Why was the woman obligated to care for her mother? Why was she arrested, and what made the mother dependent? Genuinely curious.
This story reminds me of the dude they found grafted to his chair after having sat there without moving for three years. Finally discovered him after he had died. One cop said it was the worst thing he had ever smelled and the other said he had to throw his uniform away.
Wasn't there a thread about a dude like that, but he only died after they removed him from the chair? I think he had girlfriend too.
Maggots are used in hospitals for wound care.
There's that heinous (fake) photo of the lady with the maggots on her boobs. That, til this day is the worst thing i've ever seen. It's actually a lotus root and it's been photoshopped but dear god the thought of maggots crawling in me.......
brb puking.
Ah yes, lotus nipple. Makes my skin crawl so much, it's almost therapeutic, like a massage.
There are actually videos on Youtube of larvae being pulled out of people's backs and arms and such. Its actually kind of relaxing to watch, for some reason. It is really satisfying when they pop out.
Oh, this is lovely to read right before I go to bed. Glad the woman got help.
I'm disappointed there's no pics in all honesty
There are actually videos on Youtube of larvae being pulled out of people's backs and arms and such. Its actually kind of relaxing to watch, for some reason. It is really satisfying when they pop out.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAY7OKp6D7wThe squeamish shouldn't look up "maggot therapy."
Well, I mean... she IS 400 lbs.Eating the maggots out of her rotting legs? That'd be even worse![]()
Police: Maggots may have kept rotting Auburn WA woman alive:
I know maggots have been used as an actual medical application in terms of treating dead flesh, but this obviously wasn't a case of it being used in a controlled enviornment, yeesh.
That looks like it tickles
Maggots are used in hospitals for wound care.
Great, and that gave me a direct link to this
Great, and that gave me a direct link to this
It's only a cyst but somehow this is much worse than the maggots. Though I admit I was kinda surprised how much they had grown in the 2 days.
Man up pussies!!
hopefully these are medicinal maggots?
Man up pussies!!