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Digital Foundry: Xbox Scorpio


Microsoft really brought out the secret sauce with this one. The improvements for 1080p users is the nail in the coffin for me, day one.


This seems pretty good to me. I am in at $399. Currently have a Pro and an OG PS4. With a good trade up at GS my og PS4 should help bring the cost down $100-$150 or so.
Over $399 and I just sit it out til next gen.



High res SoC image from Major Nelsons Blog. https://majornelson.com/2017/04/06/project-scorpio-update/

Alien technology from the Roswell crash. In all seriousness, that is beautiful.
Well, they should be if it launches at $500, which is likely. Sony will probably cut the Pro to $350 for the Holidays, and may even have a pack-in game (Destiny 2?). At that price difference, they aren't really competing in the same space.

Aren't there rumours about a new PS4 design this year too? Not sure if they were debunked, but a cheaper PS4 Pro model launching alongside Scorpio would be very interesting...

This argument again

How many people actually buy a $700 phone outright?

Yeah, it's incredibly rare. And even though I buy my phones outright it's much easier to justify - I use them in every aspect of my life, including for my work. A phone is a necessity, while a console is a luxury.


Considering how far behind a whole lot of Japanese devs are in terms of graphical techniques and implementations on PC yet you still love them, help them, praise them when they make steps in the right direction and encourage them to do better in the future. It's one of the many things I admire about you.
Did you miss this?
Even I don't have infinite patience. We are talking about more than a decade here.

Also, some posts here make the AF thing sound like an engineering accomplishment -- it's not, it's purely a policy decision which could have been made in 2006, just i nterms of technology.
All that said, it will be good to finally get people used to having clear texture filtering everywhere.


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
My guess is that since this console is releasing at the end of the year, it'll give TV manufactures a chance to highlight the consoles as a "must buy" thing to justify the use of these extra new features.

Hell, I hope the PS5 supports variable refresh.
Yeah this was also my take too... FreeSync is nice for those people that have the Monitor for it but no current TV manufacturer currently supports it but in 3 years or less you got HDMI 2.1 coming up so this FreeSync support would have been much appreciated earlier but now it feels like it got here too late.


I think this sounds like a great machine. The only thing I would wait on is seeing what the devs can really do with it. If multiplats come out and are running substantially better than the Pro, I would pick one up. If they are mostly the same with some small upgrades, I will grab an S this holiday for the 4k player and I bet the S goes on sale to compete with the probable Pro price drop this Christmas. Win win for me.


So which is it?

Looks like a Polaris derivative @6TF
To me that sounds more like a RX480 than a 1070
Sure there very well may be some optimizations that will make it perform better than it should specs wise but we'll have to wait and see for that
As it is, looking at the specs, it's definitely not a 1070 class GPU


My post brought up the post said it's "just" Jaguar. It's not just jaguar. It's a custom CPU based off Jaguar.

AMD won't customise the arctitechture, it'll be MS.

When the die images come in, it will look exactly like jaguar, smell like jaguar, walk like jaguar lol

want to make an avatar bet ?

Every console manufacturer says heavily customised for every reveal.... yada yada.

Its a Jaguar with some PR. Own it and deal with it, games on Pro or scorpio wont be running that much better than 30 when its a 30 game, although Scorpio has removed the bandwidth bottleneck over the Pro, but both pro and scorpio have a Jag around their necks ...IMO.

I would of bought scorpio if it had Zen just for the promise of 60 FPS 3rd party gaming on console....I have 2 Pro's already, so not so excited anymore.
If Microsoft were to actually release this thing at $399, it would destroy 'I can build a PC just as powerful for less' arguments. That said, I actually expect $499, because Microsoft taking that much of a loss on what's going to be a niche for their hardcore enthusiasts seems unlikely.

Otherwise, looks like a pretty damned nice proposition; at the very least interesting in terms of the tech itself.

Edit: I expect a lot of 'True 4K' in the marketing.
Is it weird that I'm really considering this even though I have a PC with 2 x 1080's SC? Do I have a problem?

yep. Unless you play a lot of 360 games or the xbox one exclusives that are not on pc. All xbox games moving forward (and for awhile now) are coming to windows 10...


Flashless at the Golden Globes
DerZuhälter;233468676 said:
I seem to be in a minority thinking the effort of catching the 4K/60 dragon is a waste of everyones time and money.

This hardware is useless as long as the software is shackled by the XboxOne limitation.

this is a good thing. it is not trying to be a next gen console. if you dont care for 4k 60 fps, dont buy it. its not for you.

if it WAS a new gen console then we would have all been in trouble. MS would've effectively released a next gen console only 4 years into this gen with only a 3x upgrade. This would've slowed down the graphical jump we are used to seeing with each gen. When Sony came out with the true next gen console with a 10-12 tflop GPU, it would only be 2x more powerful than the Scorpio and no one would bother to take advantage of it. we would be playing games made for a 6tflop console in 2025. how depressing is that.

the jaguar cpu basically ensures a true next gen console release from MS in 2020. the CPU simply wont last past 2019 and the industry would be forced to go and have a true next gen upgrade.


Purchasing the Xbox Scorpio for me is really going to come down to which studios are going to backpatch their Xbox One games for 4K/super sampling.

The Xbox One is already my platform of choice for 3rd party games ... So if a significant chunk of them are going to all of a sudden look and/or run better... Then I'll buy it.

If devs can't be bothered to make Dark Souls 3 run without frame drops or Deus Ex: Mankind Divided still stutters like crazy just walking through the main city, then there's no point in my purchasing the system.

What I want from Microsoft at this point​
The list of existing games developers have committed to making a Scorpio patch for.


Is the Scorpio more powerful than the PRO? Yes, slightly.
Will the games on Scorpio run and look better than the PRO? Probably not.

Wait...only slightly? I'm not a tech guy but the difference in ram and gpu lead me to believe the difference would be significant.
SuperÑ;233468701 said:
You all people worried about paying 499usd for a console and not batting an eye when getting a flagship phone for +699usd.

And don't get me started on those complaints "no ryzen no buy". OCed Jaguar is the only route.

This sentiment shows a clear misunderstanding of how buying phones works... If you think even a slight majority of people who buy new phones are paying full retail price, you're insane.

Either way, I don't think $499 is unreasonable given the tech they've included. If they came in at $399 it would be insanely competitive. As in Microsoft is taking a decent loss on each unit sold competitive.


RSI Employee of the Year
Forza wasn't even optimised for Scorpio, they hit that in a quick 2 day port lol.

The thing is. Forza 7 will use the same engine 6 has. Forza 6 is already available on the PC with DX12. So i realised that this port doesn't say anything at the moment. Also the cars are not driving but standing still at the start grid. How will the performance be when everything moves?
Sux for the Xbox One S owners who just purchased and possiby the PS4 Pro owners lol. But I guess that is how it is this gen.. with the Wii U / Switch as well.

Microsoft announced Scorpio over a year before release specifically to avoid surprising consumers (and developers) like Sony did with the Pro.


Looks like 2 HDMI ports on the motherboard. If that's still for an HDMI In and an HDMI Out like current Xbox One models, then a Scorpio upgrade is back on the table for me.
watched the videos. God. It's weird. DF shilling hard. The 5 best features aren't benched marked but a whole series of selling points with no showcase with games and how it functions.
Hmmm sounds pretty good. Hopefully we don't have to wait until E3 for the full reveal, but my hopes aren't high.

Pretty sure I'm going to purchase on Day One, but the price better not be redonkulous.


399$ price would probably mean Microsoft losing a lot of money on each unit built and this would be a viable theory only if they would be really serious about retaking "lost souls" from Sony (of course along with an amazing lineup of games ;)).


Some of the salt is incredible.

DF seems excited.

But people still throwing shade equating the CPU customization to MS ridiculous cloud comments circa 2013.
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