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Digital Foundry: Xbox Scorpio


Its a 10 % increase, 2.1 to 2.3 is what exactly ?

4K is nice, I have a pro and 4K set, but I would of killed for a console that could do 1080p60 on Witcher 3 for example.

LOL at few posts above.... the grass will look nicer LMAO

Roll on 2018.....

CPU on Scorpio is customized and different from Pro. It seems Digital Foundry will release more info from MS soon. It's really a customized cpu unlike previous consoles



The GRASS WARS: PART DEUX will start with Red Dead Redemption 2 as lines drawn in the sand between Xbox One Scorpio and PS4 Pro face off against PC. Which version will have more bushes, will there be a dicernible difference? Tune in to find out more.

Nail on the head, onec past 1080p on my 4K Its nice, and nice grass / vistas and the like...But 60 FPS gaming is a long way off on open world big AAA games for console. Cries...

CPU on Scorpio is customized and different from Pro. It seems Digital Foundry will release more info from MS soon. It's really a customized cpu unlike previous consoles

Nah, its a fucking Jaguar, when the die shots come in, Scorpio and Ps4pro CPU will look exacly the same, Scorpio will have 4 more GPU blocks and a fancy cooler.....but hey, believe what you want, dat special sauce.

Bookmark this and come back and talk to me when die shots come out....we can have a laugh about it....
GAF is decidedly Sonyland.

With everything accounted for, it's a 50% increase over the PS4 Pro.
Yea this machine is vastly superior to a PS4 pro all things considered. As a console gamer this is going to be my multiplat machine. RDR2 on this thing is going to be glorious.
Where in the hell are you getting a 10% increase.

4.2 TF GPU to 6 TF. 8GB RAM to 12GB RAM. Faster RAM speeds. Improved CPU

I mean, Scorpio is significantly more powerful than the Pro is. That's just the truth of the matter.

I think he was talking about the CPU difference between the Scorpio and the Pro.


Specs look great. If I wasn't such a heavy PC gamer and already planning to upgrade to a 1080 TI it would definitely be on my radar.

The real test IMO is how much Microsoft can keep the costs down. Price point is important even with an enthusiast target market.


Was holding out on building a PC until knowing what the Scorpio was packing. Now that I know, definitely going PC. I'm done with 30fps caps.


Unconfirmed Member
Do they make Xbox-like controllers with symmetrical sticks? I can't stand the asymmetrical design and unfortunately that's the only way I'd consider buying this, I think.


I'd gladly spend $500 on the Scorpio. Any higher, I would start needing more justification though. Then again, I have every system, so i'd probably buy it anyways.
The Pro's near 4K to the Scorpio's nearer 4K but again with a lower baseline with the One it'll have an easier time getting close to or hitting that while maybe implementing a few extra improvements. The Pro would've needed a 7TF GPU to get close to full on doing the same across the board.

The issue though, is that even the PS4 Pro's GPU is held back by the CPU. Yes, the GPU power can offer some benefits like extra AF, Resolution bump, etc etc. But we'l still be effectively stuck at 30 fps for most games.

That being said, really excited by the potential of a next generation with actual Zen cores.

Yeah but it's still going to be running most games at 30FPS at that 4K and they'll be designed around it, the higher clock and whatever else they did with the CPU will probably lead to at the very least, slightly less being held back by it. It's primary purpose is going to be running XBox One quality games at 4K or near it, it doesn't take that much better of a CPU to do.


How in the hell are people expecting this to retail at 499? It's pretty much exactly aligning with the predictions made beforehand.

They are hitting 399, don't be silly. There's a reason Jaguar/Polaris is in there.

I don't know that price point was the reason for their hardware choices for the most part. Switching CPU was a non-starter from the get go. As far as pricing, I don't know that it will come in at $499, but $399 doesn't seem particularly realistic. I might find that more believable if they had gone with the 8GB of RAM over 12.


Can someone explain to me why I would choose this over building a PC, I'm talking both hardware and software? Thanks!

It's the choice between the configurability and flexibility of a PC compared to the streamlined/optimized (restricted) environment offered on a set-top-box. Presumably, the total buy-in price may be favorable for whatever they call Scorpio, but value-shopping for games is easier on PC. On PC, you have most of the backlog of games made, and here, you're getting improved XB1 and Xbox 360 games.


How accurate is it to say Scorpio > Pro is roughly equivalent to OG PS4 > OG XB1?

It may be close, but we are no longer talking about 720p-900p vs 1080p with higher quality effects. Where talking native 4k vs check oats 4k. Maybe higher quality shadows vs ultra quality shadows. So while power maybe more, it not like the pro can't do basically a high quality version of everything the scropio can do.

The Mass effect comparisons with pro vs nvidia 1080 at 4k are good example of what to expect. It's going to be hard to see a difference.

Piper Az

There's a lot of "meh" for a few reasons:

- It doesn't solves Microsoft's major problem right now, which is content.

- There's no reason to believe that this will do anything to turn around their sales woes.

- They announced that it would be a 6TF machine almost a year ago. Confirming that with detailed specs today is cool, but ultimately unsurprising and unexciting.

I agree with the content issue, and I suspect that will be addressed at E3.

I'm not sure if the news is ultimately unsurprising/unexciting when I see the anticipation before today and the internet traffic at DF and neogaf. Seeing more concrete info is so much better than just hearing the announcement with a teaser.


DF clearly was very impressed and surprised with their findings but overall this is still kinda what we expected, is it not? I mean the power difference compared to PS4 Pro. Or have the expectations een exceeded? And of course it always remains to be seen how significant the differences are going to be between multiplats on both systems. Will it be a X1 versus PS4 situation or a bigger gap i wonder?

I think the most impressive aspects to them were the custom silicon and game optimizations. They expected MS to just overclock the Jaguar CPU (which is what Sony did), but instead they built a lot more silicon around the CPU to help offload processes and give it more room to breathe. The CPU and GPU also run considerably faster than what we've traditionally seen in consoles, whereas their expectations were slower clocks and more compute units.

So it's more powerful than what they expected. Not necessarily more powerful than what every individual expected.


Unconfirmed Member
I dont get why people want this. That the games are coming on PC is great for overall gaming.

Because it's one less reason to own an Xbox. I agree with you, but if I had a decent PC then I wouldn't need to own an Xbox, and in a console-reveal(ish) thread it's a pretty major talking point.

Hahahaha that sad sad exclusive mentality.

This I don't understand. If there aren't any games on Xbox that I can't get on PC or PS4, why would I buy one?


Some of you REALLY want to cut Mcicrosft games out of the PC for some reason...

Nah, it's just a nicer way of saying they have no interest in the new Xbox. Personally I'm just happy that I get to play the games without having to buy another console. MS still gets my money, I doubt they give a fuck.
GAF is decidedly Sonyland.

With everything accounted for, it's a 50% increase over the PS4 Pro.

It's that going by the specs, plus a tons of clever design that makes it deliver even greater performance, so the delta should be larger.

As a reference, only a 1080 could deliver the performance Ms showed on Forza 6 Apex (though a 1070 comes close but with a few drops), and the demo Ms showed was a stress test with higher settings than avaiable at Forza 6 Apex.

It's another 360, clever architecture to deliver on what would take a high end Pc to match.


How in the hell are people expecting this to retail at 499? It's pretty much exactly aligning with the predictions made beforehand.

They are hitting 399, don't be silly. There's a reason Jaguar/Polaris is in there.

Agreed. Some pretty nice specs and upgrade over the original xbone. Wasn't expecting zen but thought most ppl we're expecting Vega. I don't see this being above the £399 sweet spot.


You're on the cusp of looking as bad as those you're criticizing. People have differing and sometimes silly opinions. Doesn't have to be a major conspiracy.

Of course they do. I simply find it amusing to see an even bigger difference being downplayed by some folks as insignificant and am merely pointing that out.


Might need to stop sniffing glue
Obviously it was an unrealistic expectation, but part of me was hoping Microsoft would brute force performance improvements with new tech and not by Macgyvering existing. So my main disappointment is with the CPU, the 60fps dream is in jeopardy as it sounds like the improvements are restricted to DX12 enabled titles.

I guess ultimately, we'll just have to see how effective the secret sauce is.

Well... maybe maybe not. I think the increased clocks, RAM, ..etc., if combined with a MB that has really good throughput on the board itself along with proper cooling could get what you're looking for depending on title/optimization as well as in game preference options being available such as performance vs. graphics in some way as they have with SOME of the PS4 Pro enabled titles on the other system.

We'll have to see what they do with it. It seems they went with an optimization path based on games that exist and using parts that have existed long enough to know what to get out of them. If they work with Devs closely enough, it should surprise some people.


It is kind of funny how Jaguar is hidden in the specs for Scorpio but this does sound good. Not exactly what I wanted but it's basically the SOCs final form with all the customization. I'm expecting 399 now though.
If RDR2 is anywhere near the environmental complexity of GTAV, there's no way that Scorpio will run it at native 4k without significant compromise in other areas of visual fidelity.

As far as third-party multiplat support goes, history has shown us that the best hardware does not always mean the best version of the game. Especially when you're talking about pushing 4k on hardware that is barely capable of achieving that with a consistent framerate. Not to mention the fact that platform specific optimization with third-party multiplats doesn't happen as well as it should anymore, meaning devs are wasting power just because it's there to waste in some cases.

Also, you're fooling yourself if you think games released 5 years from now will run at native 4k on this thing without having to turn other settings way down or running at sub 30 fps. The demand for high visual fidelity will continue to get higher and devs will continue to push the envelope.

I would say, as with all things technology, that you all should temper your expectations.

Best hardware doesn't always provide the best version, but the capabilities are certainly there for Xbox Scorpio to do so.

Five years from now there will be a new Xbox console, so why use this one as an example? This is the last Xbox console from the "Xbox One" generation. Five years from now they will be on a new console cycle.
It's the choice between the configurability and flexibility of a PC compared to the streamlined/optimized (restricted) environment offered on a set-top-box. Presumably, the total buy-in price may be favorable for whatever they call Scorpio, but value-shopping for games is easier on PC. On PC, you have most of the backlog of games made, and here, you're getting improved XB1 and Xbox 360 games.

Good points, thanks again.


Reminder that the X1 launched at $499, so MS clearly think it's a consumer-friendly price.

Yeah, that did but they have also made a lot of changes since then to try to win consumers back. I have no idea how much this thing will sell for, but I would not necessarily look to how microsoft acted early this gen and try to extrapolate how they will act now from that.


How in the hell are people expecting this to retail at 499? It's pretty much exactly aligning with the predictions made beforehand.

They are hitting 399, don't be silly. There's a reason Jaguar/Polaris is in there.

DF hyping this machine to be $499, that way MS can unveil it at E3 for a cheaper price at $399, duh. I'll take a year ban bet with anyone that this thing won't be $499.


Dude, Gaf heavily leans Sony. No doubt about that. It's been said too many times. It's easy to see and read. Take this thread for instance.

Sorry, this is nonsense. GAF leaned 360 and now it leans PS4. And that reflects the world outside of GAF. It isn't because of fanboys but due to Sony screwing up last gen and Microsoft screwing up this gen.
MS made it clear. It is a premium product for a niche audience.

Yep. Especially this far in the generation.

Most people have their console already and for a turn its gonna be a pricy thing.

I think MS knows that they dont turn the tide with this and its more of a keep up and showing they actually wanna stay in business for the next years.


I feel like just releasing specs was a bad idea. They should've held a mini conference and showed off some new titles that take advantage of Scopio.

Right now it's hard to excited about playing Forza/Gears/Halo at a higher resolution.

New game annoucments would have helped.


Do they make Xbox-like controllers with symmetrical sticks? I can't stand the asymmetrical design and unfortunately that's the only way I'd consider buying this, I think.

I have no problem switching from the DS4 to the X1 controller. I actually find the ergonomics of the X1 controller more comfortable, but there's no difficulty using both within minutes of each other.

It's a stupid thing to base a console purchase on unless you have a physical disability that would improve your chance to play games. If you're just being anal about it, buy an adapter.


DerZuhälter;233470868 said:
4k vs 4k checkerboard rendering is the 2018 sequel of 2014s 1080p vs 900p debate.

-But you can't see the difference !
-Buy a new pair of eyes !

Here's the tldr of what's to expect.


The Jags we had were already customized.
In the article, they state around the customisations around the core blocks and then say "this is without the fixed hardware for DX12". I'd argue that is, an actually customised CPU, rather than just a few tiny things and call it customised, but we'll wait and see.

I'd quote but blocked DF here.


Good grief, there's so much over-emphasizing AND under-emphasizing what scorpio will be.

It's going to be a powerful machine, but can we not do the whole "mine is bigger" vs "no mine is bigger!" all the time?

Congrats to the xbox dudes that are looking forward to this. I'm excited for you guys, and I'm happy with my pro. Game onnn
It's that going by the specs, plus a tons of clever design that makes it deliver even greater performance, so the delta should be larger.

As a reference, only a 1080 could deliver the performance Ms showed on Forza 6 Apex (though a 1070 comes close but with a few drops), and the demo Ms showed was a stress test with higher settings than avaiable at Forza 6 Apex.

It's another 360, clever architecture to deliver on what would take a high end Pc to match.

Citation needed.
Cause a RX 480 was definitely able to run Forza 6 Apex at 4k/60fps.
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