cmon really. Recolor as in a digimon that is just another digimon in different coat of paint. Re-colored you could say. I mean we have black and white agumon, black and pink gabumon, blue patamon, transparent and black toyagumon, black and snow-costume goburimon, yellow hagurumon. I dont even wanna list champion and ultimate recolors it would look silly
oh yeah lol silly fuckin me. but to be fair, those recolored digimon have been there since before the games, haven't they?

The training and toilet and Digimons die mechanic is kinda ”hardcore” element which a lot of people dont like.
yeah i do remember being a kid and played dmw1 and was pretty annoyed about the digimon shitting. my agumon ended up shitting all over the fuckin place, literally.

Metacritic and overall reviews were about 75 for Cyber Sleuth which is ok even in todays ”below80shitsux” culture, especially since overall fans liked it. Next Order reception has already been iffier from Japan imports and I could see this game get about 60 or below overall reviews and iffy fan reception.
damn, that is kinda saying something. I dunno man...maybe they should just make a direct sequel to cyber sleuth then.

with a proper fuckin ending, this time.

Well the original game was on Vita and Cyber Sleuth made people think both would happen.
word I get that, but I'm saying I don't care if it gets localized for Vita or not. I want it for Ps4
Also Darkdramon and Chaosmon confirmed. 10 of 12 new Digimons revealed.


I hope last 2 arent boring like Miragegaogamon BM, Beelzemon Blast or Cherubimon Vice.

world came before story though, are you saying people are complaining for world to be more like story instead of its own thing?

People who bought CS but not original World exist. And pretty much yeah. Atleast I hear people saying theres no need to change RPG formula.

we're talking about the new game, right? not cyber sleuth?

well that's disappointing but it ain't much of a spoiler lol you didn't say what it actually was.

Yeah new game spoiler, but I wrote it to be not that descriptive.

oh yeah lol silly fuckin me. but to be fair, those recolored digimon have been there since before the games, haven't they?

40+ or so recolors are pushing peoples buttons.

damn, that is kinda saying something. I dunno man...maybe they should just make a direct sequel to cyber sleuth then.

with a proper fuckin ending, this time.

Well they are confirmed they'll do Story game next time. Also wow you really hated Cyber Sleuths ending that much lol


hmm 20th anniversary countdown....
wonder what will it be

45 days? That feels like such a long wait! If we weren't facing a Trump presidency, I'd've said I couldn't've waited to find out! ... But we are. So I can.

I'm guessing Digimon's going to try to capitalize on Pokemon's phenomenal 20th anniversary somehow. Maybe selling original Digivices, if the logo's anything to go off of?

Holy shit I never realised that Machinedramon was made of parts from Perfect level cyborg Digimon. :O

This is like "Venonat looks like the pre-evolved form of Butterfree" all over again.
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