A dub probably would've boosted sales a good bit.
It would help if they dubbed it. I wouldn't expect casual gamers to pick it up with no English voices.
A week away and I discover this isn't dubbed.
A dub probably would've boosted sales a good bit.
It would help if they dubbed it. I wouldn't expect casual gamers to pick it up with no English voices.
A week away and I discover this isn't dubbed.![]()
It would help if they dubbed it. I wouldn't expect casual gamers to pick it up with no English voices.
If you don't care about the Digimon, the DLC isn't a big deal, but monsters missing in a monster collecting game isn't insignificant.
I will stress this again since I've seen a lot of people miss this: BlackAgumon/BlackGabumon are not skins, they are two full evolution lines that lead up to Omnimon Zwart. This includes BlackWarGreymon.
This is true.Bamco doesn't dub their anime games these days, this shouldn't be a surprise really.
This is true.
Still salty Burning Blood.
That excuse is what pisses me, it was fine the first few cases but now you'd think they would throw dub fans a bone."Atmospheric purposes" my ass. You're just cheap. Most of the characters in Burning Blood have dub voices, it's not a matter of Funi being behind. They only have to cast three new people.
I am completely new to the serie (never saw the anime nor played other games). I did played a bit of Pokémon Y but couldn't bring myself to finish it because I wasn't invested in the story.
Does Digimon have a better story or it is just the silly "I want to be the best trainer" motivation? Does all they game play rely on evolving monsters?
Bamco doesn't dub their anime games these days, this shouldn't be a surprise really.
For Namco budget localisations, cutting out the English dub is now common.
Seeing as the last "anime" game I bought from them was DragonBall Xenoverse you may understand my surprise.
Naruto is going to sell a lot more than this game.Naruto is dual audio tho...and that's coming out next month
Way better story than Pokemon.
Yes, you will need to evolve monsters to get stronger. (Then devolve them. Then evolve them again, but this time into something different. Then devolve it again and it's a really buff baby now. Now evolve it two more times on a path you haven't tried yet to get Digimon you've only seen in the list of possibilities. Bam you just raised a beast.)
Naruto is going to sell a lot more than this game.
Edit: Sorry misread. Yeah basically power houses like naruto and dbz get the budget for dubs not this one.
What kind of Digimon game do you like more? World or Story?
Shoutmon AND Gumdramon are in this game!? WowowowWhat kind of Digimon game do you like more? World or Story?
What kind of Digimon game do you like more? World or Story?
I am completely new to the serie (never saw the anime nor played other games). I did played a bit of Pokémon Y but couldn't bring myself to finish it because I wasn't invested in the story.
Does Digimon have a better story or it is just the silly "I want to be the best trainer" motivation? Does all they game play rely on evolving monsters?
Naruto is going to sell a lot more than this game.
Edit: Sorry misread. Yeah basically power houses like naruto and dbz get the budget for dubs not this one.
How does dubbing this game help with Tri hype?With Digimon Tri coming you'd have thought they would be keen to build as much Digimon Hype in the west as possible. A dub for this game could only have helped with that.
They've already kept costs down by limiting the Vita release to digital only (In Europe at least).
Licensing the original jpn dub may of ended up being more expensive (for God Eater specifically) than just creating their own dub.God Eater Resurrection and Burst 2 are also getting dubs but I'm still of the opinion that the reasoning may be tied to the anime being localized for the west also.
What kind of Digimon game do you like more? World or Story?
Wish I could pre-order on Vita but day 1 is almost hurr
I'm excited for the music too
I think "Story" is more like Digimon World 2, right? That one.
That said, I would likely get World for PS4 as well, if it were a thing happening. Gotta support all the endeavors!
You can pre-order a physical Vita copy from Asia.
Digimon have way better story, usually involves a crisis in both the real world and the digital world. Check out the story and gameplay trailer
Yes, the frame rate looks particularly gross next to the awkward AI.Man, World Next Order looks so bad when compared to Story Cyber Sleuth. The frame rate dropping in the trailer doesn't help either. It looks like they just ported the 3DS engine over.
So I have this pre ordered on PS4 but the more I think about it the more I can't justify spending $90 on it (Canadian dollar makes me sad) when I can get games that aren't just Vita ports for much, much cheaper.
Anyway, if I cancel and choose to go the much cheaper Vita route, will I miss out on anything? Is it just a straight port? Is it fully PSTV compatible? Could I essentially play through the game on my PSTV and it'll be just like the PS4 version but way cheaper? So many questions!!!
The Japanese and Chinese version were PSTV compatible, so I assume this will be. The PS4 version is at a higher resolution and frame rate, but other than that it should be pretty much the same.
you're saying it should launch for less than $60? I suppose I agree with you, but i'm just really excited to play a new digimon game after 15 years.So I have this pre ordered on PS4 but the more I think about it the more I can't justify spending $90 on it (Canadian dollar makes me sad) when I can get games that aren't just Vita ports for much, much cheaper.
you're saying it should launch for less than $60? I suppose I agree with you, but i'm just really excited to play a new digimon game after 15 years.
Awesome thanks! It's hard to find concrete info on some of this stuff (or I just suck at finding things)
Hey guys, I have a question for you. I'm planning to get a vita to play this game.
Should I get the OG Vita or the Slim one?
I know they made some changes to the slim one, are they worth it or not?
Hey guys, I have a question for you. I'm planning to get a vita to play this game.
Should I get the OG Vita or the Slim one?
I know they made some changes to the slim one, are they worth it or not?
Is this anything like Pokemon?
yeah I think you're right. i have a vita but I'd much rather play this game on my Ps4.I think the Vita price point is more than fair (even for digital-only) but $80 + tax on PS4 for a Vita game with prettier graphics is hard for me to stomach that's all.
I'm sure the game will be awesome and worth every penny regardless!
Is this anything like Pokemon?