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Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth |OT| The Prodigious Mon Returns (Courtesy of a Petition)


I've just beaten
Leopardmon and the gate to the Digital World has been opened
. I'm at the point of no return other people talked. Should I have both the Challenges and the 7 Demon Lords sidequests available? I've unlocked some 5* ones, but I haven't completed any so far.

Once I've finished the game, would I be able to go back and clear the stuff I haven't finished yet?

And, are the challenges too easy on Normal if I already have a lvl 99 Lilithmon? It felt a bit anticlimatic when I used "Phantom Pain and I almost one-shot
. It's my fault for breaking the game with my PlatNumemon and Tactician USBs, but whatever. The game allowed me to, so I'm not going to hold back now :p
I've just beaten
Leopardmon and the gate to the Digital World has been opened
. I'm at the point of no return other people talked. Should I have both the Challenges and the 7 Demon Lords sidequests available? I've unlocked some 5* ones, but I haven't completed any so far.

Once I've finished the game, would I be able to go back and clear the stuff I haven't finished yet?

And, are the challenges too easy on Normal if I already have a lvl 99 Lilithmon? It felt a bit anticlimatic when I used "Phantom Pain and I almost one-shot
. It's my fault for breaking the game with my PlatNumemon and Tactician USBs, but whatever. The game allowed me to, so I'm not going to hold back now :p

Yeah you can go ahead and finish the game. The fights are much funner if you don't use maxed out mons, but I can't remember what I set mine at. The great challenges should be unlocked, except for one. Dunno about the demon lord dlc. Some of the demon lords are the only thing you'll have a problem with on normal at lvl 99.


Yeah you can go ahead and finish the game. The fights are much funner if you don't use maxed out mons, but I can't remember what I set mine at. The great challenges should be unlocked, except for one. Dunno about the demon lord dlc. Some of the demon lords are the only thing you'll have a problem with on normal at lvl 99.

Thanks for the answer! For a long while I had been playing Hard, but near Chapter 15 I think I got tired of it (it didn't felt like it was well balanced at all) so I went back to normal. Most of my enjoyment in the last few hours comes from filling the Digidex and unlocking some cool looking Megas, so no problem there TBH.

sub quest was more interesting than the main plot, how about it.

There are some awesome sidequests. The ending of that one was absolutely incredible, one of my favorite moments in the game.

Unless I'm totally blown away in Chapter 20, I have to say the plot got quite worse in the second half. The first half was quite good IMO. I think the biggest problem has been pacing, not the story itself, but there is some stuff that I haven't liked much.
Unless I'm totally blown away in Chapter 20, I have to say the plot got quite worse in the second half. The first half was quite good IMO. I think the biggest problem has been pacing, not the story itself, but there is some stuff that I haven't liked much.

I think you'll like the final chapter, honestly. It's not gonna be nearly as challenging as the royal knight sidequests that unlock right before it, but the environments are sweet and the final boss theme is amazing, and the whole thing is fairly short and linear.


How did everyone defeat Belphemon SM and Belphemon RM in the DLC missions? I managed to get rid of Belphemon SM, but Belphemon RM destroyed me.


What do you guys do with level 99 Digimons?

De-digievolve them and then digievolve them again in the same 'mon for better stats (do they even get better stats?)?

De-digievolve them and then evolve them into a different 'mon for more skills?


Living in the shadow of Amaz
The only time I have to play this game is the couple of hours between waking up and going to work, and it always makes me fall asleep.

It's fun, but it's more mindless than any Musou game, by God.
What do you guys do with level 99 Digimons?

De-digievolve them and then digievolve them again in the same 'mon for better stats (do they even get better stats?)?

De-digievolve them and then evolve them into a different 'mon for more skills?
Each Digimon have pre determined stats and you can see it on the guide at the start menu if you had the Digimon at some point. You can even put a lvl and see how its stats will rise. The only way to gain extra stats is with ABI(max 100) that rises when you digivolve and use the points to train the Digimon at the farm, depending who is farm leader and the equipment on the field you'll gain more stats on a specific area like HP or strength. There are also items that you can buy at Eden entrance later in the game that reduce specific stats raised by ABI if you made a mistake and you want to put them on another stat.


Aye, I know about ABI, had to to ger Lilithmon.

I have a Seraphimon near level 99, I guess I'll de-digievolve him to Patamon and try Lucemon's path.


Okay, so I've finally finished the game, this is my general review about it:

+ Graphics were great.
+ A lot of cool looking Digimon, with special animations for their signature attacks and they all have walking animations. It was a really nice touch.
+ There were some really cool sidequests. Some were funny, some were a bit more deep, but I felt they showed how Digimon would act in the real world.
+ In general, I liked the characters. Nokia was absolutely hilarious. Some might find her annoying, but I liked her upbeat personality.
+ The Tokio stuff was impressive. For what I've read it's a quite accurate representation, right?
+ Chapter 19 dungeon
the Metropolitan building
was quite cool. It was big, felt like a maze, there were many cool treasures and
the elevators
mechanic worked. I think there is still some stuff that I need to see.
+ The Our War Game vibe is great.
+ There are some really cool Eater designs.
+ The premise is great, and the setting works (all the detective stuff).
+ Messing with the Digifarm and the whole digivolve and dedigivolve mechanic is great and can grant you some really OP mons.

- The story loses a lot of steam in the second half.
- The green haired chick.
- Some characters just disappear. I would have liked
to have a bigger role or something.
He just acts as your link to the police so you can get top secret information and just disappears once the plot doesn't need him.
- I don't really think we need characters from other games appearing in Cyber Sleuth.
I didn't have a problem with Mirei, but when they actually went to another world and recruited that Re:Digitize Decoded girl I rolled my eyes
- The green haired chick
- The battle system gets a bit boring once you start unlocking more powerful digimon and you get signature moves that do: A) damage to every enemy. B) INT/DEF piercing damage. Hope the next entry makes status effects or buffs+debuffs more important. Not asking Digimon to be SMT, but a balanced hard mode would be nice.
- The soundtrack isn't that varied, and in the end you get quite tired of hearing the same 10 themes over and over again. However, it delivered when it needed to.
- That green haired chick. Seriously, it made me want to throw my Vita somewhere we her voice couldn't be heard.

Overall, I would say the game is a solid 8/10. The core ideas are good, the game is fun and a joy to look at and the soundtrack, even if it's a bit anemic, has some really cool tunes. It just needs some tweaks to be battle system (especially Hard Mode) and a better paced stories. But considering the game probably had a tight budget, they did an awesome job.

Now, about the story. There is an spoiled wall of text below.

I think the first 10 chapter have some really cool stuff. The premise works, there are some funny moments and the game even shows the "dark side" of technology and stuff every once in a while. Once of the ideas behind the game seems to be coexistence between human and digimon, and the game does quite a good job at that. The doll and the Tankmon quests hit me quite hard.

In general, the pacing in this part is good enough, and the game managed to give you new enviroments with different Digimon, new chests to open and more stuff to do.

However, everything changes once you defeat Crusadermon for the first time and the bridge between the Digital World and the Human World is opened. The story becomes basically non-existant. Everything is: "Go to this dungeon you've already visited and try to convince some Royal Knight to aid you". You're told you visited the Digital World when you were a child but nobody cares about it until 5 Chapters later. And, for no aparent reason, Arata leaves the party to become the pawn of the crazy scientist. His motivations? You won't know them until Chapter 18. If I knew what happened to Yuugo before, or at least it was hinted/shown that he had recovered his memories, it would have worked better. In general, that part was really badly handed, since you left him for a long while just doing whatever he wants... knowing that his body is being eroded by eaters and that there are Royal Knights trying to kill him.

In general, I feel the biggest issue in the game is the pacing. Too much stuff is saved for Chapters 18-20, which makes Chapters 11-17 a bit more tedious if you were interested in the story before that. And many of the Royal Knights weren't really fleshed out.

If they thought they wouldn't be able to do a good job, they could have reduced the amount from 13 to 7 or 8 and have some cool looking Eater-RK hybrid Digimon as a boss. I would have liked Jessmon to have a bigger role in the game, since you help Hackmon to evolve. I dunno, the whole RK plot feels undercooked. Overall, I feel it the game would have been better if it had 15-17 Chapters instead of 20.

Now I'm going to start doing some sidestuff.


And done. It was a more enjoyable 65 hours than I was expecting, but it wasn't without its issues.
The main issue was the really poor localisation efforts. Even setting aside the lack of a dub, a major issue in and of itself, the translation was so poor in places and clearly wasn't proof read. I already mentioned a section of the game where every NPC suddenly gets referred to as 'she' when you inspect them, regardless of the character model, then there's the dialogue choices where the 'choice' is just a single dialogue sentence over multiple lines that makes no sense. Towards the end of the game, everyone started referring to my protag as 'she' even though I was playing the male character. Next time they really need to actually spend some money on a localisation, not just run it through Google Translate and have an American intern give it a quick look over which seems to be what's happened here.

I did a lot of side content, but just couldn't get through the Lucemon and Lilithmon fights due to Bamco falling into the trap of thinking "cheap AI = Difficulty" that a lot of other games fall into. Giving the AI a bunch of free turns does not magically make your battle system legitimately more difficult. Even using Speed buffs made incredibly little difference.

What does New Game+ actually carry over? Anything significant? If not, I can't really muster up the will of patience to pick up the game again to finish the field guide, and to hell with that many medals.

Anyway, my final team,

I did Digivolve Lucemon SM in the end, but he was utter wank so I stuck him on the farm. Regular Lucemon had a way better special.


How do you guys use Belphemon? Not sure what stat I should boost.

The RM forms seems a beast, but it has very poor SP and it's based on attack. Meanwhile the SM form seems to be INT based? But it doesn't have the attack power of his RM form.


Thought some people might want to know about this. Koji Wada passed away this week due to complications from cancer. He sang the first opening theme to the first Digimon Adventure anime (and many many other Digimon songs and fan favorites such as Seven) which I think is a really iconic anime song that everyone has heard at least once. The guy has fought cancer twice before and won, making this especially heart breaking news.

RIP :(

So, I'm trying to get the Platinum Trophy in this game, but man...These medals are driving me crazy. I was standing 20 minutes beside an automat to get alle the medals. And I really don't know where the last ones will be when I'm done with the automats.

But another question: When does the master cup unlock? I've beaten legendary cup and I'm in chapter 20 before the very last fight. I've also done all the great challenges but the master cup isn't available for me.


So, I'm trying to get the Platinum Trophy in this game, but man...These medals are driving me crazy. I was standing 20 minutes beside an automat to get alle the medals. And I really don't know where the last ones will be when I'm done with the automats.

But another question: When does the master cup unlock? I've beaten legendary cup and I'm in chapter 20 before the very last fight. I've also done all the great challenges but the master cup isn't available for me.
Master cup is post game.


how do i get beezlemon blast mode on PS4?

You need the DLC code that came with the day 1 edition of the game to unlock the ability to digivolve a regular Beelzemon into Blast Mode. I don't think there's any other way to obtain him if you don't have the DLC unfortunately.


Unconfirmed Member
Finished the game this morning clocking in at 61 hours. Was playing on normal so didn't have any trouble with difficulty until the final DLC quest, where ulforce veedramon and lilithmon were MVPs (max ATK war greymon and belphemon RM also broken as hell).

Game has the usual mid-tier Japanese game jank and a lot of the sidequests/dungeons became kind of tedious, but really enjoyed the game overall. Story was standard JRPG fare but the tone and characters were perfect (enjoyed
cameo too). Immediately started missing the characters after the credits roll ended. Haven't played a mid-budget JRPG as nicely put together as this one in a long time and don't know if another will come along for a while, since next 0rder doesn't seem up my alley at all.
Thought some people might want to know about this. Koji Wada passed away this week due to complications from cancer. He sang the first opening theme to the first Digimon Adventure anime (and many many other Digimon songs and fan favorites such as Seven) which I think is a really iconic anime song that everyone has heard at least once. The guy has fought cancer twice before and won, making this especially heart breaking news.

RIP :(

What??? I remember him not doing Hunters because he was having problems, I thought he was getting better.
I swear to god, if another one of these god damn Digimon lose their shit in Kowloon again I'm going to lose it.

This game needs way more variety than it offers: More unique dungeons, side missions, digivolution requirements, etc. It's close to being something really great, but misses the mark because of its repetition.

Starting to lose steam. Only on Chapter 10.


Picked it up again after getting sidetracked for a while with other things. I was stuck for a bit on the Great Challenge quest where you fight Kentarosmon and Whatshisnamewithaspearmon due to the speed, but I just said fuck it and evolved a UforceVeeLalalalamon and made them all blow me.

Had no problems with the next few Challenges, but now I'm stuck again at the triple fight with Alphamon, WarGreyMetalGarurumon, and Gallantmon. Any tips? What sort of party would be good at staying alive long enough to kill them all? My WaterDinosaurWithFlippersMon has a piercing water attack that can take Alphamon's HP down by half, Lilithmon can take Gallantmon's HP down by more than half with her piercing attack, but they're both so slow that after getting off one attack they'll get wiped before ever getting another turn.
Picked it up again after getting sidetracked for a while with other things. I was stuck for a bit on the Great Challenge quest where you fight Kentarosmon and Whatshisnamewithaspearmon due to the speed, but I just said fuck it and evolved a UforceVeeLalalalamon and made them all blow me.

Had no problems with the next few Challenges, but now I'm stuck again at the triple fight with Alphamon, WarGreyMetalGarurumon, and Gallantmon. Any tips? What sort of party would be good at staying alive long enough to kill them all? My WaterDinosaurWithFlippersMon has a piercing water attack that can take Alphamon's HP down by half, Lilithmon can take Gallantmon's HP down by more than half with her piercing attack, but they're both so slow that after getting off one attack they'll get wiped before ever getting another turn.

Use your ulforce for higher speed and attack gallantmon with him- switch him out after, use plesiomon as you have before but bring another data mega like jesmon(You'll need him for endgame so evolve him if you don't already have him). Lilithmon isn't very good for this fight since she's virus and you're fighting against 2x vaccine and 1x virus. I think you could get away with 2x vaccines, if you have wargreymon his piercing attack worked well iirc and 1x data if you're playing on normal.


I already have Jesmon but I'm in the process of leveling him. Doesn't seem to be very effective though. Neither is Ulforce outside of the speed. Each of them individually does a ton of damage, and Gallantmon's lance attack is pretty much an instant kill...
I already have Jesmon but I'm in the process of leveling him. Doesn't seem to be very effective though. Neither is Ulforce outside of the speed. Each of them individually does a ton of damage, and Gallantmon's lance attack is pretty much an instant kill...

Yeah they're realtively weak, but their abilities are good, Jesmon can survive 1 shot AOE's for example. You need to focus on using Free,Vaccine+Data types for this fight though, my team was lvl 99 for the fight so I dunno how low your Digimon can be , but it's endgame so I'd say at the very least lvl 80.


My friend had a question.

How do Arata and co were able to go to EDEN or cyberspace? What happen to their physical body? MC is understandable because of his cyber body. What about the others? Is there an explanation of this?


My friend had a question.

How do Arata and co were able to go to EDEN or cyberspace? What happen to their physical body? MC is understandable because of his cyber body. What about the others? Is there an explanation of this?

What do you mean? EDEN is just some VRMMO social space. They probably have some headgear or something they wear at home to go into it. I don't think it's ever shown though.


What do you mean? EDEN is just some VRMMO social space. They probably have some headgear or something they wear at home to go into it. I don't think it's ever shown though.
Never mind. We were able to clear this thing up.

Next question: If I remember correctly, only the MC can connect jump on those telephone terminals. No normal people can do that. However, there is this one quest where MC is chasing a guy and was able to do a connect jump on the Shinjuku telephone terminal. How did he do that?

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Man, you know I like both franchises a fair amount as important parts of my childhood but I've seen people constantly saying the Pokemon franchise needs to learn from this game but now that I've finally got a PS4 to play it---I really don't know what people saying that are going on about.

Don't get me wrong, this is a competent game and it really gets me nostalgic for Digimon with all the classic characters included (I think this is the first time they actually remembered the non-Veemon 02 Digimon in a Digimon game!) but I think the main appeal of it is simply due to how long we've gone without a competent Digimon game in the west, there's really nothing unique about this game whatsoever and it seems like a hodgepodge of ideas lifted from other RPGs such as the SMT-series and even Megaman Battle Network in a way. But for the comparisons to SMT I've seen this game misses the mark because it really isn't anything like SMT when it comes to how well that game utilizes its weakness system and the importance of thinking intelligently when it comes to managing your demons, in SMT you'll quickly run into trouble if you focus on using one you like, but in Cyber Sleuth I feel like you can pretty much use any Digimon you want and the game won't change at all as long as you do some quick grinding. I've been going to Auto-Battle like every fight and just playing on my phone while my Digimon make quick work of the opponent, and I doubt changing to Hard would really mean much beyond requiring a bit more grinding.

I still think Digimon World, the original, was the best Digimon game ever because it made you really work to get the Digimon you wanted---Cyber Sleuth so far is just so easy when it comes to Digivolution, I know there are later Digimon who will be a bit harder but here I'm able to basically access every Champion form for my Rookie Digimon without much difficulty. In the original Digimon World getting a Champion, much more one you actually wanted, was a real challenge and it felt great, but here collecting all the Digimon feels pretty empty though still addicting just to say I "caught 'em all". I don't think this game needed to be as inaccessible as Digimon World could be at times, but I wish it was a bit more "clunky" and not as clean as it turned out to be. I had the same disappointment with Re:Digitize too, it tried to emulate the original Digimon World but without the challenge and uniqueness of really putting in effort to raise a digital pet it became a bit of a slog despite being simpler and less frustrating---I know Story =/= World, but I wish Digimon would've stayed the more niche, high-level-of-entry franchise it started out as with World and even World 2 before with 3 slowly becoming a more generic RPG series that tried to copy other franchises.

Really don't like the new style of this game either, the world feels really bland and I'm not a fan of the new character designs especially when it comes to the women---I've seen claims the designs were meant to make the series more "adult" which bugs me because the appeal of Digimon Adventure, and I'm sure I'm not alone on this, was the fact the characters looked silly and childish but the plot could get rather dark and grounded. So far this game doesn't capture the Digimon feel to me outside of the Digimon themselves, which on the plus side look really nice I'll admit and I still plan on putting hours into this game because I love the monsters still, and that's hurt my enjoyment. I'll say the fanservice designs don't bother me too much, beyond that weird green-haired lady someone else brought up, because they're original characters---I'd be very bothered though if, say, they brought back Sora for one of these games and gave her a fanservice makeover.

EDIT: Since this game isn't exclusively portable I kind of wish when they localized it for the PS4 they adjusted the time it takes for the Farm events to be a little quicker, the first Search I did took like 1:30 which seems way too long since I imagine you have to do that quite frequently if you're going for 100% completion.


So I'm apparently halfway through the hackers hunting given by Mirei. And I'm completely burnt out thanks to the farm timer - it's down to 20 minutes each investigation, but since I'm not hunting medals I don't have much to do to kill time. I'll probably drop the hunt.

Anyone already got all the 30 hackers? What happens at the end? Just a two-liner by Mirei, or is there something more elaborate?
And done. It was a more enjoyable 65 hours than I was expecting, but it wasn't without its issues.
The main issue was the really poor localisation efforts. Even setting aside the lack of a dub, a major issue in and of itself, the translation was so poor in places and clearly wasn't proof read. I already mentioned a section of the game where every NPC suddenly gets referred to as 'she' when you inspect them, regardless of the character model, then there's the dialogue choices where the 'choice' is just a single dialogue sentence over multiple lines that makes no sense. Towards the end of the game, everyone started referring to my protag as 'she' even though I was playing the male character. Next time they really need to actually spend some money on a localisation, not just run it through Google Translate and have an American intern give it a quick look over which seems to be what's happened here.

I did a lot of side content, but just couldn't get through the Lucemon and Lilithmon fights due to Bamco falling into the trap of thinking "cheap AI = Difficulty" that a lot of other games fall into. Giving the AI a bunch of free turns does not magically make your battle system legitimately more difficult. Even using Speed buffs made incredibly little difference.

What does New Game+ actually carry over? Anything significant? If not, I can't really muster up the will of patience to pick up the game again to finish the field guide, and to hell with that many medals.

Anyway, my final team,

I did Digivolve Lucemon SM in the end, but he was utter wank so I stuck him on the farm. Regular Lucemon had a way better special.
that veedramon in your fighter party is a fuckin pain in the ass


@Watch Da Birdie If you keep playing, you should be able to buy at Eden Entrance disks to turn your Digimon into Search / Builder types. If you have 10 Digimon in the farm with the matching nature, you can reduce the those cooldowns to 20 minutes.

Which is quite interesting, because after level 25-30 the farm because useless when it comes to leveling your characters.

I think the game was quite good, but the second half hurt it quite a bit. The pacing got worse, the story became almost non-existant, you started going back to the dungeons from the first 10 Chapters (they weren't expanded enough IMO) and the new dungeons weren't that good. I liked the Metropolitan office one because of the elevators, which gave it a bit more of complexity, but not much more.

Maybe the fact that the game was released outside Japan and it actually sold well would give more confidence to Bamco in the future.


Made some good progress. Cleared all the Great Challenges, a bunch of leftover quests. Just have a couple more quests left, and the DLC Seven Deadly Sins quests. I'm thinking of clearing the leftover normal quests, and leaving the DLC ones for later while I beat the game first this week. They won't go away right?
Made some good progress. Cleared all the Great Challenges, a bunch of leftover quests. Just have a couple more quests left, and the DLC Seven Deadly Sins quests. I'm thinking of clearing the leftover normal quests, and leaving the DLC ones for later while I beat the game first this week. They won't go away right?

No, they stick around. I finished up all the regular quests before starting the DLC stuff.


So I decided to pick this up needing an RPG to play. The only Digimon related media I've played/seen is the original tamagotchi and Adventure/2.0, so it's been a while since I've payed any attention to Digimon lol. But I'm so glad I did, 6 hours later (still in chapter 2) and catching and digivolving Digimon is way too addictive. Already have like 10 champions and I haven't even used one of them yet!
So I decided to pick this up needing an RPG to play. The only Digimon related media I've played/seen is the original tamagotchi and Adventure/2.0, so it's been a while since I've payed any attention to Digimon lol. But I'm so glad I did, 6 hours later (still in chapter 2) and catching and digivolving Digimon is way too addictive. Already have like 10 champions and I haven't even used one of them yet!

Don't make them all Ultimates though, you wouldn't have enough space to take all of them with you in early game.


Don't make them all Ultimates though, you wouldn't have enough space to take all of them with you in early game.
Considering I only have space for 3/4 Champions at the moment Ultimates are out of the question for now haha. Just focusing on training all my rookies and getting all the Champions I want/need. Got all the Adventure Digidestined Champions, most of 02's and a few others I wanted (Like Devimon and Starmon). Still haven't used anything over Rookie yet though lol.
I just started the game a couple of days ago. I'm currently on Chapter 3. This is undoubtedly one of the best Games / RPG's I've played in a long, LOOONNG time.

This is actually mindblowing how such an incredible game was almost never localised.


10 hours in still only on chapter 3. Finally digivolved all my Rookies so I'm rolling around with a team of 3 Champions! (Plus Patamon) My team is Ice Devimon, Togemon and Angemon, dunno if that's any good just tried to balance the types out.
I bought the game, not knowing exactly what I was getting into.
I like the idea of digivolving and de-digivolving. It makes the game more like SMT/Persona than Pokémon. No controllable camera is a bit awkward at first.

I've played for 4 hours only for now, but does the game picks up soon story and gameplay wise ?
I'm finding the game too easy now, should I play it on hard from the beginning ?
Also, what should I know before going further ?

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