Habu also pointed out that Digimon has become progressively more successful as a result of Digimon World Re

igitize on the PlayStation Portable and Digimon Collectors on mobile phones shifting its age demographic higher. Implicitly, Habu is referring to the franchise's failure to appeal to children during the Xros Wars era--a time which proved devastating for the brand, in which less than 1% of all Japanese households were watching the TV anime, and initially strong toy sales ultimately petered into losses for Bandai.
Once again, Habu emphasized that there were originally no plans to release Cyber Sleuth overseas at the time of its original development. The producer attributed the game's international launch--as he has many times in the past--to the Operation Decode fan petition. As for whether future Digimon titles will see localization, he stated "If this title becomes a success, we can hopefully consider a worldwide, simultaneous launch for the next title. [...] It will all depend on [Cyber Sleuth's] success for the future."