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Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth |OT| The Prodigious Mon Returns (Courtesy of a Petition)

I have a LadyDevimon and I want a Lilithmon. How can I get her MAX SP and INT to reach the requirements for the digivolution?

The SP you should be able to reach just by leveling her up high enough, the INT you need to change her personality to Brainy if it's not already (buy the disc at the Eden Entrance store) and then throw her into a farm for training, also make her the leader on the farm (you probably will want to buy an INT raising farm item as well).
I have a LadyDevimon and I want a Lilithmon. How can I get her MAX SP and INT to reach the requirements for the digivolution?

Use the training farm. Change her personality to brainy(?) to increase her int, and give her one of the food items to raise sp . . . I think that's how I did it


I have a LadyDevimon and I want a Lilithmon. How can I get her MAX SP and INT to reach the requirements for the digivolution?

I don't remember doing anything particularly special. The main thing I was stuck doing was Devolving and Digivolving between the earlier forms before LadyDevimon, until I had >80 ABI. After that I just let LadyDevimon level on her own to hit the level requirement. I might have used the Farm to boost her required stats near the end, but with >80 ABI, that's a lot of room to boost stats using the right leader. Just put something like a Mega SP Generator or two on the Farm, pick a leader who is Brainy (I think?) for the Int boost, and do a max level training with her in the Farm.


The SP you should be able to reach just by leveling her up high enough, the INT you need to change her personality to Brainy if it's not already (buy the disc at the Eden Entrance store) and then throw her into a farm for training, also make her the leader on the farm (you probably will want to buy an INT raising farm item as well).

Use the training farm. Change her personality to brainy(?) to increase her int, and give her one of the food items to raise sp . . . I think that's how I did it

I don't remember doing anything particularly special. The main thing I was stuck doing was Devolving and Digivolving between the earlier forms before LadyDevimon, until I had >80 ABI. After that I just let LadyDevimon level on her own to hit the level requirement. I might have used the Farm to boost her required stats near the end, but with >80 ABI, that's a lot of room to boost stats using the right leader. Just put something like a Mega SP Generator or two on the Farm, pick a leader who is Brainy (I think?) for the Int boost, and do a max level training with her in the Farm.

Thank you very much for all the advice! It seems she's a Builder and I can only get the patch for Brainy on Chapter 13. I digivolved her into Lotosmon and then dedigivolved. I don't know if that's smart, but she didn't have enough ABI for Lilithmon anyway. I guess I'll just keep going with the story (currently on Chapter 9) and go back to grind when I get to Chapter 13.

At least with the advice from the last page, I already have three PlatinumSukamon (two actually, already digivolved one into Etemon just to reach at least one PlatinumNumemon for now) and my two farms are filled with Builders, along with Know How farm goods to get those Tactician USBs. I guess the best move really is to go back to the story until then.


I've FINALLY got to the Great Challenges, and made in through #7! (Gallantmon mah darling...) So I thought I'd ask...how hard is Great Challenge 8?


80 ABI is a lot, so I would recommend devolving to the lowest tier possible to do the loop. That way you grind way less because you'll be able to digivolve upwards very quickly with lower lvl requirements.


How viable is Machinedramon both in game and in competitive? Trying to figure out whether I want to make my starter Hagurumon into him or Craniamon.

I realize I could easily just get another one but would like to keep my starter around down one of his paths if possible.
arite, doing some more remote play at the office

so I just finished that case where the nakano broadway mystery was the old man...why was Lily acting so weird? and why was everyone advising me not to go towards the back of nakano 1st floor?


arite, doing some more remote play at the office

so I just finished that case where the nakano broadway mystery was the old man...why was Lily acting so weird? and why was everyone advising me not to go towards the back of nakano 1st floor?

Pretty sure she was acting weird because that boy and girl like eachother and she wants them to date.

And it's just that you weren't supposed to go that way. They just wanted to make it sound spooky instead of generic "I don't need to go that way" text.
Pretty sure she was acting weird because that boy and girl like eachother and she wants them to date.

And it's just that you weren't supposed to go that way. They just wanted to make it sound spooky instead of generic "I don't need to go that way" text.
Oh I see. There are a few loose ends in this game though. I wonder if they will remain loose or will get tied up by the end of the game.
The game has dropped to 46 on amazon. Just holding out a little longer..
dope. Imo it's worth it at full price though. This game is grrrrrrrreat.


Despite all my insistances that I wouldn't buy this, my brother bought me the PS4 version for my birthday.
Time to get Digivolving I guess. Lilymon here I come.
Despite all my insistances that I wouldn't buy this, my brother bought me the PS4 version for my birthday.
Time to get Digivolving I guess. Lilymon here I come.
lol, Lagamorph...

Anyways yeah, great birthday present bro. I started off with Palmon and now she's a Lilymon. I wanna keep her around as long as I can since she was my first.

However...I get the feeling Terriermon might've been the canon choice but it could've also been Hagurumon. Either way Palmon seemed the least likely.


lol, Lagamorph...

Anyways yeah, great birthday present bro. I started off with Palmon and now she's a Lilymon. I wanna keep her around as long as I can since she was my first.

However...I get the feeling Terriermon might've been the canon choice but it could've also been Hagurumon. Either way Palmon seemed the least likely.
He got me the Day One edition as well so I've got the Black Agumon and Black Gabumon, along with the costumed Agumons. Just stuck the costumed ones in the farm and don't plan on using them, the game warned me they'd be lost if I Digivolved them.

My current party is now Togemon, Blue Greymon and Kabuterimon, with Leomon in reserve. Planning to swap out Leomon for Angemon soon though, have a Patamon in the farm I'm just waiting to level up, then I'll probably put him in my team and put Kabuterimon in reserve.
Angemon will probably end up being swapped for Angewoman once I start hitting Ultimate level though, because...well, come on.

Have to say battles have been seriously easy so far, until you get to fighting Jimiken and his Devimon and two Meramon, where the difficulty just suddenly spikes hugely. Haven't seen boss difficulty spikes like that since Star Ocean 4.


Is there any way to stop combo attacks?
At the moment I tend to find them more of a hindrance than a help. I'll have a Digimon attacking that's going to be effective against an opponent, then because of the combo it seems to become just a normal attack, or even ineffective.


Is there any way to stop combo attacks?
At the moment I tend to find them more of a hindrance than a help. I'll have a Digimon attacking that's going to be effective against an opponent, then because of the combo it seems to become just a normal attack, or even ineffective.
I just want to disable combos so I don't have to hear DONDON TSUNAGETE!!11 in that horrible screeching voice anymore >_>.

I should've went with Male MC.
He got me the Day One edition as well so I've got the Black Agumon and Black Gabumon, along with the costumed Agumons. Just stuck the costumed ones in the farm and don't plan on using them, the game warned me they'd be lost if I Digivolved them.

My current party is now Togemon, Blue Greymon and Kabuterimon, with Leomon in reserve. Planning to swap out Leomon for Angemon soon though, have a Patamon in the farm I'm just waiting to level up, then I'll probably put him in my team and put Kabuterimon in reserve.
Angemon will probably end up being swapped for Angewoman once I start hitting Ultimate level though, because...well, come on.

Have to say battles have been seriously easy so far, until you get to fighting Jimiken and his Devimon and two Meramon, where the difficulty just suddenly spikes hugely. Haven't seen boss difficulty spikes like that since Star Ocean 4.
how did you manage to get a day one edition if you don't mind me asking? i thought they be out of those by now.

anyways yeah, I dunno about everyone else in the thread however soon you might start to lose track of all your digimon. I got 4 islands full of them and it's hard maintaining a relationship and keeping track. that's just me though...others will probably disagree.

you started with palmon?


how did you manage to get a day one edition if you don't mind me asking? i thought they be out of those by now.

anyways yeah, I dunno about everyone else in the thread however soon you might start to lose track of all your digimon. I got 4 islands full of them and it's hard maintaining a relationship and keeping track. that's just me though...others will probably disagree.

you started with palmon?
It was just the version my brother got from Game as it's what they had.

Yeah I started with Palmon, gonna stick with her right through probably, along with Black Agumon.
I already need another island, my first one is at capacity, no idea yet on how to get more though. Guessing I just need to progress further in the plot.
It was just the version my brother got from Game as it's what they had.

Yeah I started with Palmon, gonna stick with her right through probably, along with Black Agumon.
I already need another island, my first one is at capacity, no idea yet on how to get more though. Guessing I just need to progress further in the plot.
i'm sticking with lilymon through the end too. at first i had this attachment with her since she was my first partner.

but umm...i think you get more islands from picking up items throughout the game
Finished the game while ago and noticed something odd about certain recolor Digimons. Solarmon, Geremon and Icedevimon were not anywhere in the game story. Whats more, all of those Digimons seem to be part of digivolution paths that looks odd. Usually champions, ultimates and megas evolve and devolve to 3 different forms, but sometimes for 4. And these guys usually were among those. They also dont seem to have a medal dedicated for them, as if they werent important.

However some recolors did have quests and battles even, like Sorcerymon.

So those 3 basically were added at last minute for padding. :p

Just a neat observation. I also think some of the Blackagumon and Blackgabumon lines were also last minute additions.
Finished the game while ago and noticed something odd about certain recolor Digimons. Solarmon, Geremon and Icedevimon were not anywhere in the game story. Whats more, all of those Digimons seem to be part of digivolution paths that looks odd. Usually champions, ultimates and megas evolve and devolve to 3 different forms, but sometimes for 4. And these guys usually were among those. They also dont seem to have a medal dedicated for them, as if they werent important.

However some recolors did have quests and battles even, like Sorcerymon.

So those 3 basically were added at last minute for padding. :p

Just a neat observation. I also think some of the Blackagumon and Blackgabumon lines were also last minute additions.

None of them are new, though, and have been in the series for years.
It was probably just a way to cut back on having to make so many unique models 'cause they made a LOT for this game.
None of them are new, though, and have been in the series for years.
It was probably just a way to cut back on having to make so many unique models 'cause they made a LOT for this game.

Eeh? I didnt mean that they were created here. I meant that they were added very late during this games development.

Bar Icedevimon, those 3 are not popular at all, so it makes more sense that they took easiest ones for even more DIgimon, even if they arent special.

Not like this is bad, this games roster is almost perfect for me either way.
so made it to chapter 17...

so I beat Examon, and yuuko called me about crusadermon.

is this the final battle of the game? is this it? the final boss?
Dude, we've told you how many chapters there are, haha.
The end of the game is in the final chapter, which is
Na man way back I asked if chapter 10 was the final act and recently I asked for a subtle answer to how far I am in the game but I never asked how many chapters. And now I know because I quoted you and saw through the tags :(


Is there a way to check if it's worth raising a digimon up until the level cap before evolving?
Right now I have a lv.40 Gatomon with a max lv of 51 and I'm wondering if I should just digivolve already or wait.
Bamco is finally releasing the rest of the Habu interview.

Sort of weird to do now.

Is there a way to check if it's worth raising a digimon up until the level cap before evolving?
Right now I have a lv.40 Gatomon with a max lv of 51 and I'm wondering if I should just digivolve already or wait.

The benefit to digivolving at a higher level is getting more ABI. The thing is, it is typically faster to get ABI by digivolving, then leveling up, then de-digivolving, etc.

So unless you can get to 51 quickly, it's not usually worth it.


The benefit to digivolving at a higher level is getting more ABI. The thing is, it is typically faster to get ABI by digivolving, then leveling up, then de-digivolving, etc.

So unless you can get to 51 quickly, it's not usually worth it.
Oh, I see. Guess I'll digivolve, then.


Damn, I hate the support skill for MirageGaogamon BM. If that wasn't the bad enough, all the spinning he does in his special move animation quite literally gives me headaces. Nail meet coffin. I de-digivolved that fool back to his regular form ASAP after that.

Also just finished chapter 18:
Know that I've noticed the motif in Kyoko's outfit that alludes to Alphamon's color scheme I cant unsee it and it honestly irks me that I didn't make the connection before.


Bloody hell, the Flamedramon at the end of the Gold Cup.
I can breeze through everything else then it just tears through my Blue MetalGreymon, Lillymon, Angemon and MegaKabuterimon like wet tissue paper.

Also, for a game I said I wouldn't buy, after getting it as a gift I've put in 17 hours since Monday afternoon.
Is there a way to check if it's worth raising a digimon up until the level cap before evolving?
Right now I have a lv.40 Gatomon with a max lv of 51 and I'm wondering if I should just digivolve already or wait.

Other than techniques(&ABI which has been mentioned), there's no point of evolving at a higher level.

Bloody hell, the Flamedramon at the end of the Gold Cup.
I can breeze through everything else then it just tears through my Blue MetalGreymon, Lillymon, Angemon and MegaKabuterimon like wet tissue paper.

Also, for a game I said I wouldn't buy, after getting it as a gift I've put in 17 hours since Monday afternoon.

Why wouldn't you buy this. Also, the game likes to surprise you like that. Make sure your team is balanced in terms of types. Armor digimon are inbetween champion and ultimate in terms of canon, some like magnamon are higher obviously. So make sure your team is mainly ultimates before attempting that fight.
Arite, I got my 3 platinumnumemons so I'm getting my grind on. I'm told that I'm pretty close to the end, chapter 17 (how long on average does a chapter take to finish) - what are the most powerful digimon with the best attacks? Most advantages? Other than the digidestined I want the best digimon in the game for the final battle.


Why wouldn't you buy this.

The lack of English dub. It was a real killer for me really and wasn't a practice I wanted to actively engage in supporting.
The localisation that has taken place also seems to be rather ridden with errors. I mean some of the dialogue choices are just one sentence over multiple lines, but each line is selectable as a different option.
Also, in Akihabara when
the Digital Shift
happens, everyone you try to inspect comes up as "She" whether the character model is male or female, even when that is explicitly referred to as "Weird guy".

As good as the game is, the localisation efforts were really half hearted all round.
The lack of English dub. It was a real killer for me really and wasn't a practice I wanted to actively engage in supporting.
The localisation that has taken place also seems to be rather ridden with errors. I mean some of the dialogue choices are just one sentence over multiple lines, but each line is selectable as a different option.
Also, in Akihabara when
the Digital Shift
happens, everyone you try to inspect comes up as "She" whether the character model is male or female, even when that is explicitly referred to as "Weird guy".

As good as the game is, the localisation efforts were really half hearted.

Ah that's understandable. I wasn't aware people were boycotting this game which is why I asked. Thanks!


As good as the game is, the localisation efforts were really half hearted all round.
I've been really enjoying the game, but the choices not making any sense has been my biggest issue so far. Shit is annoying and didn't expect it to bother me so much.

Got my party full of greymons. All is right in the world.
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